Minutes 01-02-51~RrUTES OF THE R~GULAR ~LEETING OF TX CI?ff COL~.~CiL~0F ~ CITer OF BOirNTON BEACH, F~0R~DA~ AT T}~ ~IT~ ig~ ~ The City Counclz convened at the January 2, 1951, Co~u~cilmen prasen~: Mr. P~ L. Purin~n ~r. A.E.Shook ~r. Clifford Province ~. C.H.Hood ~r~ Henry ~erkel~ The meeting was called to order by tk~ Mayor, City Clerk Dorothy V.VYilliams read the ~finutes of the regular meeting of the Council held on December 18, 1950~ tCr~ H¢od moved and ~r~ Province seconded t~at the ~Cin~ utes of the regular meeting be accepted as read. l~otion passed~ The City Clerk then read the l~%inutes of the soecial meet- ing of the Council held on December 26, 1950~ Iqr. Province moved and i~r. Hood seconded that tD~ ~in- utes of the special meeting be accepted as read. ~otion oassed~ Bm±~s 0 tKayad Dave Lanier Buster Clark Frank gohmson Leonard Harris Lee Thomas Charlie V~atsrs ~rs~Robert Shook Parker ~rd Solomon Pitts S~m ~urray Henry Cooper John Johnson Levi Fredrick ~r~ Sarah Dame Miss Alice Kelly ~rs. Alice ~ott Partin ~ark ~itchell for Payment: Genorund. 43 ~ 41 39 ~25 39.25 61~50 6~o 60 56.6O 58~00 58,00 56~60 56~60 45.60 5~oo 5.00 5~00 5.00 5.00 ~ater Fund Depositors 7.50 A.C.Carver !27,70 N.0,~arshall 112,30 Hardie R, Daugharty 102,20 Billy D. Boll 50,10 Dorothy V~Wiiliams 112,70 Rmth L~Gramley ?0°40 Botty game Gr~li 75,40 John Boll 76,00 F'L~?urinton 50.00 A,E.Shook C,CoProvince 50.00 Honry Merkei 50,00 C,HoHood 50.00 R,G?Greenwood 50.00 Robert F.Gr!ffith 50,00 Jo?m L. ~cNames 75~00 Ralph M,Ehapman 50,00 Frank Nutting 25~00 ~iss Alice Kelly 15~00 John E,Eaulerson Frank E~ Clina Whitt ~cDowell 20,00 John Yo~mson 26,70 Levi Fredrick 2~00 Parker Ward 27.00 Charlie Waters 31o60 Leonard Harris 39,60 Henry Cooper 26~70 ea~ ~h~ray 2~,00 Solomon Pitts 27~00 Bustor Clark Frank goDmson 33.00 Lee ~a~_~o 39~60 Dave Lanier 43.41 Petty Cash 239~30 Frank Earl Clime Alma Clime 4~69 Boynton Beach Fire Depar~mont208~00 Royal Palm Ice Co~ Tho Court Records Company i0~00 Ocean City L~mber Co~ Shel!rook Q~arra!s 6,00 Boynvon Beach Fire Dept~ 25~00 Morcer~s Service Station 45~19 Cameron & Bark!ey Coo 23o17 Southern Bell Toil& Tei~ 69~25 Florida ~vr~ ~ Lt~ Co~ 619,63 Top Hat Rostaurant 12~55 Julius JoThcmas 10.81 Snap 0n Tools Corp~ 26~00 Thitt ~cDowe!l 10,75 Florida League of palities 30~00 Hill Mf~oCo~ 15~00 Deiray Gas~~ E.lec~ Co~ 12~50 Dolray ~achine & Supply Co~ 33°20 t17.~0 7o.4o Stevenson Seed Store Palm Reach Type~zriter Co. 1t~75 The Chase National Bank ~00 Veterans? Cons5ruction Co. 129~50 Farmers? implement & Supply Co~ ~iax ~u~o P~rvs Par%uhar L~aohinsry Co~ The increased cost of the '~iorida League ~f ~unicipa!- ities~ was disoussed~ the ~ayor saying that ne~e~ofo~ the scrip%ion D~d been ~0 but D~d now been increased to ~65~ that it was a mosz useful paper, but that no arrangement had been made im the Badger for it~ It was decided to send the League ~30.00 as in the pass. The City Clerk read e iisL of the Bills which had been O~Kayed for pa~ment~ The 5iayor asked whether there were any ouestions regarding any cf the bills as he would be happy to give any information ~ - w added that he hoped that in the year 1951 all citi- zens %%~uld ma~e a ~o~nt of atte~din~ Oouncm~ meetzng~ so ~hat they can see where their money is going, ~ith reference to street lights he said that these were constantly being added and that the fixed charge for each one is ~22~00 a year. There being no old business the insLai!a~ion of the three · ~ ~,~ ~ + ~ ~ S~oo~ and ~r~ ~ood - re-sleeted Cam_missioners ~ .ar ~= ~r~n~o~ ,~ · was proceeded with. The City Clerk ad~---inistered the oa~ of office 5o them. This was followed by the election of a ~dayor, Mr. ~urinton saying he would no~ vale for hi. elf this time. Mr~ Shook made a moticn~ seconded by Mro~ood, that ~r~ Purinton be re-elected ~ayor, ~otion passed unanimously, Mr~ ~urinson said he had not much to say except that ks was gratified by the vase of confidence~ and was glad that the a~.