Minutes 04-24-45SPECIAL .~TMTiNG OF APRIL ~4, 194§. A Speelal ~eetimg o£ the Board. of City of the Cit~Y of Boynton B~.ach~FI0mida, was held ~t the Ci~ ~1i on Tuesday, April 2~ !~8 at 2:~ o'cl~k P. ~. P~esent: ~Villi~ J. Daly- R V T~t~e~l- V- ~o~ ..... A V Pete~son- Cl~k The above constitut~ the enti~7 Board of Ci~ Co~- issioners of ~e City of Bo~t~ R~, Florida. It bei~ ascer~ined that ~. W. O. Wi~, Auditor, b~d not ~ender~d ~ audit ~opo~t fo~ the yea~ ssio~r Tattersall moved t~t ~s services ~e ~spe~sed with~ w~oh motiom was seconded by Co~msiomer Daly ~d duly c~ied. The~e being no further business the meeting adjom~ned.