Agenda 07-22-20 alt. City of Boynton Beach BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 100 East Ocean Avenue Boynton Beach, FL 33435 LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD AGENDA Date: July 22, 2020 Location/Time: via Zoom Meeting 6:00 P.M. https:l/usO2web.zoom.us/j/87946918035 I. Pre-meeting announcement from Craig Clark, Library Director II. Call to Order— Introduction of New Board Members Elizabeth Sherlock&Ace Ratcliff, Board Members and City Staff III. Approval of Minutes—July 24, 2019, and January 22, 2020 IV. Correspondence and Communications - None V. Public Audience(individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) VI. Chair's Report VII. Unfinished Business: Staffing Update Library Construction Update VIII. New Business: Library Opening Plan Virtual Summer Reading Club FY2020-2021 Library Budget IX. Library Director's Report/Statistics January-May 2020 X. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting—August 26, 2020—Via Zoom Meeting XI. Adjournment NOTICE IF A PERSON DECIDES TO APPEAL ANY DECISION MADE BY THE CITY COMMISSION WITH RESPECT TO ANY MATTER CONSIDERED AT THIS MEETING, HE/SHE WILL NEED A RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS AND, FOR SUCH PURPOSE, HE/SHE MAY NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDING IS MADE, WHICH RECORD INCLUDES THE TESTIMONY AND EVIDENCE UPON WHICH THE APPEAL IS TO BE BASED.(F.S.286.0105) THE CITY SHALL FURNISH APPROPRIATE AUXILIARY AIDS AND SERVICES WHERE NECESSARY TO AFFORD AN INDIVIDUAL WITH A DISABILITY AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE IN AND ENJOY THE BENEFITS OF A SERVICE, PROGRAM, OR ACTIVITY CONDUCTED BY THE CITY. PLEASE CONTACT THE CITY CLERK'S OFFICE, (561)742-6060 OR(TTY) 1-800-955-8771, AT LEAST 48 HOURS PRIOR TO THE PROGRAM OR ACTIVITY IN ORDER FOR THE CITY TO REASONABLY ACCOMMODATE YOUR REQUEST. ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS MAY BE ADDED SUBSEQUENT TO THE PUBLICATION OF THE AGENDA ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE. INFORMATION REGARDING ITEMS ADDED TO THE AGENDA AFTER IT IS PUBLISHED ON THE CITY'S WEB SITE CAN BE OBTAINED FROM THE OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK. MINUTES OF THE LIBRARY BOARD MEETING HELD ON WEDNESDAY, JULY 24, 2019, AT 6:00 P.M. AT THE INTRACOASTAL PARK CLUBHOUSE 2240 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH, Florida PRESENT: Deborah Hoban Craig Clark, Library Director Dr. Bethanie Gorny Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director George Feldman Robyn Boucard ABSENT: John Welter, Chair Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo Tracy Tebo I. Call to Order Dr. Gorny ran the meeting due to the Chair and Vice Chair being absent. The meeting was called to order at 6:02 p.m. II. Approval of Minutes— May 22, 2019 &June 26, 2019 There was agreement to table the June minutes to the next meeting. There was a change to the May meeting on page three as follows: "Mr. Clark advised it would be ideal to have an unrestricted endowment for library programming. Dr. Gorny and Chair Welter thought it would be a good function for the Library Board." Motion Dr. Gorny moved to approve the May minutes as amended. Ms. Hoban seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed. Ill. Correspondence and Communications None. IV. Public Audience (Individual Speakers Will Be Limited to 3 Minute Presentations) Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida July 24, 2019 None. V. Chair's Report None VI. Unfinished Business: Library Construction Update Mr. Clark noted there was a Boynton Beach Town Square Redevelopment update for June 2019, which he reviewed. The exterior construction was moving along. The first floor children's and teen area will have vinyl wood looking flooring and the upstairs would have carpet squares. Mr. Clark will make a presentation to the City Commission in September and wanted the Board to preview the items he would like to purchase for the new Library. He wanted to purchase an automated materials return handling return system from the same company that has the self-check system. It will be accessible outside the building near the entrance to the Children's Library. When patrons have items to return, the window will open and patrons can stack the materials at one time. The system brings and checks the materials in, and drops them into different bins based on what the Library has established. Examples of sorting abilities are the materials could be deposited into bins designated for the Children's Library or the first floor Young Adult section books, second floor fiction, or into bins for items that are on hold for other patrons. The equipment is programmable. All Library materials will have Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) tags and the machine will recognize the tag and know where the book should be returned. A brief video about the equipment was viewed. Patron training on how to use the automatic materials return equipment, and the self-check would be needed. Mr. Clark commented the City Manager added a new Library position to the budget that Mr. Clark has wanted for the last six years and he announced having the return and the self-check systems would enable the Library to return to Friday hours. He noted patrons can pay fines with cash and credit cards and receive receipts. Patrons can download eBooks into RD Digital. Many people do not like to use equipment because they think it replaces staff. The members viewed a video regarding the self-check system. Ms. Hoban asked if there was a way to market the system as not replacing staff. Mr. Clark advised he would present it to the City Commission that way. If patrons use the systems, staff will be available to interact with them on the floor. He thought any touch point system would be welcoming. The members viewed a short video on the self-check payment options for library users, which can provide receipts. Patrons can also check out items on their phones. There is a desensitizer at the exit door. Patrons can set their items there, and because of the ILS system, the equipment will recognize the items are checked out and turn off the alarm. Mr. Clark noted the Library will be issuing