Minutes 09-17-51~INE~ES OF THE REGLV-~-R !~ETING 0r TM CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON HEAC~H, FLOILIDA, RT THE CITY '~ ~ 1951. ~L~!Ju ON SEPTEmbER 17, The City Council convened at the City Hall on September ~7~ 1951. Mr. Hood, in the absence of Mayor Purinton, called the meeting to order at 8.00 Councilmen present: Mr. Hood Mr. Province. Er. Shook. Mr. Markel. Dorothy V.Williams-. City Clerk, read the~ minutes of the previous meeting of the Council o~ September 4, 1951. NLr. Shook made a motion, seconded by Er. Province, that the minutes be approved a~ read. Motion passed ~unanimously. BILLS O,ELg~ED F~R PAI~NT: Gen'l.Fund. John B. Kinsey Mrs. R.K.Robson Howard Lee Cromer John E.Raulerson A.C.Oarvar 138.00 N.O.Marshall 122.70 C.C.Weeks 112.20 J.A.Klingler 71.50 D.V.Williams 112.70 John Bell 96.80 Ruth Gramley 105.60 Katherine Thompson ~65~0 E.J.Mah!meister L~8~65 Weaver's Insuran~ Agency 1~202.50 Ralph Anderson 50.00 Oliver Faicinelli 6.68 goseph Campbell 33.00 Henry Cooper 31.60 Levi rredrick ~3.00 Leonard Harris 39.60 Frank ~o~uson 35.00 David Lanier 45.50 Sam ~urray 31.60 Solomon Pitts 12o00 Lee Thomas 39.60 Parker ~ard 3~.50 Charlie Waters 33.00 Water Fund. 117.30 Depositors. 7.50 7.50 Atlantic Service Station 13~00 W.S.Darzey 8.20 Tesco Chemical Co. Robert ~orris 22~50 Henry Cooper 31.60 Levi Fredrick Leonard Harris Frank Johnson 35.00 Dave Lanier 45.50 Sam ~urray 31.60 Solomon Pitts Lee Thomas Parker Ward Charlie Waters 33.00 Joseph Gampbell 3.00 37°50 33.00 39.60 33.00 39.60 33.00 Howard Lee Cromer ~7,793.67 Bond Constr. Chase National Ba~ $5,308.00 Int~ & Sinking Fund. Mr. Hood introduced Mr. Deutsch who spoke of s conversa- tion he hsd had with Mro Purinton regarding Police Chief Carver's illness and suggested the possibility of the City having group health insurance for its employees. He intro- duced ~. ~adsworth, a representative of the Security ~utual Life insurance Company, covering Palm Beach County, who des- ccibed the bensfits of such insurauce, saying that most cities in Florida have such a scheme, which is found much cheaper than if the policies are taken out by individuals. He said the first ssep would be to find out how many of the city employees are interested and that he vould be glad to meet with them to discuss the kind of insurance they might prefer, including the cost. He said that any employs ~vho works by the week ~ the city can also include his family in the plan~ and that it could be made to include even the present illness of },~.Carver. He also said that he thought 75% of the employees must agree to be included. The mat~er was left until it could be ascertained how many city employees desired to subscribe to such an insurance plan. Mr. May of the F.E.C. railway company introduced Mr. L.R. Wsston, trainmaster, who expressed the gratitude of the Company for the many courtesies it had received from Boynton and said he was ready to have any definite suggestions from the Commis- sioners regar4~-g their desire to have Bo~mton made ~ Flag Stop, which suggestions he would be glad to pass on to his principals. He said he was not in a position to say what the reaction would be, but he knew his Comoany was aware of the difficulties facing the city in this connection, and would take unde~advisement what was desired and what could be done. ~r. Hood said it was reaiised that it would be difficult to pull up all the trains but it was hoped that trains could be stopped to let people off if they had tickets to Boynton. He pointed out that trains from the north are-sometimes several hours ~ate in arriving at Delray Beach or Lake Worth, which makes it hard for people from Boynton to meet incoming passen- gers. _~un Barrett suggested that at least one train stop each way every day, to which ~r.Weston replied that local trains 29 and 30 already stop each way every day. service ~r. Griffith said the idea was to give Boynton/comparable with other places, and to give newcomers a chance to detrain here instead of at Delr~v or Lake Worth. Er. ~ay said he thought the question of whether a place called for a Flag Stop depended a great deal on the number of hotels and clubs and whether it was a resort where large numbers of people entrained or detrained there during the season. He asked