Minutes 10-06-52MI~JTES OF A REGU~J~P~ MEETING 0F THE C0P~F!SSI01~ERS OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLOR~DA, ~,O AT T~ CI_~ HALL, BO~NT ON BEACH, 0CT~B~ 6, %952. Commis si~ners F.L. P-~int on C. R. Stanley We av®r C. Howard Hood Arthur P~edrich Alva Shook. Mayor Pu~inton called ~e meeting to order at 7.30 P.M. City Clerk, Dorothy V.Wi!!iams, read the 2~i~utes ef the p~evious regula~ meeting ef September l~, 195~. 2~. Griffith said the p~ice of $6%.©0 for the ~tlas was approximate o M~. F~edrich said the PTA requests for Hallowe~en included the clos~ ng of 0ce~u Avenue from Green Street to the Federal Highway f~om 3 P.M. until the end of the celebration. Mr. Weaver moved and ~Lr. Hood seconded that, with the abeve additions, the minutes be accepted as read. !~otion passed una~uimous ly. BILLS O~KAV~ED FOR PASS. T: Gert, 1. Fund. Co,per Leonard Harris Fr~ Johnson Dave L~ier Sam Murray Re~use Andrews Ed Jerkins Jp~ Pete~ Jacobs Lee Th~as Chile Jo~u Hill Hate Williams City of Bo~ton Beach E. J.M~eiste~ Henry CoOpe~ ~n~d H~ris F~k Dave Lee Th~as ~n~lie Waters Refuse An~ews Ed -Jet. ns Pete~ Jaoobs 31.40 39.65 4.05 3m.4o 40.00 39.60 ~4.00 14~olt 53,85 39.05 44.05 31.40 0.00 39 · 60 44.00 4 .oo Water Fund Depositors. ~8 36.00 44.00 46.65 -2- K~te Williams 4~o00 Charles Boos Estelte Merlin L. Doughty EsteI!e H.E~amer 3 ~0 A. O. C~e~ 13~;80 J~es Butler 128.10 Ca~en Cole!la t22j00 C.E.H~ges Sr. l~J70 J.A.~e~ . 109.00 Do~0t~.V.W~lli~ 119 01ice Cie~ik 88.!0 ~ Ve~a ~o~son Alice Kelly 20.~0 Tere za Padgett 85~60 Ka~erine ~pson ~m~ V~ Wa~er F.L.~imto~ 50 · 00 A~t~ ~drich %0.00 A.E. Shook 50.00 C.K.Eood 50.00 C.S~tey Weaver 50.00 Jo~ Bencik 50.00 R.G.~eenwood 100 Ral~ W.~ m~ 50.00 Rob~t G~iffith %0.00 ~t McDowell 20~00 B~t~ Beach Boosters' ~ub 7.%0 77.90 140.30 7;50 7 5o 7.50 The ~mty Clerk read a list of bills 0'K~d for payment this evening. No questions were asked regarding them° The Building Inspector's report for September was read, covering a total amount o~ $118~416.00. The Palm Beach Development Board requested the names of three members to serve this year, one to serve for one yea~, one for two years, amd one for three. M~. Hood made a motion that ~. Charles N.Boos, ~. Henry Merkel Jr., and~. J.W.Pipes be appointed, and be allowed to work out for themselvesthe terms most convenient to them. M~.Fredrioh seconded the motion which was passed unauLmously. In a disoussion on a request from M~. Senior for ~. caps amd 36 badges for the Fire Department, to ce~t $171~00, ~ ~epreeenta- tire of the Fire Under~r~iters from Atlanta, Georgia~ who had recently inspected the whole equipment, wa~ quoted as saying that for a City of this size everything was A-l, and that it was the best volunteer Fire Department in the Stat~ for its promptness in answer~Lug calls. M~o ~aver made a motion, seconded by request of ~eSenior for caps and badges be g~ted. paSssd unanimously. that the Mot ion (1) F~om .~ z'. ~a~ and pae~age on Wells ?f beer a~d wine li~e~es: (2) F~c~ Mike' ~ s Place t~ He~ta~s Little V'~venue to Thompson,s; leEhTla. ~. Hood made a motion that these two ~equests be ttt~ned over to the Beverage Bo~d. N~. ~eave~ seconded the motion which was passed unanimously~ the B~l~ed~iohM~_w said thao nc eha~ge so far had be . Gas eole n made . P P · and that the Ci w ~ ~ pe~t fe~ e ~ ~ ~ ~ _ . ~ ~o~d coil o b~ ~t~uc~d to d~aw~ ~ ~-- v ~' ~ ~ec that. the ~tv_ At_o_~t sec~ed t~ motiorQ ~ ~Gln~ce ~o t~s effect. ~. ~- F~e~ich said L~ke !