Minutes 12-15-52PRESORT: ~. P.L.P~inton Mr~ Alva Shook Hr~ Arthur Frodrich MP~ Stahley Weaver~ Mayor Purinton called the meeting to order ~t 7~30 P.M.~ and said tho first business was the Resolution to apply for a loan to the Nederal Publis~ Housing Authority for a low cost building project in before Ja~uuary 1 next; and that tho Coup_oil, ~ftor appoir~ing a five-man co_~ittse to take care of' the pl~u~ will bm- e nothing furthor to do with it; ~ and that the entire axpense to the City will be Mr. Wi!!ia~.s~ of the fi~_n of Job_n Hart Company, Atlanta, ~eorgma, road v~_~e ~o_m of Resolution and said the City morely concurs in~ and approves of, the request to the Public Housir~ Authority for a pre!imina~y loan of ~100~000. The following flys-man Housing Co,mitres was appointed: Mr~ ~a~r!es Senior, Mr. Eugene !%~2mL~eist e~ Mr~ Nicholas Fornaby ?!r. Joseph De>~a~co l,¢r. Mr. Shook ~hou~ht that tho C~ty did not have to accept the progr~n ar~ was not tied in any way. l~. ~ml!mam~s concnrrod in this. ?~,~ Purint~a asked about taxes. ~ ~.~mllmams said tho City receives ±O/o mn lieu of taxos and owns tho ' ~ ~' ~ * ' pro0eoo after ~O~lZa~lO~ In reply to a question from Mr. Shook'~ Mr.%~.~illiams said the Housing Authority sells bonds in t~e open markat ~_d then takes the rsn~ against it in payment~ that in most cases this won't ~u~t~ liq~dat~ the bo-~ds ~n~ so the Housi~ Authori~ makes UlO o~_e difference~ zhe City would have nc obligation in connection with it~ The Housing Co[~ittee would bs a co~orat~ body operating ~uder the laws of the State of Fl~ida~ ~o Shook asked if * ~ au ...... s ed these men to go to w~rk on it. ~ Williams replied: ~U~o~znz~e!y-~ '~ ~?. I{ro Fre~rmch ask~a m-, there was a soec~zzc time between the p~vv~ng up of the project s~d its being turned over to ~me M~ Willia~s said it is tu_~ned over to the Citj~ only after t~_e bonds have been amortised, unt_,± tha~ the Federal Government holds on to it. Mr. Fredrich asked M~r. l*filiis~ms to state tha a~£ount of money the Cozc~_.~,issioners would have to pay out. Mr. Williams replied that there is no liability to t_he Cc~missioners beyond th~ advance of ~7.~0 to org~.uise~ The Committee appointed is a separate body operating ~uder the laws of the State of Ftorida~ Mr. Fredrich asked if we can ,a~p!y for eau additional loan the Federal Goverr~aent after ~his em~.o,~t is~sed up, Hr. Wml!lams ~eolmea:~ ~'Yes'~; ~ ~.t l~ serve s a ~hau ms ~.~.m.y ~¢~e made it 200 =coed pd~pose smd is needed ~Lr~ Fredrich asked how money is appropriated for the clearance of slu_ms before new building starts ~ ~,~ Willi~z~as said the first step is to get ,o~g~ised and to get ceftin doc-cz-cents to the Goverr~ment~ and ~e selection of the si~by the Housing ~o~m~vtee who ~e' solely_~spo~s~ble__ _ for _t~ ~t~_ ~me selec~mon~ the P~bl~ H~usmng =n c~n3~ct~_on ,~th zne nousmng Co~zvtee, orovzd~s plus ~d mes~royem. ~n a s~;a!l cz~y mt ms very z~re to s~!ecv clear.ce, which comes ~der ¢ ~' ~o~ne~ progrsm. This is all new location. N~. Predrich asked _faz_o~ner ~ ~ ' '~ - ~pro~rla~mon e~ ~e made for the ~ ~' _ _ ~ ~% Willie~s replied that the q ~o~z~m~t will allocate money; the Housing C :~.ml~ee selects the saree ~. Shook asked if there Was a standard bu~l~ng pl~u~ }'~ Wi!liszms said there is a cervain sta_udard. Tb~y make one~ two, three or four bedroom houses, as needed. Time whole thing would have to get ~nto.a certain bracket, say~ from ~;~¢000 to ~8~00. The-p~ice or maznten~ce is to be kept ~ a There are rules m~d re~.lations, for instsnce¢ z~arding ¢15,000 ho~es. He added that, after the adoption of the Resolution, it is finished as f~ as the Ci~ Council is concerned. Pr: Shook s.aid the Resolution will be sent tq Hr.C~iffith to ex~zne; tha'c the