R92-201RESOLUTION NO. R92-~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A DEPARTMENT OF THE A~Y PERMIT, NO. 199130796(IP-LS) AND A PRIVATE AIDS TO NAVIGATION APPLICATION, FOR THE BOAT CLUB PARK CHANNEL PROJECT; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida has deemed it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida to execute a Department of the Army Permit, together with a Private Aids to Navigation Application for the Boat Club Park Channel Project; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby authorized to execute a Department of the Army Permit, No. 199130796(IP-LS), together with a Private Aids to Navigation Application for the Boat Club Park Channel Project. Section 2. That this Resolution effective immediately upon passage. shall become PASSED AND ADOPTED this //7 day of November, 1992. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA .oner ATTEST: Ci~(y Clerk (Cerpor~t~ Sea~) Pro D~i~A~I~T OF ~E A~gf F~{IT ui'lY OF BOYNT~ BEAf~{ PAR~S ~ lq~f~%~R-~(l~ 199130796(IP-LS) r~in~ Offioe: U.S. Army En~neer Disr_ric~ Jacksonvilln NOllE: The term "you" and its derivatives, as used in this permit, means the permittee or any future transferee. The term "this office" refers to the appropriate district or division office of the Corps of Engineers havir~ jurisdiction over the permitted activity or the appropriate official of that office actir~ under the authority of the cc~manding officer. You are authorized to perform work in accordance with the terms and conditions specified below. Project Descripti~: To maintenance dredge the easterly 630 linear feet of an exlstir~ navigation channel and install private aids to navigation as shown and described on attached plans numkered 199130796(IP-LS) in 6 sheers, dated Nover~cer 27, 1991; Revised September 15, 1992. Project I~c~ti~: In Lake Worth at t_he Boat Club Park on NE 20-Avenue entrance channel extend3_ng west from the Atlantic Intracoastal War_erw~y in Section 15, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. t. The time limit for completing the work authorized ends on If you find that you need more time to complete the authorized activity, submi% your request for a time ex~:ension to this office for consideration at least one month before the above da~e is reached. 2. You must maintain the activity authorized by this permit in good condition and in conformance with the terms and conditions of this permit. You are not relieved of this requlrement if you abandon the permitted activity, although you ~ay make a geed faith transfer to ~ third par~y in compliance with General Condition 4 below. Should you wish to cease =o maintain the authorized activity or should you desire to abandon it without a good faith transfer, you mus= obtain a m~dification of this permit from this office, which may require restoration of the area. 3. If you discover any previously unknown historic or archeological remains while accomplishing the activity authorized by this permit, you must ~mmediately notify this office of what you have found. We will initiate the Federal ar~ s~ate coordination required ~o determine if the rema3_ns%no_rran~ a DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY - JACKSONVILLE DISTRICT CORPS OF ENGINEERS P. O. BOX 4970 JACKSONVILLE FLORIDA 32232.0019 Regulatory. D ivis'~.on South Permits Branch 199130796 (IP-LS) OOT West Palm FL 33409 D~ Mr. Shaffer: Enclosed zs an original and a copy of an unsigned Department :of the Army permit instrument for the City Of Boynton Beach, Parks and . Recreation Department. Both copies ~t be signed by the applicant in the space provided on the, last page:of the insr_rument. In the case of corporations, acceptance must be by an officer of that corporation. Type or print the name and title~ of [the person signing below the signa=ure and t_he date signed. ~his indicates that the applicant accepts the provisions and conditions of the permit. Your attention ls drawn to the special conditions included on pages 2, 3 and 4 of t_he permit. In accordance with General Condit.ion number 5 on page 2 of the permit, a ~ of the specific conditions stated in the water quality certification has been attached and therefor~eL{beccm',es a,par~ of the Department of the Army permit. SIGN ,AN~.