Minutes 12-18-34~EGUZAR ~EETING OF DECEMBER A Regula~ Eeeting of the Boa~d ef T~ Oenmnissio~ers of the Town of Boyntom~ Fle~i~, ~m held at the To~ H~i ~ ~esd~ even~ De~ ~, 19~4 at 7:30 o~cl~k ~esent: H.D. Stevens, J. P. B~n, The above c~stitut~ the enti~ Bo~d of T~ Co~*~sle~e~ _el ~he Term of Bo~ton, Florida. The ~utes of the Re~ Meet~g of Decembe~ ~, 19~ were read ~d approved upem mo$1on ~de by Co~issioner Bowem. seceded by Co~issi~ Me.el ~d ~ously c~ied. C~ssi~e~ SSeve~s moved the adoption of the follow~ E E S 0 LN T I O N Vice Mayo: ~HEREAS, it is necessary for the Boa~i of Town Commissioners off the Town of Boynt~a, Florida, to desi~te a depesito~ fo~ the ~te~est ~ S~g ~, "1~34 T~ Ack. t", of the To~ of Bo~t~, Florida, ~AS, it apples t~t t~ West Pa~Bea~ Atl~tic Natio~t ~, of West Pa~ B~, the official deposi~o~ of ~e "19~ T~ Acco~", of ~e T~ ~f Bo~ton~ FI~i~. ~H~RE~ORE BE 1~ RESOLVED ~by the Boa~ o~ ~ow~ Commissioners of the Town of Boy~to~, Florida, t~t the ~est P~ Bea~ AtOmic Natio~l B~ of Wes~ ~ Beach, Fle~ida, be ~d hereby is appo~ t~ Offlci~ Deposit~ of I~$e~est ~d S~g ~d,- "193~ T~ Accost", of the To'~ of Bo~t~, Fl~ida. ~ ~ ~ER ~SOL~ by t~ Bc~ of T~ C~ssi~e~s of the To~ of B~ten, Florida, that a~ checks, ~ts o~ othe2 o~e~s fe~ the wi$~awat of money, ~d that ~y evidences of ~ebte~ess ef b~ow~g m~ey f~om the West Pa~ Beach At.tie Nati~al B~ ~11 be sSed by the Mayo~ ~d co~te~- si~ed by omc othe~ Co~ssione~. ~ acco~d~ce with Secti~ Five (8) of ~ticle F~ (4) of the To~ C~rte~. BE IT FURE~ ~SOL~, t~t the West Pa~ Beach At.tic Nati~ B~ of ~est Pa~ Beach, Florida, be instructed to reco~ize the sixties of H. D. Stevens, as ~yo~ ~d the oo~$e~si~t~es ~f eithe~ Wm.~Menzel, as Viee-~yor, o~ J. P. B~$n, ms To~ Clerk, on all chec~ issu~ by the T~ of Boston, Flori~. E IT FU~ER ~SOL~, that the To~ C~rk~ be, ~d he hereby is~ authorized ~d d~cted ~o send a co~ oF t~s Resoluti~, togethe~ with. speo~en sixties of H. D. Steve~, ~yo~; ~. Menzel, Vice-~yor; ~ j. p. B~en, To~ Clerk to the ~Jest Pa~ Bea~ At~ntioNatmo~l~ ~ of West Pa~ ~ch, Florida. Com-~missioner B~ve~ sec~le~ the motion £or the a~op~!~ of the above and foregoimg Resolutic~ and upon being p~t to a vote, the foll~wi~g vote was had thereon: Commissiome~ Stevens, "AYE" Commissioner ~e~zel. "~YE" COmmissioner Bowen, "AYE" Cemmissioue~ Stevems moved the adopticm ef the fo!lowing RESOLUTION ~EEREAS, the Town Commission deem~ it expedient and to the best interests Of the Citizens, Taxpayers and In~abitants of the Town of Boynton. to ~efund the indebtedness owing the I~r~uce and Foamite Industries, Inc., by the To~ of Boynte~ im the principal sum of O~e Thousand Ni~e Hundred Doll.s ($1.~O0eO0), at a lower ~ate o£ interes$ than is now being cha~geA W~EEEAS. a pr~pemat of such re~ ~nding has bee~ su~tted to the ~e~ie~-Z~ce ~d Fo~ite ~ust~ies. ~c.. proposal has been N0~, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLI~D. that the M~yor and TOwn Clerk be and they hereby a~e, authorized, ordered and d~ected to execute a Certificate of Zz~ebted~ess payable to American-ZaF~ance and Fo~mite Industries. Ins.. in ~ubstantial!y the following form, to-wit: EXTENSION AGREE~ ~ This Extsnsio~ Agreement. Made by ~nd~be~ween t~e ~2~TCAN~LAFR~NCE~DFO~!TE ~DUSTRiES~NCJ~ hereinafter called the company, which