~ worKe~ together during zheir 5erm of africa. Councilmen had ]~ ' ~ro Shook said ks did no5 ~nvyyl~r~ Purinton the job. ~r. ~erkal said that ~r~ ~urL~ton had pul in at least a good half of each day on City business for all of us~ using his ' uhts fact should be ~o?~ and time~ money and gas~ and tna5 ~ ' appreciated, ~4 Greenwood ~r~ ~oasph~/csiled for a rising vote of appreciation from all citizens prssent for the City Co~iasionerS for the work they ha~ done for the Citz durin~ the last t~o ~. Pu~iaton ~ema~ea that the ~ayo~ ~ ~ say than anybody, But has often to take the rap, He pleaded with the citizens to attend Comcil meetings~ saying that any suggestions He expressed gratification or criticism would ~e appreciated. at being a member o~ the Co~c~l,' and added that any man who becomes Mayor is going to make enemies as he cap~ot please everybody~ He said that ~o ch~ges are bei~ made in City govern~nt excepting that the Street De~rtment is coming under a different head from n~ on~ Our Water DepartmenD has ~own so fast that Jo~. Rauierson will devoZe his whole ti~ to it, and the S~reet Department formerly handled by him will n~- be headed by John Bell, who will work on the roads, a~ three or four days a month will read wazer ~0ers~ DiscUssing the Casino the ~la~or said that one of the City's employees will be sent over there as a watch~n until it haz $.haD the C_ty ~zl~ try to been decided what to do with it; ~ ~' ~ '" prove it~ and that it is certainly noz going to be leased or sold, in spite of zhe ~diculous r~ors being circulated~re- garding ~.ts disposal~ He asked if anyone had any su~estions for making the Casino more attractive ~ Mrs~ Chapman said a swiping pool would be most desirable as often something is wrong with the water and ~uy children go to places where there is ~ pool, as they c~not swim ~less the water is smooth. She suggested at least a s~ll pool ~or the s~ller children. · ~ - bu~ldz.~g of a '~ ~ Mr. L.G.Barnette cb~ec,ea to the ' ~ '~ sw~m~ing pool a5 the Casino, saying that since the ocean was God's Eift to man, why ~o~ ~s~ The 5,iayor said ~ny people preferred a pool to the ocean especially for their children. ~!r. Joseph Greenwood said ~grs. Kay Birkhead wou~ like have the Casino and the l~ayor said there had already been nDne applicants for it. He added that a swiping pool would certa~n~ ly be a grea5 asset and was practically a necessity under the , ~- 000 presenz condition of the ~aoh; that it vmuld cost about and the City would continue to work on ~he idea~2Hs s~id the City would be very happy to get ~ beach, th~ ~ hurricane having tak~ most of ours away, but asked where the necessary $11~000 was coming from. The Mayor said th~ in future bi-monthly reports were to be asked for from the Police, Water, Street aha Building Depart- ment~ heeds, so that the citizens would know ~at b~d been~ ~g°ing on. He added that our little term is the only one arounu which has not increased its taxes; th~ we have more efficient service in our Police Department than we have ever had before, including a finger-print expert, radio, ene.; that the valua- tion of real estate as reoorted this week has risen from two and a half million to oMe~ seven million dollars~ and that next year our Budget must be raised. ~r. Seegitz expressed tha~s for wha~ ~he Mayo~ and Couneil~ men had done and described the aiministration as moat efficient. ~ Griffith spoke of the difficmltias he had experLencad of the mn oumld~, g his new h~me on accounv of the inefficiency m~a to whom he had entrusted the job, and ~L~ose many mistakes had been pointed out to him by the contractor ~o whom the job had now been givan, pro~ng how necessary it was that the City have s tight Building Code. MroGriffith asked ~r. Greenwood~ Building in~oector~ to inspect the work and to give his opinion, +b ~ ~ . - license saying ~at ~.