where the majority of Boynton's visitors came from and was told that a great man~ came from the Niddle West. He pointed out that train service is not convenient for local travel as the bus service is so frequent~ while most people used their own cars. Mr. Shook~Said it was not desired to put the Company to any greet inconvenience and suggested asking for something reasonable which the Company could grant. In answer to a question ~r. ~ay explained that a Fla~ Stop allows.passengers off only, while a B. Stop allows passengers on or off. He said there are already twice as many stops between West Palm Beach and Niami as between ~acksonville and West Palm Beach and~that 75% of passengers entrain or detrain at ~iami. He added that the fast trains only have two hours in which to make a turn-around at Miami and that even a few minutes for an extra stop means so much less time for a thorough cleaning and re-conditioning. ~r. Weston suggested that l~. Griffith write him a letter detailing the wishes of the Commissioners to see what could be done, and ~. ~ay agreed that it would be better to have a l~tter specifying just which trains are suggested for Flag Stops. ~r. Hood th~uked the two gentlemen for coming to the meeting, and I~. Weston again gave assurance that the Company would do what it could. ~Ar. ~.R.~cIntosh said he had received a letter from ~r. Purinton asking for bus service between Boynton Beach. and Lake ~orth and that it was a difficult problem. He said it costs 32 cents a mile ~o run a bus and that therefore he would have to be assured of sufficient passengers to make it worth while. He said he had franchises with Lantana, Lake Worth etc., and would be glad to have one with Boynton if terms could be arranged which would be mutually beneficial. He said that if the franchise which he has to start bus service at Lantana can be hooked in with Boynton he will be glad to work it ?t~ and the frequency of the bus service can be arranged when it is ~nown how many people will p~tronise a local bus° He added that there is nothing the Grayhound Bus Company can do about stop- ping a local bus. He explained that his bus went as far as Lake Worth where a transfer was given for West Palm Beach. Mr. Hood suggested getting together to work out details and to se~ if s bus service would be patronised sufficiently to make it worth while to come do,va here, in which case he thought the service might start right away instead of waiting until November 1. In the meantime he suggested that a copy of the franchise be turned over to l~ro Griffith who could look it over. I~. Kolendo asked for something definite about the roads he spoke of at the last regular meeting of the Council, and also what the work was going to cost him. It was suggested he get in touch with M~.Raulerson re- garding the cost of black top, quantity of rock, oil, etc., and that work could get under way as soon as 5~. Kolendo was ready. Srs. E~in Sherratt asked that a street ~f~E% be installed near her home on Palm and Poinsettia, as it was a very dark spot and cars parked there at night with their lights out. Nr. Griffith asked for approval for printing two legal forms, saying that it was cheaper to have these printed in large quantities, such as a thousand, as they could always be used. Nr. Shook made a (five hundred) copies unanimously. motion, seconded by D~.~erkel, that 500 of each form be printed. ~otion passed ~. GriffitFns suggested the placing of stop signs on Green Street exten~owing the boundary of Boynton Beach. ~Ar. ~erkel drew attention to the Scavenger sign which is still an obs~truction and a traffic hazard. l~r. Hood said he had ~wlce spbken to the Scavenger, and that the State Highway people had made him move the sign back. ~r. Griffith said that certai$ things can be done by people on their own property, but that the C£ty had an Ordin- ance covering the erection of signs. Mr. Hood asked ~. Griffith to look the Ordinance up mhd call him, when he would again soeak to the ~cavenger. ~. Griffith suggested that the Board table be moved to the outer office as being more conveniently shaped and giving the audience a better chance to hear the proceedings. Suggestion adopted. the There being no further business, ~?[r~ Hood adjourned meeting. Chairman. City Clerk.