Minutes 12-01-42REGULAR ~XTiNG OF DEC !, 1942. A Reg,!ar t~i~et~g of the BoaL~i of Cit~- ~ ~" ~ ' o£ th® City of Boyato~ B~ach, Hall on Tuesday~ Decembe~ !, P~es~nt: -lorzda, was held at the City 19&2 at 8:00 o~clook P. ~. F~d G. Be~so~ ~ayor J~ff R. S~!i~ Vice ~A~yo~ A. V. Pet~rson~ City Clerk Fmc above constituting the e~ti~e Boa~d ~ssio~ers of the City of Bo y_~on Beach~ ~lo~ma. Th® Einut~s of the Regula~ ~?timg held 1942 were ~ead and approved as ~ead. A bill fo~ $1t0.00 by Frede'rik Rurlme!!e for construction_ of seawall_ at foot of ~-0h'm~ Avenue was aOproved to be applied on taxes o~in~ by ~. Rurmr~e!le. RESOLUTION Upon motio~ n~de by ~onnn~ss-~oner Snell a~d dully ca~ied, th* follow~ Resolution ~as passed a~. adopted: BE iT P~SOL~ by~th~ City ~ ~ ~ ' ~o~ss~on of tbs City of Boynto~ B~ach~ Pa~ Beach Cowry, Florida: SEC 1. That all watch cons~rs who have d~li~qum~t wate~ bills n~st pay at least one-fifth of the ~ou~t owiz~g as of J~.uary l~ A.D. 1945~ on or bef6ne the llth of each month i~ ~a_tzon~ ~ thei~ cu~r~nt wa~ bills, ~C ~. That mo dtsc~nt for prompt paym~z~t of waist bills will b~ allowed ~til delinquent wat~ bills ' nav~ .b~n paid ~ ~C Z. T~t th~ o~erod ~d directed tod~scontmnu~' wate~ se~vio~ to a~y a~d ~i~ watsr consumers who fail to m~e cave, ts as specified in Sectio~ Z hereof. - - "A~N 0HD!~NCE OF T/EE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, p~ BEACH cOUNTY, FLOR~A~ PEoViDING FOB T~E _REDemPTION OR OF T~S 0R T~ Is~D FOR ~E P~OE T~TO~ -~ pR0~!NG FOR T~ EQUIT~ ~ST~NT ~ S~CI~ ~SS- ~TB$ ~ALTNG P~8 OF OF~I~CES IN T~ PROVIBiOA~S was placed o~ it's First meading, Theme being ~o fu~them business tb~e ~e~ti~g