shall include its successors and assigns, and T,0NN OF BOYNTON hereir~fter called the Buyer, WIT~SSE~H: T~a~, whereas, ~he ComPany heretofore sold to the Buyer certain f~e' fighting app~a~s, ~esc~ibed ~e ~se~ t~e "10" ~'00 gall~ ~, ~ ~e~eas ~he C~a~ h~s penford i~s p~ ' Of ~e sa~'eo~ae~ ~ all ~speets ~ the ~uye~ ~s received all of sa~ p~o~ as re~esenSed a~ a~e~, ~d wh~eas the ~e~ is ~debted t~ the Comply ~eFo~e, as~evfdene~ by ce~ta~ nStes given By the Buyer to the Comply in cen~cti~ with said sale, and~ t~e Buye~ has requested the Co~y exte~ said notes, and the C~any ~$ a~e~ thereto; NON, TW~E~0~, i~ conside~atiom of She premises and the mtual eeVem~s h~ei~ e0ntaine~, iS is hereby rear.ally agreed by the pax~ies hereto as follows: (1) that the Buye~ Pays 1~.21 sash, reoeipS of which is hereby acknowledged, te apply on the said past-due lm~ebtedness. (2) That the Buyer Will execute a Certificate of Indebtedness dated the First day of 0ct0be~, A.D. 19~4~ wherein the said Te~ of ~to~ a ~ici~l Cerporatio~ ack.ledges i~se~ ~eb~ ~d fo~ value ~eceived p~o~ses to ~y to the o~de~ ~ ~U~-~CE ~ F0~I~ I~USTR~S, INC., the of ~e ~oUm~ N~e H~ed ($I,~00.00) Doll.s ~ the set fo~ ~ s~l~ Cert~ieate, to~the~ with ~te~es~ there~ at rates set fo~h ~ Sa~ Ce~t~tcate, a co~ of w~ch of ~debte~ess is at ~a~e~ h~ete ~d (~) Title te s~d prope~y is held ~d reta~ by the COmfy ~d sh~i not pass t~ ~he Buyer ~til the enSUe ~c~se p~ice, with ~te~est, costs a~ c~gem, ~d ~y ~udge~nt therefo~i~ fully paid ~ ~SB. T*~e ie of ~he essence of this contract, ~d ~ th* Buyer defaults on ~uy pa~e~ ~ fails comp~ wi~ any of the te~s of t~s c6ntract~ then the full ~o~t of the p~chase p~i~e ~e~in~g ~paid, shall, at the opti~ C~pa~, become i~d~ately du~ and pay~bl6, and the Co~y may t~ke ~edi~te possessie~ o~ sa~ property, or any p~t thereof, wmth~$ de~, wish or withou~ legal process, autho~i~ be~ hereby giv~ ~o enter o~ ~y p~emises ~d ~oseess s~, ~ ~y rep~ a~ ~esell said '~operty so ~et~e~ at public er private sale wt~h~t de~ fo~ ~fo~oe~. wi~ o~ withou$ ~e$ioe the ~er, with or with~t~v~ su~ p~ope~ at ~the place of sale, ~d mpom such Se~s ~d ~ such ~ne~ as the c~y dete~e. The selle~ ~y bid at ~y ~bli~ sale. Fro~ the of ~y such sal~ She Co~y shall deduo$ all expenses of retak~g, ~epa~g ~d ~esel!~g su~n p~pe~ty, ~cl~g ~easo~ble atto~ey, s fees~ ~ ~e barnes thereof s~l! be app~ed to the ~o~t due; ~y m~lus s~l! be ~id ever to the Buyer. In case of deficiency the ~er s~ll ~y the s~e ~$erest. ~ the event of ~y ~faul$ he~e~ude~, o~ ~ ~2 ef ~otes, the B~e~ a~ees to ~y to ~e Co~s~y all cosSs, and e~pense~, ~elud~g feasible atto~eys fees whi~ the C~y ~y ~c~ o~ be put $0 ~ the collection~ of said notes ~y p~t thePeof, o~ ~ taking ~y action he~e~de~ ~ C~ otherwise. No suit fo~ the collection ~ any nose o~ notes o~ part thereof, er payment due, or to enforce any right hereunder, shall be termed a waiver o£~titie or the right of tlie ComDany to repossess Said apparatus, or or any part thereof, on default or breach of this contract or any of said notes. If the Company repessesses al! or any of said apparatus, all payments made by the Buyer may, at the eptie~ of the Compamy, be ~orfeited and be ret~i~e~ as re~ an~ liquidated damages, otherwise ~o such reposeesei~ shall i~ any ma~uer e~fect the outstanding heres, the the obligatioms of which shall remain nntil Fully paid i~ easho %~IT~IEBS eu~ hands a~d efficia! seal this 18th day of December, A. D., 15~%. -- ANERICAN-.L3~RANGE AEDFOAt~!TE /3tDUSTRIES, INC.