new Library cards to patrons,which are needed to access the system and access the return. If someone forgets to check out or steal an item, an alarm will sound and the equipment will indicate the title of the item that was not 2 Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida July 24, 2019 checked out. Mr. Clark emphasized that is why the Radio Frequency Identification(RFID) tags are so important. The equipment reads the tags. Mr. Clark obtained a$83,991 grant which would pay for most of equipment except for the RFID gates, tags, and seven administrative terminals. The total cost will be $105K. Mr. Clark explained the Library would like to move forward with lending laptops as opposed to having multiple fixed computer stations. He spoke about Laptops Anytime, which is a self-check kiosk for laptops. The members viewed a short video about the kiosk. Mr. Clark explained there will be one in the adult area, one in the teen area, and mostly like 18 laptops on each floor. The system will recognize a teen checking out an item as opposed to an adult. Each laptop will have an RFID tag on it to keep track of where it is. The laptops can be checked out, but can only be used in the building. There will be 20 fixed computers for kids and 20 or 24 fixed computers for adults. The Library is moving from a passive customer service model to a proactive one. There will now be only one Librarian behind the desk as opposed to four. Mr. Clark explained new equipment will be included in an opening press release. The City is working on information kiosks which will include all the departments in the Library/City Hall. Mr. Clark did not know what it would look like, but it would have some information. Mr. Clark announced he already has the funds for the laptops and he had been identifying funds for the automated return. He had been saving the State Aid to Library fuds. Mr. Clark anticipated an increase in the State Aid to Library funding next year. This year, they got$60K. Career Online High School (COHS) Update Ms. Taylor advised there are two more near graduates, which would be the sixth and seventh students to graduate from the program. Library staff also awarded a scholarship to another student and another student was taking the prerequisite course. Staff hoped to present the graduates to the City Commission and present them with Certificates of Accomplishment. Ms. Taylor explained the students can take the class for up to 18 months. If the student doesn't have a valid reason for an extension, they are removed from the course. Currently Recruiting—Library Page PT, Customer Services, Youth Services Mr. Clark stated a conditional offer was made for the part-time Library Page position and staff was waiting for the background check to come back. There are two senior Librarian positions available. A question was posed if the staff at the temporary location would be adequate for the new location and if not, for what areas. Mr. Clark explained the above were two supervisor positions.Twenty applicants that are being reviewed. After the three positions are filled, the Library would be fully staffed. If the City Commission approves the additional full-time Librarian positions, they would start in the next fiscal year. One would manage the maker activities in the Library. They need more staff on Fridays and Saturday to manage the crowds. Mr. Clark thought there would be enough coverage with the new systems and the third Librarian. 3 i Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida July 24, 2019 LSTA Innovation Grant— Internet Hotspots Mr. Clark showed the members one of the Hotspots and advised staff was developing a policy on the use. The Hotspots will be catalogued and they have to be checked out. If lost, the borrower has to pay $100. He noted the Hotspots are for adults only and the laptops would be lightweight. LSTA Grant— Upgrade to RFID Mr. Clark announced he received confirmation the Library Services and Technology Act grant for the above was approved by the Secretary of State. Summer Reading Club Ms. Taylor explained 91 youth up to the 5t' grade signed up and 21 completed the Club. She reviewed the participation rates for the teens and noted there are teen volunteers managing the program. Mr. Clark pointed out attendance had dropped at the Library, but it was anticipated attendance would increase when the new Library is finished. VII. New Business: Library Fines Discussion Dr. Gorny noted Mr. Welter was interested in this item and there was agreement to table the item. Dr. Gorny suggested members wanting to know more about fines can go online to Slate.com which has an article called "Long Overdue: Why Libraries are Eliminating Late Fees". Another article to reference was on the Illinois Library Association Website: "Libraries say Goodbye to Overdue Charges" There will be pros and cons in each article. Dr. Gorny looked at the websites two years ago and there was not a lot out there at that time. It was noted FAU instituted the new policy. MiamVDade County Libraries did as well and was forgoing $1 million a year. The biggest reason libraries instituted the policy was to take away roadblocks and the fines are costly to collect. Dr. Gorny thought it was worth the conversation after reviewing the information. Mr. Welter had handed out information at the last meeting. Mr. Clark indicated funds collected go into the General Fund and there was another article on American Libraries Online. There was an organization pursuing Libraries to stop collecting funds and the movement is gaining traction around the country. Vlll. Library Director's Report/Statistics Monthly Report for June 2019 News/Media Coverage Mr. Feldman noted collections dropped and learned it was because the Library was closed for four weeks 4 Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida July 24, 2019 PEOEEMM—IX. Announcements Next Library Board Meeting—Sept. 25, 2019,at Intracoastal Park. August Meeting Cancelled X. Adjournment Motion Ms. Boucard moved to adjourn. Ms. Hoban seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 7:06 p.m. Catherine CherryNW/� Minutes Specialist 'J 5 MINUTES F THE LIBRARY ADVISORY D MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 2, 2020, AT 6:00 ., T INTRACOASTAL PARK CLUBHOUSE 2240 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Present: Dr. Hayden-Adeyemo, Vice Chair Jeannie Taylor, Assistant Library Director Elizabeth Sherlock Robyn Boucard George Feldman 1. Call to Order—Annual Election of Board Officers—Chair, Vice Chair, Secretary Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo called the meeting to order at 6:00 p.m. Self-introductions were made. A quorum was present. