Minutes 03-04-47REGUL~R MEETING OF COMMISSIONERS OF T~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ FLA~ MARCH 4~ 1947 at 2:00 P.M. A regular meeting of the City Commissioners of the City of Boynton Beaeh~ Fla. was held at the City Hall on Tuesday~ March 4~ 1947 at 2:00 P~M, the following ~elng all of the Commissioners who were present: Paul Mercer~ Mayor B, V, Tattersall~ Vice Mayor Clarence Benson~ City Clerk The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, The minutes of the regular meeting of February 4th were read and approvede Mr, Hartung appeared before the Commissioners to request a delinquent tax settlement on Lo2s 8~13 Block 21 Bowers Park~ and Lots 22-2~ Bloc~ 21 Central Park ~nnex on the basis of ~wo years delinquent plus the current tax, This property being in the smme subdivision as other property purchased by Mr, Hartomg for which the delinquent taxes had been settled on this basis~ the Commissioners granted the request but agreed that any other delinquent taxes must be settled on a five year and curren~ basis, it was brought to the Commissioners~ attention that no replies have been received concerning the cleanup st the rear of Hood's garage and the septic tank at Wacksman~s place~in colored tovm, The Commissioners requested that Mr, Whitfield be sent to each of these places to check on them, Representatives of the Youth Council appeared before the Co~missioners having as their spokesmen Mrs, ToeLaer and M~, Harless for the purpose of convincing the Commission of the importance of a p~rk ~nd playground on Ocean Avenue south of the school, They requested assurances from the Commissioners of at least a $1200 yearly f~ud set aside for water~ lights an5. ground and building maintenance, It was pointed out by the spokesmen that a building will be erected from a drive for donations, The council also urged the Commissioners for a legal paper ~rawm up to forever set aside this property for a oublic park and barring any portion of it being sold for any other purpose, The Commissioners agreed to have Mr, McCoy draw up the necessary papers protecting this land for a park'but declined to promise anything in the way of a yearly fund until such time as a budget was drawn up and_ it was seen that money could or could not be set aside for this purpose, The Commissioners did state they are in Favor wholeheartedly with the program, Requests were received from Miss Wylma Slavems~ Mrs. Clara B. ~aite and Mrs. W. S, Sheoard to serve on the election board April ~4th. These requests were accepted by the Commission. Mr. Seegitz was appointed to act as Deputy for the election. -2- A letter was received from the Boynton Beach School District requesting that adequate schoel zone signs be secured and placed in the street at the east and west boundary of the school zone during school hours, They also requested oolice protection during school hours. By action of the Commissioners~ school zone signs will be olaced and the police will be instructed to check on the area. A letter was received from Mr. Durst complimenting the City on a fine clesnup job he had requested near his home. · O Letter received from Jessie M. Crawford regarding inquiry mnt due her her de±~nouent aha current taxes. She states sh-e had credit of $123.7~ from the year 1933 on. The Commissioners ruled to allow her the credit and asked that a letter be written to that effect. Mayor Mercer asked for a motion to buy a dump truck. This motion was made by Mr. Tattersall and seconded by Mr. Benson. A letter was received from J. Hatless confirming-the Commission's ~' ~ Tax Roll. ~eques, that he assist in the preparstion of the 19~7 ~mt~ The letter al~o explained in deJaml the amo'~ut of work involved but Mr. Hatless was unable to state the cost of this work. The Co~mission declmned to make a final decision on the m~te~ until ~ne cost of this work is made ~uown. L. H~tley brought a complaint before the Commissioners against ..... e and noise was caused the ~luc in Colored Tow~. He stated much dmsturoanc due to all night sessions at the Club. The Co~missioners agreed to see that the Club was closed at 2:00 ~,M~ and if not~ the license will be revoked, . Mr, Marcinowski requested by letter ~nat the Cmty assume cost of filling in a mosquito ditch on his oroperty