~o~th ~ Del~ay both ~ ged the ~o~t he mentioned. ~. Shook wondered whethe~ ~e~e ~ . ~i~ the t~k be~de t~ bn~ ..... as a~ d~ffe~ce he,men ~ne n~se, and though* ~5-~ m~ ~ne g~o~d o~ 8ttachin2 s~ in the g~o~d.~ ~ ,~n~gm sno~d be m~de ~lY wh~t wa~ ch~ed $1.~0 f~ the f~st applm~ce ~d a~!~ce~ ~d not~g f~ in~lation. .~0c. fo2 ~ach ~adition~ . ~eave~ ~ade a motion t~t the ~otion be tab,ed. -~ed~ch seconded the moti~ w~ch waE passed In ~d iscus~ion on f~s f~ the City E~l~ ~. ~ Service ~ect ' - ~ ~d~ch ~mc v~!! not be able to su s~e~, ~d on ~ ~inton sa in~ th .pPlY. ~son F~s t~s t~ee o~ fo~ months_ ~ g a~ n~e will be neede ~ ~u c~e$1l~g the o~m~ f6~ f~s ~tit next s~e~. A !ette~ was ins~ucted to be ~itten to the Co~o~ to t~s mffect~ In a discussion on heaters ~. Hood suggested g%vtng the City Clerka~uthor~y~. to find ou~ so that bids can be celled fo~, what kind of -heate~ w~ll be best ~. Purinton 'Suggested that as the City Hall already has gas it might be advisable t~ call £e~ bids on gas hea~ers. The City Clerk said Occupational Licenses wer~ .m~iled last Saturday to 364 eoncerns~ there are 4 more to be mai~ed, mhd 39 s~e already- in; making 407 notified this month. Mr. Griffith reported on his conversation with l~.Brockway regarding a property record beck giving a record of all City-o~med property kept in loose leaf form to be kept up to date from Broek~Tay~ s o£fice~ ~. Pu~inton suggested that the City Attormey get the cost the survey. ~ G~iffith presented a lease to be acted on by the Council hog,viS_evening by Re.solution, as between th$~ City of Bc~nten Beach, ~_~e._ssors~,~ .an~ the Co~al Ridge Devel~pmemt Company, the Lessees vcr~ng a ~y-yea~ £ease ~ the Casino and beach. ' There was a question as to whether the Lessees could operate under Pa~.l?, which cove~ed 'the per~entage to be paid for rental during the period of the lease. ~hf ..~v_. Ta~ave~lla, the attorney of t. he Lessees, explained that ~e._~e~s~sees_na.ve t2 put up th~ building they eo~d n. ot a~ford to p~y e ~zy ~. ~ucn a lease wou~d keep amyone from wanting ~e build~ conside_~ing~it will.be t~r~ed~. ~ back to the Ci~y~_~ en ~he~te~ ~ z~lnat' ...... ~o~ ~ the lease, ne consmdered 5% of the rent shottld be paid to the City, ~ that is ~% of thei~ gross income. There was a long discussion on mn ~ne even~ tmat f~ve yea~s from now the beach has become pop~aw, some arrangements sho~d be ~de to p~otect beth,s ~ssees and the Lesso~s, and it~Eht be ~dvlsable to ~ve pa~ki~ in reply to a ~equest for in,formation from Mt. Johnson, M~.Hunt smid al~.F~idep~s oF owners of im~oved ~operty will be given a card en~z~±~ng ~nem to have access to the be~eh. In answe~ to a question, Mr. Hunt said the plan wou!d be in operation this wintsr~ Mr. Heed made a motion that the Resolution granting a lease to the Coral Ridge Development Company, as ~ead by the City Attoz~ney, be accepted, ~. F~ed~leh seconded the motion which was pas~ed unanimeusiy. M~. JohnSon said ~. H.L.Siever has been elected P~esident of PON~ and they have gene on record as making a~ appointment with the County Co~m~issione,~s for a hea~ing on the Beynton Road next Monday, and s~gested that the Council d~a~- attention to the seriousness of the matter. M~. ~trinton said a lette~ has ~ ready been written te Mr. Sunday~ ¥~ Johnson said the school had not