R92-139RESOLUTION NO. R92-/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE AMENDMENT NO. 3 TO THE AGREEMENT FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND STANLEY CONSULTANTS, INC.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on August 4, 1992, the City ComMission of the City )f Boynton Beach, Florida upon recommendation of staff, awarded ~tanley Consultants the site development paving and drainage Lrchitectural and irrigational design for the East Water ?reatment Plant for the total amount of $32,950; . NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COi~LMISSION OF THE .ITY OF BoYNTONBEACH, FLORIDA THAT:i Section 1. The City Commission of the City of Boynton ~each, Florida, does hereby authorize the Mayor and City Clerk to ~xecute Amendment No. 3 to the Consultant Agreement between the ~ity of Boynton Beach and Stanley Consultants, Inc., a copy of shich is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. xpon passage. This Resolution shall take effect immediately PASSED AND ADOPTED this /~ day of August, 1992. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~TTEST: Mayor Vice~4~ayor Commissi~r 2it~-Clerk [Corporate Seal) AMENDMENT# 3 AGREE~ FOP. CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES - WEST WATER TRHAT-~PLANT o aa the CITY', and Stanley Consultan Inc-~ ' to as "t . .... ~ ts, . hereinafter referred he CONSULTANT' m com~deratlon of thc mutual benefit~ t~-',,,o and co speci~ed ,~,~, ~u~.u~ a~relnatter * The general~ ~terms~ and. · conditions· of the agreement rema/a un~ehanged~ . to include Items 1.9 be revi~ed to Exhibit :B ~ which shall replace include Dated this day of is hereby amended to include the Additional Servicea as stated ,1992. City of Boynton Beach Mayor Attest/Authenticated Stanley Conaukants, Inc. David W; Grounds Vice President Flodda Branch Manager Attest/Authenticated City Clerk Approved aa to form: Secretary Office of the City Attorney SEAL 1.9 EXHIBIT A The additional W0rk for the'East:water Treatment plant Ex'p/nsion, Tract~ 1 and 2 includes the a the be in conformance design, a The work includes the f'mal Treatment following basic 2.2~.I 2.25.2 2.25.3 R~earch and ~,ev/ew witl~ Prepare the requirements, the s the and Drainage Plan based on calculations of water quality ! (Art/cie X.). Review Prepare the Final Paving and Drainage Plan and the Site-Plan Submittal package including reqmred drainage ealculat/on~, supportr~e lnformaUon aa requtred by/he C~ty of Boynton Beac Code. Attend the Te~l'irii~at~R~v' Board meeting for presentation of the Site Plan. 2.26.1 2.26.2 2.26.3 2.26.4 2.26.5 F~tW~rw~o~,~., m.- -~----..~__~ ~, ,, .~..During the preparation of the Land.scape Architectural, Site Planning and Irrigation Design for the e;~or t.,, provide ~0e~.a~rc_h~an_d r.e~..e~.,.C ~1~. d~ev_elopment..regulafiOns; Determine exist/ng and proposed facilities with .~muu ~cacn Utlnty ~tatt; Prepar~ Conceptual Tracts 1 and 2 Master Plan; and attend Pre- AppUcatiOn me t g ith CiTY Shfr. , Site Plan Tracts 1 and 2 and Prelimina~ Landscape Plan Tract 2. Rev/ew with to comments. Prepare. F'mal SitePlan Tr.act~. 1 and 2 and Final Lan.d.~cape Plant Tract 2, Prov/de Irrigation Design Tract 2 and atte~ud Technical R~w/ew Board meet/hg for PreSentation:On:the Site Plan. Attend Development Board and City Commkssion Publ/c Heating. iConduct f~ ,~ ,sit~. V/s/ts to coord/nate flagg/ng and stak/ng transplants with City Forester, andscape installa~/on and Field Inspections. 1.1 !.LI 1.1.2 EXHIBIT B CONSTRUC~I'ION MANAGEMENT COMPENSATION AG:REEM~NT as: follbv~: , the CM CM in accordance with the terms and conditions of this shall be paid as At the comoletion of: Obtaining Permit to Construct and Permit to Operate Award of C,-eneral Construction Contract Mobilization of Construction Management Team On Site Operation and Maintenance Manuals Record Drawing Review Operator Training Contract Closeout Phase I DACS, Study Phas~ The followin Iu sum vail bemvo~ced. $11,090 13,020 56.830 19,420 43,300 13,560 55,000 F~ast Water Treatment Plant Tracts 1 & 2 Paving & Drainagn Plan Submittal: Research & Data Collection Prel/minar~ Design Fm~ Design Landscape Architecturat~ Planning & Irrigation Design Services: Research & Prepare Conceptual Master Plan PreI/minary Design Irrigation Design Final Design Pr,~tation to Development Board & C~ty Commission Field Work & Landscape Coordination 4,500 4,750 8,450 2,100 5,400 1,200 3,800 Construction Management Field Time and Expenses, Office Support, Shop Drawing Re~iew Month 1 8,330 Month 2 8,330 Month 3 8.330 Month 4 8,330 Month 5 8,330 L12 1.1.3 The fee for Phase H DACS (Coordination Phase), Phase HI DACS (Design Phase), and Phas~'-'--'~ (Construction Management Phase) shall be paid on the basis of the CM's hourly fees, Exh~it E, ~ reimbursable expenses. Per diem expenses will be paid in accordance with City of Boymon Be~..,.3 policy. Compensation for these services shall be earned as services are rendered and as related reimbursable expenses are incurred, and ~hall be separately calculated and billed on the CM's monthly statementz. Compensation for these services i~ not to exceed $218,000. 1.2 Comp~n~tlnu for Additional Services The Cio] shall pay CM for Additional Services not otherwise provided for in this AGREEMENT through a negotiated fee or on the basis of the CM's then current hourly fees in effect au the time service is provided plus reimbursable expenses. Per diem expenses will be paid in accordance with City Boynton Beach policy. Compensation for additional services shall be earned as additional services are rendered and as related reimbursable expenses are incurred, and sh~ll be separately calculated and billed on the CM's monthly statemenm EXHIB1T C 2.13 2.14 The CITY shall provide a topographical survey for Tracts I and 2 including perimeter ~levations, pavement elevations and minimum of 100 foot' grid or sufficient information to determine existing drainage flows. The CiTY shall prov/de the required copies of supportive exhibits to be included in the Site Plan Submittal ~, unless waived not survey · utility The pr. opesed water tank. participate in the review ~6TANI. EY ¢ONSU[.TANT$ EXHIBIT E Hourly Fees United States Offi~e-Based Members Fts~,at Year 1992-93 Classification $C-1 .................................................................... $ 19.50 23;80 80-2 ...... ~ ............................................................. 53.40 58.40 $C,-1.0 ...... 63.50 SC-11 .................................................................. 68.50 S~-13 .................................................................. 74.30 80;00 SC-14 ........................................................... 88.00 SC-15 .................................................................. gg~o0 S0-1'6 .................................................................. 110.00 SC-17 ...... 128.00 8C-18 .................................................................. ' ............. 155,00 SC-19 ........................................ These rates are for office-based members in the contiguous United States and ere subject to change on or after April 3, 1993. Fen'nM g2-93