R92-90RESOLUTION NO. R92-~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CiTY COMI~ISSION OF THE CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTIFICATION REGARDING THE DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT COMPREHENSIVE GRANT PROGRAM; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE° WHEREAS, the Department of Housing and Urban Development is embarking on a new housing program which will provide modernization funding on a formula basis to housing authorities for the purpose of improving the physical condition and upgrading the management and operation of existing public housing; and WHEREAS, this program is known as the Grant Program (CGP); and Comprehensive WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, upon the recommendation of staff, has determined it to be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to execute a certification of the proposed housing program for the City of Boynton Beach in the form of a local government statement, attached hereto as Exhibit A. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby directed to execute the Certification, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 2. This Resolution shall take immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of June, 1992. effect CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA (CorpOrate Seal) C~P .~UD 5/29/92- Local Government Statement Gamprehensive Grant Program (CGP) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Office of Public and indian Housing r- O,M.B Approval Ne. 2577-0157 (EZp 6/30/93. ; Reporting Burden for th s collection of information is estimated to average 0.1 hours per response, including the time ,or reviewing instructions, searching sxisting aL. ~ources, gathering and maintaining the data neesed, and completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send semmems regarding this burden estimate or any other aseect of this collection of qformaaon, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Reports Management Officer, Office of Information Polities and Systems, U.S. Department of H ousing and Urban Deve~opm ent, Washington, D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Paperwork Reduct~or Project 2577-0157), Washington, D.C. 20503. Do no[ send this completed form to either of these addresses. As Chief Executive Officer of the unit of general local government/Indian tribe known as in which the name of PubrJc mousmg Agency PHACerlndianHousingAuthorily 0HA)] _ [ ccrtify to the following: l. The PHA/IHA developed the Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement in consultation with local governmentofficials/indian tribalofficials and with residents of the developments coveredby Lhe Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement, in accordance with ~-=, the requirements of the Comprehensive Grant Program: . For PHAs, thc Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement is consis- tent with the unit of general local government's assessment of its low-income housing needs (as evidenced by its Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) under 24 CFR Part 91, i fapplicab!e), and that the unit of general local government will cooperate in providing resident programs and services; or 2b. For [HAs. the Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement is consis- ten t with the appropriate governing body's assessment of its low- income housing needs and that the appropriam governing body Mil cooperate in providing resident programs and services; and operates, The PHA's/IHA's proposed drug elimination activities are coor- dinated with and supportive of local drag elimination strategies and neighborhood improvement programs, if applicable. Under the Cooperation Agreement, the local/tribal government is pro- riding public services and facilities of the same character and to the same extent to Public and Indian housing as are fttrnished to other dwellings and residents of the locality. Where additional on-dutypolice are being funded under the Comprehensive Gram Program, such police will only provide additional securzty and protective services over and above those for which the local tribal government is contractually obligated to provide under the Cooperation Agreement. N, The Comprehensive Plan includes the Action Plan. Nal _ .