~=T~AN ~ .THE ORIGINAL AND THE COPY TO THIS O~'~'ICE. The original will be signed by the District Engineer and returned you with a pt~ to be posted at the site. The permit is not valid until it.is signed by the District Engineer. sincerely, Chief/ Rec]ulatory Division Enclosure recovery effort or if the site is eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places ....... ~ - ~ 4. If you sell the property associated with this permit, you must obtain the slgr~a~ure of the new owner in the space provided and forward a copy of the permit to this office to validate the transfer of this authorization. 5. If a conditioned wa~er certificasion has been issued for your project, you must comply with the conditions specified in the certification as special conditions ~o this permit. For your convenience, a copy of the certification is attached if it contains such conditions. 6. You mus~ allow rePresennatives from this office to inspecc the authorized activity a5 any time ~deemed necessary to ensure that it is being or has been accomplished in accordance with the terms and conditions of your permit. S[oeci a ] Co.dj. ti(als: 1. The permittee will scrape down 0.3 acre of uplands ~o suitable shallow waser wetland elevations and plant 0.1 acre of the new wetland with smooth cordgrass (spartina alternaflora) seedlir~s on 24-inch cen~ers. 2. The permittee agrees to maintain the planted area until it succeeds with a minimum of 80 percent cover over a continuous three year period. Unsuccessful plants shall be replaced with nursery stock, as required, ~o maintain the required 80 percent cover. 3. The permittee agrees to place the entire 0.3 acre of mitigation under a permanent conservation easemen~ to prevent future developmen~ of the site. 4. The permittee shall provide the Enforcemen~ Branch of the Jacksonville District, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, with documentation that the mitigation, as described above, has been completed by June 30, 1993. Such documentation shall include a written narrative, drawing(s), and photographs. Thereafter, reports shall follow on an annual basis for five years. a. The contractor instructs all personnel associated with the project of the potential presence of manauees and the need to avoid collisions with b. All consr_ruc~ion personnel will be advised that there are civil and criminal penalties for harming, harassing, or killing manatees which are protected under the Marine Mammal Protection Act of 1972, the Endangered Species Act of 1973, and the Florida Manatee Sanctuary Act of 1978. The permittee and/or conr_rac~or will be held responsible for any manatee harmed, harassed, or killed as a result of construction activities. c. Siltation barriers will be made of material in which manatees cannot become enr~ngled, are properly secured, and are regularly monitored to avoid manatee enr_rapment. Barriers mus~ no~ block manatee enr_ry to or exit from essential habi~a~. d. Ail vessels associated with the project will operate at "no-wake/idle" e. If a manatee is sighted within 100 yards Of the consr_ructlon area~ all approprlate precautions shall be i~p!emented to ~.ure pror~ct~ion o~ ?he · m~natee(s). ~e ~precautions ishatl~!in~lude oper~.~r~%gi~a_ll ~I _p~nt in _s_u~cn_ a Operation of .an~ eq~P~en~'iclo.ser~tb~ 5Q~t~a"ma~ee %,~a=~fate shutdown of that equipment. f. Any collision with and/or injury to a manatee shall be reported Lmmediately on the"Manatee Hotline" [1-800-DIAL FMP) and~to the ~U.S~ Fish ar~ Wildlife. service, Jacksonville Field Station (904-79i~2580)for north Florida and/or the Veto. Beach Field Office at (407~562-3909) for Sduth Florida. g. A minimum of one 3-foot by 4-foot ~emporary manatee awareness consr_ruction signs labeled "Manatee Habitat - Idle Speed In Consr_ruction ~ea" shall be installed.and maintained at prominent locations'within the consr_ruction area/docking facility prior to initiation of consr_ruc~ion activities. O~e temporary sign will be located prominently adjacent to the construction permit and, if required, a second r~_mporary c~n~.t~u~ ctio~ si?