Minutes 02-07-33REGULAR MELTING OF FEBRUARY V%~ 1933. ~ Regul~r Meeting of the Board of Tov~ CoF~issioners of the Torte of tlme Town of Bcynton~ Florida was held at tbs Town Hall on Tuesday evening~ FebPaary 7%h, 1933 at 7:30 o~clock P. M. Present~ H. D. Stevens Mayor Frank Nutting Vice Mayor j, P, Bowen TowH Clerk The above constituting the envire Board of Tov~ Com~ missioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida. The minutes of ~e Regular Meeting, held January IVth 1933 were read and approved upon motion made by Conmmissioner i{,utting~ seconded by Cozzmissioner Bowen and d,~'ly carried-, Upon motion made by Comr~issioner Nutting, seconded by Comamissioner Bowen and duly carried the following bills were approved for payment: Seth F~trel! ~ VV.6V Florida Power e Light Co. 214.78 Souvhern Bell Tel, Co. 13.25 E, ~. Price Andy~s Garage 2V.50 Naaman T, Miller Attyo 15.50 Perm Beach Mercantile Co. Halsey & Griffith 11,25 ~stin Supply Co~ 8.84 Fia, ~ast Coast Ry. t,00 City of Deiray Beach V~50 ~406.8i Treasurer's Report as follows: Cash on Hand ~349,70 Cash in Bam~s: General -W~.nd i04~95 Depositor's Fund 1,955,04 Interesz snd 8inkin~ Fund 3~540o4V Resolution ~o pay 3taims was adopted. Mr. W, 0e Winn preaented an Audit of the Town's Re- cords for the fiscal year ending October 3ist~ 1932 which he read in detail. Commissioner Nutting made a motion that the Dj~dit as prepared by ~. W, 0. Winn be accepted, this motion was seconded by Commissioner Stevens and un~uimous!y carried. In Oor~ection with his Audit Report, Mr. ~, 0o was asked %f R. ~o Hart had completed his work up to 30th, 1932~ M~o Wi~n replied that very been done in March and April small consequence. Referring zo Conmmenvs 1932 Winn April little checking had the work done was of ~:r, ?{i~~ s .a. udit, Conzaissioner Nutt~ing made a motion that aocounz #1108 in the ~ounv of Five Thousand Nine H%~ndred Fifty-six Dollars and Sixty-six cents (~5,956.68) be closed into Surplus Account, this mction was seconded by Con~aissicner Stevens and duly carried. · the adoptio_~ of the fol- Cart representatives Cam_missioner Stevens moved lowing Resolution: $~iF~REAS, Winters and of the Florida Inland Navigation Districe have this day made application or~ behalf of the United Sua~es of ~mermea to tb~s Commission for parmission 5o construct, operate, and maintain a cs~aal for navigatio:a purposes over and across certain portions of public streets and higlmways located mn tbs Town of Boynzon and covering the following parcels of Parcel 37 Sheet !2 C "~ 38 ~: 12 C ~ 8 ~ 13 A land, to-wit: of the rigl~_t-of-ws_y of tlae mn~acoasoa-~ waterway from Jack- sonville, Florida to ~is~ni, County, F±o~ida, according the current public records Florida, through Palm Beach 5o the plat thereof of record in of the office of the Clerk of the tenance Florida bet Act of Congress the public; and Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, Florida, in Plat Book 17 at.pages !9C~ grid 18 A respectively~ to be used by the United States in and for the construction, operazion and main- by it of sea in-sracoastal waterway from Jacksonville, to Eft_i, Florida as contemplated by River and ~ar- approved January 9i, 1997 to De used by ~%~EREAS, it~appears to this Co.isa!on tihat the bene- fit and advantages to be received by the people of this Totem from and on account of the construction, operation and maintenance by the United States of said intracoastal water- way ~e such ~s vc cause this Co~anission to grant the per- mission tbzas requested; NOW THEREFORE, BE iT RESOLVED by the Town Co~?