R01-309RESOLUTION NO. Ol - A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ELECTING TO USE THE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM SPECIAL ASSESSMENTS LEVIED WITHIN THE INCORPORATED AREA OF THE C~ITY; STATING A NEED FOR SUCH LEVY; PROVIDING FOR THE MAILING OF THIS RESOLUTION; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach, Florida (the "City") is contemplating the imposition of special assessments for the provision of fire rescue services; and WHEREAS, the City intends to use the uniform method for collecting non-ad valorem special assessments for the cost of providing fire rescue services to property within the ~ncorporated area of the City as authorized by section 197.3632, Florida Statutes, as amended, because this method will allow such special assessments to be collected annually commencing in November 2002, in the same manner as provided for ad valorem taxes; and WHEREAS, the City held a duly advertised public hearing prior to the adoption of this Resolution, proof of publication of such hearing being attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED: 1. Commencing with the Fiscal Year beginning on October 1, 2002, and with the tax statement mailed for such Fiscal Year, the City intends to use the uniform method of collecting non-ad valorem assessments authorized in section 197.3632, FIodda Statutes, as amended, for collecting non-ad valorem assessments for the cost of providing fire rescue services. Such non- ad valorem assessments shall be levied within the incorporated area of the City. A legal description of such area subject to the assessment is attached hereto as Exhibit B and incorporated by reference. 2. The City hereby determines that the levy of the ,assessments is needed to fund the cost of fire rescue services within the incorporated area of the City. 3. Upon adoption, the City Clerk is hereby directed to send a copy of this Resolution by United States mail to the Florida Department of Revenue, the Palm Beach County Tax ._Collector, and the Palm Beach County Property Appraiser by January 10, 2002. 4. This Resolution shall be effective upon adoption. EXHIBIT "A" THE PALM BEACH POST Pub~hed D~f~ and Sunday West Palm Beaci~ PaLm Beach County~ Florida PROOF OF PUBLICATION STATE OF FLOR]DA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Before the undars~l~ned antl~ont~ personalty appeared T~ler Dixon. who on oath says that she is Classified Advertising Manager. Inside Sales of The palm Beach Post. a daily and Sunday newspaper pubEshed at Wes~ Palm Beach m palm Beach Coum~. Florida; that the attached copy of ac[verasing, being Nolic~ in the mauer Intent established in saidn~spape~ m the issues November 10,13. 20, 27 ~ 2001 Affiant fotthe~ says tha! the said The Post is a newspaper published at West palm Beach. in said Palm Beach County. Florida~ and that the smd newspaper has heretofore been continuously published in said Palm Beac~l CounW~ Florid& daily and Sunday and has been enteled as second class maitmatte~ at the post office in West Palm Beach. in said Palm B,ach County. Florida. for aperiod of one year next preceding the first publicarion of the attached copy of adve~Lsem~nt; and affiant thr~er says that she/he has neither paid nor promised any person, firm or cc~oratioa any discount rebate, commission or refund for the purpose of securing this advertisement for publication in the so/d newspaper. Sworn to and subscribed before this 27th day of ~ow~mber: A.D. 2~ NO. 356091 NOTICE OF INTENT TO USE UNIFORM METHOD OF COLLECTING NON-AD VALOREM ASSESSMENTS FLORIDA Page 1 of 9 EXHIBIT Sec. 6. Boundaries. _~ ,. . ,. ~\ ~,~ 97~ ~'?-~ ~: The corporate limits of the City ut ooynron t~each shhll extend over and include all of the territory within the following descd Dtion and shall incorporate all of the inhabitants within the same except as otherwise expressly provided herein: An area of land in Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of Section 5, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida; 1..thence N.89°09'38"E, along the south line of said Section 5, a distance of 1901.08 feet to a point on the east right-of-way line of 1-95 (State Road No.9}; 2_thence N.17°05'42"E, along said east right-of-way line of 1-95, a distance of 2565 feet, to the southwest corner of LAKE VIEW HAVEN SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 32 page 53; 3..thence S.71°54'31 "E, along the south line of said LAKE VIEW HAVEN SUBDIVISION, a distance of 110 feet, to the southeast corner of LOT 1 of said LAKE VIEW HAVEN SUBDIVISION on the west right-of-way line of Diane Drive; 4..thence southwesterly along the southwesterly extension of Diane Drive a distance of 60 feet to a point on the south line of said LAKE VIEW HAVEN SUBDIVISION; 5..thence so,utheasterly along said south I ne to the aorthwest corner of LOT 1 of LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PleAT 2 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 