~reenwood could recommend that the man~s be temporarily suspended, thus helping ~ome otker person ~rhaps who found D~mself in tha same position. ~r. Greenwood said he wculd raceme_end a temporary in %~iting mutil the mistakes had been corrected, Mr, Shook suggested suspending the man~s license he did any further damage. It was decided ~ork '~ ou~ the matter before that ~=. Grzf~n and mr. Gree,~cod shomld between them, Police Chief Carver read a retort covering his Department for +w~e period from December 18 to this afternoon. Ha said - d he nope that everyone would co-operate with the nolice by giv- ing them a call whenever they saw someone arom~_d who was un- doubtedty a stranger and a prowter~ or anyone so~cz~zno w~.thou~ a permit signed by the Police Chief, The ~ayor asked citizens present what, in their opinion, should ~e done to improve Boynton, There was no r~spone. ~r~ Hood remarked that the parking lines downtov~m are very faded and suggested getting them marked plainer. Polica Chief Carver said there were fewer accidents since the lines had faded out as people now take plenty of space to park~ and have no trouble basking out- Under these circumstanssS it was agreed that the lines should remain as is for the time being~ During a discussion on the Scarborough family~ the ~ayor said the matter was being taken care of, but that the City definitely will nov underwrite any plan in that connection in view of t he ~ zac~ that all previous unde~,~ritings by the City had been failures. The house will cost about ~2,000 to finish, and a collection all over to~ will be ~de~ Rev~ Nurray Day has been elected Treasurer and will handle ~tl money received in such a way as to stretch it over the time that ~ii elapse before the widow begins to rec~iv~ her ail~vance of approx~ imately $127~00 a month from the State~ The City b~s no Poor Fund as heretofore it has not had any poor people, and donations may be left either at the City Hall or with ~r~ Day~ ~ean- while the family has been presented with a Nr. Seegitz said his wife, who is President of the Club, has been hoping that the cemetery would have been off, ready for the landscaping which the Club wished to =arda~. levelled begin, The Mayor said the City Dm d been offered 2,000 yards of fill and it was hoped thav the work would be carried ouo in the near future; that it was the responsibility of the City and had been under discussion for about foyr years. z~erKel suggested asking ~ne Vetera~.,s puny for a price for doing the ~,%ork~ which s.~ao~a not take more thee,_ a d '~ ay. Const ruction Corn- Shook said ~ Seegitz drew avzenvion to what he considered to be a lack of fire plugs ~ - ~n the district where he iives~ The ~,,a~:or sa-;d 52 hydrants were on order and would be Theo~y~'~ ~"~e_~k~ read an a~ptication for the position of Eiecvrical !nspec~or_from_ Edgar J, ~,~h~me~_s~r.~ ' -~ It was ~.e~_a~a to name hi~ as vemporary inspecvor 3.ntii such ~,_ma as ~.r~ Crcwley had recovered s,~e~' ~' ~"~- u.~c~e_.uu~y from his to be %o ~e~urn 5o his ~ob~ Lfr~ Hood moved and k~r~ Shook seconded should be compensated for vhe work ,be ; ~ t' na~, }Jr. Greenwood done so fa~ for ~-~y ~!erk drew attention vo ~v~u= ~ taxes ~ · ~ ~ ~l~ys Thisman for ~ ~ga~,~s~ F.