Minutes 12-08-33SPECIAL NF~Tlk~G OF DECEMBER $~ 19~3. A SpeolaI~eetinE oF the Board oF Town Comui~sioners oF the Town Of Boy~ton, Florida, was held at the Town Hall ma Friday evening, December 8, 19~3 at 8:00 o'clook P.E. H. D. Stevens l~m. Menzel J~ P~ Bo~en~ Mayo~ Vice-Mayo~ TewnC!e~k. THo above oonsgituting the e~ti~e Boa~d of Tow~ Commissiono~a of t~e Town of Boyngo~ Florida. This mooting was called fo~ the ?~pose of considering a p~oposod amendment to O~dinauoe No~ t0~ providing for the gone~a~ ~evonuo of the Town a~d ~ ~uy other busirAess that might oome before the Gommlssim~. ~ . After some discussion, Comm!ssione~ Bowenmada a ra~tmon that O~dinanee No%J38 entitled "g_~ ORDIN.~CE OF THE TOV~N OF BOI~NTON, PAL~ BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, A~ENDiNG ORDL~LANCE NO. 10~ ENTITLED ~AN ORDINANCE OF T~ TOV~ OF BOX~ON, F~ORTDA, PROVTDING ~OR THE GENERAL REVENUE OF SAT_D TOWN~, Ah~ REPEALING ALL ORDINANCES AND pr.d~T~ OF ORDINANCES IN CONFLICT ~TH THE PROVISIONS OF THIS ORDiNANCE."~ be Dlaeed on it's ~irst ~eading~ This motion was,seoondedby~ Cozm~issione~ Nenzel $~ud unanimously ca_~led. ~ The~e being no I~o~ther business .the meeti~gadjouzmed. .. ~ce-Mayo~ (~~t'~'~'' To,m'lCterk,