29 page 53; 6..thence $,18°04'29'~/along the west,line of said LOT 1 a distance of 100 feet to a middle corner (140" 15') of said EOT 1; .7..thence S.21°40'31"E, along the west line of BLOCK 1of said LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT 2 a distance of 1280 feet to a point in the east line of the west half (~Nl/2) of the southwest quarter (SWl/4) of the southeast quarter (SEl14) of said Section 5; 8_thence S.00°05'20"W, along said east line a distance of 245 feet to a point in the north line of LAKE SHORE ESlrATES, a subdivision in Palm Beach County as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 26, page 26; 9 thence N.89°3545"E, along said north line and its easterly extension a distance of 288.00 feet to the southeast corner of LOT 16 LAKE EDEN SUBD V S ON PLAT NO 1 as recorded m sa~d Pub ~c Records m Plat Book 28 page 216: 1,0..thence N.00°04'45'~N, along the west line of said LOT 16 a distance of 201.17 feet to a point on the ~stedy extension of the east right-of-way line of Lake Drive; 11..trhence N.68°I9'30"E, along a line perpendicular to said east right of way line of Lake Drive a distance of 180~00 feet to a point on the southeasterly extension of the east line of LOTS 11 through 15 of said LAKE EDEN SUBDIV[S,I~N PLA'I- NO 2 12..thence No21 40 31"VV, along said southeasterly extension of the northeast line of LOTS 11through 15 to the nort5east corner of LOT 12 of said LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT NO. 2; 13..thence northeasterly a distance of $10 feet to a point; 14..thence southerly a distance of 25 feet to a point; 15..thence northeasterly a distance of 400 feet to a point; 16..thence northwesterly a distance of 250 feet to a point; 17..thence southwesterly a distance of 400 feet to a point; 18..thence southerly a distance of 25 feet to a point; 19..thence southWeSterly a distance of 310 feet to the southeast corner of LOT 13 of said LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT NO. 2; 20_thence northvcestedy along the east line o¢ said LOT 13 a distance of 30 feet to the easterly right-of-way ~orth Drainage District E-4 Canal a distance of 736 feet to a point; Page 2 of 9 EXHIBIT 21 ..thence N.23°57'45"E, along said easterly right-of-way line, a distance of 186.28 feet, to a point; 22..thence N.20°05'E, along said easterly right-of-way line. a distance of 161.45 fee[, to the southwest comer of LOT 56 LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT NO.4 as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 30 page 122; 23..thence N.88°59'13"E, along the south line of said LAKE EDEN SUBDIVISION PLAT 4, a distance of 880.51 feet, to a point in the southerly extension of the west boundary of the southeast quarter (SEl14) of the southeast quarter (SEl/4) of the southeast quarter (SEl/4) of the northeast quarter (NEll4) of Section 5, Township 45, Range 43; 24..thence N.00°29'5~I"W, along said southerly extension and west boundary a distance of 190 feet to a point on the east-west quarter section line of said Section 5; 25..thence easterly a~ong said east-west quarter line of said Section 5 and continuing along the east-west quarter line of Section 4 in said Township 46 South, to a point of intersection with the west right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard; 26,.thenca N.89°41'21'E, continuing along [he south line of the northwest quarter (NWl/4) of Section 4, said sQuth linebeing parallel to and 50 feet south of the north right-of-way line of Gulf Stream Boulevarr~ (SE 36 Ave.), a distance of 2008.75 feet, to a point at the intersection with the east right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad; 27,2hence S,08°14'33"W along said east right-of-way line a distance of 217.56 feet to a point at the ~n with the westerly extension Of the south line of LOT 20 DELRAY BEACH ESTATES as recorded in Palm Beach County Records in Plat Book 21 page 13; 28~thence iS.72"45'15"E along said wester y extension and along the south line of said LOT 20, and along its eas[ertye×tensiona distance of 680.21 feet to a point at the intersection with the east right-of-way line of Federal Highway(U.S. 1); 29_thenceN,17°14'45"Ealong said east right-of-way line of Federal Highway, to a point located 50 feet south of the southwest corner of KINGS SUBDIVISION as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 20, paste 47; 30.~.thence.easterly a,~distance of 390 feet to a point on the west line of the TRAEDEWlND ESTATES 1ST ADDIIION as re¢oCded in Palm Beach County Public Records Plat Book 22 page 44; 3%.thence northedyalong said west line of the TRADEWlND ESTATES 1ST ADDITION a distance of 50 feet to a point; 32~.