Council reoresents t_he people and don,t ~. Wi!ii~s said Mr°Senior is to be CImairmau of ~ousing Co~_~e~*' ~ until the tnmn~ ~ ~ is org~uissd. Then he can resign~ and the Board accepts his resignation~ Mro Fredrich said a Resolution was adopted on June 2, i9~2~ but ne action was taken, and that the Cormuissioners have to accept a Resolution as noth~ag is on record. He suggested a motion requesting a Resolution be draw~ up favorable to the Public Housing Authority~ amd that the C~ty Attorney be given the re- qulred time before the Resolution is adopted. ~. ~ed_mch movem ~hat the Resolution be adopted p~_dmng Atzo~ney ~o be rscezv~d at a special meeting, advice from the City ~ ~ ' ' ~ Mr~ Hood seconded the motion, which was passed unanmmously, wm~._ regard to the sale of City property in ac~age 20~ ?urinton said it b~d been brought to his attention that the City has seven and a half miles~ mud that tb~s is the o~y piece of property ~e City now Owns and hems' mn' favor of i~o!ding it for ~ubl~c purposes~ The matter was ~aol~ ~. Job~.~son sa~d ~ro Yol~ is be~no taxed for a 14 ft. ceiling instead of for a 125 ft. He also said bh~ after inspection, he thought the Hasbrouck ~roperty in $he colored section should be in ~he lowest bracket CBS construction, and should also be credited with 90% condition for 19~5~ as it is very dilapidated; and that one of the houses is given as two feet too long. He added that i~, Shook concurs. Mr. Fredrich moved tn~ ~ne C~mncz_.~ccept tions of }~.Joi~uson ~ud Mr. Shook regarding tax adjustmento'*~ in cor~nection with t~e No!an and Hasbrouck properties° Mr~ Weaver seconded~ and the motion was passed~_anmmo~s~y,~ ~ ~- ~ ~,~r. BrocLm~ay presented a plat of Coq .... ~n~ Cove for ZirHce- Smith for s~proval~ ~fter discussion, !~L~. Shook moved that the plat be accepted with a cha~ge to 2~ feet setback~ to a~c~ord wzvn the Czty 0rdz- nance. M2~. Hood seconded the motion wn~mh was ~aJsed uD~nimously. in connection ~ith the urgent necessity for City maps, Mr. Brock~ay presented a street map of the City but said it is too small ~ud that the only way to m~2~e a satisfactory one is to have it in book form~ lot n~g~bers and house n~bers to be put . He,~sugg?sted:each lot berg given n~nbers ac$ord_tng to its szze; ~hat ~z t ms i~ not irises,em 9n osopme wil~. choose tnem~ own n~mbe_s~ tha~ .~he Co~a~.~cil sho~lu nave a~.t~c~ty to post the n~u~b, er on the build~,ng~ as tb~s official n~c~,~ber~ ~e showed a mac gmving numbers and s~reet, names as far as at presSnt available. but suggested that ~ 0rainsz~ce be ~dassed ch~c~,~,~in~ certain nsa~d streets to %o~.ber. s, leaving 0teen AVenue and G?ee~ S~ree~ asv~e dividing lines of other hemes to be as a basis~ ali Pk. Purinton said house n~abers are nscessar~ for r~ail elmv~ry. P~, Fredrich asked how soon cou_~ a map be supplied. }~o Brockway said it would 'bake the be st pars of a month and would cost around ~20Q~ as it will include ~ever~-bhing no_ to date~ and that business oroperty~ where D_ecessary~ could be givsr~ r~g~ n~abers ~ H~ said ~malier maps c~a be reproduced ~ a re- mnced scale, when the ~_e is completed. ~r.w' ?redrich moved that both macs Broc~ay~ be o~dered. Hr. Hood seconded ~d the mormon was oassed unanimously° }~ Brockwa? the~ brou~%ht no the ~uestion of '-2ae raz_~road crossing North of the c~aa!, with 17~ ft~ right o~ way a~ud 140 ft~ crossing. He pr.educed a layout, which he said ~s been approved by the County Engmnaers~ and of which he would like a tentative approval b~ tlme Counci!~ can have a tentative ~at app~ovat~ The City Clerk read the minutes of the iasv regular neetir.