~ By (Seal) As ~S ~' r~ TOER~ OF BOYNTON As to Buyer. Attest: Seal) -TOVa~ Clerk. A Copy of Ce~tifmeate of Indebtedness No. 1 attached to Extension Agreement: Ne. 1 $ 1,900,00 UNIT~ STATES OF AI~ERiCA STATE OF FLORZDA GOUN.~U~ OF PAL~ BEACH TO~N OF BOY~ON CERTIFICATE OF INE~BTEDNESS ISSUE OF OCTOBER 1ST, 193~, The Tow~ ~f Bo2nton, a municipal duly organized and existing ~uder the laws of the State Florida, acknowledges itself indebted and for val~e receiveR, hereby promises to pay to the order of .... ~--- A~IERICAN LA FP~NCE AND FOANITE INDUSTRIES~ INC., a cot- polaris, of ELk~_~, NEW YORK, the s~m of ONE THOUSAND NINE HUNDRED DOLLARS ($1,900e00) in the follo~img mar~nem, to-wit :- ONE H-0q~DEED NINETY DOIJ~RS ONE HUNDRED NINETY DOI.I.~RS ONE ~NE ~1~ N~ DOTJ~S ONE HUNDRED~NINE2~ D0rX~RS ONE p~y~DRED ~ DOLLARS ONE ~HUNDRED NINETY DOL~RS ) ) ;00) on or before October l, on of before 0¢tober 1~ 19~8; om or before October l, ~ o~ before 0ctebe~ l~ 19~; en o~ be~o~e 0etebe~ 1, 19~1 ; on o~ before 0ctebe~ 1~ 19~; ~ o~ bef0~e 0etobe~ I, ~ o~ befo~ 0ctobe~ l~ ~ o~ before 0ctobe~ !, 19~5; on or before 0ctobe~ t, 19~5; tegeth~ with imterest upon the amo~ut thereof remaining u~patd at the Following rates, to-wit:- 1~1· a~u~ f~ ~ ~o~ pe~ ~ fo~ per a~ for per ~ for pe~ ~ ~o~ the period f~0m 0otober 1, l~& to Sept. ~0, t9~§ the period from October 1~ 1988 to Sept. ~0, 19~6 ~e period ~ oCtobe~ 1, 19~ to Sept. ~, 198~ the pe~i~ f~em October l, 19~ to Sept; the peri~ fPom 0ctObe~ l~ 19~8 to Sept. E0, 1959 ~e p~ri~ ~om 0ct~oe~ 1, 19~9 to sept. ~0, the pe~i~ ~om 0ctobe~ l~ 19&0 to Sep~O, 19&!: the peri~ f~O~ 0~tob~ 1, Ig&l to Sept. ~0, 19~ the pe~ied f~ 0ctobe~ l~ Ig&2 to Sept; ~e period f~om 0ctobe~ I, !94~ to Sept~ ~0, 194& the p~iod f~om 0etobe~ I~ I9~ to Sept~ 80, the period f~om 0ctobe~ l, l~ to 8e~. riO, the said interest being payable o~ the fi~s~ day of Ootobe~ in eac~ ~ the years above stated. Both the' p~incipa! and interest of this CERTIFICATE OF I~DEBT~D~ESS a~e payable lawful money of the UNI~ STATES 0F AMERICA, at the office of the Terra Treas~e~ of the T~wn of Boynten, Florida, upon p~esentation and surrender of this CERTIFICATE OF INDEBTED- NESS, or p~ope.~ e~pon, and for the prompt and pu~_ctual pay- merit of the primcipa! and interest hereof, as the same res- peetively become .due and payable and for the levy and lection of t~xes sufficient therefor, the full faith, and resources of the Town of Boynton a~e hereby irrevocably the Offioe of the Tow~ T~easumem of the Town of Boynton~ Florida, in said Town and the paymen$ he,eof upon the p~e.~entation and su~endem is gu~mauteed by said Town~ provided in said CERTLWTCATE. Installment P~incipal Inte~es~ Total $ 190;00 $ ---Town T~easu~ep~ - T~ o~ Boom. ton, Fto~ida. Town of Bo~nton~ Florida Oommissic~em Bowen seconded the motion for the adoption of the above and foregoing RESOL~ION and upon being put to a vol t!~ following vote was had thereon: Commissione~ StevenS, "AYE" CommiSsiOno~ Menzel, "AYE" ~ommissi~ne~ Bo~en~ ~ALrE" There being no fu~the~ business the meeting adjourned. .~.vo____T own Cle~ke