~. will be insta~Tled in. a location prominently visible to water 're±at~ construction crews. A ~emporary construction criteria sheet is enclosed. All ~rary consr_ruction sigDs shall be removed by the permittee upon completion Of construction. h. '~The contractor shall keep a log detailing sightings, collisions, or Ln]ury to manatees which have occurred during the contrac~ period. Following projec~ completion, a repor~ surmm3rizing the above incidents and sightir~s will be submitted to the Florida Depal-trr~nt of Natural Resources ~DNR)~, Marine Mammal Section, 100 Eighth Avenue SE, St. Petersburg, Florida 33701-5095) and mo the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville Field Office, 3100 University Boulevard So~th, Suite 120, Jack~onville, Florida 32216-2732 for north Florida and/or the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service Field Office, P.O. Box 2676, Vero Beach, Florida 32930-2676 for south Florida. ~e pe~mitt~= sba] ] e~sur~ that: A. One perI0anen~ manatee awareness sign(s) will be installed ar~ maintained at docking and launchir~ facilities within one (1) year of issuance of the permit and at least one additional sign shall be installed on the newly installed channel marker near the AIWW channel. The location of the "Caution Manatee Area" and "Mar~=e Informational.Display, signs will be noted on the a~ached permit drawings. '~ ~'~' ~? !~ Ihe permanent "Caution Manatee ~warenees" signs will be three feet by four feet; 125 gauge 61TS allAminu~, covered with white, engineer grade, reflective sheeting; black, painted letterip~; black screened design; and orange, engineer grade, reflective ~ape border~ These three foot wide by fou~ foot long signs Shall conform ~o the Florida Uniform Waterway Marking System in accordance wit~ Florida Statute 327.40-1. The installation of these signs shall be in accordance with DNR specifications for such signs. Sign ins~atlation specifications an~ permanenn manar_ee awareness sign criteria are attached- to this permit. na.±em an aestgnanee £~catlons shall ~be forwarded to the U.S. ~ Corps of Engineers, Jacksonville District office as soon as they are 'installed. Signs and pilings remain the responsibility of the owner(s) and ars no be maintained for-the life of the docking/launching facility in a manner acceptable To the corps of Eng~eers. c. A permanent "Mananee Information Display" (consisting of two signs, "Manatee Basics For Boaters,' and "West Indian Manatee Fact Sheet") will be ~.l!ed pr$or no mooring occupancy at'a prominent location within the aclllty to increase the awareness of bcaters using the facility of' the presence of manatees and of the need to minimize the threat of boats ~o these iocf.s. ~e.~.of Ir~_0r~_tion Dis. p!a_y.s requi{.ed will depend on the %r~ {a~l~ ~e~q~.. ?n~. ~t~n D.~Sp~i~. y is requ.i~ .e~_ at each boat ramp wn ~ap~P'l~ze) ' -~°rma~%~n'-~lsplays rem~ .1~_ the responsibIlity of the er[S3 ar~ are no ~e maintained for the life of the docking/launching facility in a manner a~ceptabl~ to the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. Fl~ther Information: 1. Congressional Authorities: You have been authorized o0 undertake the activity described above pursuant no: (X) Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Act of 1899 (33 U.S.C. 403). ( ) Section 404 of the Clean' Water Act (33 U.S.C. 1344). ( ) Section 103 of the Marine Protection, Research and Sanctuaries Act of 1972 (33 U.S.C. 1413). 2. Limits of this authorization. a. This permit does no~ obviate the need ~o obtain other Federal, s~ane, or local authorizations required by law. b. This permit does no~ gran~ any proper~y rights or exclusive privileges. c. This permit does non authorize any injury To the proper~y or rights of others. d. This permit does not authorize interference with any existing or proposed Federal projects. 3. Limits of Federal Liability. In lssui~ this permit, the Federal Government does not assume any liability for the followir~: or future activitie~ ~ertaken by or on behalf of the United States in .the public interest. a~i~f~f~]6~ s~es ~a~sed by .the~activity au~thoriz~ ~ ~s-~{~ d. DeSign or ~cons ~t-~u~ction ~d~iciensies~ asg~ia~t~d 'with~ the ~per~ij~tged work. e. Damage claims associated with any future modification, suspension, or revocation of this permit. . ~-~ issuance of this ~t is no% c0ntr~, 'to ,.