~ of the Council of Dece~foer i~ !9~2~ }~. %~eaver said nhat the words 'tn~ lot surrounding the swim- mmng pool should be nu_moerem' ~nou±a be inserted in connection with the inlet Village plat, ~- oe a~cep~em, sotzon passed read~ w~oh the above correction~ um~animousl y. The City Clerkthen r~c the minutes of the ~pecia! meetimg December D~ Hr. Fredrich said thst in the Resolution tugs,ling road building~ the specifications to be attached should read specifications~ he asked if ~.~. Wright is now on eiae City's pay roli~ 3~o Furintonsa=~ w~ir .... ~'zgLa~' ~ iP~oected_ a street in Rolling ~'~ -- _ ~ ' ~as~o_~ Avenue for the City. Green~ and ~_s bee~ requested to ex~.~ne ~' ' ~ ~'~ rreer_,ch moved that the .... m~nu~es of the spp. cia! meeting be accepted as re~m~ ~{l~z= th~ ~ ~ c_mg~ge lndlcated, i,~ [~o~ seconded. Hotion p~sed umasmimousiy~ BILLS 0 ~ i~AYED FOR Clyde Rowe Postmaster A ~ C. Carver ~? .E. Bus bong gmues Butler C. E. Hodge s J. A, Kiingl e N. B ~ Sennish Dorothy V oWillia~ Olive Cierpik Ve~a Alice Kelly Teresa Padgett Joseph Bencik F. L. P~inton Arthur Fredrich A. E~ Shook Stsaley Weaver C. H, Hood R. G~ Greenwood R~ oh ~. Chapman F~k %ut ting Robert Griffith ?g~it t MoDowel! Her~y Cooper Leonard Dave Sam Hu~ ay C~les Watems Refuse ~.ndrews Ed, Jer_k~ns Peter Jacobs Kate ~lilli~s James Taylor Katherine Thompson Les Thomas Peter Jacobs Karo Milli~s Clyde Rowe George Athmuasi~ !~s~ D.F.Rich M ~ N ~ Burket t Theo Jc~uson B,B, Fire Dept. P ~ J. Joi%ns Mark Mitchell Alice Kelly Alice Shepard Sarah F r a~ Nutting 30.00 i22 ~ O0 1~0 o =0 ~34~ 8o 121.00 z35.80 103 .io 8~.4o 2~.oo 50.00 50.00 ~o.oo ~o, co 50. co 3o. co i00 ~ 00 ~o.oo ~o.oo 100.00 20 ®00 33.~o 48.20 33.20 43.75: 4~o~ 42~ 80 36~o0 37.50 75.97 3°00 21~ooo 837.75 12~00 12o00 12.00 t2~00 1~. O0 Water Fund. ~.o0 92.20 15o.ko 8.00 8.40 ~.oo Depositors, 7;,50 7. Petty Cash _,,~ s. Geo. ge Shedenhelm ~-~s, George E.Ford Mrs, Clifford Province A, J, ~emons Henry Cooper =e o.,a.~ Hat tis Dave L~ier Smu M~ray Lee Thomas Refuse Andrews Ed, Jerkens Peter Jacobs Karo Wi!tiers Clyde Rowe Halsey ~ Griffith ~. J, Ma:~] me ister Rubin Comst~action Co, Palm Beach Typewriter Co~ Vaug~m& Wri~at City of Delray Beach Boynton Beach Roofing 107.3! 32~ O0 33.20 48.05 33.20 28,85 ~.80 20,00 35.7o .95 7.35 11o65 5o,oo 22~00 !,7,S,Darlay & Co, 3,17 Austin Supply Co~ Zinke -Smi th ~86,00 ~._~ercer Service Stat~ on 37° 2 Florida P~cr.& Lt~ Co~ 3 9.~0 Southern Bell re! & " '~ 56.90 Jack~ s Repairs " ' 14, 00 Bo-u ~ Printing Co, 21,05 Chase Nationa~ Ba~k Gr, ~outhern ~uckmng Charles L. Meyer & Son M~chael J.Estafen Int erntl .Assn. of Inspectors ~ 6. O0 12.00 53;o5 18.40 28.00 40.50 3 · 80 28, o5 38.16 25.90 1~3o 20.2i!_ 96.9O 7.50 7, 5o 7.50 7; 50 7.50 7,50 With ~ ~ re_,e_,er, ce to the oonstz~o, ction of a water ma~n between the tc~.m ok 0cea~_ R~doe and Gut,_ Stremm_~ Mr. Cromer exioiained in r~u detail what was wanted sz~m submitted an ~. Shook made a motion that the renters of two fire hydrants outside City limits be given fifteen days to pay and, if not paid by jars3.ary I~ the hydrmnts will be removed. ~.~. Hood second- ed and the motion was passed unanimously. ~. Weaver moved that the proposed extension of the water ma~ to Gulf Stream be granted~ ~m, der the supervision m~d with the approva!~of ~.Cb~istiansen~ Mr. Shook seconded tb~e motion~ which was passed unanimou~iy, l~r. Joe Hatless said he ws_nted to take up v,C_th the Board the possibility of getting going with the water lines on b~i,s Ridgewood Hills development. He had discussed the matter with Mr. Cromer, who had made a survey at ?~.Hartess~ expense s~ud had made a plat with aview to getting a 6~ line over on to the West bo~3r~dary of the subdivision. in a discussion on pipe~ ~.