Minutes 02-05-51MINUTES OF THE REGULAR 3~ETING OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AT THE CITY HALL ON FEBRTJARY 54 1951o The City Council convened at the City Hall at 7.30 P.M. February 5, 1951. Councilmen present: Mr. F.L.Purinton ~. A.E.Shook M~'. CcH.Hood Mr. Clifford Provinca Mr. Henry Merkel. The meeting was called to order by the Mayor. City Clerk/Dorothy Willism~/read the Minutes of the regular ~eetin~ of the Council held on January 15, 1951. Mr. Merkel asked that a notation be inserted in the Minutes to the effect that a motiom was made a~d carried that the recommendations in the attached minutes of a Joint Special Meeting of the City Cemmissioaers and the Zoning Board of November 9, 1950, be adopted. Mr. Merkel made a motion, seconded by Mr. Hood, that the minutes of the meeting of January 15, 1951, with the above amendment be accepted. BILLS 0'KAYED FOR PAY3~T: Genl.Fund. John W. Kohl John M. Tuite Rathburn Hauling Co, Harold Rathburn Nickolas Gross ~. Kolendo Nicheias Earogosso Beynton Beach News 34.20 John W. Kohl 8.90 John Johnson 31.98 Henry Cooper 31.60 Sam Murray 3!~6G,~ Solomon Pitts 33.38 Charlie Waters 31.60 Leonard Harris 39.60 Frank Johnson 35.00 Buster Clerk 33.00 Dave Lanier 43.~1 Parker Ward 33.38 Lee Thomas 39.60 Water Fund Deposi~oE 22.5~ 7.50 7.50 7.50 7.50 7,50 7.50 -2- Levi Frederick 33,00 E.L.Robinson Jr. Ret'd ck. 12.25 A.C.Csrver 138.00 N.~.Marshall 122.70 H.R.Daugharty 107.30 C.C.Weeks I00.00 D.V.Williams 112.70 JahnE.Rsulerson John Bell 76.00 Betty Jane Grill Rut h L. Gramley 70. $0 F.L.Purimtaa 50.00 A. E. Shook 50. O0 Henry Merkel Jr. 50.00 C.H.Hood 50.00 R.G.Greenwoed 75.00 Robert Griffith 50.00 John L.McNames 75.00 Ralph W.Chapman 50.00 Frank Nutting 25.00 Alice Kelly 15.00 Whitt McDowell 20.00 Boynton Beach Fire Dept. 131.00 117.30 75.&0 The Mayor suggested that aR 0rdinaRce be drawn up requir- ing piling to be used in construction on the muck land on the East of the Dixie. The City Clerk read the minutes of a special meeting heid on January 21, 1951. Mr. Previ~mce made a motion, seconded by Mr.Hood, that the minutes oF the special meeting be accepted as read. Motion passed. The City Clerk then read a list of the bills 0'Kayed for payment this evening. A letter from Alan M. Powell was read regarding illum- ination of the City Highs an No.1. The Mayor .agreed that it would be a goad thing to have the signs illuminated, but that more definite informatiom on the possibility is needed. Mr. Hood said it could be dome withaut any trouble. ,.Mr. Province said he would interview Mr. Schrimper about it and that it should only take about three lights. Mr. Hood made a motion that the fine of $25.00 against Milton Paris be suspended as recommended by the Judge. Mr. Merkel seconded the motion, which was passed, A letter was read from Ira Van Bullock regarding a license for the Coral Patio Bar in the name of Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Nunes. -3- Mr. Hood made a motion, seconded by ~r.Province, that the transfer efa liquor license as read by the City Clerk be accepted. Motion passed. A letter was read from Mr. Jack Talbot regarding the erection of two Chickees on the parking let adjacent te the Clubhouse at Raimbow Gardens. Mr. Shook made a motion, seconded by Mr. Province, that Mr. Talbot be allowed to erect two temporary Chickees as per agreement to be drawn by Attorney Griffith. Mr. Province said he thought there Should be a crosswalk on the South side of the traffic light at Federal and Ocean. M~. Johnny Raulerson amd Police Chief Carver were ap- pointed a Committee of tw.o to see that the' traffic~ lights on the Federal Highway are f~xed. The Mayor brought up the matter of publicity, saying that every other town around is mentioned frequently in the Miami Herald, but never Boynton Beach, and that many people were complh&~ing about it. Miss Brown said that whenever publicity is needed four anything, it is only necessary to telephone to her; that it was just a question of getting the publicity to her in time for her~ to arrange to bring a photographer up for any special event. She says she gets more information from other towns than she does from Boynton. Mr. Horsey spoke of .the Chamber of commerce meeting about ten days ago, at which efforts were made to arrange for pub- licity for Boynton Beach; that many maps were displayed on which Boynton Beach was not shown. A suggestion was made that Rand McNally be written to and asked to correct this omission. Mr. Horsey suggested that a publicity man be appointed and that an extra mil be added to taxes for this purpose, although it is too late to arrange it for this year. He said a picture was worth a thousand words and suggested that the Boynton Inlet was a perfect mine of publicity