R92-113RESOLUTION NO. R92-//~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMa~ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATION REGARDING THE PUBLIC HOUSING DRUG ELIMINATION GRANT APPLICATION (HUD); A COPY OF SAID APPLICATION IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach as determined that it is in the best interests of the citizens sd residents of the City to make application for a grant under se Public HOusing Drug Elimination (HUD) program; and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, Florida does certify ~hat any grant amounts recieved through this program will not be ~sed to fund activities currently being undertaken by the City to address the problem of drug-related crime in these projects; and WHEREAS, the City is providing a level of service to the public housing project proposed for assistance under the drug ~lim~ati0n g~ant program; and WHEREAS, all requirements of Section I(c) of the NOFA have peen met; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE ZITY OF BOyNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby iuthorized and directed to execute a Certification regarding the ?ublic Housing Drug Elimination Grant Application, said ipp!ication being attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section ~pon passage. This Resolution shall take effect immediately PASSED .a~ND ADOPTED this /~ day of July, 1992. ~TTEST: 2i~l~rk CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor ~ayor Co~issi~r (Corporate ~ea!) )rug Elm. Grant/HUD 7/10/92 Subpar~ ~ Chief E~ecutive Officer (CEO) Certifications. The following cer~Cications must be signed by the Chief Executive Officer of a State, unit of general local government, or Indian tribe in which the projects proposed for assistance are located. The CEO hereby certifies tha~ (I) Grant amounts provided under this part will not be used to fund activities currently being undertaken by the jurisdiction to address the problem of drug- related crime in these projects; (2) The locality is meeting its obligation under the coo · . PHA/IHA re ardin la .... peration a eement g g w enforcementoblio~t~o.~, ~._., gr w~ththe · ~ o- -~. ~-rovme current level of · pera n~Agreement w~th · ~ g cert~y below as ~o the le~;~, -~ ~A£_:_ the ap..pn,c~t, the CEO atto must uy oemg prowded to the projects ~t~.~, relalln~ [olts f, ' ~--,~ ~.. ~. ......... -. ~ t .. all~.~ ~w ~tc-er It ovagations under the Cooperation Agreement. (3) (4) ~_ .~on_ Beach rovides a basic le - . ~e__v_e~_ of 'o_lice service to the 2/+ hour. seven days a wee ~rr c~s program. ~hich consists of ~C~e]lEill_ -ublic housi = ,~xea i~ a ' · ' '= -~: - '' ' ~y a ~ax~ call only be done related crimes in this housing area. minor deterrent to the drug (use additional paper ~f necessary) Any adc~tion~ sec~ty and proactive ser~ces h) be provided meet the reqttirernents of Sec~on I(c) of the NOFA, and; The relevant governmen~ jur~edon w~ ~ke the aedons desc~bed ha the appHcangs s~ategy. ceo; Print Name & Title: Signature & Date: f~rl~ne Weber Mayor City of Boynton Beach, FL