-the~p~b!~ ~t was made in reliance on the 'information youprovid ~ed. ~ 5. Reevaluation of Permit Decision~, ~s offi~ mayrre~-~va~ ~uate .its decision on this permit at any tim~ the c ~t. ~~ that could require a reevaluation' .include, ~dt af~ not limited to, ~the following: a. You fail ~o comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. b. The information provided by you in support of your permit application proves to have been false, incomplete,, or inaccurate (see ~ ,above) , c. significant new information surfaces which this office did no= consider kn reaching the original public interest decision. Such a reevaluation may result in a determination that it,is appropriate ~o use the suspension, modification, and revocation procedures contained in 33 CFR 325.7 or enforcement procedures such as those contain,ed in 33 c~l< 326.4 and 326.5. The referenced enforc~nent procedures provide for the issuance of an administrative order requiring you comply with the =erms and conditions of your permit and for the initiation of legal action where appropriate. You will be required to pay for any corrective measures ordered by this office, and if you fail ~o comply with such d~ective, this office may in certa'.ln situations. (such as those specified in 33 c~R 209.17C) accoK~lish the corrective measures Dy conr-rac~ or otherwise and bill you for the cos~. 5 '6. Extensions. General condition 1 establishes a time limit for the completion of the activity authorized by this ~t~ Unless there are circumstances requiring either a pro, pt completion of the authorized activity or a reevaluation of the public interes~ decision, the Corps will normally give favorable consideration ~o a reques~ for an extension of this time limit. Your signature below, as permittee, indicates that you accept and agree comply with the terms and conditions of this permit. (PK~Mz'I'i'~'~') (DATE) This permit becomes effective when the Federal official, designated to ac~ for the Secretary of the Ar~y, has signed below. (DISTRICT ENGINEER) ','m~RENCE C. SALT Colonel, U.S. ~ (DATE) When the structures or work authorized by this permit are s~lll in existence a~ the time the proper~y is transferred, the ~erms and conditions of this permit will conminue to be binding on the new owner(s) of the proper~y. To validate the transfer of this permit and the associated liabilities associated with compliance with its merms and conditions, have the r_ransferes sign and da~e below~ ( (DATE) 6 PERMITTEE: City of Boynton Beach c/o John Shaffer SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I.D. NUMBER: 5050M05200 PERMIT CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 501972545 PATE OF ISSUe: .$EP 2 3 4992 EXPIRATION DATE: SEt 2 3 1. No person shall commence any excavation, ~construction,- or other, activity 'yin the dse!of sCvereig~ Or 6ther lands of~the stat~'i'ti~l~ t0~which is iv~i~d 12 the Board of Trustees of the Internal Imprcvement Trust Fund o3 the Department of Natural Resources under Chapter 253, until such person has received from the Board of Trustees of the Internal Improvement Trust Fund the required lease, license, easement, or other form of consent authorizing the proposed use~ Pur~uan~ to Florida Administrative Code Rule 16Q-14, if such work is done without' ~sent, or if a person otherwise damages stake ~land or products of state land, the Board of Trustees may levy administrative fines of up to $10,000 per offense. . 2. All other necessary State, Federal, or Local permits must be applied for and received prior to the start of work. 3. Written notification shall be provided to the Department of Environmental Regulation, Southeast Florida District~ Office in West Palm Beach and Palm Beach County Department of Environmental Resources Management, a minimum of forty-eight (48) hours prior to commencement of construction and a maximum of forty-eight (48) hours after comple~ion of construction. 4. The permittee shall be responsible for ensuring that all permit conditions are explained to all construction personnel, and for providing the con~ractor(s) with 'a cop~ of this permit before any constructio~ begins. 