~, ~ ~ to trs~site, and ~ _ur~ o~omer was about 20~. Cb=mst~anse~~ ~ ~ said b~ preferred said the difference in price 2~r. Shook said he would like to get Mr~Brockwa?s recom- mediation on the matter and suggested ~-,~_~o CD~istismsen get in touch with Mt.BreeZeway, ~,Harless said he would go with ~o~isti~sen ~nd the matte~ could be taken np at the special meeting. ~. jo~son said the 6:~ water main on the Zinke~Smith property is.above the level of the road. Mr. Ci~ristiansen said the 6~ main is now even with the top of Ro~te 1, and that in clearing the lot the covering had been ~oved from the water main, which has been struck by the blade of a bulldozer. ~¢~en first laid it had been put do~ 28~- He suggested ~hat contractors %~roving lots should ask ~here the water mains are so as to avoid cutting the pipe, s~ud that 26~' is the regulation aepth. suggestea he ~zd ~. C~ ~st~ansen exa:m~ne the level together, _,,r. _~3~inton said the quest4o,~ ..... is ~,dmev~,_er the ~-'~_.~y or the s u~odmvmd~r should pay for Io%;~9~g the pipe. ?~. S:aook ¢~* ' ~,_e s~c-~mstanoes~ he considers it the responsibility of the City. >~. ?urinton stressed the necessity of having a City engineer supervise the laying of pipes to avoid suck happenings in future. letter was read from the Secreta_~y of P014~ dated December tI~ asking that ceftin items be put on the agenda. Answering the request regarding the Water Department report~ l~. Purinton said ~_{r~Oo~e~an had a complet~ 20-pag~ report ~d ~y citize~ c~n come in to City H~! ~ad look i% ov~r. As to the City's indebtedness being reduced this year, Purinton said it will not be reduced either this year or next year. A certain smount must be left in the fu~d snd only so much money goes into the fund each ~rs. I~emons asked if the water rate will be reduced~ and Mr. ~drinton said that !~, Brock~ay has still not sent in his recom~:a~ndation~ A _evte_~. ' '~ fwa~s, read from ?,~s. C~ada askii~g for repairs to~. the street in front of her house~ and for a light~ on Boynton~oad. ~. Purinton said ~-~ Van Wagner had been im~ t~_cted to scarify the road~ etc.~ mud it is being taken care of~ that the Florida Power & Li~mt Company's mma would give his recoz~miem~ation regarding the light. ~ro Vain Wagner said equipraent is needed for tlme new broom and that one of ti~e tractors is in bad shape~ I~P~ Purinton recommended buying a complete tractor. l{r, Shook wondered wkether it was necessary to pay ~2~700~00 for a few years s_nd suggested labor was cD_caper, ~,ir. Vsm Wa~er did not agree~ Mr~ Hood said the tractor itself is not in bad shape~ but that the loader is ~shot~ ~'dr. ~inton suggested ~iiiimas to see if there is F:~md to cover it. tabling the matter and asking Hrs. sufficient money in the Im_:~ ovement Regarding ~ifo~: street signs, it was ascertained from }.L~,Harless that his cost ~10~30 each, without paintir_g~ and are about 24~ tsti~ suggested ge~tzng forms ~ad making some. sazo that a fund could be stated r~oav away and that some cztzes take out ~1~00 from every fine of $~00 and over for t~his pur~pose~ Nkk. Fredrich said he had made a suggestion a~ ~ae time of a discmssio~ on the budget that a susa of ~1~000.00 be set aside~ and thought informatio~ should be obtained from other Cities as to what they are doing. to ~z~n regard to a soeed ~stch for ~raffmc~ get recoz~enmations from_ o~aer c_tzes~ it was decided Regardmng ~ms~mas, _t was employees bonuses based on .... ~n of service~ ire s~d edJ to c.~_e I,~. Hood made a motion that the City em_ployees 5~ith ~ year's service be given ~25~00~ ~ud those with six months or mope service be prorated accordingly. Hr. Weaver seconded the motion~ w~lch was passed unanL~ous!y~ ° ~ ~ read ~'~ of The C~ty ~±~r~ a ~z~t the bills 0 Eayea ~or this evening~ No o,- '~ ~ ~uess~o_~s were asked ~%ere being no ~tn~_ o~asmness~ ~=a~o~ Purintou adJou~no~ the ~eetin ~ .... g