~he~qce ~esterly a~ong the south line of the aforementioned KINGS SUBDIVISION to a point of inte~ection with the east right~of-way line of U.S. Federal Highway; 3~.,thence ?rtherly along said east right-of-way line of U.S. Federal Highway to the southwest corner of Lo~T 9'of the KINGS SUBDIVISION; 34~,tbence ~asterly along said south line of LOT 9 to the southeast corner thereof; 35~¢ihencei,¥ northerly to the northeast corner thereof; 36~',~hence Westerly to the northwest corner of said LOT 9 on the east right-of-way line of U.S. Federal HighWay; 3L:;thence northerly along said east right-of-way line to a point of intersection with the north right-of-way line 0f Bamboo Lane; 38~thence~ S36°19 17 E a distance of 133 feet along said north line of Bamboo Lane to a point on the west r~igfi~t-of-way line of the south extension of Virginia Gardens Road; ~9,,~ence NA 1 °15'14"E along the west right-of-way line of said Virginia Gardens Road a distance of 13.98 fee~to a point that is 308.76 feet south of said north line of Section 4 as measured perpendicular to said north line; 40.dhence N.89°19'48"E along a line parallel to said north line of Section 4, and north right-of-way line of Bamboo ~ane, a distance of 249.5 feet to a point 300 feet west of, as measured along said parallel line, the wes~rly right-of-w~,y, li.n,e of the Intracoastal Waterway; 4~'~the~ce N.05°26 45 E along a line parallel to said westerly right-of-way, a distance of 94.5 feet to a point o~ the sOuth right-of-way line of a finger canal; ,¢2~.~hence N.89°'19'48"E along a line parallel to said north line of Section 4, being the south right-of-way line of ~;aid fi~ger ca~al;, a ;,d, istance of 450 feet to a point on the center line of the Intracoastal Waterway; 43i~henc~ ND7 ~36 00 E along said center line, a distance of 1571 feet to the intersection with the westerly ~t~nsion of thesou~h line of LOT 16 BENSON BROTHERS SUBDIVISION, as recorded in said Palm Beach C°Unty Public Records in Plat Book 5 page 27; Page 3 of 9 EXHIBIT 44..thence N.89°35'00"E along said westerly extension and along said south line of LOT 16, a distance of 1163 feet to a point 50 feet west of the west right-of-way line of Florida State Road A1A; 45..thence northerly along the east line of the aforementioned BENSON BROTHERS SUBDIVISION a distance of 69.11 feet to a point; 46..thence easterly to the west right-of-way line of Florida State Road A1A; 47..thence southerly alon~c said west right-of-way line of A1A to a point of intersection with the south line of the south 383 feet of the North 1569 feet of Government Lot 2, Section 34, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County; 48..thence N.89°35'00"E along said south line, a distance of 596 feet to the high water line of the Atlantic Ocean; 49..thenceN.07°48'0ff'E along said high water line, a distance of 391 feet to a point on the north line of the said south 383 feet of the north 1569 feet of Government Lot 2; 50..thenceS.89035'00"W along said north Iine, a distance of 663 feet to a point on a curve in the east right- of-way line of said A1A; 5'l~..thence n0rtherly along said east right-of-way line and a curve to the right ~h~s,e, chord bears N.03°52'50,W, and whose radius is 3182.98 feet, through a delta angle of 12 2239, and an arc distance of 687.61 feet to a point oftangem; 52.;thence N.02°IS'29"E along said east right-of-way of A1A, a distance of 496.98 feet to a point of intersection with theeastedy extension of the north line of LOT 11 of said BENSON BROTHERS SUBDIVISION; 53~thence.S.89°40'17"W along said north line of LOT 11, a distance of 1078.00 feet to the said center line of the Intraceastal Waterway; 54..thence N.07~36'00"E along said center line, and continuing along the center line of the channel of said ~ Waterway, a distance of 14180 feet to a point that is 1000 feet north of the south line of Section 15, said Township 45 South, Range 43 East; 55..J. hence N.14°lS'26"E continuing along said center line of channel, a distance of 2827 feet to a point of intersection with the n,,o, rth line of the south half (Sl/2) of the north half (Nl/2) of said Section 15; 56 thence N.88'~04'02 'W along said north line of the south half (S1/2) of the north half (N'I/2) of Section 15, a,distance of 3140 feet to the intersection with the west line of said Section 15; 57.1hence N,87'~54'20"W along the north tine of the south half (Sl/2) of the north half (Nl/2) of Section 16, said Township 45 South, said north line also being the north right-of-way line of N.E. 26 Avenue, a distance of 590 feet to a point thatis 750 east of LOT 38, BLOCK 18, ROLLING GREEN RIDGE FIRST ADDITION as .recorded insaid Public Records in Plat Book 24 page 224; §8.,thence~N.00°O9'05"E along the southerly extension of, and the west line of the QUADRILLE CONDO as'recorded in PalmBeach County Public Records in Official Record Book 3126 page 28, and its northerly extension, a distanceof 1328 feet to the intersection with the north right-of-way line of Miner Road also being the south lineof the RIDGE GROVE subdivision as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 22 page 8; 59,.thencewest along said north right-of-line of Miner Road, a distance of 769.1 t feet to the southwest comeFof LOT 155 of said RIDGE GROVE subdivision; 69;,thence N,02°08'I5"E along the west line of said LOT 155 also being the east right-of-way line of Grove Roa~ d, a.distance of I960 feet to the intersection of the easterly extension of the south line of BLOCK 12 of sAN. CASTLE 2ND ADDITION as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 25 page 231; 61.;thence N.89°56'08"W along said south line of BLOCK 12 and its easterly extension, a distance of 341.43 feet to.the southwest corner of LOT 9 of said BLOCK 12 of SAN CASTLE 2ND ADDITION; 62.