5. The following shall be completed prior to dredging the chalunel: (a) The permittee shall complete construction of the mitigation area shown on sheets 5 and 6 of 6, and as described in Specific Conditions 10-13 below. (b) The permittee shall provide to the Department a survey sketch and legal description of the mi~igation area referenced in (a) above (at least 0.3 acre). (c) The permittee shall submit for Department approval a copy of a Conservation Easement~ with the Department as grantee, over at least 0.3 acre of created wetlands, as shown on sheets 5 and 6 of 6 end referenced in (a) and (b) above. Additionally, the permittee shall provide the Department with proof, in the form of a title abstract and certificate of title executed by a person or entity authorized to provide such an opinion, or a title insurance policy, that the area subject to the conservation easement is unencumbered, (as of the date of recording,) or if encumbered, that all holders of property interests with priority over the Department's interest have agreed to release or subordinate their interest to the Department's easement upon receiving Department approval of the Conservation Easement. After approval of the conservation easement by the Department, the permittee shall provide a copy of the executed and recorded copy of the Conservation Easement. This copy shall be certified by the Clerk of Court and shall be received by the Department prior to dr~dging. Page 4 of 10 PERMITTEE: City of Boynton Beach c/o John Shaffer SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I.D. NUMBER: 5050M05200 PERMIT CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 501972546 oF ISStm: SEP 2 3 EXPIRATION DATE: SEP 2 3 d) Boundaries of the channel within seagrasses sh~ll be marked in the field with buoys or other visual markers to limit the dredge area to that shown on the drawings. e) Turbidity barriers shall be installed prior to any dredging or excavation to prevent violations of State Water Quality Standards. The barriers shall be inspected daily by the contractor to ensure that they are maintained in place until all work associated with project construction has been completed. f) The spoil retention area depicted on sheets 2 and 3 of 6 shall be constructed. 6. An effective means of turbidity control, such as, but not limited to, turbidity curtains shall be employed during all operations that may create turbidity so that it shall not exceed 29 Nephelometrtc Turbidity Units above natural background value. Turbidity control devices shall remain in place until all turbidity has subsided. 7. The access channel shall be hydraulically dredged. Spoils shall be pumped to the upland spoil area shoma% on sheet 2 of 6. The dredge shall be operated in a manner to minimize disturbance of seagrasses beyond the area shown on sheet 2 of 6. 8. Turbidity monitoring equipment and personnel trained to use it shall be kept on-site during all operations that may cause turbidity. 9. The permittee shall monitor turbidity levels at least every four hours during dredging or filling operations and when the dredge is shut down due to a pipeline break or other circumstances which might affect water quality. Samples shall be taken at top, mid-depth and one foot above bottom at monitoring stations located as follows: 1. In Lake Worth a. at least 500 ft. up-current of the dredge suction head and clearly outside the influence of dredging activities (background). b. 10 ft. down-current of the silt curtain around the discharge pipe, and 50 feet do~rn current o~ the cutterhead, or with any visible turbidity plume (compliance sample). All monitoring data shall be submitted to the Department's Southeast District Office within one week of analysis with documents containing the following information: (1) permit number; (2) dates of sampling and analysis; (3) a statement describing the methods used in collection~ handling, storgge and analysis of the samples; (4) a map indicating the sampli~"16~ations and (5) a Page 5 of 10 PERMITTEE: City of Boynton Beach c/o John Shaffer SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I.D. NUMBER: 5050M05200 PERMIT CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 5019725W6 DAr OF ISS : SEP 23 EXPIRATION DATE: statement