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo asked if anyone was interested in filling the above positions. Mr. Feldman volunteered to be the Chair. There were no other nominations for Chairman. Mr. Feldman advised he could attend all the meetings. It was mentioned if a member could not attend a meeting, members should contact the Board Secretary or the City Clerk. Motion Ms. Boucard moved to nominate Mr. Feldman as Chair. Ms. Sherlock seconded the nomination. The nomination was unanimously approved. Mr. Feldman moved to nominate Vice Chair Hayden—Adeyemo as Vice Chair Ms. Boucard seconded the motion. The nomination was unanimously approved. Mr. Feldman nominated Ms. Boucard as Secretary. Ms. Boucard declined. Chair Feldman nominated Ms. Sherlock. Ms. Sherlock inquired about the duties of the Secretary and learned the Secretary reads the minutes and recommends changes or amendments. Ms. Sherlock accepted the nomination. Ms. Boucard seconded the nomination. The nomination was unanimously approved. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo passed the gavel to Chair Feldman. Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida January 22, 2020 I . Approval of Minutes — July 24, 2019 (tabled) & September 2019. (No meeting October or December) Chair Feldman requested the members review the minutes at home. Ms. Taylor, Assistant Library Director, advised they combined the November and December meetings, but they did not have a quorum so minutes were not able to be approved. Motion Chair Feldman moved to bring the minutes home to review. Ms. Boucard seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed. Chair Feldman explained he had served on two boards previously, and this will be the third Board. His first board was the Sustainability Committee sometime in 2012, where they discussed environmental issues. Prior tot he served on the Financial Advisory Committee during the recession. This Committee made recommendations to assist the City. He not the economy improved, and moving forward, the City was looking good. is Chair Hayden-Adeyemo explained this is her it term on the Library Board. Previously, she was on Education and Youth Advisory Board serving as Vice Chair and Chair. She recently ran for or this past election cycle. She came to Boynton in the 80s. Her mom is a small business owner, having a shop in as Costa. She loves the Library and travels to many libraries. She wanted to ensure public access to public amenities and that the Library be beautiful, welcoming, inclusive and nice. Elizabeth Sherlock has been in Boynton nearly four years coming from Naples, Florida. She loves libraries. She volunteered at the Boynton Beach Library and then at the Delray Beach Library. She constantly reads books. She volunteers at the Delray Beach Chamber and CRA, the Arts Warehouse,the Downtown Development Authority,Visitor Center and fashion show, city-wide events and the Historical Society. She wanted to be involved and I earn more out the City. She thought everyone with the City has been doing a great job holding activities to bring attention to the City, such as the Pirates Fest and others. Robyn Boucard explained her aunt attended all the City Commission meetings and was a voice.int community. Ms. Bod moved to South Florida in 1982 and began working at Galaxy Elementary School in 1984. She will be retiring from the school district in June 2021. She worked int Library Media Center for out 16 years. As she aged, she had a lot of responsibility and then saw an opening on the Board. Her motivation to serve is based on her love of books, working in the Library, and knowing how libraries work. She has so many books she cannot read and she continues to go to the book store. She supported the of library by donating three large boxes of books. She is excited about where the City is going. 2 Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida January 22, 2020 .................. Ill. Correspondence and Communications None. IV. Public Audience A woman by the name of "Catherine" was present. She lives in Sunny Isles and wanted to observe the Board. V. Chair's Report None. VI. Unfinished Business Library Fine Free Policy(Heard out of order) Ms. Taylor explained the Fine-Free Library Policy was approved at the last City Commission meeting, which was a credit to the Board as the members worked very hard advocating for the change. The Library will no longer charge late fees and patrons will have, the opportunity to have their books automatically renewed if not brought back by due date, as long as no one put a hold on the book. When the automatic renewal time period expires, there is a seven-day grace period, and if the material is still not returned, staff will charge the patron for the material. The Library will still have fines for lost and damaged materials. Staff is also preparing for the new Library, which will feature laptop klosks, to check out laptops in the Library, and put a policy in place for the laptops. The laptops can be used for a three-hour loan period. When returning the laptop, If another laptop is available, it could be checked out on the same day. Staff did not want the laptops to leave the Library, so at the end of the day, if not returned, staff will make a report and charge the patron for the laptop, which is expensive. In order to avoid fraud, the kiosk will take a picture of the borrower. There will be one kiosk in the adult library area and one in children's library for teens to use. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo noted library-accounts with unpaid charges over$25 will be sent for collection. She asked how $25 would be accrued if there are no late charges. Ms. Taylor explained it would be for lost books. The fee was formerly $5, but staff increased it to be commensurate with the value of the book. Vice Chair Hayden- Adeyemo asked if this information would be posted on the website. Ms. Taylor explained the item was approved last night, and staff is setting everything up. It was fairly easy to turn the fines off in the computer system, which was done earlier in the day. Staff is working on getting the automatic renewals set up and all the materials updated. Chair Feldman queried if staff kept the names of the people with the fines and learned it is on the individual borrower's account. 3 Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida January 22, 2020 ............ Ms. Taylor explained with ten library system installed about six months ago, patrons can sett and email reminders on their personal accounts when items are due. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo visited the Library some time ago and got her printout. She saw the materials she checked out and the messages. Ms. Taylor explained it was a way to aI ert patrons to holiday hours and tell them the value oft materials they borrowed, is can be construed to be the amount the borrower saved by using the library as opposed to purchasing the book. Vice Chair Hayden-Adyemo asked if staff would promote the opening oft new Library and it there was a way to reward patrons for reading and using the Library. She sought something to it excitement fort opening. Ms. Taylor explained, forte first time, the new Library would have its own library logo and branding, is they will use for giveaways at the opening. The logo will also be on the front of the Library and the self-check kiosk will have all oft branding. The Library also has a marvelous outreach person posting information on social media and a new integrated website and library system. Library Construction (Heard out of order) Ms. Taylor explained the target date too is June. She and Mr. Clark have a hardhat waI k through scheduled fort next day, and are excited to see the changes from the last waI k. Windows and ceiling tiles are being installed and the chiller forte entire Town Square project isoperating. The purpose of the tour tomorrow is to take the creative arts designer tot building to design the entryways for the children/youth and the main library areas. The art will be consistent with the Town Square theme and be library specific to guide everyone in. Vice it Hayden-Adeyemo asked if the designer was the same individual that spoke at the Library. Ms. Taylor explained the Town Square developer has their own designer, but this is specifically a library creative arts designer, who was used when the original library expanded. The Library is reusing the majority of their furniture and had them refinished. The lounge type seating covered in cloth was reupholstered in high quality vinyl. Chair Feldman asked if there was a theme for the art throughout the Library. Ms. Taylor explained there is a theme for the entire Town Square is is the Ocean and the Library will pick up on that. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo recalled a specific meeting at the Library about the interior of the Library. The individual sought input from the Board and the public out the design. Ms. Taylor recalled the architect for the entire Town Square project brought in a Library Architect, who could determine how to fit the new library with all the needs the Library had. She explained that process was already completed. The input from the public was out natural light and comfortable spaces, quiet spaces, pop- r i ramming spaces, etc. Staff identified where all those items will be. The Friends of the Library will have a book store and there is space fort quilters, who have been with the Library for years. There will also be a cafd/eaterylbistro area on the ground floor between the two stairways and elevators. Career Online High School (Heard out of order) 4 Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida January 22, 2020 Ms. Taylor announced the last time the Board met, there were seven graduates and now they have nine graduates. There were not a lot of people currently working in the program: one student finished the prerequisite and there are three in the program. The Library still has scholarships. The State initially funded the program, then they did not and then the Library funded the program for Boynton Beach residents. The State then funded the program another year. Mr. Clark was not at the meeting because he was in Tallahassee advocating for more funding. The students receive a fully-accredited, high school diploma. Four of the program graduates went on to Palm Beach State College. Chair Feldman asked if the Board could help further the program and learned, members could recommend the program to anyone they know. The student has to be over 19 and have a Library card. Students take a self-assessment to determine if the student has the time to commit to the program and then Ms.Taylor assigns them a two-week pre-requisite course. The pre-requisite shows if the student is comfortable with computer-based learning and can keep the schedule. After the student completes the prerequisite, staff interviews them for a scholarship. In addition to the high school diploma, the student receives a career certificate. Chair Feldman inquired how the students learned about the program. Ms. Taylor responded there are a lot of promotional materials and on social media, but it is word of mouth. Graduates are recognized at a City Commission meeting. Ms. Taylor noted she now has the son of a graduate of the program. It is rewarding and helps make a difference. If the State funds the program, anyone in the surrounding area could take the class, but when using Library fund, only Boynton Beach residents could enroll. RFID Tagging (Heard out of order) Ms. Taylor explained the Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) is the electronic system that keeps security on Library items. It is not new technology, but it is new to staff because it is a much more sophisticated system. If a patron forgets to check something out, the title will populate on a computer screen. It is a great system for inventory. Staff can use an electronic wand, go down the shelf and it will indicate if