~t 3hief Executive Officer: ARLINE WEINER, MAYOR CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH '~RO TO OR : Signature of Chief E×e~zzve Officer and Date: ~ 6/5/92 Warning: HUDwi prosecutetalseclaimsanastatements. ConvictionmayresultmcrJmthaland/or dvJlpenalties. ,fSU.S.C. 1001.1010,1012: 31 U.S.C. 3729.3807) 'U.S. So~rnment Prating Office: 19g~-- 312-218~60111 Page 1 of 1 form HUD-52835 f2/92 Handbook 7485.3 Be ol Bo nton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.o. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Flo~qda 33425-0310 Oty Hail: (407) 734-8111 FAX: .407~ 738~7459 June 5, ~99Z Barry Seaman, Executive Director Palm Beach Housing Authority 3432 W 45 Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407 RE: Comprehensive Grant Program {CGP) Dear Barry: I wish to advise you that the Boynton Beach City Commission at their regular business meeting of June 2, 1992 approved and endorsed the local government statement for the Comprehensive Grant Program {CGP). Enclosed herewith please find an executed statement necessary for sub- mittal with the Housing Authorities application to be submitted to HUD by June 15th. The proposed five year work program, comprising an element of the Comprehens~ive Plan as it relates to those single-family and multi- family units located in the City of Boynton Beach, looks good to us. If there are any other acknowledgment or endorsements that are needed at this time to complete the package for your submittal, please feel free to contact me. Sincerely, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH J. Scott Miller City Manager JSM:cd cc: Central File America's Gateway to the Gulfstream Local Government Steteme nt Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development office of Public and Indian Housing OMB Approval No. 2577-0157 (Exp. 6/30/93 Public Repom ng Burden for this collection of infoFmation is estimated to average 0.1 hours per response, including the time for reviewing instructions, searching ex~s=n~. ce~a sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, aha completing and reviewing the collection of information. Send comments regarding this burden estimate or any other asoect of this collection of information, including suggestions for reducing this burden, to the Recorts Manegemeht Officer. Office of information Policle.~ and Systems, U.S. Department Of Housing and Urban Development, Washington. D.C. 20410-3600 and to the Office of Management and Budget, Papem~ork Reductio r Project (257743157), Washington; D.C. 20503. Do not send this completed form to either of these addresses. is Chicf Executive Officer of the unit of general local governmenfflndian tribe in which the [name of Public Hous qc~ Agency (PHA) or Indian Housing Author~y (I~L~)) . operates. certify to the following: 1. The PHA/IHA developed the Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement in consultation with local government o fficials[lndian tribal officiaIs and with residents of the developments coveredby the Comprehensive Plan;Annual Statement, in accordance with the requirements of the Comprehensive Grant Program; 2a. For PHAs, the Comprehensive Plan/Annual Statement ts consis- tent with the unit o[general local government's assessment of its low-income housing needs (as evidenced by its Comprehensive Housing Affordability Strategy (CHAS) under 24 CFR Part 91, if applicable), and that the unit of general local government will cooperate in providing resident programs and services: or 2b. For IHAs. the Comprehensive Plan 'Annual Statement is consis- tent with the approprmte governing body's assessment of its low- income housing needs and that the appropriate governing body will cooperate in providing resident programs and services: and The PHA's/IHA's proposed (Rug elimination activities are com' dinated with and supportive of local drug elimination straregiel and neighborhoodimprovement programs, if applicable. Unde the Cooperation Agreement. the local/tribal government is pro riding public services and facilities of the same character and t{ the same extent to Public and Indian housing as are furnished t( other dwellings and residents of the locality. Where addidona on-duty police are being funded under the Comprehensive Gran Program, such police will only provide additional security ant protective services over and above those for which the local tribal government is contractuallyobligated to provide under th~ Cooperation Agreement. Note: The Comprehensive Plan includes the Action Plan, X Warning: HUDwilt~rosecutefalseclaimsandstatsments. Convictionmayresultino'iminaland/or clviloenalties.,18U.S.C, t001.1010.1012: 31U. S.C. 37293802 Page 1 of 1 form HUD-52835 (?J92 ref Handbook 7485.