by the individual responsible for implementation of the sampling program concerning the authenticity, precision, limits of detection and accuracy of the data. Monitoring reports shall also include the following information for each sample that is taken: (1)_time ~2) idepth of ; (3) depth of sample; (4) : conditions (5) ; and (6) wind direction and velocity. If monitoring ,ent violations of the state water quality standard for turbidity, les shall cease immediately and not resume until asures have been taken and turbidity has returned to acce~ such occurrence shall also be immediately reported to the Department of Environmental Regulation, Southeast District Office. in a timely manner constitutes grounds for revocation of 10. Prior to planting the mitigation area, the mean high water, mean low water, and planting elevations shall be staked in the field. 11. The permittee will us~ adequately sloped and prepared substrates to achieve a tidal regime conducive to maximum survival and success of the mitigation areas. 12. Smooth cordgrass: ~Spartina '~) shall be planted in the created shoreline in the areas ~epi=ted on sheet 5 of 6. Plantings shall be replaced as necessary to maintain 80Z survivorship of the vegetation until the Department determines the estahltstunent of the created wetland is reasonably assured (three years). At tb/s time, the Department will inform the permittee in writing of the fulfillment of this requirement. 13. The permittee shall use health~ smooth cordgrass 4" plugs placed on 2' centers. Within 7 days.after init!al planting the perm! tree shall submit a "baseline" report With 'photographs' (from referenced locations) specifying the date and n~mher of piant~ngs. Ad'awing shall he included to show the location of photographs. Suhseguent monitoring reports are to he submitted quarterly, with the first report ~e ~three (3) months after the baseline report, and shall Page 6 of 10 PERMITTEE: City of Boynton Beach c/o John Shelf er SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I.D. NUMBER: 5050M05200 CE TIFICATZO m mB . DAT OF SSU : SEP 2 3 5OZ EXPIRATION DAZE: SE? z 3 - include the number of plants surviving, additional plugs planted, explanations for any failure of plantings to thrive and photographs from the locations referenced in the baseline report. Additional monitoring reports, with the same information as outlined above, are due the first week of each subsequent quarter for three years or untll the department determines the revegetation is successful. 14. The permittee shall secure adequate replanting supply for mortality replacement to maintain a minimum 80~ survival during the monitoring period. 15. The mitigation area Shall be kept free of debris and exotic/nuisance vegetation, and shall be protected from intrusion by foot traffic and other unnecessary disturbance by appropriate fencing or barricades, as necessary. 16. It is the intent of :! mitigation project ~to ~reate viable, functional, productive estuarine marsh wetlands. In orderto :offset the adverse impactsof the permitted!DroJect~ the-created a=eais ~pected to perform the following functions: contribute to primary productivity .and detritat ~xport, provide habitat, forage and breedin~ areas for fish and wildlife, amd provide shoreline buffering against wave and wi~d action. Successful establishment of careful monitoring and may require meet the Department's goals. It is permit, azld the p or'to, post a in order to provide 17. Within 90 days of comPiet site with a and/or the FloTida Un2 327.40-1). transitional zone will require and/or hydrological adjustments to that the permittee's obligation ife of the a long-term agreement ~iration, will be successful. location shall be marked on Coast Guard Regulations Florida Statutes Chapter 18. The permittee shall ensure that: Prior to commencement of construction, the prime contractor will obtain from Florida Department of Natural Resources., Florida Marine Patrol, Office of Boating Safety, 3900 i:Commonwealth Boulevard, Tallahassee, Florida 32399 (904) 488-5757, a permit for posting of temporary sign(s) in manatee areas. Th'is permit will be issued for either 60, 90, 180 or 240 days. In order for this permit to be.extended, a