Minutes 01-07-36REGULAR MEETING OF JANUAR~ A Regular Meeting of the Boa~d of Town Commissioners of ~e To~ of Bo~t~, Flo~da~ was held at the To~ on ~esday even~g, J~u~y 7, 1~36 a~ ~:30 e~clock P. ~..~ P~esent: H.D. Stevens, ~yo~ ~ ~. Me~e!, Vfce-May~ J. P. Bewe~, To~ Clerk The above comstitut~g the entire Boa~ ef Te~ C~- ~ssiene~s of the To~ of B~ton, Flo~i~. . T~ Minutes of the~Re~l~ Neet~g of Deeembe~ 1V, 193~ were ~ead ~d ~pp~ov,d. Upon ~notion ~de by Co~issione~ Bowen, seoonded by Commissioner }tenzel and umanimously ca,tied, bills were approved fop payment when funds Fla. Power & Light Ce Delray Beach News BPe~_nan & Plast~idge Co the followLug a~e available: , $ 104.42 86~00 34.84 Messrs. PpankNutting and ~. R. Meyers appea~ed before the Commissionwith the ~equest Shat a~angements be made fo~_ lighting the shuffle-boaz~i oo~wts. This matter was ~eFe~ed te the Pa~k and Eec~eation Commission. Ms~. Wm, P. ~Somez, vitte a~d~esse8 the Commission on the subject of ~the~onst~ug~tion of some new homes and buildings fu .Bgy~ton .and s~a~ed.~t~_ it ~d been sugges- t~ to him t~t a "Node! H~e" be constructed upon so~ eor~e~ p~0perty on the D~ie Highway which mi~ be used te sh~ prospective h~e ~e~s the type of bui!d~ ~d const~uc~ie~ of a ho~ t~t cou~ be bmil~ in ~e Tm upon leto ~ed by the To~ of B~tom or up~ lots o~ed by ~v~uals. ~. 8me~viEe ~ther stat~ t~t ~ ~d disoussed ~e mtte~ i~o~l~ wi~ s~ oarpe~ters and ~te~s in the To~ ~ that they a=e ve~ ~eh interested ~ eo-ope~at~g in the oonst~ction of a "M~el Home"; M~. S~e~ville f~the~ euggested t~t the To~ Co~issio~ ~t the use ef Lots 1 and ~, Bl~k "A", ~ Ponce Subdivision No. 1 as a site fo~ the. but~ of a "Nodel H~e". ~e~ some di~cussiom, Comis~ioneP Stevens mdc a motion that the use of Leto 1 ~d ~, Block "A", Pence S/D No. be g~ted as a site f~ ~ buildlmg of a "M~el H~" as outl~ed by ~. S~e~ville, which was seceded by Co~f~sio~e~ Ne~el ~ ~ously . Thepe being no ~rthe~ ~s~ess the meetimg adjo~ed. N~.'y'oz, Vi ~ee-~ay~ ~ T~wa Clerk.