Minutes 05-04-43 REGULAR MEETING NAY 4, 1943. A Regular ~eeting of the Bo~rd of City Commissioners of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, was held at the City Pall, on Tuesday, ~{ay 4, 1943 at 2:00 o~clock p. E, Present: Red G. Benson, Jeff R. Snell, Vice- A V Peterson, Clerk The above constituting the entire Beard of City Com- ~ssione~s of the City of Boynton Beach, Flo_~ida. The ~inutes of the Regular Meeting of April Vth, 1943 were read and approved as read. Upon motion made by Commissioner Benson, seconded by Commissione~ Snell and duly carried, t_~ following Bills were approved for payment: Florida Power & Light Co $ 135.23 Southern Bell Te~. Co BV.~2 Paul Merest 23.62 Hood' s Auto Service 88.~ Wilson Moto~ Co (New Ca~) A Resolution was adopted objecting to the passage p~oposed bill in the State Legislatt~ve that would change the manne~ in whioh County Co~issioners are nominated in the Primary eleotion, or that would change the boun~m~ies of the p~esent County Commissione~s~ Distriots. 0F~IN~CE NO. 188 entitled: ~An 0~dinance of the City of B.oynton Beac~,. Palm Beach Cotuuty, Florida, Amending Sectzon 3 of Ordinance No. ~as placed on it ' s second ~eading. Upon being put to a vote, the following vote was had there on: · ~ Co ~n~'r~s s -o'ne r Benson ~ - Co~nmss ~one~ Snell - ~ Co~zss_one~ Peter son "AyEe ~AyE~ Not Voting Thereupon Commissioner Benson, as ~layor presiding, declared Ordinance No. 188 to have been duly passed and adopted. In aoso~d~ce with the following public NOTICE "Sealed bids will be received up t° 2:00 ofclock P. Tuesday, May 4th, 1943 for m~ecked Chevrolet Town Sedan 19~@ ~oto~ No. 1325188 - has fou~ practically new tires. Cash bids oz~ly will be co~sid~red. City of Boy~to~ Beach, Pla. Date~ April2V~h, 1943. " The sealed b~ds as received were then opened a~l cash bids were mead as follows: Shore Auto Parts MoCOy~s Garage Jur~ey, s Repair Shop CD. as J. God. man Upon motion made by Commissioner Benson, 80.00 120.00 t3~.00 ~ec~nded by Commissioner Pete~son a~d dnly cs~ied, the Chev~$1et Sedan Moto~ No. 1325188 was ordered sold to Chas J. Go.smart fop the amo~ut of his bid, $1~0.00 the meeting adjour~ned. being no further business Vioe-Nayor city Clerk