Minutes 02-15-54PRE, SENT: Mayor p.L.Purinton Mr. C. Howard Hood. ~. Alva Shook, ~.~. Stanley Weaver Mr. Albert Deeno Mayor Purinton called the meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. Mrs. Dick Du~csn~ speaking on behalf of residents of Boynton~ Hills~ asked that a policem~n be stationmd near the Baptist Church at the co, er of L~e ~ud Green fr~ 7.45 to 8.15 A.M., ~ud fr~ 1.25 to 2.45 P.M., ~ud Mrs~B~ge~ asked for a polic~m~u ~so on ~eder~ Hi E~ay aud L~e to t~e c~e of the childre~ c~ossing at the~ Tke Mayor said ~h~gpossib!e will be done to protect the c~!d~en ~.d the ~atter will be tu~ed over to tke T~affic Dep~t- }~. TePgesen asked aboet the Casino ieese ~d was told that the City will p~obably t~e back the lease whz~h wass~gned one · ~ ~ developments~ ~d ~hat the ~atte~ a half ye~s ago wzth no ~ne~ will be decided at the n~xt ~eeting of the Co, oil. ~. ~h~ok moved that ~. Gr~ffztn.be~reque~ed to ~d C~ a letter requesting a definite ~eply by to their intentions; ~d if they ~vs no defi~te intentions asking them to ~s!ease the City from ~y lease they ~ve. Hood seconded. Motion c~ried. The Mayor stated that the City Auditor's report for the fiscal y~ ended October 31, 1953, had been received, but not yet accepted, ~nd is available for inspection at the City Hal~l. The City Cle~k read ~. Jo~ F.Cocl~s letter covering report. }-~. Dutch read the ~endments suggested by the Board of Realtors to the Si~ 0rdin~ce. It was ~reed that Ym. Dutch ~d Mr. Griffith should get togethe~ to incorporate the'amen~ents in the Si~ 0rdin~ce. City Cler~ Dorothy. V.Willi~ms read the minutes of the last re~l~ meeting of the Co"~cil of Feb~a~y l~ 1954. -2- Mr~ Hood moved, MY. Weaver seconded~ that the Minutes be accepted as read. Motion carried- ~ ~ in the next l~_r. Shook said the Co~.~issioners snou-,d sit on - meetin~tof the Electrical Boars on Thursday evening and have a talk wz h the ElectriCal Inspector, as too ms_ny complaints have been received lately. A petition was read from residents on S.E. 23rd Avenue re- questing a light, Mr. C~hristimusen was asked to see if there was a pole at that location. A report was read from the plumbin~ Board ~eco~mending certain amenS~ents to the pl~_mbing Code. I~. Hood moved, Mr. Dean seconded, that I~, Hocb~uth~s recom- mends, tions be accepted. >%ption ca~riedo A resident of N.k~. 7th Street asked for a hydrant. After ~ discussion the matter was to--ed over to Mr. Weaver as Head of the l~'ater Depar~meht· who said he would report back at the next meeting. ~' e was a discussion on the complaint of Mr. Tomliuson that a 60ft. by 400 ft. hole, with one and a half feet of water in it was dsngerOuS and should be fenced in or filled. F~, Weaver said he thought the lake was surro-muded by private property over ,~gnich the City has no jurisdiction,,_ mud the Mayor · ~ sa~d an enqu_ry wo~ld be made into tlme maoter. Mr. Griffith read Ordinance 252 for the second time. of 0rd~nance 2~2 be ac ~. Griffith read ~ d Mr. Hoo~ ssconae , that the 2nd reading cepted. Motion camried. Ordinance 255 for the let t~e. Mr. Weaver moved, Mr. Hood seconded~ that Ordinal-ce 253 be accepted for the first read~g. Motion carried. Mr. W~h teleran to the pmrtial closing of Maple Avenue, ~ ~ - ~ After ~'~ ~esented ~. Brock-~aY~s p~at o~ t~e p~ope~ty~ ~ o Mr, Shook-moved that M~.Griffith be znsv~me~ea to draw up a usage pern.~.it revocable on thirty days' notice. Mr. Hood seconded the motion~ which was carried. M~. Griffith read a letter dated F~br~a~Y 10, 19~4, from ~. Herring, Attormey for ~cesm Ridge~ objecting to the charge for hydrate at Ocean Ridge. .... · ' them letter saying that ~. Grmfzz~h was asked to ~rzte ~ a we are not charging bhem more t~n the City of Boston Beach is paying, w~ch is accord_rig to the terms of the Charter~ ~d is only for service. BILLS 0~KAY~D FOR PAYI~NT. Central Truck Li~nes Carl F.Seott Gee .Dougl as John Guarine Leon J. Harris Frank Johnson Robert Johnson Dave La~uie~ Lee Thomas ~les Waters Joe .E .Wil~er Willie F~ Williams Cs~l Stone David Colwell Pett~ C~sh Bo~t~ Beach Fi~e Dept. Police Dept. C=eo.Dougl as Jo~ C-u~ ine Le ons.~ Harris Fr~ Johns on Robert Jo~s on Dave L~ier F~ly Gas sm~ Acct. of C.C.i~right Lee ~Thomas ~m&~le s Waters Jos~ A. Wil~e~ ~illi e F .Willi a=~ C~l Stone C~l Stone Willi ~u Schuessler Katherine F. Th~ps on C-eo. Cb~isti~usen A. L. E dw~ ds Job~u M.Tuite Curtis E.Wri~t A, C. Ca~'sr J~es W.Butler J~l~ H. Collins ~e ath~ E. Hedges Juli~ A.'~ingler N.B. Sem~ish -A- Gen ~ 1 .Fund. 6.00 36.00 ~4.o5 3i.o5 !2.00 32.20 29.90 23.92 206.42 45. oo 25.oo 50.00 2~.o5 ~.s.4o ~5.25 ko.48 fo.95 7.20 ~7.45 9.70 33.12 7.50 34.80 129.70 la~.7o 122.10 15t.40 11o.30 115.90 136.10 120.80 Water ~d 1.90 16.00 18.4o ~-5.35 17.25 18.75 Il. O0 5o. uo 16 25.74 2.30 47°35 46.9o 94.50 176,20 Depositors. 7.50 7.50 Mr. Griffith referred to a Bill introduced by the '~ays and Means CoPa~ittee of Congress proposing the taxation of Municipal Bonds~ which the Senate k~l~ed. The Police Report fo~ the month of J~uuhrywas read. A_eter discuss!on, p~. Shook moved that Mayor PurLuton be appointed Chairman of the Recreation Committee. M~. Hood seconded ~nd the motion was carried. i~. Ct~ristiausen was appointed Vice Cham~man.' ._ n It was announced that there would be a combined meeting of the ~onzn~ Board, the Planning Bosrd, and the Council on Monday, February ~2~ at 8 P.M. at City Hall. M~P. Shook suggested that Mr. HocP~mutn~ shon!~' ~eceive some ~emu_ueration towards paying his gas bills, saying that he had nevem worked with a better Plumbin~ Luspecto~ for the City amd the citizens. for ~. Snoo~ moved, ~o Hood seconded, that Mr. Hoc~uth be g~anted $50.00 extra a month for car allowance from ~muu~ I Motion carried. ~ ' ~ou~ne~ The~e be~_ng no Purthe~ buszness~ Mayor Pc~inton ad' ~ the meeting.