items are out of order. If a patron has a list of books, staff can enter it in the computer and the wand will identify the book that is wanted. Tagging the books is a lot of work. Staff has to retag the entire collection of 130,000 items and they tagged over 50,000 since mid-December. Staff is on schedule to finish all tagging before the move and had started tagging in the warehouse and will finish in another month. Then they have to tag the temporary library space. VII. New Business Ms. Taylor explained staff hired some Senior Librarians. Joyce Pemicone is the Senior Librarian over the Customer Service Department. She is doing a marvelous job and she is a long-term librarian from the South Florida area, so there was no learning curve. She also helps Ms. Taylor with the RFID project. The Library also hired Kat Green, Senior Librarian, to manage Youth Services. The new Library has an upstairs and downstairs 5 Meeting i s Library AdvisoryBoard Boynton Floridan it manager with a presence. h ill be the Children's Librarian. S is currently interviewing for a Teen Librarian and Ms. Green will manage staff in that area. Library itWesley Alexandre, who i home-grown ro o grew up in the Library and is now in Palmc te College. He was hired as a Sheiver l Library s. Taylor announced it is wonderful to have someone who knows the library, the peoplen is childhood there. They feel privileged to have these individuals and they have three more that alsor in the Library, started iv and then moved on to the r Service Department. The Lir "grow r workers" perspective. Taylor vis interviewing to o for a Ten Services Librarian. They received lis tions and thereis a good applicant pool. The Digital/MakeLibrarian position s put in the budget six years ago and eachr it was cut, but because of the new library, they gott in . The Library hoped to hirer ovi into the new building. It is a completely new role for the Library. The Digital/Maker Librarian ill handle programming of things like - riner, Cricket Machine, or even coding i the Teen Librarian, or any type of creativelearning. Library has its own Social Media Outreach tin a o lot of small business cannot or o have commercials but theycan do a pod cast at theLibrary. Staffcan helph it e digital equipmentto make a pods in the Library and have it availableon social media. The Library ill have a Virtual Zone for teens again. Apple computers ill be available s teens can make audio and video creations. Staff will try to buy equipmentfor virtual reality, II of these types of programsill be handledi i I Librarian. New Databases . Taylor announced the Library obtainedKnowledge i it is available. s can use their library cardo online n r tons of videos. Some areactual films, some areindependent filmsr re great courses. There is a limit of seven checkouts. Knowledge Cityis a databasecc s e the Library. Patrons can go to the Library's sit , but it couldc on a bigscreen if the user has a Smart TV. The Library ing Express for job training. Novelist was also Ms. Taylor explained it is a systemI s find tin read s it is a reader's visa . It will work on the database, in the catalogue and on the self- checkouti o it is an exciting system that staff is currently settingu . Bibliotiheca is a cloud library is an eResource. Library has eBooksn Overdrive and are in a consortium i Southeast Florida Library Network( LI ). The Library has a collection, but eBooks arev not have a large collection. The iCloud groupis a state-wide con i n the Library joins them, they will have an even larger collection of eBoo s. The reason why the Library went with Bibliotheca is becauseit is the vendor of the Lirary's self-checkouts, so if a user also wanted to check out something lest is it will also check it out. It will increase lirelectronic offerings at the Library. Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida January22, 2020 VIII. Library Director's Report/Statistics Monthly Report for September, October, November and December Chair Feldman noted the statistics. Ms. Taylor explained the members could take their time and read the statistics. There was not much that changed. Staff was aware of a reduction due to the move to the temporary space. Now that they are in season, the Library is very busy. Ms. Taylor explained the Library had three AmerlCorp positions: Afterschool Homework Help, Teen Afterschool Homework Help/College Prep, and adult English as a Second Language(ESL). The Library had all three positions filled. The Library allows AmeriCorp Volunteers working at school to come after school and volunteer at the Library too, because they need more hours than they could get at the school. The volunteer doing the Afterschool Homework Help left the program and the person who did the teen help left. The ESL Volunteer, Tyler, who is multi-talented and very enthusiastic, is organizing the other people who volunteer at other schools to come and help as he is also doing it two days a week as well. The Library is getting the afterschool homework help covered. The Library is having an art design contest for Library cards, which was issued this week The Library-will give prizes, but may use some other designs that did not make the top prizes. There was also the sneak peek at the library logo contained in the meeting materials. The Library went with the design because it emphasized the building is a Library and the color scheme goes with the rest of the Town Square, ocean colored schemes. There is a Wifi symbol included which sends a message the Library connects them to the world. Staff liked the simplicity of it and that it showed a connection. IX. Announcements Ms. Boucard asked if Library staff will be uniformed as it could assist individuals needing help finding items. Ms. Taylor explained staff has name tags they used in the old library which will be updated with the new logo and used in the new Library. They may get shirts with the new logo. Vice Chair Hayden thought even a general tee shirt on a Friday that says something like "It's a great day to read"'would be helpful. Ms. Taylor noted the new Library will be open on Fridays, where previously it was not, and they can do the same promotions as City Hall every Friday. Each Friday, they promote different causes each month. For example, if it is Mental Health Month, staff can wear green shirts and Jeans. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo commented the world is changing and the way people utilize space is different. She thought Brunch and Library Board or Fun Fridays, Let's Read and Chat activities could take place. She noted former Board Chair Welter had a passion for no fines. She thought if continuing as a Board, each member has something to offer. What the Board and Library has now moving forward, is Boynton should be inclusive and not exclusive and they want the City to keep expanding and not keep doing things the same old way. The water is always moving and so is Boynton. 7 Meeting Minutes Library Advisory Board Boynton Beach, Florida January 22, 2020 Next Library Board Meeting is February 26, 2020. X. Adjournment Motion Chair Feldman moved to adjourn the meeting. Vice Chair Hayden-Adeyemo seconded the motion. The motion unanimously passed. The meeting was adjourned at 6:53 p.m. Catherine Cherry Minutes Specialist 8 07?1'fj'2,0 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 2020-2021 BUDGET REQUEST GENERAL LEDGER SUMMARY LIBRARY ACCT# APPROVED RECOMMEND 001-2610-571 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION BUDGET BUDGET % FY 19120 FY 20/21 DIFF CHANGE 12-10 REGULAR SALARIES/WAGES -11,368,554 1,398,60430,050 2%' 14-10 OVERTIME 59,043 61,405 2,362 4°% 15-12 CELL PHONE ALLOWANCE 1,512] 2,016 504 33% 19-99 ALLOWANCE FOR NEW PERSONNEL 87,983 - (I)7,9 7) -100�, 21-10 EMPLOYER FICA 99,841 109,067 9,226 9% 22-10 GENERAL EMPLOYEES PENSION 357,329 347,252 (10,077( -3% 23-10 LIFE INSURANCE 819' 630 (1E9( -23 23-20 DISABILITY INSURANCE 4,449 4,902 453 10% 23-30 HEALTH INSURANCE 160,590' 185,060 24,470 15%' 23-34 HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT 16,250 22,000 5,750 35% 23-40 DENTAL_ INSURANCE 8,812 9,601 789 9% 23-50 VISION INSURANCE 1,076 1,127' 51 50/6 TOTAL PERSONNEL SERVICES 2,166,258 2,141,664 24,594 -1% - 40-10 TRAVEL ALLOWANCE 700 350 - " 40-12 B-USINESS MEETINGS 980 980 - 0%' 41-10 TELEPHONE SERVICE 1,314 1,000 -24% 41-11 LEASED LINES COAL ) 18,720 22,452 3,732 20%' 41-12 POSTAGE 500 500 - 0% 41-15 CELLULAR PHONE 84 80 43-10 ELECTRIC SERVICE 90,000 57,000 ;1,)) o) -37% 43-20 WATERISEWER SERVICES 3,900 2,500 (1, 0 ); - S% 44-30 EQUIPMENT RENTAL 1,360 1,250 (i1 -8/ 44-31 COPY MACHINE RENTAL 5,742 4,500 46-20 EQUIPMENT REPAIRS&MAINTENANCE 13,800 40,802 27,002 196% 46-22 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 11,600 17,937 6,337 55% 46-30 VEHICLE MAINTENANCE-GARAGE - 1,529 1,529 100% 47-10 PRINTING AND BINDING 500 500 - 0% 49-09 TRANSFER TO SELF INS-WK COMP 3,771 4,008 237 6% 49-10 WAREHOUSE SERVICE CHARGE 1,921 1,664 ( 7 -1 % 49-14 CREDIT CARD FEES 850 49-17 OTHER CONTRACTUAL SERVICES 34,590 29,170 (5,420) 16% 49-80 C.O.A.L.A. COMPUTER PROGRAMS) 23,765 23140 (6 25( % 51-10 OFFICE SUPPLIES 5,500 51500 - 0% 51-25 SUPPLIES/COMPUTER SOFTWARE<$750 3,9703,985 15 0%. 52-01 SUPPLIES COMPUTER 13,900 10,000 (3,900) -28% 52-72 LIBRARY SUPPLIES 12,000 10,000 (2,000) -17% 54-10 PERIODICALS/MAGAZINES/BOOKS/SUBSCIPTIONS 11,833 11,833 - 0% 54-20 MEMBERSHIPS 823 933 110 13% 54-30 TRAINING 1,000 1,000 - 0% - 66-01 BOOKS 170,000 130,000 (00) -24% XXX.XX PERSONNEL EXPENSES 2,166,258 2,141,664 (24,594) -1% TOTAL.OPERATIONAL EXPENSES 263,123 252,613 TOTAL CAPITAL EXPENSES 170,000 130,000 (4l), I TOTAL PERSONNEL EXPENSES 2,166,258 2,141,664 ____L24,594) -1% LIBRARY TOTALS 2,599,381 2,524,277 (75,104( 1 MUSEUM FY 2020/2021 RECOMMENDED BUDGET APPROVED RECOMMENDED ACCT# BUDGET BUDGET % 001-2612-571 ACCOUNT DESCRIPTION FY 19120 FY 20/21 DIFF CHANGE 31-91 STAFF SERVICES 322,600 322,600 0% 41-10 TELEPHONE 500 500 - 0% 43-10 ELECTRIC SERVICE 23,000 16,000 (7, ft 0 43-20 WATERISEWER SERVICES 1,128 1,000 . ( -1,1% 49-17 CONTRACTUAL SERVICE ADT SECURITY) 500 500 - 0% TOTAL: LIBRARY BUDGET l $347,728 $340,600 (7,128) % 34-10 JANITORIAL SERVICES 15,500 15,500', - 0% 34-20 PEST CONTROL 2,500'' 2,500' - 0% 46-10 BUILDING REPAIRS 1,996 2,500 504 25% 46-20 ELEVATOR MAINTENANCE 7,000 9,000 2,000 29%, 46-20 FIRE ALARM&SPRINKLER MAINTENANCE/ INSPECTIONS&MONITORING FIRE EXTINGUISHER MAINTENANCE TOTAL: FACILITIES BUDGET 26,996 29,500 2,504 9% 49-08 PROPERTY INSURANCE 11,704 12,133 429 4% TOTAL: RISK MANAGEMENT BUDGET 11,704 12,133 429 4% TOTAL MUSEUM: $386,428 $382,233 (4,192fl 1� TOTAL LIBRARY/MUSEUM-OVERALL BUDGET REQ $2,985,809 $2,906,510 7 f -3% BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT JANUARY 2020 Administrative Services/Public Relations Library Director attended City Commission meetings, City ADA training, Library Legislative Day and SEFLIN Board of Director's meeting. The Friends of the Boynton Beach City Library contributed 99.50 volunteer hours throughout the month at the bookstore. Customer Service and Circulation Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change Customer Visits 8,314 71272 +14% Total Circulation* 8,502 9,412 -10% Adult Circulation 5,554 -� 6,260 -11% Young Adult Circulation 298 344 -13% �._..r. x __.�......�... ....................... Juvenile Circulation 1,280 1,522 -16% _.__ a. ILS System Circulation 7,160 8,126 -12% Physical Materials) [includes av] Overdrive Ebook Circulation 602 564 +7% . ..... . .... eAudiobook Circulation 209 115 +82% _ ....... RB Digital Magazine Downloads 258 349 1 -26% Audiovisual 21158 2,615 -17% [physical materials ie cds, dvds] Onecard Cards 0 0 - T Number of Reference Transactions 651 506 +29% Interlibrary Loans Provided 187 186 +1% !Interlibrary Loans Borrowed 1 3 67% .. - ... *includes ILS, Ebooks, eAudios Freegal (downloads), legal forms and RB Digital downloads. Digital Resource and Database Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change Freegal Streams 502 1,022 -51% j Freegal Users 7 21 -67% __.. _---- Freegal Downloads 268 258 I +4% Kanopy Streams 66 45 +47% __v Learning Express Sessions 4 13 69% Gale Legal 5 0 - Gale Infotrac Sessions 249 3,218 -92% I Gale Infotrac Retrievals 8 168 -95% Transparent Languages Users 7 8 -13% ---- ... Transparent Languages Sessions 23 117 -80% _ Learning Express Job Career Sessions 4 13 -69% _I . ------------ - Knowledge City Users 0 - l Social Media ----- Facebook Likes 