request in writing must be received by the Florida Marine ~a=rol, Office of Boating Safety, prior to expiration of the permit. If no ~equest for exteRsion is received the contractor(s) must remove the sig~(s), stop work and notify the Florida Marine Patrol, Office of Boating Safety., in writing, within ten working days. Page 7 of 10 PERMITTEE: City of Boynton Beach c/o John Shaffer SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I.D. NUMBER: 5050M05200 PERMIT CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 50197!2546 DATE OF ISS : SEP 2 3 EXPIRATION DATE: After tke permit is issued ~but prior to commencement of construction, the prime contractor involved in the construction activities shall display in a prominent location~ on the ~vessel, visible.to all employees operating the vessel, a sign (temporary placard) at least 8~"xll" reading, "Manatee Habitat Area". In the absence of a vessel a sign (temporary) prominently adjacent to the acard location ~rominently Temporary notices are to be bl~cE reflective- b ackgro=nd; ~ernational ~o~ange,w~th a. white error signs do The with the project of the colli~ion~ 'W~th are civil and ~riminal protected :les Act ,ermittee:~nd~or harmed, harassed, or :at. manatees cannot become monitored to avoid manatee entry to or exit from Ail vessels ~assoc,iated with all t while in four deep water ~henever p ensure set :lose= than 50 at "no wake/idle speed" at the vessel provides less that a will follow routes of Operations bf any necessitate immed%ate shutdown of that equipment. construction/ shall be implemented to shall include the feet of a manatee. fe~t of a manatee shall Page 8 of 10 PERMITT~E: City of Boynton Beach c/o John Shaffer SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: I.D. NUMBER: 5050M05200 DATE~F ISSUE: SEP-2- 3 DA E: SEP 2 3 Any collision with and/or injury to a manatee is reported immediately to the Florida Marine Patrol (i-800-DIAL FMP) and to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Jacksonville Office (904-791-2580) for North Florida and to the Veto Beach Field Office (407-562-3909) for South Florida. The contractor maintains a log detailing sightings, collisions, or injuries to manatees s~ould they occur during the contract peniod. Following project completion, a report summarizing incidents and sightings is submitted to the Florida Department of Natural Resources, Marine Research I~stitute, Office of Protected Species Research, 100 Eighth Avenue, S.E., S~. ~6tersburg, Florida 33701~5095 a~d ~to~ the U.S. Fish and Wildlife S~r~i~e, 3100 Unive~SityBoulevard, JacksonVille, Florida 32216. chart an~ the posting. Pro,tected Species permittee al0ngi' on lantic Intracoastal Waterway. Within 30 days of .send a.~project site plan and a in relationship to waterways Resources, Division of Blvd., :~ed ~pecies Management i~e ~lan-the type~amd number of signs In areas where manatee signs will be designated for locations by the Office of will be returned to the sign~plters. au~ion Manatee of Area", awareness and regulatoTy signs are Allodined (corrosion proof) reflective sheeting; black, 1" in height; and an orange T~enumber of signs required will depend The~e. signs shall conform to the Florida orda~ce with F.S. 327.40-1. The he made in accordance with the Permanent Information DisRlays (consisting of two signs "Manatee Basics for Boaters" and '~w;~J%d~a~a~n~;eecfmapC;et~et~h~i~ ~eaitns~a~;~ ~and at the basin ~ : i! ~ i i location (facing toward shore), to increase the awareness of boaters using the facility of the presence of manatees add of the need to minimize the threat of boats to these a~imals. At~ least one set of Information Display signs is required at the facility. Permanent Information Display sign locations will be specified by FDNR when other permanent sign locations are designated (j above). A list of sign suppliers will '%% 'forwarde~ with the returned site plans. Page 9 of 10 PERMITTEE: Gity of Boynton Beach c/o John Shaffer I.D. NUMBER: 5050M05200 PERMIT CERTIFICATION NUMBER: 50197254~ SEP 2 3" DATE OF ISSUE: .2? EXPim~TIO~ DATE: SEP 2 3 .