~thence N.01 °38'00"E along the west line of said BLOCK 12 and its northerly extension, a distance of 708.36 feet toa point at the intersection with the north right-of-way line of Mentone Road; 63.,fhence N.89°54'5ff'W along said north right-of-way line of Mentone Road, a distance of 1058.01 feet to a poir~t atthe intersection with the west right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard, said right-of-way being 80 feet in width;. 64..,.~hence S.01 °32'45"W along said west right-of-way line of Seacrest Boulevard, a distance of 165 feet to the intersection with the north line of PINE POINT VILLAS CONDO A in Section 9, Township 45, Range 43; 6&~thence N.88°27'15"W along said north line of Pine Point Villas, a distance of 855.9 feet to the east right- of~way line of Interstate Highway 1-95 (State Road 9); Page4 of 9 RX~IBIT ~Be 66..thence N.01 °12'26"W along said east right-of-way line, a distance of 755 feet to a point that is 3296.96 feet north of the south line of Section 9, said Township 45 South, said point also being at the intersection with the easterly extension of the north line of PARCEL B, CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D. as recoroed in said Public Records Plat Book 46 page 59; 67_thence 8.88~45'58"W along said eastedy extension, and along said north line of PARCEL B, a distance of 439.82 feet to the northwest corner of said PARCEL B; 68..thence S.00°05'28"W along the west line of said PARCEL B, a distance of 988.39 feet to a point on the north line of the south half (81/2) of the north half (N1/2) of the northwest quarter (NWl/4) of the southwest Quarter (SWl/41 of said Section 9: 69..thence S.88°45'14'~N along said north line, a distance of 1331.29 feet to a ~oint on the east right-of-way lineof High Ridge Road; 70..thence 8.01°50'13"W along said east right-of-way line, a distance of 329.89 feet to the south line of said ~(S1/2).of the north half (N1/2} of the northwest quarter (NWl/4) of the southwest quarter (SW1/4) of said Section 9; 71 _thence N.88~45'14"E along said south line, a distance of 109.9 feet to the intersection with the northerly extension ofthe west line Of LOT 9, of said CEDAR RIDGE, A P.U.D. & HIGH RIDGE COMMERCE PARK, A P.I.D.; 72..thence south, along said northerly extension and along said west line of LOT 9, a distance of 159.82 feet to the southwest COrner of said LOT 9; 73..thence S.88°45'14"W along the north line of LOT 8 said CEDAR RIDGE P.U.D. and its westerly extension, a distar~ceof 159.9 feet to a point on the west right-of-way line of said High ridge Road; 74..thence S.01 °50'30"W along said west right-of-way line of High Ridge Road, a distance of 1759.51 feet to apoint 60 feet north of the south line of Section 8, said Township 45 Range 43; 75..thenceS.88°07'O9"W along a lineparallel to and 60 feet north of the south line of said Section 8, a distance of 475.6Zfeet to the intersection of the southerly extension of the west line of LOT 36, HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 22 page 6; 76..thence N.01 °09'26"E along said southerly extension of LOT 36 and the west lines of LOTS 36, 35, and part of LOT 34, Said HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION, a distance of 1529.81 feet to a point on the west line of said LOT 34, being 99.94 feet north of the southwest comer thereof; 77..thence N.O5°OI'56"E along the west line of said HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION and its northerly extension, tq:the southwest corner of LOT 8 of said HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION; 78.,thence easterty alon. g the south line of said LOT 8 and its easterly extension thereof to a point on the _~..th~nceSt right-of-way line of High Ridge Road; ~north~rly along the east right-of-way line of High Ridge Road to a point of intersection with the easterly extension of the north line of LOT 7 of the HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION; 8.0,..thence ~Wes~rly a ong the said no(th line of LO']' 7 to the northwest corner thereof, said point located on the west tide of HIGH RIDGE SUBDIVISION; 8~..,thence northerly along said west line and its northerly extension to a point of intersection with the north r[gh{-(ff£way of Hypoluxo Road; 8Z.,thence-,W. ester y a cng sa d north right-of-way I ne and a curve to the eft whose chord bears S:87048~49FW with a radius of 5781.58 feet and a central angle of 1 °51 01 an arc distance of 186.72 feet to a?oint of tangent:on said north right-of-way line of Hypoluxo Road; 83,.thence S.86'° "*"'5318 W continuing along said north right-of-way line a distance of 358.87 feet to a point of Curve; 84~.thenceCOntinuing along os, aid n.orth right-of-way line on a curve to the right whose radius is 5677.58 feet a~d whose central angle is I 42'30, an ~rc distance of 169.28 feet to a point of tangent; 8~.thence S.88°35'48'~/V continuing along said north right-of-way line a distance of 239.67 feet to a point of curve; 86_thence ~ontinuing along said north right-of-way line on a curve to the right whose radius is 5677.58 feet aBfl ;whose central angle is 2°54'12", an arc distance of 287.70 feet to a po nt of tangent; 87.thence continuing along said north righ:-of-way line a distance of 3324.71 feet to a point of intersection wit.'h;the center line of Congress Avenue; 88,.~nce S.88°25'09"W continuing along the north right-of-way line of said Hypaluxo Road, ~o a point of intarsec--'t-~'n with the west right-of-way line of Lawrence Road; Page 5 of 9 EXHIBIT 89..thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of Lawrence Road to a point of intersection with the westerly extension of the south line of the GROVE PLAZA REPLAT as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 86 page 81; 90..thenea easterly along the south line of the GROVE PLAZA REPLAT to the southeast corner thereof; 91..thence southerlyto the northeast corner of the plat of JONATHANS GROVE as recorded in the Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 73 page 15; 92..thence easterly along the north line of said plat of JONATHANS GROVE and its easterly extension to a point of intersection with the west right-of-way line of Lawrence Road; 93..thence southerly along the west right-of-way line of Lawrence Road to s point of intersection with the westerly extension of the south line of said plat of JONATHANS GROVE; 94..thence easterly along the said south line of the plat of JONATHANS GROVE to the southeast corner thereof; 95..thence S.02°07'34'~/ to the northeast corner of the southwest quarter (SWI/4) of the northwest quarter (NWI~ Section,7 Iownship 45 Range 43; 96..thence S.88=2019tW along the n0rth line of said southwest quarter (SWI/4) of the northwest quarter (NW'i/4) of Section 7 and its westerly extension to the northeast corner of LOT 78 of the subdivision of HOMES OF LAWRENCE PLAT I as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 49 page 183; 97..thenea southerly to the southeast corner of HOMES OF LAWRENCE PLAT 3 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 63 page 91; 9&.thence easterly to a point of intersection with the west right-of-way li[m of Lawrence Road; 99_~thence southerly along said west right-of-way line to a point of intersection with the westedy extension of the'south line of LAWRENCE GROVES PLAT I as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 60 page 21; 100..thence. N.88°II'O7"E along said south fine of said LAWRENCE GROVE PLAT I to the southeast corner thereof; 10~l.thence southerly a~ong the west line of the plat of FOSTERS MILL as recorded in the Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 83 page 139 to the southwest corner thereof on the north right-of-way line. of the Lake Worth Drainage District L-20 Canal; 102.dhence S.88~05'54'~V along the north right-of-way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District L-20 Canal to a~p0int on the east right-of-way line of Lawrence Road; 103.~thence .northerly along said east right-of-way line to a point of intersection with the easterly extension of the nodh line 0fTRACT P-4 of MANOR FOREST PLAT 4 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book73 page 194; 10&..thence :westerly along the north line of said TRACT P- 4 to the northwest corner of TRACT 0-3 of said MANOR FOREST PLAT 4; 1.05~lhence northerly to the northeast comer of said MANOR FOREST PLAT 4; l~06L~thence ~estedy along the north line of said PLAT 4 to the west line of TRACT L-1 of said MANOR FOREST PEAT 4, said point being on the west line of WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT I of MANOR FOREST PLAT 2 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 47 page 88; 107.1hence meanderincl southerly and westerly along the east line of the WATER MANAGEMENT TRACT Io the nerth west corner of TRACT 0-2 of MANOR FOREST PLAT 4 on the east right-of-way line of Manor Forest Boulevard; 108~;thence southwesterly a distance of 60 feet to the northeast corner of lot 128 of MANOR FOREST PLAT 4 en the weSt right-of-way line of Manor Forest Boulevard: 109.,thence northerly along said west right-of-way line to the northeast corner of said MANOR FOREST PLAT 4; '1 ~10~thence westedy along the north line of MANOR FOREST PLAT 4 to the northwest corner thereof; ll~;ithence Southerly along the west line of MANOR FOREST PLAT 4 to a point of intersection on the east line ~the plat of SUNSET CAY as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 71 page 11~, With the westerly extension of the north line of NAUTICA PLAT 1 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records i~ Plat Book 71 page 170; 1 l~.