Minutes 01-21-36REGULAR MEETING OF JANUARY '2'1~ 19~6 POSTP0~ED TO JANUAHi 25, 19~6o A Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida, was held at the Town Hall on Thumsday Afternoon, January 2&, 19&6 at &:00 o~olock P.M. P~ sent H.~D. Stevens, wm. Menzel, J. P. Bowen~ Mayor Vice-Mayop Town Clerk. The Above constituting the enti~e Board of Town Com- missioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. The Minutesofthe Re.guiar MeetLug of Janua~yV, were read and approved. Upon motion made by Commissioner Steveo_s, secor~ed by Commissioner Bowen and duly ca~ried, the Boynton Patak and Rec~eatio~ Co~ssion ~s g~ed pe~izsien to sponso~ the Net~opolit~ ~b~s .~ B~$on begi~~ ~~, 19~6. ~ upon motion ~de ~ C°~iss~io~eV B~We~ se99Mded_ by Co~issio~e~ steven~ and d~ly c~i~d, %he T~mre~ was inst~eted.to.~gde~~ ~._~e bo~ and e~upons p~esented _~.. by s~ll h~1dems not to exceed one-fifth of Si~i~ ~.~ monies ~ D~d. ~.~ Upon motion made by Comm~.ssioner and seconded by Commissioner MENEEL Lug Resolution was duly passed and adopted: BOGEN the follow- RESOLUTION NO. ~P~ROVING k PROPOSED LETTER AGREE~IENT BE~_~ O~ '~D ~ C0~k~ ~D DASD ~ eE DAY: OF A~O~EING & I ~ FLORI~ PO~R LIGHT BE IT P~SOLVED BY ~HE T0~N CO~ISSION OF T~-E T0~N 0F BG,YNTON, FLORIDA: 1. ~nat ~he proposed Letter Agreement between the Town of Boynton~ Florida, and Florida Power & Light Company, which is hereinafter se~ forth in form in Section ~ hereof~ be and the same is hereby approved as to form and substance. ~. That the ~&ayor and the Town Clerk of and on be- half of the To~ of Boynton~ Florida, be and they are hereby authorized and directed to execute a~d enter into with Florida Power & Light Company the said proposed Letter Agreement ap- proved in Section i hereof, and hereinafter set forth in form as follows: C-7-2 J_08 FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT MIAMi · FLORIDA COMPANY . This relates to rh~t certain Standard Large Power Agreement between us dated the ~ . , ~ . . ~ day of ~ *~x~_ ~_,~ ~1~,~].. covering ail power and energy reqmred for and in connection with your ~ ~~ , located at '~ . Florida, in ~cordance with the ~erms and conditions of our Rate Schedule No. ~ . together with supplem_ent~ry agreements thereto, if any. Pursuant to gection 7 of the said Standard Lat ge ~r Agreement, we are herewith giving you notice that there is now in effect Rate Schedule No. which is applicable to service rendered you Under the said Standard Large Power Agreement and in the ternrory in which your operations are conducted, and if you elect to exercise ~rour option and receive said service under the said Rate Schedule. ~we. hereby agree, at 2(our request, that as of the day of .... Scheuule ,~No. ~ ,. marke~d._Exl~ibit } anu maa, e a ?,art hereof, shall be substituted for and in lleu of Rate Schedule No. ~ marked Exhibit ~ ' in the said Standard Large Power Agreement between Us. It is understood and agreed that as of the day of . 193 , Section 2 of the said Standard Large Power Agreement shall be amended to read as follows: 'That the minimum quantity of power contracted for hereunder and to, be received and paid for by the Consumer shall be ][~ ~ ~ [t is understood and agreed that the Contract KW shall be determined as provided in the said sub- stituted Rate Schedule. that is, by using the average kw, adjusted for power factor, supplied during the 15-minute period of mammum use dtrring the I2-month period ending with the month for which bill is rendered, and fixrther, that except as expressly provided herein, the said Standard Large Power Agree- ment. rggether with supplementary agreements thereto, if any, shall remain [n full force and effect be- If you agree to the foregoing, kindly so indicate by causing this letter and the attached copies to be executed by your duly authorized officers under your corporate seal in the spaces provided below for that purpose. Yours very truly, We hereby exercise the above mentioned option. FLORIDA POWER [4 LIGHT COMPANY President and General Manager. FLORIDA POWER & LIGHT COMPANY Role Schedule Number X-17 Electric Service MUNICIPAL WATER PUMPING APPLICATION OF SCtt~EDULE: Applicable to power service furnished to municipalities for the operation of water pumps or to power service furnished to ptthlic utilities using same for supplying water to municipalities and communities and who contract for not [e~s than 5 Contract KW. Not applicable to standby service. The use of energy for lighting essential and accessory to the use of power hereunder is permissible under this sched- tile, hut only for a total connected load in lighting equipment not exceeding 65 watts per Contract KW. For sucl~31igbting use. Consumer will provide and maintain all necessary auxiliary apparatus such as transformers, regulators, etc. CHARACTER OF SERVICE: Three phase alternating current, approximately 60 cycles and approximately 