which the Mosquito Control Board had dug~ Commissioners ruled to pay 1/2 of the expenses, By action of the Commissioners~ a check was authorized for pa3~ant · ~ ~ ~ ~se for overpayment of taxes because of to C. O, k_~le~ to re~mbu~ him unauthorized overassessment~ The p!sn ~resented to the Commissioners at the last meeting regarding savit~ the city money on ~ower consumed 'by its water pumping system ~as again withheld pending further investigation. Mr. H. W. Aiken requested action by the Commissioners regarding his delinquent taxes~ It was ruled that it be settled by five years olus current year. Mr. Tattersa_l presented the Commission .with his resignation was finally ~ffec~v March 31~ 19WT. After a lengthy orotest~ it accepted by Mayor Mercer and_ seconded by Mr~ Benson. Mr. McCoy was phoned to learn ~nether or not a resolution will have to be drawn up ~ " Tattersall for the ~!ec~on of a Vice Ma~or in view of the fact, ~h~t. ~m. resigned effective ~avcn 31~ z9W7~ one year before ~ermmna~mon of o_~mce. - - ~ud agreed to do Mr. Mc~ y stated a resolution will have to be drawn uo so at once~ A question was brought up regarding the consolmaacio~ of the Boynton Beach and Delray High Schools~ The Commissioners stated this was entirely up to the School Board. Mr. Purinton brought before the Commission a question regarding new homes which he has constructed in Colored Town. He was uuaware of a road to be placed there and had_ built homes on this right-of-way. The road being used there runs directly over privately-owuaed property. His request was that the Commission take action regarding leaving the road where it now is being used because if not~ the houses will have to be moved. The Commission stated nothing could be done by them but suggested Mr. Purlnton ourchase those lots in question. A letter was written and approved authorizing Caldwell~ Marshall~ Trimble & Mitchell to perform the necessary work in cormection with the ~ew bond refunding and their fee to be Mr. Hartu~%g requested an additional two year plus current tax settlement on the following acreage: Section 33 All of W½ of Lots 9~12 Inclusive and all of W% of Lots 17-20 Inclusive of 80 acres, The Co~sissioners ruled that settlement would be five years plus current year zaxeso The following oroinance~mends ordinance ~1~3 enact_ed ~AN ORDINANCE BY THE TOWN OF B0-.~q~TON~ PALM BEACH COUNTY~ FLORiDA~ PROVIDING ~E RULES: REGD~ATIONS~ A!fD REQUIREMENTS iN T~ ERECTION~ BUILDING~ AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS OF EVERY KI~$ OR NATURE~ ~ OTHER S~UCTURES ~ ~qIN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TO%~ OF BO~TON~ FLORiDA~ AISD PROVIDING PENALTIES$ Ad~ DECL~_RiNG AN E~RGENCY,~ Passed and adooted by the Town Commission of the Town of Boynton on the secon~ day of Apri!~ 19~0, %ffHEREAS it is deemed advisable and to the best'interests of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida and inhabitants thereof that .Section 3 of Ordinance No. 173 entitled~AN ORDINANCE BY THE T0~N OF B0k~TON~ PALM BEACH COUNTY~ FLOEIDA~ ~ROVIDING THE RULES~ REGULATIONS~ Ad~ REQULRE~NTS iN THE ERECTION~ BUILDING~ AND CONSTRUCTION OF BUILDINGS OF EVERY KIND OR NATo~RE~ ~n%~D OTHER STRUCTURES~ WiTHiN THE CORPORATE LIMITS OF THE TO%~ OF BOY~NTON~ FLORg~ AN~ PROVIDING PEND~TiES$ A~ DECLARING ~dN EMERGENCY," be mmended as herein provided, NOW THEREFORE be it. ordained that sub-Section A of Section under the title ~Fees" be mud the same is hereby repealed. BE IT ~THER ordained that the following sub-section A $1.00 for issuance of permit o!us $.10 per $t00 on the estimated cost Of such buitding~ structure~ alteration~ repair or aao~ion. be inserted in !ieu~ in olaee~ and instead of the provisions of Section A so repealed as aforesaid. BE IT FURTHER ordained that a degree of emergency does exist and is hereby declared to exist for the immediate preservation of the oub!ic peace~ health:&safety of the mu_nicipality of~Boynton Beach for the oassage and adovtion of this ordinance. BE iT FURTHER ordained that this ordinance beingan ~'~.