Minutes 06-07-32R~aT~ ^W ~EETING 0~ JU~ 7TH. PO~TPOI:E~ TO ~usE 9TH~ 193~] A ~egul'ar ~eeting of the Board of Town Cormnissioners of the To'~m of Boynton, Fiorida~ was held az the Town Hall on Thursday evening~ June 9~ 1932 ay V:30 o~clock Prese..~t: ~ D. ~teve~ Mayo? Frank Nut~ng~ Vmoe i~layor J. ?. Bowen, To,m1 Clerk The above constituting the entire Board of Towm~ Co=~missioners of the Town of Boynton~ Ylo,rida. The minutes of the Re~lar Meeting held May iV~ t932, were read and approved upon motion of Commiasioner Stevens~ seconded by Commissioner ~[utting, and duly carried. The ~:inutes of the Special ~,ieetin~ held l~[ay were read and approved upon motion of Oo~m.~issioner Stevens, seconded by Co_~issioner Nutting, and luly carried. A Resotu~mon vo pay e±a~ms was adopted. UpOn motion off Com~missioner Nutting, seconded Oy C~.~a_ssmon~r~ ~ ~ ~o~en a~_d duly ~a~mem,.the~ ~oll~ving bills were approved for payment hen funds are available. Foote & Davies ~9.53 Brennsm & Piastridge 170.00 Son. Bell Tel g~: Tel Co. 18.48 Fla. Power & Light Co. &ustin Supply Co. 3.38 Neptune ~ete_ Co. 1.66 Standard Oil Co. 29.40 Standa-rd Oil Co. Boynvon Woma~ns ~ Club 3.75 ~.~mng ~zm_,lng Station 37.74 h. R. Farnhs2n ~.55 Mr. Shelby Buford prasen~ed the ~O z ~_to ~m~_~g Re solution the Totem Co~m. ission &Sr their approval and adoption: the Tovm Co,remission of the Town of Boynvon, Fiorida~ did at a meeting thereof hold on the ~Sth day of Feb~uary~ 1938~ adopt a certain reso!uvion pertaining to the payment of Attorneys foe duo to Shelby Buford for his ser¥ices i~ foreclosing certain specisl assessment liens held by the Town against properties in that certsin subdivision in said town k.~..o~,~m as Beverly Hilisf and, WBiEREAS, it is advis'able thav the amount due to the said attorney be placed so his credit unconditionally at the present time upon the conditi6n same in paymenv of taxes he miMht designate~ ~ad, ~}iE~REAS, no part of cash. that he use the e t~ n -re amou_~ of the and assessmenss upon properties which the same is to be paid to him in NOW~ THEREi,'0NE~ BE IT RESOLVED by the Town Co~mr~iss£on of She Tov~r~. of Boynton~ that said resolution of PebPaary ~$~ i9S8~ bo rescinded and thst tho sum of ~IOS.81 be placed ~o the credit of said Shelby Buford on tho books of the sail to~a%} and that the tax collector or dep%ty tax co!lector~ be and ho or she is hereby instructed so issue to him receipts for taxes and assessments uoon such properties as he might designate. Such tax and assessment receipts no~ to exceed the ~mount of the af6resaid claim. The above resolution was read but no action taken ay this time. The followLug letter was read: To the Eayor ~d l{en~ers of the Boynton~ Florida. Gent .... y 17th, City Coms~ission ~ 1932, Following up the conferences between yourselves an~ the committee of Boynton bondholders last week, i wish to summarize herewith the mat~ers discussed and the general program which 'was agreed upon. I. It was understood that the bondholders~ committee would make arrangements to employ Mr. Somerville, if possible, to prepare a detailed statement 6f the ~axes and assessments due to each of th~ tovJ~s~ showing the del~quenoies, ~ud also ye make a statement of the total debts of tlme town outstanding on Aori! lst~ 19~0~ in order that proper division of assets and lma~mlmtmes mi=oht be made in accordsnce with the statute; this ~o be withouv expense ye you. 2. ?~en the foregoing statement is Ir spared, iz is under- ~tood that you will certify ye the Town of Boynvon Beach the delinquent taxes and assess=~nts which become its prooerty under its charter act so tb~t its books might be prepared, and will also certify to it the portion of the debt for which it is liable. $~ It was aEreed tb~t between now and nexv fall your town will revise its assessment roll so as to make a more equitable adjustment of the assessments of value on properties, and~wouid include in such roll an assessmenv against the Plorida Power ~ Light Company on its personal property and franchise, and an assessment for any personal proper~y which mi~ht be located in the town so that the tova~ would be able to collect taxes owing to it on the roiling stock of railroads° ~o it was agreed that tlc Towr~ of Boym_ton might continue ye accost settlsmen~ of all delinquent ta~es due and owing ~ it ~nd sound make such settlement with the property ov~ers on the basis of 19~9 assessed va!uation~ remitting all accrued interest s~_d penalties but that a definite time should be fixed within which such settlemenv would be made available to the propervy 5. It was agreed t~bat no rednction would be made in the liens against properties abutting on Dixie Highw~? in view of the fact that these assessments have already been reduced by 80~ but that the ~ovm might, with the consent of the