Minutes 12-05-39REGULAR ~Ed_~NG OF D~EMBER 5, i939. A Regular ~!eeting of the Boar~ of Town Commissionems of t-he Town of Boynton, on Tuesday afternoon, Decerbe~ P:~esent: N. ~. Weems, Vice ~ayo~ A. V. Pete~son~ Town Cl~rk The above constituting the enti~e Boa~d ~ssionePs of the Tov~ of Boyn~on~ Florida. held the was at Town Hail o~ciock of Town Corn- m, ~ ,~. ~-~ l~ove~oel~ Sth 1939 were ~ead ~ud approved, Upon motion ~d~ by Commissioner ~'~eems, seconded by Conm~issione~ Psterson ar~. duly ca~ried~ were approved for p~ment: Paul ~erce~ Hoods _&utc Service F!omida Powe~ & Light Co the fol tow~,g bills 23,~5 40,3i 109.32 0mdinsmce _%~o. lV% entitieS: ::All 0~Y~%TCE ASsESSiNG ~O IMPOS/~G 0~f A~YOW O0%PAI~. GO~0RATTON 0~ 0T~ INSUROB NOW ENGAGE iN 0P CAP/4Y 0N THE BUSi;'~SS 0F INSURING ERTY AGAINST -~ ~ ~ ~ -- ~uSo OR DAi~!~GE mi PiNE 0R TORN~0, AN EXCISE T~X iN A~D~Tm0N ~ ANY ~zCEHSE OR ~0W ~VZED, ~¢~0L~-TiifG T0 0i~E (t¢) PER C~NT GROSS -~i0~%~T 0R RECEi~'TS 0~ P~M%J=~ FR0~ POLICY H0~,ERS ON A~ PP~Mi0~S C0m~T~ 0N giP~ A!~D TOR- N~0 ZNSU~GE P0~Ci~ G0i~NG PROPEF~Y WiTifiN was placed on it: s secone ~=~e~ng; ~ .... aha ~pon b~sing put to vote the follow~g vote was had Tho P$~o. pon~ Co~!iss ion~m %~eav~r,~ as i~ayo~ p~osidir, g~ and adopted. Tne_.e being no £umth~i~ business the meetiD~ adjoumn~d.