~ 42 PALM BEAC. H COUNTY HOU lNG AUTHORITY 34~2 West 45th Street · West Palm Beach, F~dd~ 33407 Se Phon~ Main Office (407)684-2160 BARRY F. SEAMAN Executive Director NOTICE Local Government Officials The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) is providing modernization funding on a formula basis to Housing Authorities to improve the physical condition and upgrade the management and operation of existing public housing. This modernization funding will be through a new Comprehensive Grant Program (CGP) which;replaces the :~omprehensive Improvement Assistance Program (CLAP). To receive.this funding, we ~e. raquired to deve!~p a Comprehensive plan, in cor~sultation with residents, local 'govemment,.and otha~ in~eSted p~esi~ K~y ~le~h~e~nt~of the Co~Prehen..sive Plan !n~lude: Executiv~ Summary; physical Needs AsseSSment; Management Needs Assessment; Five-Year Action Plan; Local Govemmant Statement; PHA Board Resolution; and Annual Statement The Comorehenalve Plan must be submitted to the'HUD Field Office. residents to develop and for resident groups at/east three weeks before the public heanng. the CGP. role and rasponsibili~y its strategy for management; securfly; I invim the parScipa~on of alt resident council representatives ~from each of the .developments, along with local government officials and ~using Author~y S~, in a CGP planning group. This group Will meet on a regular basis to ensure rasid~nts ~ inpUt, expe~ience, and expert/se and to assist staff in planning and implementation. During;thasemeetings, we hope to build an effective P~nership Process which will enable this dynamic team of pa~'c/~:~ants to ad~lrsss mutual ~,'oncerns, while iden~/ing S~'gnif'£cant problems and ~,iable solutions towards in'proving the physical conditidhs' and qual'~y of life in our public housing ~communi{y. As a c, omponent of the Parlnership Process, staff will also provide any technical assis~ce you may need to parScipate in all phases of the CGP, as well as provide a curran~ Status Of modemizalion and other PHA activities. Executive Director ¢5thStreet · ~Vest PaniC'ach. Florida33407 · F~OneManOffice 407 F~4-216~,: ' BARRY F. SEAMAN ,, PUBLIC HEARING DATE: MONDAY, JUNE 8, 1992 TIME: 6:00 ] The Dep~rtment oiHo~ing ii~d'~fl~aif Dev~i6~ment (HLlD~lS~t~vlflirig*mGd~ii6n binding on a formula basis to Housing Author, i[{~ to'improve th, e ph3siCal condition and upgrade thc managenmn[ and operation of extsung p~blt~ hOUSing Tlm:~q erg,zat!0n fum!tng~l be~ tl~ugh a new Comprehensv~c Grant Program To receive this funding, we are required t0 dev~iop:a compr¢If~ive Plantin mnsultation witli r~idents local government, and other interested paraes, Key element~ Of the COmprelienstve Plan [ticlude: Executtve smmm Ph~a,.l,~; ~tg~m~;,t ~,~e~s~,~,,en[; ~F~y~-X~ ,A?~n Plan; Local Q~gvem~ent ~;~t ~.e~, ~ ~llt;, ~[uf~,f~,~ ~ :,a,n~?~ St~t}~ent..Tlt~ ComprehenSive Plan must be The p~rp, ose pf this Hear(n§ is to alm0uncc our plaltrtiflg pioc~s to hltiflemcnt the CGP. Residents o£ pub lc i~0aslng, ~lon;g wgh our local/go c~cnt ~aQemh[p, Ii~t~¢ a total role and re~p~ns~httity m ass~sung the Palm B~eh ~un~ Ho~i~ X~OH~ l~ve~i{~ a~-z~l~l~ ,t~gba~gy~fo~inlprovin~ public housing 9peratib~ tn sueh areas as: mobil, emizlitidn~ ~tntengl~ mana, g~ment; security;, and'resident empowerment mltlatives.~ - ~I~.~B Hearing will be held in the recreation room ~t the Sc-hall: Clrele hoes~g complex located at 2404 Schall fete; West Palm Beacl'L Florid/{ 334172~!"" ' ' ;~' "~'* ' i ' .... ' By Order of ihe BOard o[-commissi0ners!i)f the;Palm-~eh~Co[tnty:Housiug AuthOrity. Palm Beacl~ Copngt Houshzg AUthority By: Barry F. sea'm~a' ' ' Exe~iitive Di3ect0t PUBISISH: Thc Post May 18, 19. 20; 1992 U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT WASHINGTON, D.C. 20410 May 11. 