if used properly, as people come there from all over the country and pictures of them and their catches would be gladly accepted by their local h~me paper's. It is definitely not a matter for the City Commissioners, but they might lend a little help to the Chamber of Commerce. Mr. Merkel said it took the Secretary of the Chamber of Commerce all her time to go out and collect money to pay sslar- les, etc., and that if the City made a contribution perhaps it would be possible to have a full-time Secretary instead of for only half a day. Mr. Hersey said a paid publicity man would earn a thousand times his pay, one ~Osd efficient publicity person being worth far more thmn a well-meaning inexperienced one. The M~yor asked for suggestions and said he understood Lake Worth had a paid correspondent although the terms of payment are dot known. Miss Brown said that Boynton had 3~9 subscribers ~o the Miami Herald, and that is why she has been requested to come up here. She added that the various organisations in other places have publicity agents who call her up with releases cf ~ny happenings, which she then puts in the paper, and that if she kaows within a reasonable time in advance, she can be on the spot withaphetographer' She said she would be willing to write to the Presidents of all the organisations in the City describing the proper procedure. Mr. Merkel suggested t~hat the City work through its Chamber of Commerce and perhaps give it a contribution. When the Mayor asked for a suggestion as to the amount of the weekly contribution, Mt.Hood said he thought it should be on a yearly basis, whether paid quarterly er semi-annually. Mr. Merkel suggested $20.00 or $25.00 a month, until the Budget is set up. The Mayor said a ~ had offered to take care of the dump, keep it clean and give the City $100 a mo~th for what he tsd~es out of it, and he recommended that $25.00 of this be turned over to the Chamber cf Commerce for publicity. Mr. Province made a motion, seconded by Mr.Merkel, that $25.00 be taken from the Dump Fund and given to the Chamber of Commerce monthly. Motion passed. ¥~. G~iffith said he had r~eived a letter from a man who was willing to sell property adjoining the Casino on the North. The Mayor said the City needed that property badly but did not know how it could be paid for. Mr. Hood asked ¥~o Griffith about putting the City employees under Eivil Service. Mr. Griffith said he had prepared a statement but that it wculd take several hours of discussion, when he would be glad to give the details. The Mayor said that some time the City would be obliged to have a full time Fire Department, whose m~mbers should preferably be under Civil Service. -5- ~. Bell, of the Street Department, read his report cover- ing the period from January 15 to February 5. He suggested that the Boynton Beach Casino be added to the sign painting the way to Briny Breezes, the Beach, etc. The Mayor said that Ocean Ridge was touchy en this sub- ject and might object. He added that he had received several compliments on the pres.ent ~mms. culateness of the Casino. The repor~ of Johnnie Raulerson on Water Department activi- ties for the period since Januaryl5 to date was read. The ~ayor referred to Mr. James who is carrying out im- provements to his property and wants to have h$s entrance scarified and graded, so that he can drive in. The Mayor thought the request reasonable and that some of the ti es from She waterworks could be used. Mr. Bell was asked to go and look it ever. Mr. Shook said that Mr.Harless was planning te put somB melaleuccas oR Harless Lane if the City would keep them watered Until they were established. Mr. Merkel said it was a matter of policy, that the trees would beautify the City and would not cost much for water. Mr. Hood said it was the time that counted, but was in favor of camplying with Mr. Harless's request. The Mayor said it would not take more than an hour on Saturday mornings. The Building Inspector's report for the period since January 15 was read. Mr. Merkal spoke of the tank of the City's sewage disposal plant, which he had redently examined, as being in excellent condition, and suggested that one or two pumps be installed which would cosD about $300.00; otherwise it seemed only neces- sary to go up and down the sewer and mend any leaks. The present pumps could not be repaired; one might be, but there should be two. The plant was said to be worth $~0,O00.00. The Mayor suggested that a Committee of erie be appointed to find out what the cost would be; the City would supply -6- most of the labor. He suggested Johnnie Raulersen get Start- ed and do everything that could be done, such as fixing bad lea~s, e~c. There being ne further business, the meeting was adjourned by the Mayor. City Clerk