Minutes 02-25-32SPECIAL ~ETING OF FEBRUARY 25~ 1932 A Special Meeting of the Board of To~m was held at the ToWn Hall, Town of Thursday Afternoon, Februarff 25, Present: Commissioners Boynton, Florida, on 1932 at 8 o~clock P. M. H. T. Holloway, ~a¥or F~ank Nutting, Vice Msyor J. P. Bowen, Tov~ Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of Town ~ommmssioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida. Town ~ ~ A~orney, J. H. Adams was also present. ~ia¥or Holloway stated tr~ the Meet~.~g had been c~lled for the p~pose of considering application for tax ~djustments and to transact any other business that might come before the Commission. the matter of the Corr~ission approving his bill rom Attorney Fee in connection ~th the foreclosing of Assessme~t~ ~ Liens on Lots in Beverly Hills . After a lengthy discussion, Co~ission Bowen made a motion that the following resolution be adoptad: A RESOLUTION FOR ~i~ M~0R ~D BOARD OF TOWN CO~ZSSiC~RS OF ~E TO~ O~ BOYNTON, PAlM BEACH COUh~, ~ORIDA, A~HORiZZNG ~ND DZRECTING THE PAYmeNT OF ~RTAIN ATTO~M~S F~S TO BE PAID PARTLY ~ TAX~S.~ ~nE~AS, Tha To~ Co~missioners of the To~ of Boynton, Florida, at a regular meeting thereof held on O ~ the 6th ~f c~ober, 1~i, did employ Shelby Buford as its solicitor ~ud atto~ey to foreclose certain special assessment liens held by the said Town of Boynton aEainst certain lots an'd parcels of land in Beverly Hills, an addition to said Tova~. of Boynton. ~ER~S, FURTI~ER, The comi0ensatio~ fixed as Attorney's fees for his services was agreed ~dpon at ten percent of the amount of principa! and interest of said assessments so fore- closed upon and cost~ and which said sum was agreed to be paid and accepted in payment of such taxes and assessments as such attorney might designate. ~EREAS~ Fb~TH~, The Circuit Court of Palm Beach County, Florida, by its Final Decree in said foreclosure dated January ll, l~Z~, ordered the sale of the said ~ro- perties for ~aid assessments, which said sales have been made. And further, said decree set the fees of the' said attorney at Two Thouss_ud 0ne Hundred Ttzree and ~l/100 J~ (~2,103.21) Dollars, for which the Town of 'Boynton is in receipt of a bill therefor. N0~,, T~REFORE~ BE IT RESOLVED That upon the payment in cash by the said Shelby Buford of that portion of taxes levied for bond services, the Tax Collector is authorized and Lustructed to issue, to Shelby Buford, tax receipts upon such property as the said Shelby Buford might designate within the Town of Boynt~a to the extent of TwO Thousand One Hundred Three and 21/lO0 ..... ($2,1~3.21) Dollars. BE IT FURTB~R RESOLVED, That at such time as there is s~fficient monies in the general treasury of the To~.m of Boynton to pay the interest and sinking fund, sach ~m~o~unts as were levied for bond service, as shown by the tax levies on such-prol~erties as might be designated lry the said Shelby suit, Buford, then and in that event, the Tax Collector shall issue said Tax Receiots w~t_~out~ ~, requiring the said Shelby Buford to pay tb~t portion levied for interest and sim~king fund in cash, s~ud thereafter transfer from the general treasury such s~mounts as might be needed to pay said interest s~ud sinking fund 2ccount, such sums as levied for that purpose, as is represented by the tax receints issued hereunder. It being the purpose and intent of this resolution to require the payment in cash of that portion levied for bond service until and at such time as there might be sufficient monies in the general treasury available for the pa~uent of such respective amounts levied for bond service or interest and sinking fund. PROVIDED A~.gz-S Tb~ said Shelby Buford shsJ_l de- liver to said Town, n~ster's deed, deeding the property described in said deoree, to the Town of Boynton, before any adjustments or payments are made hereunder. This motion was seconded by Com~issioner Nutting and unanimously carried. ' Co~,~aissioner Holloway made a motion tb~t the following Resolution be adopted: ~. RESOLUTION BY THE MAYOR ~.ND BO~RD 0~ TOV~N CO~ISSION~LRS 0P THE TOWN OF BOY~0N, .-~ORIDA, IN REGU~R SPECIAL SESSION. SZTTING~ ~AKING ~HDJUST~f~NTS OF DELiNQDE~NT TA~[ES AND CERTIFICATES 0~'~ED BY SAID NO~, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLi~ED BY THE AUTHORITY AFORESAID, in regalar special session sitting, that all delinquent taxes and tax sales certificates held by tt~ Town of Boynton for the year 1939 and prior thereto may be adjusted on the basis of the -~ax levy for said Tov~n for the year 1929, waiving al! interest s~nd penalties accrued thereon~ and the Tax Gollector in and for the Town of Boynton, Florida, is hereby authorized and directed to accept, in full, payment of all such said delinquencies, basing each year~s calculation on thee basis of the ua× levy for said Town for the year 19~9. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Bowen, and unanimously carriedo Uo~muis sion _Holloway'made a- motion that t he following Resolution be adopted: A RE~0LUTI0~ BY THE ~&&YOR AND BOARD OF T0~ C0~ISSIONERS OF THE T0~¥N OF BOYNTON, ~0RZDA, IN REGL~,AR SPECIAL SESSION SITTING, DiRECT-~G T~E ACCEPTANCE OF BONDS IN PAYL~ENT FOR SPECIAL ASS ESSY[E~S o N0'~ THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED By the authority afore- said thaz bonds of the To~m~ of Boynvon~ together with all pas~ due coupons Which are thereto attached, shall be re- ceived a~ par in payment of special assessment liens held by the Town of Boynton, which were heretofore levied or assessed by the Tovrn of Boynton; the same zo be accepted for assessments which are due or ~o become due, provided always that no assessment lien, not owned by the Tovm of Boynton, s!as!i be settled or paid for to the Town in bonds, provided always that all coupons not due be attached or accompanying said bonds. This mot!on was seconded by Cormmissioner Bowen and duly carried. The Tax Collector stated that he had sent out Tax ~ Statements for 1931 tax to the tax-payers who had written in during November and requested them and t~t he had senv out a letter ~th their bills explaining the reason for the delay in sending out the bills and that if they cared to pay the tax as assessed for the year 1931 on sixteen (16) mill basis and if they remitted promptly that he would bring the matter be&~re the CommissiOn for the authority to allow them the 4~ discount. Commissioner Hollm~ay made a motion that the Tax Collector be instructed to allow the 4% to these tax- payers -~ao remitted in a reasonable length of time. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Bowen and duly carried. There being no further business, the meeting