Minutes 03-01-32R~EGUL. AR ~EETING OF ~RCH 1, 1932. Tuesday A R_e~tar Meeting of the Board of To~m Commissioners of the To~m of Bo~rnton, Florida was held az the To~a dali, evening, March I, 1932 at V:30 o~clock~ P.M. Preaent: H. T. Holiowa~, Mayor Frank Nutting, Vice Mayor J. P. B~;en, Tovrn Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, To~m Attorney J. H. Adams was also present. Minutes of a Regulsm Meeting of February 16, were read and approved upon motion of Co~missioner Bowen, seconded by Co~missioner Nutting and duly carried. were Ninutes of a Special Meeting of February 25, read and approved upon motion made by Commissioner Bowen., seconded by Commissioner Nutting and duly carried. The following resolution was passed upon motion of Com~aissioner Bowen and secop~.ed Nutti~ and duly carried. BE IT RESOLVE]D that notice is the Tov~n Commissioners of the Town by Co~iss loner hereby given by of Boynton, Palm , ~_orxda, that a General Election of iBeach County ~] ' _ isaid Town will be held at the Town He21, on the IDixie High~ay, in the Tovm of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, between the houms of eight o~c!ock ~. M. and sunset of the !lth day of April A. D. 1932, for the purpose of electing an encumbent to the office of ~,ayo_, for a te~a of throe years Nominations may be made for said off icc on or before ten day previous Candidates may be voted aominated. Notice is further given that ~irs. ~rs. Charles Stitts, Mrs. ~mua MacKay, to the date of said election. for on the ballot without being Estella NcKay, are hereby appointed Inspectors mad ~rs. Clara ~]aite as Clerk of said election, ~nd are ordered ye report at the Town Hall on the day and time aforesaid to hold said election. BE IT FURTP~R RESOLVED that a copy of this notice be posted ay the door of the Town Hall of the Town of Boynvon, ffalm ~each County, Florida. BE IT ~URTRER RESOLVED tb~t the Registration Books of the Tov~n of Boynton, Palm Beach ~ounty, Florida, be opened for t~ Registration of all qualified electors of the Totem of Boynton, Palm Beach County, Florida, at the Town Hall on the 2nd day of ~aroh, A. D. 1932. ~It persons desiring to register for ~the General Election called for the llth day of April, A. D. 1932~ sh~ld register before the 1st day of April, A. D. 193~, at which time the Registration Books will be closed. Co~missioner Holloway mszle a motion that the following resolution be adopted. ~HEREAS Town of Boynton $1~eciat Improveraent Bond No. th~ty-seven (3V) , issue of June 1, 19~6 and Totem of Boynton Refunding Bond No. fourty-four (44) Series B, issue of October 1, 1928, have been redeemed and paid for otit ~f~ the Interest & Sinking Fund and this amount applied on taxes owing to the Totem by various tax-payers. N0~¥, THEREFORE BE IT_ RESOL-VED by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton, Florida, that the Treasu_~er be instructed~ and he is hereby instructed to cancel said To~n of Boynton Special Improvement Bond #3V, issue of June l~ 19~6, and Town of Boynton Refunding Bond #44, issue of October 1, 1928~ Series B, and paste same iu Bond Books. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Bowen and being put ~o a vote the following vote was had 'thereon: Co~m~.issioner Nutting Not Voting Com~iss loner Bowen "~ve~ Commissioner Bowen made a motion that the '~'~s~er Supt., buy 1OO0 seals smd that a seal be placed upon each wa~er meter in service. This motion was seconded by Conmmissioner Holloway and upon be Lug put to a vote the following vote was had thereon: Co~.~i s sioner Hollow ay Commissioner Nutting Not Voting Commuis sioner Bowen To.~n Treasurer, T~x Collector, Water Supt. Frank L, ~_nderson, stated tb~.t he and Chief of Police, F. ~i. Ricbmrdson, had made arrangements whereby Richardson would assvume the responsibility of looking after the %~ater Pumps. Commissioner Holloway made a motion that this arrangement be approved. This motion was seconded by C o~i s s ioner Er. R. ~, Hart be required by Town Commissioner Bowen and being puz to a lng vote was had thereon: Commissioner Holloway Commissioner Rutting Commissioner Bowen Hollo way made instructed to ~ttorney J. H. vote the follow- ~Aye~ Not ¥ot ir~ a motiSn that comoile the f~uformation Adams in regard to the suit being brought by the Bondholders and that ~r. ~Hart b~ve this information ready for ~r. Adams by the 18th day of ~arch, 1~ and th~ in the event ~r. Hart would not be able to gev up this ir_formation by that time that he be instructed to get This motion was seconded by and duly carried. A Resolution to motion cf Commission someone to assist him. Commissioner Bow~n pay claims was adopted upon Bowen and seconded by Co~,nz~issioner Holloway and duly carrie~. Commissioner Bowen made a motion that tlue Treasurer, Tax C~llector, Wa~er Supt. F. L. ~derson~ be paid five cents per mile to pay expense of his car ~_en he used it in making trips out of Town to attend to Town business, such as making deposits at the Bank, getting ~upplies, consulting the Town Attorney and etc. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Holtoway and being put to a vote the following vose was hzd thereon: Commissioner Holloway ~Aye'~ Commissioner Nutt ir~ Opposed Commissioner Bowen "Aye" up for approval The following bills were brought F. N. Brown (Rent for Feb.) $ 50.00 Dixie Garage 29.69 R, ~f. Hart 50.00 Sou. Bell Tel & Tel Co. 22.15 Boynton Womans ~ Club 3. V5 H. & W. B. Drew Co. 2.12 Allis-Chalmen Mfg., Co. 16. V8 Kir~ &Fis chef 50. O0 Florida East Coast Railway 1.00 Adams Hsrdware Co~ 1.45 Florida Power & Light Co. 30V.2V Halsey ~ Griffith 3.65 Seaboard 0il Co. 15.95 J. E. Wooten 3.25 Palm Beach Mercantile 9.5V Austin Supply Co. 6.35 ~568.28 Commissioner Bowen made a motion that the fore- going bill be ag-proved and the Tressurer be instructed enter them on the To~ Records as Accounts Payable, to be paid wl~n funds were available. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Nutting and duly carried, There beir~ no further business, the meeting adjourned.