yet been painted and is a detriment to the to~m, and that POM~ is going after it. He asked if the City would follow it up with enother lettsr. ~ir, Mab_Lmeim~6r d~ew attention to a tort_bls odor at the beach from a clogged up cesspool. I$. Van Wagner was asked to look into the matter. ~D~. Mahl~eiste~ said there were now only two or three oper- ating members on the Electrical Board, N~.Weigm~ being out of tewm a~d N~. Senior being too b~y. He was asked to send in the names cf two other suitable members and the Co~ucil would decide on their appointment. Ns. Mahtmeiste~ suggested an ex~mination for Jett~neymen electricians end said there is an exmnination fo~ electricians on the first ~Yeduesd~y in Novem~e~o N~. Weaver said N~. Ha~less wo~ld like to discuss with the Council the possibility ~f getting water pipe into his subdivision ~ud that he Would like to have a decision soon as he would like to be able to t~!l prospective ptt~chasers that the wate~ lines ~e in there. ~ Pu~inton said the sa~e proposition would be offered him as to others, on the basis of 2~% of the revenue from the water. It was stated that the City had agreed to entsr into a con- tract with sub-dividers within end without the City limits whereby pipe for water mains be paid for by the sub-divider, ~ud the City would enter into a w~itten agreement with $he sub-divider agreeing to ~ebate a percemtage of the water bills collected in the sub- division of the a~ea served by the sub-divide~ i~sta!li~g t_he water pipes. The City will agree tentatively to rebate 2~% of the water bill collected in the subdivision for a period of ten yes~s~ or less if the pipe has been paid for d~_~tng that time~ Mr. ~eaver said it seemed to hL~ that the bond issue cove~s existin~ pipes and mains, and that the bondholders would be glad to get more pipe in and so get more revenue. He said ~hat at one time there been a water main on Frederick Street and that as it had been removed by the City he thought ~.Ha~less justified in thinking the City should put pipe · in a discussion on the size of the pipe, I~.Harless said an engznee~ had made a survey aud fig~t~ed on 6" pipe, which could be used to sez~e anothe~ po~$ion of the t~. M~. Hood thought the engineer'sr~connnendatien should be followed. ~o Van~la~er, ~en asked, said 1500 ~eet at least would be -6- l&v. Purinton suggested putting in 6" and ch~ging ~Harless the difference between the 6" a~d the 4"~ adding that the City might not be ~ole to do it all at once but that there is water there already. ~. Ha~less was told that he could assu~e his clients that they would get ~ater. The City Attorney was instructed to draw up a suitable contract covering the a~ra~ gement with Mr. Hat!ess. * N~. Griffith said he had taken.up with Mr. Cromer the engineering charges en Water ~xtensic~ made ab out which there seems te have been Mr. Cromer agreed with the statements of the disbu~zements were made en the reco~m~endation of M~.Broekway, a~d that Mr. Brockway~s service was re~de~edo ~. Griffith said the City rec~gnised tha~ Mr. Brockway,s charge was just and he would ask the Council to send Mr. Brockway a part of the ~ou~t possibly next year~ He suggested the Council make a pa~t payment, the balauce to be paid later. Nr. Pu~inton s~ggested a check for $t00.00 be sent to M~ B~ock~ay. In a discussion on the charge for the examination of jou~n~y- men pl~oers~ it was stated