~ission of the Town of Boynton~ Florida, as follows: !o That perpetual permission ~ud license is hereby given tb~ United States of D~s~eriea, its officers~ agents~ servants and ~ontractors ~o enter upon~ excavate, cut away and remove any. and all of said above described tracss of land as may be required at ar~ time for the conssruction and mainsenance of said invracoastal waterway or any en- largement thereof and to maintain the portion so excavated ~d the ch~uel thereby created as a part of the navigable waters of the United States$ ~nd the fumther right ~ud easement to enter upon, occupy and use any portion of said tracts of land no5 so cut away and converted into Dublic naviggo!e waters as aforesaid, for the deposit of dredged hereby suthorized and om_corem to such instrnments sm~d to ~_~ ~_~ ton~ F_or~da thereto, material and for such other purposes as may be needful in the preservation and maintenance of said intraeoastal waSerway,. BE iT FURTHER RESOLVED that permission ~ad license is he?shy given the United States to deposit dredged ma- terial upon such portions of the public streets and high- ways adjacent to the above described parcels as may by the United Szates District ~gineers be deemed necessary or u~eful zo the United Sta~es in the construction and mainten- ance of the aforesaid waverway; BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the ~ayor for mud'on be- half of this Cor~ission ~e 2nd ne is hereby authorized to execute such deeds~ easements or other ~itten instruments as shall be necessary and ~roper to granz and convey said par cets~ easeme, n~s ~ad priveieges unto t~e United States of ~erica, and the Tow~. Clerk of this Tov~_ be and he is attest the execution of seal of the Town of Boyn- H~ D, S~evens Frank Nutting Vice ~ayor J, P, Bowen Town Clerk Tb~s motion was seco__aed by Co~mmissioner Nutting mad upon being put to a ~ote the fo!!owi~ug vote was had thereon Oo~lssmon~r Stevens ~i~ye~ Co~issioner Nutting ~e~' 0o~is sioner Bovren ~ ~y e~ Commissioner Nutting moved the adoption of the fo!- lowing Resotu~zon ~-H~EAS~ it is deemed advisable to accept Tov~ of B oy~ton Bonds and/or past due Coupons in the payment of ~ifty (50%) percent of Taxes for the year t932~ NOW T~EREFORE BE IT RES0~ED~ By the Board of Town Com~nissioners of the Tom of Boynton~ Florida, 'that the T~x Collector be, and he hereby is ~nthorzzed~ ordered and znstruc~ed to acceot Tow of Boynton Bonds and/or pasv due Coupons in payment of Fifty (50%) percent of Taxes for the year 1932. This motion was seconded by Commissioner Bowen follow_ng vote was b~d upon being put to a vote the ~ and thereon-' Conmnissioner Stevens ~Aye 0o~m~ss ~ner Nutt ir~ ~ ~' e~ 0omni s s io ncr Bowen ~e ~ Miller who wes present~ advised the mission that foreclosure suits against pro[erties located in Boynton Heights~ were filed on ~ebru~y 3rd, 1933. Commissioner Stevens stated that several parcels of improved property had also been included in the foreclosure proceedings due to a m~sunderst~ding, and made a motion instructed vo prepare a list of all inoiuded in the aoovementmonea suz~ suit against the improved properties seconded by Commms ioner Nuo~ing s_nd that the clerk be proved properties, the purpose of having dismissed. This motion was duly carried. A discussion was had reg~ ding furnishing Boynton Beach v~_th Fire protection and G~rbage Removal Service. Commissioner Nutting made a motion that the Town Com- mission meet with the Tov~ua Cor~ission of Boynton Beach, for the_purpose of reaching a satisfactory agreement thereon This smd unanimously carried. There being no further motion was seconded by Commissioner business the meeting adjourned ¥i-ce Mayor ~ T o~,~a Clerk