co~mmittee, make a reduction in other sections of ~ne town where the mmount of the liens is excessive as compared with the oresent value of the property, but that such reduction could only be made after further conference with the committee, and that as soon as the Co~uaission determines upon the amount of reduc~ on which they would like to make we would like ~o b~ve them advise the co=mittee who will then indicate their pos~icn in the matter~ 6. It was further suggested by the committee that they would agree that the totem should have the right ye arrange for a new plan for tree payment of all assessments after the reduction is m~_e. It was contemplated that al! pas~ due interest on such assessments should be computed az the rate of 8%, if the versa so desires, and ~ded zo the orinoioat of the lien~, and the total s~oun~ then would be divided ir~o a series of installements ~nning from ten to fifteen years and the property should be given tlae opportunity ye accept such new plan by paying To the vo¥~n one yearTs interest on the total sum~ ~o~,puted au 5%, amd accepting the new ~ian~ provided such payment arid accepva_~zce are made 'within a limited period of time, the date to be fixed by the town. V. Et was further agreed that tall money collected by the totem from_ delinquent Taxes levied for debt service or from special assessments should be held 2eparate s_nd apart from all other funds of the vo~zm for t~ exclusive benefit of the bon~hotders, 8. It was further agreed tb~.t the to~m ~ould attemnt to make an arrangement with some attorney to ~nstitute fore- closure proceedings against all of the vacant and outlying property in the tov~m limits ~Don which taxes are delinquent ~r~d, lm possible, ~.~Y~_out th~ outlay of cash b~ the city~ s~d the bondholders would consent that payment might, be made in a credit of ta~es due the ~itv by the attorney~ if same is neeessar~~, 9. It was also understood that the Com~is~ on would in- stitute foreclosure agains~ certain selected property owners who have consistently refused ye pay their taxes which have accrued upon property ~,Ynich is valuable and where t~e property ~wners are able to pay~ mud will prosecute such suits vigorously To foreclosure in order to demonstrate to t~e property o~ers that it is the intention of the zoom to enforce payment wherever the smme is feasible. 10. The cormmittee is endeavoring to arram~e a settlement with the Phipps interests for the division of the town debt smd has reached a tentative basis for agreemsn5. The actual settle- ment cannot be made ~3m~tii Y~. Bomervi!±e ass prepared The detailed statement of the town's debts ~ad liabilities and assevs,_~a5 which time we w~ii submit a form of decree to both towns ~kn$ to ~e representatives of ~.~e Ph_pps ~ere~v~ for ~e purpose of settling once and for all the liability of each town in these matters. 11, We have discussed with the Pown of Boynvon Beach tlne proposed arran~ement, and ~re insistins that it sha~! make t~he necessary vax levy to meev its sha~e of the debt maturi~ next year and also to enforce deiinouenv taxes a~nd assessments in its territory. 12, ~hen ~his progrs:m has been definitely initiated and is ~mder way~ the bent_holders~ comwittee will then confer azain with the e ~ ~o~,n with reference to a possible refunding of the obli- gations of both to~s on a satisfactory basis~ but until ~efinite action has been taken along the lines indicated, it is impossible for ns to discuss the matter furtl~r at this time, Z will appreciate it if .you will go over this letter sr~d see if it conforms to your recollection of the conference and~ if there are sany matters about which a f~ther understanding is desired~ will be glad to have you write me. in the meantime~ I trust that you will assist !~ro Somerville in evez~j way in working up the information desired in order that the debt may be adjusted between the two tovms~ I also hope that you will dete,~nine as quickly as poss~oie upon a dafinite dste within which time settlements of the taxes and assessments~ in accorda~oe with t~ae foregoing program~ can be arranged so that property owners may be advise~ as soon as possibie~ If there are anV new phases o'f this situati'on which have developed since our eon~erence~ kindly discuss time same with me or with Er. Somerville in order tb~t we may m~e mrcgress on this matter as 9~ickiy as possib!e~ ][ours velof tl~ly~ Giles J. Patterson. Cy-Mr~ Henry Foor [~[r. H. ¥~. Pitkin Er .... Po Somerville~ Umon motion of Commissione~ Bowen~ seconded by Commissioner Nutting mna duly carried~ Mr. Patterson's letter was accepted. Upon mozion of Commiseioner Stevens~ seconded by Commis~oner Nuttin~ s_nd duly carried~ Air. W .... ~,~il!iams, the night watchman was instructed to make a reporv of all svrees,lignts foun~ out~ where A l~'tter was re~d from