that this should be $3.00 instead of $10.00, in accordance with the usage in other cities, and that the charge sho~ld be rebated, snd recommendations sent to the Plumbing Board~ It was suggested that the Plumbing Code should go through as it is aud amendment~uade later, in order to s ave further delay in the prLutinE~ N~. Cottrill drew attention to a recent letter to the City signed by Kenneth Adams in which it was stated tD~t Mrs. Cottrill had~e~ objected to the noise of the Legion Hall dances. He wished it understood that this statement was entirely uut~ae. After discussion it was decided that the best way of dealing · ~th the matte~ was to let it drop, M~. Canava~ asked th~ a 2ight be put in front of ~L~s.Todd's house on the Nc~th side of Kansas Avenue, w_here he said there was already a light pole. After discussion d-~ing w~ich it was stated that many places ~e in need of street lights ~ud that the pa~tic~ar pole mentioned is one o£ those which will not work, it was promised that the matter would be looked into. Mr, Fredrich said that some of the merchants on Ocean Avenue s_~e c~mplaining that ca~s a~e parked there for six or eight hours. He suggested that the parking signs taken do~n~ for the sttmmer should be replaced before the seasen starts~ Mr, Shook said h~ did not want to serve on the Building being a builder, he might be severely criticised. ~. ~u~inton said that if Mr, Shook retires a~other Co~issioner must be appointed. It was the opinion of the Council that M~. Shook s~_ould remain a member of the Board. There was a discussion on the ex~minatlons and on the fact that they were most ~az_ as containing questions that were never heard of. C_~erx to ask the Pl~mbing and Mr. Purint~n asked t~ City ~ ~ Electrical Boa~ds to appoint one m~mber each to the Building Board ~ 1~. G~iffith sold it would be advisable to have a certain procedure set down for pe,~mite ~nd to have the procedure rigidly e~L~.orced~ They should al! be done in the same way. A man even w~uting a garage should have a plan to submit~ No inspection can be made u~_til a building is put up, He suggested that plans be left for inspection at the City Hall by the ~i!ding inspector. No money to be taken .until the plan h~s been passed on. Plans to be stamped mud no ch~.~nges made without fu~une~ inspection at City Halt. M~. Pu~inton said there must be a tightening up on plats ~ieh have not been submitted for the consideration of the Co~mucil and asked whether building peri, its should be re£used u~til the p~a~s ~a~e in, s~d they have been approved and signed by the Co~mucil. ~&v. Griffith s~Gggested making people who submit a plat approval deposit a cert,-in su~ of raoney, which wo~mld be reburned when the plat is approved. I~Lv. Fredrich moved that a deposit of $5.00 must be made on a plat when submitted for approva!~ I~$ HOO~ seconded, and the motion was passed unani~, ously~ ~ ~ ~ ~?~ u,,~ ~ ~. i~ moved that the bid of Howard LoCromer for connection of City water ~o Rolling Green Estates be accepted, as being the lowest and only bid submitted. Mr. Fredrich seconded the motion which was oassed unanimously. There being no further business Mayor o. - ~ ~ ~ urln~o~ ad- journed the meeting. NATIONA~ EMPLOY THE PHYSI~A?