559 New Facebook Likes 18 Facebook Followers 559 likes and followers are the same thing Twitter Followers 206 New Twitter Followers11 ....... . ..... Twitter Impressions 9563 Instagram Followers - .. ,. . New Instagram Followers Instagram Post Impressiones ...._.M �..... Boynton-Beach.org ci library visits 6,510 Palm Beach Post Views (Newsbank) 1313 .M� Public Computer Usage Statistics Adult Computer use = 1,177 Average time per session = 49 minutes Teen Computer use = 253 Average time per session = 92 minutes Youth Computer use = 362 Average time per session = 51 minutes Computer Usage total = 1,792 One year ago = 2,267 (20% decrease) Public Computer Training Classes Computer classes temporarily suspended. January— May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 2 Collection Management Discarded Items = 942 Items Added to Collection = 714 Archives Activities January Access to material held by the Boynton Beach City Library Local History Archives continues to grow as photographs are scanned and catalogued, then made available through FIU's Digital Collections Center and now the Digital Public Library of America. Forty-eight oral histories are now available for listening on our Internet Archive site, along with transcriptions if available. The Archives website also continues to expand and provide research assistance and access. Library Program Report ADULT SERVICES Number of adult programs: 4 Attendance at adult programs: 40 Adult Outreach: Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 YOUTH SERVICES Number of Children's programs: 7 Attendance at Children's programs: 42 Children's Outreach Reference and Technology Questions: 99 Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 TEEN SERVICES Number of Teen programs: 7 Attendance at Teen programs: 54 Teen Outreach Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 AmeriCorps Report Jeannie will verbally report on the Americorps Program. January— May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 3 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT FEBRUARY 2020 Administrative Services/Public Relations Library Director attended City Commission meetings, City ADA training, Public Library Association Annual Conference, Census PSA and SEFLIN Board of Director's meeting . The Friends of the Boynton Beach City Library contributed 110 volunteer hours throughout the month at the bookstore. Customer Service and Circulation Statistics i Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change g Customer Visits 8,777 ) 9,472 E -7% Total Circulation* 9,460 6,572 +44% WW __ Adult Circulation 6,417 5,566 +15% Young Adult Circulation 296 296 - Juvenile Circulation 1,787 1,347 +33% ILS System Circulation 8,179 71209 +13% Physical Materials) [includes av] Overdrive Ebook Circulation 605 ( 490 +23% eAudiobook Circulation 203 102 +99% .................... m. . RB Digital Magazine Downloads 293 170 +72% j l _ ........... .__ ._ .... _. Audiovisual 2,576 2,273 +13% [physical materials ie cds, dvds] j Onecard Cards 1 4 -75% _.._ ----------- Number --Number of Reference Transactions 888 499 +78% — _0 R Interlibrary Loans Provided 60 171 -65% Interlibrary Loans Borrowed 3 ( 3 *includes ILS, Ebooks, eAudios Freegal (downloads), legal forms and RB Digital downloads. January– May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 4 Diital Resource and Database Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month ( Previous Year Change Free al Streams 178j _ . ,... _ . M._ y_..... - Freegal Users 11 16 31% Freegal Downloads 175 170 +3% . _. ........— Kanopy Streams 104 54 +93% Learning Express Sessions 8 3 +167% H n Gale Legal 5 0 - Gale Infotrac Sessions 240 3,694 -94% _.... _ ._..... Gale Infotrac Retrievals 8 255 -97% Transparent Languages Users 7 10 300% _ _ ®.-,_ ..... . Transparent Languages Sessions 30 57 -47% 1 Learning Express Job Career Sessions 5 2 +150% 11,111,11I.- --------------- _......... _...... _ M.M. J Knowledge City Users 0 0 - Social Media w. Facebook Likes 582 New Facebook Likes 23 Facebook Followers likes and followers are the same thin Twitter Followers206 __ .. . -........ _ b. a �.. New Twitter Followers 4 _ .,. ..... Twitter Impressions m 4,435 Instar)ram Followers - New Instaram Followers P - Insta ram Post Impressions - — ... _ _..,.u_ _...... Boynton-Beach.org/city library visits _ 6,215 Palm Beach Post ViewsNewsbank) ( 367 Public Computer Usage Statistics Adult Computer use = 1,232 Average time per session = 49 minutes Teen Computer use = 300 Average time per session = 115 minutes Youth Computer use = 414 Average time per session = 51 minutes Computer Usage total = 1,946 One year ago = 2,082 (6% decrease) Public Computer Training Classes Computer classes temporarily suspended. January- May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 5 Collection Management Discarded Items = 296 Items Added to Collection = 536 Archives Activities Access to material held by the Boynton Beach City Library Local History Archives continues to grow as photographs are scanned and catalogued, then made available through FILI s Digital Collections Center and now the Digital Public Library of America. Library Program Report ADULT SERVICES Number of adult programs: 4 Attendance at adult programs: 40 Adult Outreach: Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 YOUTH SERVICES Number of Children's programs: 8 Attendance at Children's programs: 37 Children's Outreach Reference and Technology Questions: 103 Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 TEEN SERVICES Number of Teen programs: 4 Attendance at Teen programs: 40 Teen Outreach Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 AmeriCorps Report Jeannie will verbally report on the Americorps Program. January— May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 6 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT MARCH 2020 Administrative Services/Public Relations Library Director attended City Commission meetings, City ADA training, and COVID-19 related meetings. The Friends of the Boynton Beach City Library contributed 54.50 volunteer hours throughout the month at the bookstore. Customer Service and Circulation Statistics Current ; Same Month Per Month Previous Year I Change _.. __ ----- Customer .Customer Visits 4,885 9,830 50% .. .