~, and c ~ ~eye~ ~ 1950, noon ~de a mot~os~ =~.o~d~- oy ~*~ ~f ~'o ~ + the ...... ~ .....e~l ~ha~ ~t, ~b~ the t~xe~ ~ e ~ -~. of A discussion on filing cabinets for the ne;~' real estate se5u[_ follov,~ed- The City 31erk said a file-~,¥itk locks ~'omid be ~b~al~eo =_r ~±_=.0u~ and a __~ep~oof one for ~233.35 that the pressnz c~zs hsd no locks ar:d was nov flreproof~ and that full credit would be allowed for it if it wes turned in The Mayor suggested getting prices from other Companies. The City 3ierk read Ordinance No.2~3, amending Ordinance No.l?5~ This was the second and final reading. ~,,~ Shook made a motion~ seconded by M~.Hood~ that Ordinance No.223 be accepted as read. ~otion tmssed. The matter of the Mack dump truck was then discussed, kr~ ~ood saying that a new one was mos~ necessary~ no~ only on acco~uv of the expense of keeping the presenz one up~ but also because of the loss of man labor involved, The ~ayor reco~mended sending requests for bids for ~ new truck out a~ once, ~o save time. Mr. Bell asked about tires for the Hood said they had b~en ordered through be delivered as they came in. fire truck and i~ gacksonvilis and would ~[r~ ~isrkel raised the ~ueszion of a telephone for Sg-o~ ~arshall ~ The ~ayor said the men are on 12-hour duty, and Sg~0. ~!arshali leaves his car o~.tside his house~ with the radio turned off, vdt±lie eating his di~_~_er~ and cannot then 'ce reached except by telephone. He does nov take a regular dinner homr~ H~ sama v=e telephone womld cost about ~- ~.p 00 a mont~, and reco~ended that it be pro~ded. ~r. Hood made a motion, seconded by ~r. Provinoe~ that a telephone be put in S~to ~arshall~s home~ the City to pay the minimLun charge: but no long distance calls. Motion imssed~ Mr. Hood referred ye the police car which had been bought until a regular police car could be obtained, and asked whether the City wanted to get a regular one at the presen~ time. The Mayor asked which the City needed most~ a police car or the truc~. Mr. ~ro~_nce said that since the truck cost so much money to opera~e, and the present police ear was satisfactory, he considered that the truck should ha~e priority. h~ ooinion~ said The Chief of Police~ when asked for he guessed it should be the Mr~ Purinton again earnestly asked that the citizens attend the C~uncil meetings and criticise anything that d&~s not meet with their approval, as otherwise it is impossible for vhe Comucil to know their wishes~ At this point the meeting was adjourned by the Mayor until the following Thursday, January ~. The meeting was resumed at 7.30 P.M., yanuary $, all Councilmen present. City Attorney Griffith read in full A RESOLL~ION AUTHORIS/NG THE, ISSUANCE OF $228,000 WATER ~UE BONDS OF ~E ~ OF BO~N ~ACH, ~OR~A, ~D ~o~D!NG FOR ~E ~GHTS OF T~ HO~S ~OF. Upon motion of Mt. Shook, seconded by Mr, Province, Resolution was adopted unanimously. 1951, with this -9 Following the foregoing authorisation of the issuance of $225,000 Water Revenue Bonds of the City of Boynton Beach, City ~_ttorney Griffith read a Resolution covering the offer of Thomas N. Cook & Company tO purchase these Bonds. Upon motion of M~r.Hood, seconded by Mr. Merkle, this Resolution was unanimously adopted. - lO There being no further business the meeting was adjourned by the ~ayor. Mayor. City Clerk. T~tIS ,t~g~OLDYION PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS 1951 the ~d the Syztel~ of the City ?