208 volts to approximately 4000 volts, at option of Company. LIMITATION OF SERVICE: Limited to exclusive nsc of Consumer and shall not be resold or shared with others. MONTHLY RATE: $3.50 perkw of Contract I;2W, payment of which entities Consumer to use ,during the monib 70 kwh per kw of Contract KW, 2.75e l>er kwh for the next 30 kwh used per kw of Contract KW, 1.75e per kwh for all additionaI kwh. CONTRACT KW: The a*-erage kw', adjusted for power factor as indicated below, supplied during the 15-minute period of maxinmra use outing Me l;2-month period ending iwith the mouth for which bill is rendered. The Contract KW as defined above shall be det.erm, ined by means of a permanently connected demand meter, but shall never be taken at less than the Contract KW stated it/~l~e Agreement for Setwice. POWILL~I FACTOR: If Consmner's power factor shall average less than 85% lagging during mw monib, :then Company may adjust the readings takeda to determine the Contract K'W by multiplying the kw obtained through such readings by 85 and by bedividlngused inthedeterminingreSUlt by thetheaVerageci>ntraetPOwerKw.factor actually established during the current month. Such adjusted readings shall MINI_MUM MONTHLy BILL: $3.50 per kw o£ Contract KW. The amount so obtained shall not be reduced by a~y discount or adjnsnnent. PAYMENT OF BIIJ,S: Bills ;viii he rendered at monthly intervals and are due and payable upon presentation. As this schedule forms a part o[ an agreement for a tern~ of ten years or more, a discount of 10% shall be allowed on bills paid within ten Hays from the date rendered, ~rovided 60 prewous bill remains nnpaid. ADJIJSTMENT FOR FUEL COST: If the~'~-e~ghted average delivered cost~ of all fuel oil used in the generating stations interconnected with Company's ;~c~n~d~erS~tht~aan~21ver~tm~,m~on.ormslt ,Uaerm, al mats,, then each ball rendered arians the next succeeding month, for - ~ ...... e. ~aa .¢ increases or decreases, as the ease may be, by 0.022¢ per kwh for each 1 0¢ per million British thermal units by wldch such cost exceeds 18.0¢, or is less than 12.§~ respectively. I~ fuels other than oil are used by Company at any of the generating stations interconnected with the main trans- mission system, ,a corresponding adjustment shall be made, provided that if the use of such other fuels involves elements of cost suhstantially differe]nt from ,t~,ose incident to the use of present fuel, upon which this adjustment is based then such elements of ¢~st ~hall be ecruitaolv reflected in the adjustment of the monthly bill. Amounts computed nnder'thls clause shah not be reduced by any dlsc~nns or adjustment. TAXES AND COMMODITY COSTS: There m~& added to all bills rendered for electric service in accordance with this schedule such bills' proportion- ate share of an~;li~dnse fee, tax and assessment, imposed by an overnm n ' · those tn effeetlo~ January 1, 193~ dirertlv or indi~fl-~ .,~Y gl' e tal or ta,x, mg,authonty, other than those.o.r above &r~.o~[xe~]?e2?.r receipts, oy pa.yrons? or proauc, tton, o,strthutxon, sale or purchase of electricity or kilowatthoP~rs, y ~ tug or charge, or on, or ~asea on, any other basis. The Monthly Rate in this schedule is based in art u the general I~v~l ,,o~ eommodlty and labor costs obtaining on Janua,~ 1 1934 and -- .,- .... p.a pon pard by~Coml~a,y ~or the year 1933 and shall be subject to changes t~':co~-ens;te Co~e°a~nvmf°oSre icr°mm°a~lty a.na ?opt costs ~?s a~, I .a~.oqa.~,s.~stan_aa~ changes m the value or purchasing power of money from that obtainln on January 1 I . -amounts addeal!t~ b~lls under th~s clause shall not be reduced by any discount or a~jnstment, g , 934 TERM OF SERVICA~: RULES AND ~I~EGULATIONS: Service ~a~der this schedule is subject to orders of governmental bodies havin~ ' ' ' ' here~o.f....4, cop)rl'6~ the pre. s.ent e~ective "Cgneral Rules and Regalations for Electric Servlge" is attached hereto. In caseP oa~ co.m. qct 10,etw~ .a_~y provtsxon of th~s schedule and said "General Rules and Regulations for Electric Service" the provisions The following letter,as ~ead: ~ereas the To~ of Boynton is indebted to me for a considerable seacoast ~ ~ o~ m.oneN for attorney's feos~ ~d the To~ some~.~}ro~erty_ in lieu of pa~ent of a portion of said ~e~s~ ~ th~s- ~ am asking ~ ~ .... = ~,na~ ~ou convey ~o rae vn~ fotioning - ~- ~eso~=oed pro- perty: _ Lots !' 8~ 9~ iO~ tl 8~ 12{ Block 8~ Robert's AdditiOn to Boyn%on, Seotmon 21. ~H:PN Upon motion made by Cor~nissionem St%~eens, seconded by Commissioner Bowen ar~ ~ntmously ca~mied, the Mayo~ and Town Clemk weme ~thoPized an~.~ted to exeente a deed of c~aveyanee to paymen~ C~siderable discussion was~ ~had conce~nimg the advisability 9f adopting_an ?~ di~.n~n~e ~to~,~es~blish a Building Code; The matter finally being tabled ~arily for further study. The~e being ~o fu~the~ business the meeting adjured. ~~ ~ Vioe~Mayol~ Town Clerk.