O73-44 AI~ ORDL~A-NCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, ~0~, EXT~DiNG THE lv~NICIPAL TE~ITORiAL L~ZTS OF SAID ~3NICIPALITY BY THE ANNEX~TION OF A CE~TAI~,~ UNINCOF~oOR~TED T~&CT OF Iz~D CONTAINING LESS THAN TEN P~GISTERED VOTERS~ LYv~ CO5~IGUOUS THERETO A-NLTM WITHLN P~J~ BEACH ~COUNTY, ~w~O-~iDA~ TO WIT: A PARCEL OF LAND ~OCATED IN SECTIONS SC~T~H~ RAi~GE 43 EAST, NORE PA~ICULARLY DES~ CRiBED ~REI~TF~ REDEFiniNG 'THE BOU~ARIES OF SAID CITY ~ !~CLUDE SAID LA~D$ REPEA~ING A~LL OED~L~CES OR PARTS 0F OEDI!~A~CES IN CON~ FLICT EER~5~iTH~ PROVIDL~G ~0R AUThORITy TO CODIFY-, S~iVINGS CLAUSE, A~ EFFECT~ZE DATE A~D F0~ OTHER ~°UP~OSES ~rHE ~REAS~ the o~er of the proper~y more particularly describe~ hereinafter has heretofore petitioned the City Council of the City of Boston Beach, Florida~ requesting the annexation of certain property lying adjacent ~ud contiguous to the territorial limits of s~id mdnicip~lity and within the sa~e County to the municipal territorial limits of said City~ WHEP~EAS~ said tract of land contains less than ten registered voters ~ sJ~d ~E~S, all requirements of the Charter of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, and of the l~ws of the State of Florida, relative to ~exation of contiguous territo~~ ha~e been complied with~ WHE~S, the City Council of the City of ~ynton Beach~ Florids~ deems the ~nnexation of said l~nd to be beneficial to ~d in the best ~uterests of the said City ~d the o~er of said l~ad that said l~d be ~exed ~d included w'ithin the municipal territori~ limits of said City~ NOW, THE~FO~, BE IT O~A~ BY THE CITY COUNC~ 0F THE 3I~ OF ~ON B~CH, ~R~A: SDc~ion 1: Beach~ Florida~ described in theattaehed Exhibit A, which hereof, to the municipal territorial limits Beach, Florida. ~.ection 2: C-1 pursuant to Beach~ Florida. Section 3: Boynton Beach, Florida, are hereby redefined so as to the above-described property. Section 4: Repealing Provisions: All ordinances ordinances in conflic~ herewith are hereby repealed. That the City Council of the City of Boynton hereby annexes the tract of land more particularly is hereby made a part of the City of Boynton! That the subject property is hereby zoned zone the Master Zonin~ Code of the City of Boynton That the territorial boundaries of the City of include or parts of Section 5: hereby granted to codify and City's existing Code. Section 6: Separability: Authority to Codify: Specific authority is incorporate this Ordinance in the Should any section or provision of this Ordinance or any portion hereof~ be declared by a Court of competent jurisdiction to be invalid~ such decision shall not affect the validity of the remainder hereof as a whole or any part hereof~ other than the part declared to be invalid. Section 7: Effective Date: This Ordinance shall become effective in the manner and at the time provided by law. - 2 First Second NOV~m~R~ A~ reading this ~ day of October~ ,~. D.~ t9Z3. mud final _eading ~u~ p~ss~ this ~ d~y of C~ty C~e~k~ ~a~a~~ (COS_~. S~) ~e~c~ ~ounty ~!or~a_ sa~ ~rcel being ~ ~rt~on of Tracts 4~, 40 ~nd 39 of the Plat of Subdivision of Section i9. To~sbip~5 South. Range 43 Eis~ ms recorded in Plat ~ook 7. ~age t9 and a ~rtion of Lots ~ and ~, Elock 4 of the Palm ~egch County ~g~s Co. Plat ~o. 8 as recorded in Plat ~ook'.5. Page 73 of the ~bl~c Records of ~1~ ~ach County Florida s&id land being ~re pgrtlc~arly described as ~orn.~nenc~ng at the Northeast corner of Section 30, Iow'nshlp 45 South. Range 43 Eat thence x~i~h a bearing of S. 87° 57' 53TM ~V. along the North line of Section 30. tknce of 50.OD fee~ to a ~int on the ~Vest right~f-~ay tine of Congress 3%venue. said ~int 5elna the ~o~nt of~eginning; thence cont{nue ~tonR the mfoze~_entioned course extended a distance of 937.65 feet ~ a ~int; thence ~'ith a ~s~ance. of 256.03 feet to a ~int; on the ~orth right~f-wayline of ~few V,~est ~o~nRoad; thence ~vith ~ bearing of S. 870 57' 53" %V. along the aforementioned right~f-wayof Bo~m~n Road a ~stance 0f S0.0O feet to a ~int; thence xvith a bear- [ng:ofN. 0° 53' 57" IV. a ~s~ance of 296.03 feet to a ~int; thence ~th a bearing of ~. 68° Z8~ 54" E. a dls~nc.e of 659.48 feet to a ~in~; thence ~ith a bearing of N. 87 57~ 5B~ E. a ~stance of 400.00 fee~ ~o ~ ~in~ on the %%rest ri~ht~f-~'ay of Congress A~n~e: ~h~nce,~ith a bearing of S. 0° 57: 37~ E~ glon~ the Co.Erase A~genne a distance of 300.09 fee~ ~ore or less to 5.748 Acres more or less and sub~ect Lo easemenzs and~righ~s-of--A-ay of