Minutes 10-02-45N~;~;TING OF CCTOBER 2~ 1945. A Eegular Meeting of the Bcard of City Comuissioners of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, was b~ld at the City Hal~ on Tuesday, October B~ 1945 at 2:00 o~clock Present: William J, Daly, Mayor A. Vo Peterson, Clerk The above constituting a majority of the Board of City Conmuissioners of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The Minutes of the Regular Meetiug of Sept 4th 19~5 (postponed to-Sept llth) were read and approved as ~ead. Upon motion made by Co..~nission~ Daly, seconded by Commissioner Peterson and duly carried, the following bills were ap~oved for pa~w~mnt: Soutt~rn Bell Telephone Co $ 4V.81 Crane Company 190o6~ K & K Pipe & Supply Co 15.04 Farqu~r Machinery Co 14. 08 The H & W B Drew Co There being no further business at the moment, the meeting recessed to October 31st, 1945 at 2:00 o~clock at which time all members being present, again oalled to order: A discussion was had concernir~ a the meetir~g was gas sto~age cylinder belonging to the Southeastern Natural Gas Corpn, apparently unloaded from a freight car for the purpose of installing on the North Federal Hig~ay between the highway and t~ it was decided to not g~ant a permit for such business at tb~t location pending further Luvestigati~. It was mutually agreed upon to employ Bill Easton to mak~ plans and specifications for a new fire station; appropriation for the cost of said building havi~..g been heretofore made and approved. The resignation of Mr. Bobert R. Toe,set as a member of the Casino Cor~ittee was accepted with regrets. discussion was had relating to the tentative appointment of Mr. Stanley Jaconski as Casino Custodian. Terms and conditions to be discussed late~. "ORDINANCE NO. AN 0RDI~W~NCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, PAI~ EEACH COUNT~, FLORIDA, PRO~ING A B~T, S~TING F~TH T~ I~MS ~w G~L EXPOSE ~ OF INTEu~EST REQUI~TS UPON T~ INDEB~- ~SS ~ T~ CITM 0F BOYh~ B~CH, PA~ ~ACH COD~$ FLOR~A~ A~ F~iNG A TAX R~E 0R ~EG A T~ ~VT FOR G~R~ ~ AIO I~RE~ ~QUiRE- ~S UPON ~ I~EDNESS ~ T~ C~Y 0F B0~TON B~CH, FL~R~A~ FOR TE FINAL ~ EGI~G N0~M~ l, 1945 ~ ~ING ~T0~ 31~ 1946." was read Co~issioner Tattersall moved the adoption of 0rd~nanc~ No. 195 which motion was seconded by Co~missioner Daly~ a~d tmanimoue ly carp led. Thez~upon Comuissioner Daly, as ~yc~ p~esiding, d~ec~red Ordinance No. 198 to have been passed and adopted and in effect. There being no f~ther business the meeting adjot~ned. Vice-~ayor.