they should be bnrn~ng. J~ A~ Price requesving :our- mission to work out his water bill for ti~e Tore. Ueon motion of CormmissioneP Bov;en~ seconded by Commis~oner Nutting smd duly carried~ Mr. ~rice~s ietter~ together with letters from Roxie Wright and Arlene !i!ler were tabled until the next Comznission ~Aeeting. The following letter was read~ ~June 3, 1932 ~{r. Prank L, Anderson~ Treas~mrer~ Towp~ }f Boynton~ Boynton ~ Florida. Our File H-4666 Pierson Sommerville Dear Sir~ We enc!ose~ herewith release to be executed by the tovm clerk as well as mayor of the Tov~m of Boymton, and si so a resolution zo ce adopted by the town~council~ .authorizing the town clerk and mayor to execute the enc- losed release. ~aen this resolution has been adopted 0y the council~ ~ will you please hs~ve affixed to this release the signazu~e of the me3-or and'of the vown clerk and affix thereto the comporate seal of the Tov~_ of Boynvon, returnim~ to us the original and two copies. You may retain a copy of the reso- lution and copy of the release for your files. Umon the forward to yom this ~ ~ return of these mapers to us we will in%mediateiy draft in the sam of $105.00~ in settlement of Yours very By R. R. G!ock RRG/L. ~ was movea by councilman Bowen~ and seconded by councilman Nutting~ that the following resolution be adopted: !iESOLVED: T - ' ' nao n. D. Stevens, as i'dayo~ of sue To~n of Boynton, s_ed J. P. Bowen~ a2 city clerk of said town~ be and they are hereby authorized and directed to make~ deliver as ?ayor mud 0ity Clerk of the said of B0ynton, su~n rece_pt~ releases and eove:aants as ma.}- be necessary or d~=sae_e for the pu_~pose of settling any and all claims of the Tov~ of Boynton against William Pierson Sommervilte and the surety upon his Bond a=ted December 25~m~ 1926~. given to secure the faithful e ~- performance of his duties as depu~ clerk and save: ~reasurer of the said ToYa% of Boynson. Said resolution was out to a vote end upon a tabulation of the vote it appesreed that the following councilman voted for the adoption of said resolution: 0o~ms~.issioner ~owen Co:mmissioner ~utting Com_missioner Stevens RELEASE KNO~ ALL kEN BY THESE PRESEN~SI That the Town of Eoynvon~ Florida, the su~ of ONE HUNDRED FIVE AN~ NO/iO0 other good and valuable considerations~ in eonsideration of DOLLARS (~10~.00) and to it in h~nd paid by Town of Soynton Council tb_ereof~ the proceedings av~ached and made in pursuance of a resolution of v~aich said resoiution~ and a by which the same was adoited a part hereof~ Royal Indez~-eity Company does herel~~ remise, release and forever imsc£=ar6e said Royal indemnity Cor~®any · rom any ~nd all Iiablilty, claims, obligasior_s~ debts, or ffemands of a~v kind or character, either in law or in equity~ which the said_ Town of Boynson or its successors has be~%~Ber had, now has, or may ever have against the Royal indemnity Company s~isir~_ out any way so:anected with tb~at certain bond made and executed by 5~iliiam Pierson Som=~ervit!e as principal ~nd said Royal Indemnity_ Company as surevy to the said Tov~ of Boynton for ts_e purpose of securing the faithful eerformanee of the luiies of the said William Pierson So~-aerville as deputy zown clerk aha town vreas~Per of the said Town of This release is e~ecuted ibr and on behalf o-f the said the Town transeri ~t of is hereto And said To~m of Soynson in consideration o£ the premises has herein and hereby assign_ed, transferred s~nd set over into said Royal Ir~ermnity Compsmy any and all rights which said Toy. a% of Boynton ever bas had, now has~ or ever have against said William Pierson Sons, orville, or shy amount based upon~ arising out of, or connected with the matters and thiD~s hereinabove set forth. IN WITNESS ~t~EOF, the Town of Boynton Pas hereunto caused its name to be si~ned by Ho D. Stevens, its ~or, and by J. P. Bowen, its Tov~m Clerk, and its corporate seal affixed thereto ay Boyntgn~ Fiorida, this ~day of June~ 193~. may To~n Cierk~ Town of Boynton A liscussion was had by the Commissioners in reference to foreclosure proceedi~s which had heretofore been stituted by the Tovm and as yet not completed. No further action was taken at this time. T~}e condition of the Boynton Casino was brought before the Coms_~issioners sm_d it was decided to look it over the fol!owiN~ day. The CoP~missioners ordered that all occupational iicense~ ce c_aecked up smd that bills be rendered for unpaid licePses. A discussion was had on the advisability of issuing Time Warrants for electric light bills over ~ue, wb=ich is to be brought up at the next meeting. i~rSo Adams reported tha{ she had been appointed as ~hairm~u of the Bgard~of Assessors am.d that they were ready ~o s~ar~ to work when tb~ Co~mlosmon advised. There being no further business, the msetir~ adjourned. ~ayor Vios ~ Town Clerk