~o~.., SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: ms A notarized verification (letter) containin~ the latitude and longitude for each sign installed alon~ with a statement that permanent signs have been installed at designated locations shatl be forwarded to Florida Department of Natural Resources, Division Of Marine Resources, Office of Protected species~ da 32399 as ined.for the life of the faci 19. If hist discover notify Archive~;: Florida, 32301. 20. The~ c are of to this office within 21. the ~t~ached "General upon the Statutes. EXEuuI~D ON THIS in West Pa/m Beach, Florid&.' ~ da] 1992 s?.~ oF Do~A D~EVi~TME~i'i OF ENVI£0~NTAL REGD~.A?ION Aetin~ of Oistr. ict,~_M_a~l~ement Page 10 of 10 NTON GOE APPL # '~ / - _ -- DER APPL # DATE //-~7-9! D~WING PAGE LOC T IOH MAP ~AL~4 DOL. PI-t~ GT~.~.T ATLA~ D P-..A¢ H COdHTy, TOWH~t41P~ 4G~ GEE & ?NSOH IENGIN~-ARt'~ITECTS-PLANNI:I~z. INC- · rl~T P^~.J4 BBACH. FLORIDA BOAT CLUB PARK NAVIGATION CHANNEL PALM BEACH COUNTY ..FLORIDA APPLICANT ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 91:156 ~ C~N~TI:ZLt,c'rc-.~ ~ crr-r OF 1~4:,YNTOt.l UpLAHI~ p'l~.C~d~"'r~. ~ACT~AL UPLAH~ - TU~)~T¥ 5c.~ ...~ O,<~'XX 1: LOA'T 114~ DI~c~I4A~G~ X~....~ . , / ' E~' -2.0 / / ! ! N PA~K TO D~: iN'G'rAI. LED~ I I X'A PPROX. MLW 14<2. i;~r~t:~l k~ · _ _,/q~ SCALE ~ R~ 11/91 ~ FEET ~ ~ B~, FLORIDA BOAT C~ DARK NA~A~ON CHA~L PA~ B~~ ~, F~ORIDA APPLICA~ ~$~ OF BOY'ON BEACH DER APPL # DATE DP. AWING PAGE V hlL-Y~' ~XI~T -16 - ..I ~ PIPE ~ ~<1~T. COE ~L it iee;zo79e DATE ~;~Z 7~9; ~:~. g ~N'gZ ~ D~WING BAG~ ~ OF ~ S BC_.TIO~I D-D -0 DER APPL {! ~ DATE z/-~ ?-~ / DRAWING PAGE GEE & JF, NSON F.,N'GINKEP~-ARCklI'I'.~.-~I'S-PLANNERS. INC. BOAT (~.PAPJ( NAVIGATION OHANNEL APPLICANT: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH D~A'~ C '91156 DA E SCALE OVED FILE NO PROPERTY LINE EXIST. DOCK _BASED ON WALLACE ROBERTS & TODD'S COASTAL WATERWAY PARK MASTER PLAN ~1000' TO NORTH PROPERTY BOYNTONBOA~..'' CU.~PARK MLW MHW PROPERTY LINE INTERPRETIVE SHELTER 0.2 AC. E~HALLOW WATE~ HABITAT TO BE DREDGED ~O ~I~PROXIMATELY -2.0' MLW PLANTED CE~ ~ ~H~ SCALE PLAN ' o ~6o FEET BERM SPARTINA ALTERNAFLORA .SEEDLINGS --10 TO BE PLANTED ON 24' CENTERS ---- EL-3' 7-----~ EXCAVATION' SECTION D - D sc^LE R~v. e/~ ~ o F~T 20 A -- - EL+5' , 12'-", NOTE.: EXAGERATED C) F'u ./ ~ VERTICAL SCALE ....:. :. .. : : . / / I-: ~--0 ' - · ' ~Lr~'"~..~_ / ,T I~LW - 1,.o' u. I' SPARTINA ALTERNAFL~)~A/'I ~' ': :~/ / Z_l: SEEDLNGSTOBE _~-'~'_* * ' : '.*-'~*'. "-*'' j [ PLANTED ON 24" CENTERS - ' /- * - ° - ' ~u [.-10 - " EL.-3' SECTION E- E SC~LE' "~ EXCAVATION , r 0 FEET 30 - BOAT CLUB PARK NAVIGATION CHANNEL PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA APPLICANT C0E ,~PL RAO DATE //-ZT-~ I - ~,' SHOWN DRAWING PAGE RECEIVED SEP ~ 1 ~97. EXIST. GROUNO EL.+5' SPARTINA ALTERNAFLORA SEEDLINGS TO BE PLANTED ON 24' CENTERS 30'-~ 12'-~ 20'~ I _ _ $ EXCAVATION SECTION F - F ' SCALE 2b FOR PERMIT USE ONLY NOT, FOR CONSTRUCTION ~.~JOHN. S.-Y'~ENO, P.E. DATE /f- 2 7 - ~ DRAWING PAGE ~ OF 6 _ BOAT CLUB PARK NAVIGATION CHANNEL PALM BEAC.~ COUNTY. FLORIDA APPLICANT '. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DRAFT CERTIFIED - RETURN RECEIPT REQUESTED Commander 7th Coast Guard District ~OAN) Federal Bldg., Room 1012 51 Sw First Avenue Miami; FL 33130 Re; Proposed Aids to Navigation Boat Club Park Applicant: Pity of Boynton Beach's ParKs & Rec. DeD~. A~30E File NO. 199130796 Gentlemen: We have enclosed a completed copy of Form CG-2554. We have also enclosed a Navigational Aids Plan View (sheet i of 1). By way of these materials, the applicant seeks Coast Guard approval for the installation of four single piles supported pay- marks on approximately 200 ft. centers along the City of Boynton Beach's (Boat Club Park) navigation channel which connects to the Atlantic Intracoastal Waterway (ICVVW). The channel markers are to be installed following dredging of the channel [COE Permit No. 199130796). The dredging and associated channel markers will prevent the numerous ongoing groundings. Should you have any questions, please call. Very truly yours, JKS/cw Enc. as stated 91-1 56 cc: Charles Frederick John K. Shaffer, E.I. P?t~ox. I,,1H w / / / I / I ,-~ ,~ / / ~ / / ~ooo~ t / / / / / / / / / / I / I ! / / / / / / / I ~ / / / I / / L/ / / ~ / / / NAVIC, ATiOI,,IAL AilP~ PI-AN PROJECT LOCATION