~ Lin~ P6~ of 6~ ~ln ~ Bcyut~m-Delr~ Sc~el P~ ~ W~otb~i~ht 5100 Lin. F%o *f 6~ ~ ~ Xn~'~h ~tr~t fr~a ~lb~ht Av~n~ to L~k~ ~v~ '~t~ T~ t~ ~e City~ ~ ~ p~ ~ the City ~hy per a~¢~ % RE$0LUT~!ON pASSED ;J~D ADOPTED THIS STH'D~i OF ~%NuART, 1951. ~ST~TE OF FLORIDA ) ) COUNTY OF P~ BEACH ) CITY OF BO~VNTON BEACH) SS I do :s~lemn!y swea~ (or affirm) that I will support, pret'ect and defend th~ Constitution and Govern~ me_ut ef the United States,~ the State ef l~lorida~ and of the City ef Boynten Bemch~ that I mm duly q~allfied to h~ld of£ice under the laws of the State of Florida, the charter and l~ws of the City of Boynton Beach, ~nd that I will well and faithfully perform the duties ~f the City Ceuncilm~n of the City upon which I am about to onter~ so help m~ Ged~ Subscribed and sworn to before m~ this ~d day ef January, 195~. ~T~TF DF FLORIDA ) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) CITY OF BOYT~TON BFACH~ SS I ~o solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will ~jo_~szitution amd Govern- summorz~ mrotect and defend the ~ m ment of th~ United Stetes~ the S~te of Florida,. .and of the City of Boyn~on each~ that I am duly q~elmfm~d zo hold office under the laws of the State of ~lorid~ the charter and laws of the City of Boynton Beseh~ and zhat I will well and faithfully merform the duties of the City Councilman of the City umon which I ~m about ~o enter~ so helm me God~ Su~scribed and sworr zo ~e~o~e ~e o~ms 2nd~ day of jcnuary~ Not or~ ~ublic STATE OF FLORIDA C05~Ty OF PALM BF~ACH C ITT 0F BOYNTON BF~CH SS¸ i do eolemnly swear (or affix) that I wilt ~uppop~, protect and defend the Constitution and Govern- ment of the United States~ the State of ~lorida~ and oF the City oF Boynton Beach~ that I am duly qualified ~c hold of£~ce under the laws of the State of Florida, the ch~te~ and laws of tho City of Boynton Beoch, and that will well and faithfully pePf~m the duties oF the City Councilman of the City upon which I am about to ente~, so help me God. _Subscribed and sw.~n to before m~ this 2ndLday of ~a - ~ nua~y~ 195~. ~Y commis~ipn expi~ee~ - ~TATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PAL~ BEACH CITy OF B07fNTON BEACH~ ~S I_~ the undersigned~ having been duly elected as ~ayer~ and alse as President ef the City C~cil~ of the City cf B~to~ Beach~ Pl~ida~ d~ solem~!y sw~a~ (e~ ~Fi~) tha~ i wl!l suppe~t, P~etect ~d d~end the Constitutio~. and ~v~ent ~F the United Stat,s, the State ~F Fl~da, ~d of the City ~f B~t~n Beach: tha~ I ~ duly qualified t~ hold *ffic~ ~de~ the laws of th~ State of FloPida~ th~ Cha~er a~d laws ~f the City ef Bo~t~ Beach, ~d that I will well ~ud faith~lly p~rfo~ the duties ~F Nayor~ ~d ~e~idsnt ~f th~ City COuncil of the City upen which I ~m about to ~nter, so help me Ged~ Snbscrlbed and sw~n to bef~me me this Znd~ day ef Ja~ua~y~ 1951. - ~Y ~°mm~lesi~_ expires: S~TATE OF FLORIDA ) CO~R~TT OF PALN BEACH ) C!TT OF BO~TON BEACH ) SS. I, the undersigned, having been duly appointed as Chief of Police of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida, do solemnly swear Cot affirm) that I will support, p~otect and defend the Constitution and Goverr~nen~ of the United States~ the State of Florida, and of the City of Boynton Beach; that I am duly qualified to held office unde~ the laws of the State of Florida, the charter and laws o£ the City of Boynton Beach, and that of Police me God. I will well and faith*ully e ~ - P r~orm the duties of Chief of ~he City upon which I am about no enter~ so help Subscribed and swor~n to before me this 2nd day of January, l~$1~ ~Y com~isslon ex~l~es~ STAX OF FLORIDA COIR~Ty OF PAL~.~ BEACH CITY OF BO!-NTON BEACH SS, I, the undersigned, having been duly appointed as Municipal Judge of the City of Boynton Beach~ ~lorida~ do solemnly swea~ (or affirm) that I will ~upport, protect and defend the Constitution and Gevernment of the United Statee~ the State of Florida~ and of the City of Boynton Beach; that I am ~ly qualified to hold office under the laws of the State of Fleridm, the cha~ter and laws of the City of Boynton Bemch~ and tha~ t will well and fAith~ully pe~for~ the duties of ~.funicipal Judge of the City upon which t am abou~ to enter, so help me God~ Subscribed an8 sworn to befome me this ~n~ day of January, 1981. Notary Public ~y commis~ion 9xpi~?~: -" ' ~ Y52.