Minutes 05-05-36 % Regu!a~ ?Zeeting of the Board of Town Co~&ssioners o£ the Town of Boynton~ Flo~ida¢ was held at the To~m Hell on Tuesd&y evening¢ ~y 8¢ 19~8 at ~:~0 P~esent: H, D. Stevens~ I~yo~ J~ P. Bowen, To~ C!e~ The above constituting the entire Bo~d mlsslone~s of the Town of B~nton, The Einutes of t~_e Re~l~¢ ;qeet~ was ~oessa~ ~til April 98, i936 were read mud approved, Upon motion made b~ Co~Is~f_ons~ 2tevens~ seconded b~ Comissicner Bowen mud unanimously carried, the following bills were approved fo:¢ pay~nt;- ~ndy~ s Ga~s.g e ......... 46~96 J, }.. ~ice ........ 8,00 Co~missioner Bowen made a motion tl~at the Tov~ t~aile~ t_~uck be ~eDa~ed ~ pi&ced in ~e~vioe fo~ use as a wste~ wagon~ %~is motion was s~oo~ed by Co~%ssione~ Menzei ~d 2here be~_g no f~the~ bus%uess the meeting aO.~ou~_ed,