{hence easterly along said extension of the north line of NAUTICA PLAT 1 to the northwest corner I13~.:thence southerly along the west line of said NAUTICA PLAT 1 to the southwest corner thereof; Page 6 of 9 ~/(HIBIT "B? 114_thence westerly to the northwest corner of NAUTICA PLAT 2 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 74 page 33; 115..thence southerly to the southwest corner of the southeast quarter (SW 1/4)of the Section 13, Township 45 Range 42; 1'16_thence easterly along the south line of said Section 13 to the point of intersection with the southerly ~f the West ne of PINE GROVE VILLAGE an unrecorded plat on Assessor Map 7 in Section 13; 117..thence northerly to the northwest corner of PARRY TRA1LER VILLAGE, an unrecorded plat on Assessor Map 37, in Section 13; 118..thence westerly along the north line of said PARRY TRAILER VILLAGE to a point of intersection with the east right-of-way line of Lawrence Road; 119..thence northerly a~ong said east right-of-way tine to a point of intersection with the easterly extension of the south line of SAUSALITO PLACE as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 76 page 47; 120.;thence westedy along said south line of SAUSALITO PLACE to the southeast corner of LOT 88 thereof; 121_.thence northedy to the southwest corner of LOT 110 thereof; 122..thence, easterly along the south line of said LOT 110 and its easterly extension to the point of intersection with the east right-of-way line of Lawrence Road; 123.~thence northerly along said eas~. right-of-way line to a point of intersection with the south line of LAWRENCE LAKE as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 64 page 106; l`24.:thence N.87°53'I3"E along said south line, distance of 677.02 feet to a point on said south line; 125,.~thence N.OI°53'33"E continuing along said south boundary line a distance of 1 37 feet to a po nt; 126.~thence N.87°55'0"E continuing along said south boundary line a distance of 769.17 feet to the southeast corner thereof; 1.27.;thense N.01°a3'31"Ealong the east boundary of said LAWRENCE LAKE subdivision a distance of 496.69~feet to the northeast corner thereof and a point on the east-west one quarter line of Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; l`28:~thenceS.87°55'04'~/along said east-west one quarter line a distance of 138.76 feet to the southeast ~parcel-desc:Jbed as the south one-half (S.1/2) of the southwest quarter (S.W.1/4) of the northwest quarter (N.W.I/4) of said Section 18, Township 45 South, Range 43 East; 1,29 --~ence. N O1 ~47'O8"E along the east ne of sa d properly a d stance of 662 78 feet to the northeast ~er thereof; 130.:/hense,N.87°57'47"E along the easterly extension of the north line of said property a distance of 636.02 feet,'~a point on the southerly extension of the east tine of the PLAT OF CITRUS TRAIL P.U.D. as recorded in Sa~d O~ficial Palm Beach County Records in Plat Book 60 Pages 128, 129 and 130; 13~t;Ahease~N.01°33!30"E along said southerly extension and along said east line of the PLAT OF CITRUS 'FRAIL P.U.D, a distance of 1322.7 feet to a point and the southeast corner of TRACT J of said PLAT OF cITRus TRAIL P.U.D.; lr32:~thence N,88°03'~3"E a distance of 629.73 feet to a point on the north-south one quarter line of said Seci~on 18; l~33.zthence~S.01 °I9'II'~N along said north-south quarter line, a distance of 1984.41 feet to the center point of sai~l~Section 18; l~,~thense'N.87°55'01"E along the east-west quarter line of said Section 18, a distance of 1193.46 feet to a poki~of intemection with a line that is parallel to and 1350.00 feet west (as measured at right angles) to the eastj ~e of the southeast quarter (SE1/4) of said Section 18 said line being on the east line of the SAND AND~SEA VILLAGE MOBILE HOMES; ~S.01 44 21 W a ong said parallel line to a point at the intersection with the north right-of-way lihe 6f Gateway Boulevard; l:36~hence~westerly along said north right-of-way line to a point located 2155 feet from the east line of ~T0wnship 45, Range 43; l~7~J~thence southerly at right angle to a point located on the south right-of-way line of Gateway BouLevard; l~38;"~hbnce-;eastedy along sa~d south right-of-way line to a point of intersection w~th the east hne of the SAI~D,AN~" ~'~ '~ 'DSEA VILLAGE MOBILE HOMES; l~9~h~nce;southerly along said east line of the SAND AND SEA VILLAGE MOBILE HOMES ant its tension through Section 19, Township 45, Range 43, to a point of intersection with the south rk:Jht-~bf-~vay line of Boynton Canal C-16; Page7 of 9 EXttIBIT mB~ 140..thence S.88°05'26"W along said south right-of-way of the Boynton Canal, a distance of 'i206.56 feet to a point on the north-south one quarter line of said Section 19. 