~o~e,~_. ge~.,cy~ ordinance is passed and adopted at this meeting upon wduIch the same was introduced and passed. PASSED AND adopted thiis 4th d~a Marc~ A.D., z9 7, Mayor ~tte~t: Vice Mayor C~ Commissioner Mercer moved the adoption of the foregoing ordinance and Commissioner T~ttersall seconded the motion for the adootion of the foregoing ordinance~ such ordinance having been read in full and fully discussed by the Commission~ upon a vote being had and taken~ such ordinance was passed and adopted as an emergency ordinance and declared to be passed and s~opted by the Mayor. AN 0RDiN~CE DESIGNATING CERTAIN LA~DS FOR STREET A~ R0kD PT3U{P0SES~ AND DEDICATING THE SAME TO THE, USE OF THE PUBLIC~ AND DECLARING ~_N EMW~RGENCT. W~_'~REAS~ it is deemed to be to the best interests of the residents and taxpayers of the municipality of Boynton Beach: Florida~ that certain r_gnts~of-way be dedicated for road and street purposes$ NOW: THEREF0n~=~ BE IT ORDAIneD by the City Commission of the City of Boynton-Beach~ Florida~ that the following described pieces of proo~rty~ situate in Section Township ~ South~ R~nge ~3 East~ in Boynton Beach~ Palm Beach County~ Wlorida, viz: The North Fifty Feet of the South 710~ of the East Half ofthe Northeast Quarter~ lying west of Federal m_gnway~ The North Fifty feet of the South i~78~.07 feet of the East Half of .~.a Northeast Quarter~ lying west of Federal Highways The North Th=r~y feet of the East Half of the Northeast ° ' o~na east of the Quarter lying west of the Fed%ral Highway ~TM Hight-of-way of Florida East Coast Raiiway~ be~ and the same hereby are~ designated as rights-of-way for street ~ud road purposes~ and the same are dedicated perpetually hereby for the use of the oublic as such rights~of-way for street and road ~urposes; BE IT FL~THER ORDAi~D~ that a grave emergency~ affecting the health: peace mud safety of the residents ~ud the ci, tizens of the City of Boynton Beach~ Florida~ requiring the immedis6e passage and adoption of this ordinance does hereby exist: and is hereby declared to exist~ and this ordinance shell be effective immediately upon its passage and. adootion. ~ d PASSED end aaopte this Attest: City Clerk A letter was received,from F_orida Power & Light Company asking authorization to install one ov~rnead~ bracket type street light at the an corner of Woolbright Road d Federal Highway. The Commissioners instructed that letter be written authorizing the Florida Power & Light Company to install-lighting as follows: i M.E.Churc~ - Green ~t~ Old Lights , ~ = 6 - Colored Town ~ " -19 - North Federal New " - 1 - Corner Ocean Ave.-F~uth St. ' " I _eaeral and Woolbright Rd. '~ " - 4 = Ocean Avenue " ~ 2 ~ Federal The meeting was dectarad following 3-29=~7 adjourned by the Mayor immediately authorization for pa~ent of the attached list cf bills. Vi~e-Mayor City Clerk The following bills were authorized for payment: ~moqn~ David ~%ite Lee Thomas Leonard Harris James Taylor Jeff Millines Charlie Floyd parker Ward Holland May Clarence Benson B, V. Tsttersall Paul Mercer Annabelle Dunbar Claude McCoy 0. S; Heaton jot~nRaulerson Jr. A. C. Carver Thomas Whitfield Arthur Cook Ruth Hughes Florida Power & Light Southern Bell Telephone & Telegraph C. O. Miller Boynton Beach Electric Shop Ruth Hughes Annabelle Dunbar Parker Ward Charlie Floyd Jeff Millines James Taylor Leonard Harris Lee Thomas John Rigsby Harvel & Woolbright Menoher & Myers A. R. Cook Annabelle Dunbar Ruth Hughes Lee Thomas L~onard Harris Lee Oliver Charlie Floyd James Taylor Jeff Millines Parker Ward Petty Cash Boynton Equipment Company , Leonard Harris Lee Thomas Parker Ward J~mes Taylor Jeff Millines Annabelle Dunbar $ 27. O0 32.8o 32.80 33.00 ¥0.00 33.0o 32.80 203.20 5o. oo 50. oo 50.00 23. O0 50.00 98 .l+0 189.20 173 .~-0 202.20 26~. 20 266.66 91.39 65.28 9¥.95 27.30 25.50 32.80 33.00 ~0. O0 33. oo 32.80 32.80 ?. 3 3?.50 2~. O0 27.30 32.80 32.80 27. O0 27 · O0 21. O0 ¥o. oo 32.80 l+1 .~+9 · 1¥7~.17 32.80 32.80 32.80 33.00 ~o. oo ?.50 Ruth Hughes Dorothy Shepperd Firemens payroll T. B. Whitfield - supplies C. H. Hood Austin Suoo!y Co. Cameron ~ ~ark!ey Co. John Marcin HilTs Hardware F. L. ?urinton Pittsburg Equitable Meter Co. Rockwell Mfg. Co. Mueller Co. Stsndard Service Station Halsey & Griffith Elton Harvel Jurney's Service Station Ross Garage Shaw Bros. 0il Company Wilson Motors ~ r Mack International Mo~o Truck Corp. Amount $ 27.30 1~o:oo 3 oo 396.99 2~.oo ~6.82 102.00 3¥.00 2o.33 117.00 2.~6 31~.5~ 23S.3~ 13.95 35.65 75.00 io.5o 3o.$0 77.32 6~gO