~:V .HAN~.I~APPED WEFt, O~T. 5-~, 1952 BY ~ ~Y~ OF ~ CI~ OF ~N B~H A ~O~TION W~W=AS ~_~he disabled persons in Boynton Beach, ~oth ~*l*tary an~ ~ avail themselves of the facilities trafuaimg, as wel! as the services for placement, vialed by Federal and State governments; and %~S recemt su~vey~ show that handicapped workers, ~nem selectively placed,j 'performed their tasks as well as o~ better than those without hand_i- of inc to citiz~ms who, despite Physical imam/truants, are to perform a wide variety ef essential tasks; and by jeiat ~eselution approved A~_st 11, 1945, the first week im October Of each year as ~he PhysiCally Haudieapped ~eek, d~ri~g which time a ~ppro- priats ceremonies are to be held throughout the Nation: I, F. L. Perington, Mayer of the ~y of BeYnton , c~1~ uPOn the ~o~e of ~e City of ~n ~ch ~ 0bser~ Oeto~ 5,. 1952~ as ~o~ ~pI~ ~e I ~so e~l~ ~m ~lie effici~s~ ~ we~ as a~ of oth~ ~ou~ ~e~es~tative of-o~ ~i~ ~e, ~ lend ~t su~rt ~ the obs~n~ of t~ ~ek, ~ order ~ e~st ~blie interest in effec~t~ fwl] empl~nt of the h~~. IN ~r!T~ESS WHEREOF, I have hereu~.t~, subscribed m~ name amd have caused te be affixed hereto the Seal of the City of Beyn%on Beach, Florida. in the y~ar of' our Lord nineteen hundred and fifty-two. motion &uly made and seconded, the following resolution was ~E iT RESOLED by tko City Commission of the City of Boy-arch a m~Bnicip~l co~orgtion of ~ke St~e of ~.ori~, as (1) That=~o~.e O!ty' ' of Boston Beach, s~ ~icipg! co~oratio~ of the State of ~ ~' . _ ~o~8~, ~es hereby 'contract ~n~ agree to ente~ into ~ ~reement with SOo~t M. ~oftin ~d Jo~ ~. !~rt~ ~- ~ by the said City of B~ton Beach is given the ri~% ~ - - . ~- ~d pr~lege to con. s~ruct. ~ ~d ~intain~ ~ _O'~lic ~o~s~gs ~er sad across tha~ part of the r~ of ~y ~o. orooe~ of ~ail ~lori~ East ~ a O_,y of Bo~ton Be~ch mt t~s locations describe~ m~ ~l~v Co~z in the ms follows: A parcel of lm~d with ~o~ ~dth ~ 75.0 feet ncrther-v and seuther~ ~ten~i~ ~s~erly ~o_ westerly ~ross ~ ' ~he rm~ht of ~ end tracks of the Flori~ Egst Comet ~lwgy C~V Bo~nton Beach, Flori~, with ~ ' ' ~ - ~ong~tndi~l cenoer l~ne located 4102 feet souther~ ~rom ~-e~h ~l~y~ ~le Post Ee. 3~0 from ~ total w~.a~n o ...... ~ ng . ~ , ~ z00.0 feet a~ thzs locaz~on, ~e~ ~O 0 bound ~in +- '- ~ o~ the cenoer lane of ohe ~zlw~y~s north- A p~rce/ of !sad with "maiform width of ~0.0 feet north~ly southerly- extending easter~ ~ ~ - · ~ ~ ~n~ western- across the ~i~t of ~y and tracks of the ~-orida ~s% ~ ~oa~ B~iway 0~ Robinson Street in Boston Beach~ ~]ori~ W'~th center line located 3~1'7 feet ~m~-~ -.y Pest Eo. 313 from Jacksonville, Florida, said right~ ~ Railway 53~ving a~o~az~ ~ v;zdth~' of 100~0 feet at--this ~ -- "~lo~tion, being.~ ~0.0~ feet in ~dth, on ~.c~ side of the cente~ ~ne of the ~,zzway- s northbound main traci~ ~%1! as shown colored yellow Won bl;~eprint of the Raiiway:s plan Corr. file 312~63, d~ted ~1~52, attached to said ~ud by this referenc~ thereto is made a ~rt hereof. all as more f~!y described and ~nder the fumther terms and conSgtibns ~d eve~ in c~oy of or~osed ~reemen% mow on vi~ .~z,~ = - - - -e ~._~ ohs ~ty C~ssion of ~oynton 'Beach, Piori~, ~g by reference thereto ~ a p~t hereof. (2) T~t the I~yor, ~.tn-~ ~ tne~ attestation of the City Cl~rk, be ~d they are h~reby g~-thorized and ~rected to execute ~id a~reement for ~nd beD~lf of s~d City of BoSton Beac~ ' ~-~= ~hzs resolution s~ll ~ce effec~ im~edXately ~on its Passed sa%d adopted this ljth ~y of Septembers i9j2, by %znauimoms vote of the City Co~rncil of City of Boy~ton Beach.