1992 Mr~ Barry F. Seaman Executive Director of The Palm B~ach County Housing Authority 3432 W. 45th Str. West Palm Beach. FL 33407-1897 Dear Mr. Seaman: As you know ~The (FF~ 1992, the Comprehensive Grant .allocate. basec[ on a formula, modernization funds to Public Housing Housing Authorities:(IHAs) with-500 or more units. In FFY with 250 units or more. Es FlY. In arriving at the final formula level, the Depattment has undertaken an exhaustive process to assure that the data use~[ for the formula calculation are accurate. This is Report ( it would CGP. Your enclosed .in William (Indian Housing): to you~ f~rmula: share of the fxom P~/IHAs." To carry .~ Formula Characmflstics additions to the ~eport, as for determining your share of the natio~ al~!_O~ti0n ~0r the the data elements .used for the ~culation, are Thl calculate the outdate& but the best that tance$, given the estimate:r_ Also, there funds after 1 ess .thanlthe CGP presumpfiv~ esti~ a~e. amount the CGP. for error or unique c~cum~ances, as prescribed in Chapter 3_of the COP Handbook 7485.3. On the bas/~ of error, you may- appeal to the HUD Fi-eld OffiCe (FO) in writing within 30 calendar days from the date of this letter by descffbing the nature of the error and prov/ding any necessary supporting documentation. On the basLs of umc~ue c/rcum~tances, within ~ of tl~ lette~ any necessary supporting or 24 CFR 968.315('o)(2) for PHAs. for lI4_As Altho~ grant has been determined on the basis of a formula and not on the order for the ~ ~ submit ,Plan, should reflect t covering option year advantage prepare and the FO m intense level of __ of maldug funds ; developments Plan. pi'e- ft you so of the.importance quickly your the be approved for their annual grams this FFY so that physical and management improvements will be made to enlmnee the qualit~ of life for the residents. Thard~ you for your support and suggestions that were useful to HUD in developing the 'CGP. A~ we meet the challenge of implementing this new' a~d exci~ng pro,ram, I welcome your consu~uctive feedback. Enclosures 05/09/92 Comprehensive Grant Program The Final Amount For Federal Fiscal Year 1992 -~or FL080, PALM BEACHCOU~T~, Is $ 707,979 PAGE 46 Revised Total Funds Approved CLAP MROP 1984 = 677,350 1984 = 0 1985 = 657,339 ,. 1985 = 0 1986 = 0 1986 = 0 1987 = 50I~,050 1987 = 0 1988 = 572,100 1988 = 0 1989 = 70,000 1989 = 0 1990 = 1,510,240 1990 = 0 1991 = 35,000 1991 = 0 Buildings: 187 Current Units: 543 Units In ACC: 543 0 BR 0 1 BR 160 Population Growth: 0 Cost Index: 90 2 BR 114 3 BR 163 4+ BR 106 FL29P080001 '~'~ % Bldgs= 63 Mgmt Prgm: Section 23 Bond FL29P080~02 ~"~ # Bldgs = 49 Mgmt/Prgm: Low Income FL29P080003 ~ ,~-- % Bldgs: 53 Mgm= Prgm: Low Income FL29P080004 T~ % Bldgs: 1 Mgmt Prgm= Low Income t'~'~~'~ *% Bldgs = 21 FL29P080~5/ Mgmt~Prgm: Low Income Project Data BR0~ 0 BR3 = 50 ACC Units: BRI= 50 BR4+= 76 DOFA: 03/31/75 BR2= 24 Current Units: 200 200 BR0= 0 BR3 = 46 ACC Units~ BRi= 0 BR4+= 8 DOFA: 08/31/84 BR2= 18 Current Units~ 72 BR0~ 0 BR3 = 54 ACC Units~ BRi= i0 BR4+= 20 DOFA~ 01/31/84 BB2= 66 Current Units= 150 72 15 BRO- 0 BR3 = 0 ACC Units: BRi~ 100 BR4+= 0 DOFA= 02/28/85 BR2= 0 Current Units= 100 100 BR0= 0 BR3 = 13 ACC Units~ 21 BRI= 0 BR4+= 2 DOFA= 09/30/90 BR2= 6 Current Units: 21 Differences Between Presumptive and Final FY 92 Comp Gran~ Funding Back=round The amounts sent to Housing Authorities in 1991 were intende~ to assist in their planning until were determined. The presumptive based on the best data readily available at the time, but, as we indicated in the letter transmitting ~hese estimates, the final formula estimates would your ~foliowing a. Better Data. between the final of the HUD were Lthe same the Lt~ of'. unit in derive~ from a 1990 Fiscal Data .counts that was somewh&t dated. The for the ACC units at the :aused estimates, the community- loss and the costindex were as that had not been reviewed ~ase- relia~ility.~Suoh a review several significant changes. ~'the modernization (CIAP and M~OP) deductions used in the December presumptive estimates were based on data that did not incorporate the latest revisions and additions to the ~m{nistative records of modernization approval. final differences resulting from changes ih¸ 1 ~O all of of about CIAP the fact ·ects occurre~ to t~e data,validation recentlyperforme~ for units, and soon to Be and 499 Comp Grant Grant due in be the