141..thence S.00°51'5'1'E along said north-south one quarter Iina, a distance of 1191.31 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District L-23 canal; ~42..thenea N.87°58'21"E alongsaid north right-of-way line of L-23 canal, a distance of 20.0 feet to a point on the east right-of-wayline of Javert Street as shown on WEST BOYNTON PLAT 2C as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 15 page 14; 143..thence S.00°51'51"E along said east ~ight-of-way of Javert Street and its southerly extension, a distance of 1392.27 feet to a point at the intersection with the north right-of-way tine of Old Boynton Road; 144,.thence along the said north right-of-way line of Old Boynton Road to a point of intersection with the northerly extension of the west line of CARRIAGE GATE CONDO in Section 19; 145..thence along said west line of CARRIAGE GATE CONDO to the southwest corner thereof; 146..thence easterly along the south line of the CARRIAGE GATE CONDO and its easterly extensior to a palntor~ a parallel line located 313feet west of the west right-of-way line of Knuth Road; 147..thence northerly along said parallel line a distance of 130 feet to a point; ~easterly to a p~)int of intersection with the west line of TRACT 47 of the SUBDIVISION OF SECTION 19 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 7 page '19; 149..thence southerJy~along said west line of TRACT 47 to a point of intersection with the north line of TRACT 51 of said SUBDIVIS ON OF SECTION 19; 150..thence~vesterly along said north line of TRACT 51 to a :~oint of intersection with the west right-of-way line of Knu~:h Road; 15'l..thence:S.O°34'40"E along the west right-of-way line of Knuth Road to a point on the north right-of-way line of--'L~'~eee ~orth Dra nage D str ct L-24 Canal, said line located 25 feet north of and parallel to the north line of Section 30, Township 45, Range 43; 152_thence~S.87~55'51"W along said north right-of-way line of the L-24 Canal to a point of intersection with the west~line Of. TRACT 9.of PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8 as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat BOok 5 page 73; l~53~.~hence, so~therly along said west line of TRACT 9 and its southerly extension to a point of intersection with the Sou{h right-of-way line of Boynton Beach Boulevard 154~ther~ce wes~dyalo,ng said Sauth right-of-way line to the northeast corner of QUAIL RIDGE PLAT 20 as recorded in Palm Beach ~0uhty public Records in Plat Book 40 page 175, said corner located on the west line of a platted 30:feet right-of-way west and adjacent to TRACT 10 of said PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8; 155~.thence~southerly along said west line of the 30 feet platted right-of-way to a point of intersection with tt~e westbdy~te~ion c~f the Sou~th l:ine of KNUTH ROAD PLAT as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records :in 151at Book 82 page 45; said south line of KNUTH ROAD PLAT to a point of intersection with the wes~ line being ~ 5 feet west of and parallel to the north-south line being the same west right-of-way line of a 30 feet BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT NO. 8; ight-of-way line of Knuth Road to a point on the north line of Section :1 north line of Section 31 a distance of 15 feet to the north quad:er corner; luarter line of said Section 31, a distance of 334.56 feet to a QUAIL LAKE WEST AND TRACTS ONE & TWO as recorded in said. Public ~nd 5; an east-west line of said TRACT 6, a distance of 667.67 feet to an inside PLA~ the west line of said TRACT 6 and continuing along the west line of in said Public Records in Plat Book to the southwest corner of LOT 52 said BLOCK 1 of the ; the south lines of LOTS 52, 51 and 50 said BLOCK 1, a distance of 337.20 r of said LOT 50; the west li'~es of LOTS 42 through 49 said BLOCK 1, a distance of 667.80 Page 8 of 9 EXHIBIT 164..thence N.88°48'35"E along the south line of the PLAT OF CRANBROOK LAKE ESTATES to the corner thereof, also being a point on the west right-of-way line of Congress Avenue; '165..thence south along said west right-of-way of Congress Avenue, a distance of 665.75 feet to a point on the north line of Section 6, Township 46 South, Range 43 East; 166.thence S.88°00'55"W along said north line of Section 6, a distance of 5357.63 feet to the northwest corner thereof; 167..thence N.89°30'57"W along the north line of Section ', Township 46 South, Range 42 East, a distance of 2712.48 feet to a point at the intersection with the northerly extension of the west ,ine of TRACT E SUMMIT PLAT NO. las recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 36 pages 48 through 51; 168..thence S.00°41'47"E along Said northerly extension and along the west line of said SUMMIT PLAT NO.1, a distance of 4742.43 feet to a point at the intersection with the westerly extension of the south line of TRACT C of said SUMMIT PLAT NO. 1; 169..thence S.88°22'10"E along said westerly extension and south line, a distance of 337.84 feet to the southeast comer of said TRACT C; 170..thence S.00740'40"E along the west line of TRACT 18 of said SUMMIT PLAT NO.1 and its southerly extensioh, a diS[oa~,c,e' of, 678.3~, feet to a po nt on the south line of said Section 1; 171..theh~:e ~.