Minutes 04-18-33REGULAR I~ETING OF APRIL 18, 1933 A Regular Meeting of the Board of Town Commissioners of the TowN_ of Boynton~ Florida~ was ~e_d at the Town Hal! on Tuesday evening, ~%pri! 18th, 1933 at V:30 o~tock Po Mo Present: H. D° Stevons~ Mayor Frank Nuttir~, Vice Mayor J, P. Bowen~ Town Clerk The abovo constituting the entire Board of Town Commis~ sioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida. The minutes of the Regular ~ieeting hold April 4~ 1933 were read and approved upon motion made by Co~nissioner Nut- t~n~ seconded by Comzaissioner Bow~u, ano. unanimously omrr~e~° The report of the ~ection Board was read which is as follows STATE 0P FLORIDA } COUNTY OF T01~N OF B0~fNTON TO~ To the Honorable Mayor and Corm~issioners of the of Boynton~ Palm Beach ~oun y, Florida: We~ the ~= ' Inspectors una~rs~gned~ held on the 10th ds~ of of and oncumben~ to the sm.d Clerk of the General m~ection ~pril~ ~. D. 1933~ for ~ne e!ec~on office of Vice .V. ayor mad ex of~zc~o one o~ *~ '~ ~e Co~issioners of the Town of Boynvon~ mn Palm Beach Co~ty~ ~±o~maa~ do hereby certify that at suck e~ iection the total number of votes cast were: 318 of which William Eenzel Received One Hundre~ Eighty-Two (182) Frar~ L. Am. derson Received One Hundred Sixtee~ (ll6) Thomas E. ~oolbright Received Seven~een (1V) There were spoiled Ballots (3 ) $~d we, such Inspectors and C!erk~ do make the foregoing as our return to you of the results of such election, and we do declare the above ~aad foregoing to be the result of such e~ ction~ (Signed) Arena L. Neredith inspector (Signed) Ezmua NacKay Inspector (Signed) H.B. ~urray Inspector (Signed) Hertha ~. Williams Clerk Upon motion made by Co~missioner Nutting, seconded by Co~,~aissioner Bowen and ~animously carried, ~%~m. Menzel was declared elected Vice-[s~or of the Tov,m of Boynvon~ Florida~ for a term of three yeses upon his taking the Oath of Office. ~m.. ~enzel, the Vice-Mayor elected was present and ,pre- sented b~s Oath of Office which was ordered spread upon the minutes. Short addresses were made by several citizens present. Nev~man T. Miller, Attorney, who was present~ reported that the Foreclosure Suit on Boynton Heights properties, is progressing very rapidly. Upon motion ~de by Commissioner Bowen~ seconded by Commissioner Stevens and unanimously carried~ the following RESOLUTION was passed a~d ~dopted~ Wiq~RF~S~ The Charter of the Town of Boynton provides that all public moneys shall be disbursed only on check~ to be one W~REAS, lified, and is signed by the Eayor smd countersigned by at least other mercer of the Co~ission~ ar.d H. D. Stevens ~has been duly elected, qua- acting Eayor of ~ne Town of Boynton~ and William ~enzel ~has been duly elected, qua- lified~ and is acting Vice Mayor~ and V~R~a~g, J. P. Bowen has been duly elected~ qualified, and is acting Town Clerk, NO~ T~EFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Town Commissioners of the Town of Boynton~ Florida~ that H. D. Stevens as Eayor, William ~enzel~ as Vice and J. P. Bowen, as Town Clerk, furnish the Central Farmers? Trust Comp~uy, and West Palm Beach Atlantic National Bank, a specimen of their signatures on the cards provided for this p~pose, and BE IT FU~B~R RESOLVED tb~t a true copy of this rasolution be sent to the Central Farmers~ Trust Comp~y~ and to the West Palm Beach &tlantic National Ba~k~ The following letters were read: Boynton, Florida. ~ril 1Sth- 1933. Board of Town C~_issior~ers~ ~own of Boyn!son, Fla. Gentlemen Please consider this as n%~ application for the position of Night Wate~man. Respectfully~ B. L. Tuck Boynvon Fla. April !8th 1933. Board of Town Cow~,issioners~ Town of Boynton, Fla, Gentlemen: I tmve heard that Police Department. if as an applicant. there will be a vacancy in the so i vmu!d like to be considered Harr~y E, Carver. Upon motion made by Commissioner Stevens, seconded by Commissioner ~enzel and un~imousiy carried~ Harry E. Carver was appointed as Night-watc~n~ effective immediately. There being no further business the meeting adjourned.