~8 i12 18 E along the south ne of sa d Section 1 a distance of 2361.63 feet to the southeast c6rngr of ~aiU'Section 1; 172..theece N;89°24?00~[E along the south I ne of said Section 6 a distance of 5359.87 feet to the southeast corner thereof~nd the POINT'oF BEGINNING. Containing 16.36 square miles (10473.82 acres) Less and excluding the following nine (9) parcels of land (A through I): A.; An 8.66 acre parcel of land in said Section 4, Township 46 South, Range 43 East more particularly described as being bounded on the west by the east line of GRAYSON HEIGHT subdivrsion as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 23, page 220, bounded on the nodh by the south line of REPLAT OF A PORTION OF GULF STREAM ESTATES PLAT NO. 2 subdivision as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 32, page 114, bounded on the east by the west right-of-way line of the Florida East Coast Railroad, and bounded on the south by the north right-of-way line of Gulf Stream Boulevard. B.__ An 11.04 acre parcel of land in said Section 4 being more particularly described as all of LOTS 40, 43, 44, 46, 52, 53, 56, 57, and that portion of LOTS 54 and 55 less the west 231 feet, and TRACT A (labeled "not included"), all in the AMENDED PLAT TRADE WINDS ESTATES as recorded in Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 21 page 73; less the westerly 150 feet of the easterly 167.83 feet of the southerly 200 feet of said TRACT A as measured parallel with the south and east lines of said TRACT A. C.__ A 13,46 acre parcel of land in said Section 4 being more particularly described as all of LOTS 36, 36A, 59, 66, 67, 68, and LOTS 70 through 76, and LOTS 78 through 112, all in said AMENDED PLAT TRADE WINDS ESTATES as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 21 page 73, including all private rights-of- way therein. D.. A 27.93 acre rectangular pamel of land in Section 17, Township 45 South, Range 43 East more particularly described as being bounded on the north by the south right-of-way line of Miner Road, bounded on the east by a line parallel to and located 413.43 feet to the east section line, bounded on the south by the south line of northeast quarter (NE1/4) of the northeast quarter (NE1/4) of said Section 17, and bounded on the west by the west line Of said northeast quarter (NE1/4) of the northeast quarter (NE1/4) of Section 17, E.. A 15 acre triangular parcel of land in Section 8, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being more particularly described as being bounded on the east by the east right-of-way line of the Lake Worth Drainage District E-4 Canal, bounded on the west by the west line of the northeast quarter (NE1/4) of said Section 8, and bounded on the north by the north section line. Page9 of 9 EXHIBIT "B" F.__ An 8.87 acre rectangular parcel of land in Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being more particularly described as the east quarter (E1/4) of the northwest quarter (NWl/4) of the northeast quarter (NE1/41 of said Section 7, less the north 108 feet thereof. G,_.=. A 4.05 acre rectangular parce of land in Section 7, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being more particularly described as the north half (N1/2) of the west quarter (W1/4) of the northwest quarter (NWl/4J of the northeast quarter (NE1/4) of said Section 7, less the north 108 feet thereof. FI., A 0.73 acre parcel of land in Section 30, Township 45 South. Range 43 East, being more particularly described as bounded on the north by the south right-of, way line of the Lake Worth Drainage Distdct Lateral No. 24 Canal; bounded onthe east by a line parallel to and 150.04 feet west of the east line of BLOCK 6 PALM BEACH FARMS COMPANY PLAT No. 8 as recorded in said Palm Beach County Public Records in Plat Book 5, Page 73; bounded on the south by the nodh right-of-way line of Boynton Beach Boulevard (State Road No. 804); and bounded on the west by the east right-of-way line of an unimproved 30 foot right- of-way lying between said BLOCK 6 and BLOCK 7 said PALI~ BEACH ~ARMS COMPANY PLAT No. 8 I.. A 2.82 acre parcel of land in Section 30, Townsh p 45 South Range 43 East more part cu ady described ~'~ all of LOTS C D and E!BLQCK 30; a in THE PALM BEACH FARMS CO. PLAT NO. 8 as recorded in said Public Records in Plat Book 5 page 73. Total Less = 92.56 acres Leaving a total City area of 16.22 square miles (10381.26 acres) Survey Note: Bearings and distances have been obtained from platted and survey documents and have not been field measured. They are provided here only as an aid for plotting purposes. (rev. 12-01-00 ) DULY ADOPTED this (SEAL) .~ ~0 Attest: ~ day of December, 2001. Z~RIDA . ommissioner