__ �.. ..�. -. .......... .� Total Circulation* 8,214 8,869 -7% ._ . ---------_ � ........ �. Adult Circulation 4,775 5,741 17% _ -.. Young Adult Circulation 276 350 21% �_ . ,v , 7 Juvenile Circulation 1,531 1,563 -2% ......._ - e ILS System Circulation 6,585 7,654 -14% Physical Materials) [includes av] ....... . Overdrive Ebook Circulation 793 564 +41% eAudiobook Circulation 199 113 +76% .,_.... RB Digital Magazine Downloads 312 280 +11% Audiovisual 1,916 ( 2,623 -27% [physical materials ie cds, dvds] Onecard Cards 2 2 - Number of Reference Transactions 104 551 -81% Interlibrary Loans Provided 40 159 -75% mmu.. Interlibrary Loans Borrowed 34 25% *includes ILS, Ebooks, eAudios Freegal (downloads), legal forms and RB Digital downloads. January— May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 7 Digital Resource and Database Statistics I Current Same Month Percentage j Month Previous Year Change Freegal Streams 465 891 -48% w �.w .. a Freegal Users 1 18 21 -14% ........ ' Freegal Downloads 324 255 +27% Kanopy Streams 129 56 +130% _ .........�..z. Learning Express Sessions r 0 16 100% Gale Legal 1 3 -67% Gale Infotrac Sessions 206 4598 96%_� Gale Infotrac Retrievals 33 j 240 -86% Transparent Languages Users 8 13 -38% Transparent Languages Sessions 15 44 -66% Learning Express Job Career Sessions 0 ( 13 100% _.. { .......... Knowledge City Users 0 - - Social Media Facebook Likes 588 ....... _ 1 New Facebook Likes 17 Facebook Followers v Same as likes Twitter Followers 209 New Twitter Followers 3 _ Twitter Impressions 4336 Instagram Followers 0 New Instagram Followers - Instagram Post Impressions22 Boynton-Beach org/city-library visits 5 019 _ �_.__..... - I Palm Beach Post Views (Newsbank) 385 Public Computer Usage Statistics No computer Stats. Public Computer Training Classes Computer classes temporarily suspended. Collection Management Discarded Items = 944 Items Added to Collection = 988 Archives Activities The Boynton Beach City Library Local History Archives is continuing to make advances in improving access to our archival collections. More images have been added to the Florida International University's Digital January— May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 8 Collection Center online database, and those are now harvested into the Digital Public Library of America. An oral history and a presentation were added to our Internet Archive site. Library Program Report ADULT SERVICES Number of adult programs: 2 Attendance at adult programs: 20 Adult Outreach: Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 YOUTH SERVICES Number of Children's programs: 0 Attendance at Children's programs: 0 Children's Outreach Reference and Technology Questions: n/a Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 TEEN SERVICES Number of Teen programs: 0 Attendance at Teen programs: 0 Teen Outreach Programs: 0 Attendance: 0 AmeriCorps Report Jeannie will verbally report on the Americorps Program. January— May 2020 Monthly Report Page 9 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT APRIL 2020 Administrative Services/Public Relations Library Director attended City Commission meetings, City ADA training, LSTA grant meetings, SEFLIN Board of Director's meeting and COVID-19 related meetings. The Friends of the Boynton each City Library suspended volunteering for the month. Customer Service and Circulation Statistics ............ -------- Cu ..............rrent Same Month Percentage Month Previous YearChange ........... ILL...._ - i --....—.... ------ Customer Visits 0 9,577 -100% ........... I Total Circulation* 2,056 8,549 -76% 'Adult Circulation 62 5,383 -99% ..... . ............................................ .... ............ Young Adult Circulation 1 336 -100% Juvenile Circulation 10 1,496 -99% -----------............ ILS System Circulation 73 71215 -99% Physical Materials) [includes av] ................ ver rive Ebook Circulation 1,063 594 +79% ... .......--, —i eAudiobook Circulation 230 146 +58% .................-................. RB Digital Magazine Downloads 352 286 +23% ......-------- ...... Audiovisual 1 22 2,462 -99% [physical materials ie cds, dvds] Oscar d Cards 0 3 -100% -------------- nn.... ......---1-.......... Number of Reference Transactions 124 911 -86% Interlibrary Loans Provided 0 3 -100% ............. Interlibrary Loans Borrowed 0 177 1 -100 .. ..................... —Ebo-oks, eAudios Fr (downloads), legal for and R'B Digital clownloads. January- May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 10 Di ital Resource and Database Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change 9 Freegal Streams 801 585 +37/o __-- ,. ....... .._- Freegal Users 19 21 10% j Freegal Downloads j 335 299 +12% us w_ Kanopy Streams 231 78 +196% Learning Express Sessions 21 19 +11% ......... �.�� Gale Legal 3 9 -67% k _. _e w .. ...w _____-_ Gale Infotrac Sessions 530 3,056 -83% Gale Infotrac Retrievals 23 166 -86% Transparent Languages Users 1 4 9 -56% Transparent Languages Sessions ( 23 50 -54% E .. ..,... Learning Express Job Career Sessions 20 19 +5% - ...... Knowledge City Users 2 - - Social Media . Facebook Likes 633 New Facebook Likes 46 Facebook Followers T Likes and followers are the same thin Twitter Followers 208 _ .... New Twitter Followers -1 u — Twitter Im ressions 71119 Instagram Followers 474 New Instagram Followers - Instagram Post Impressions 67 Boynton-Beach orgLcity-library visitsx 3 409 PalmBeach Post Views Newsbank 1 181 _ _�m..... __ � ��.. .n. � Public Computer Usage Statistics No computer usage due to Covid-19 Public Computer Training Classes Computer classes temporarily suspended. Collection Management Discarded Items = 944 Items Added to Collection = 878 Archives Activities The Boynton Beach City Library Local History Archives continues to provide improved access to our archival collections through online access, including making oral histories available and finding aids for our other January– May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 11 collections. A project to offer the public a place to express their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic was made, with the creation of an online form to submit writings, artwork, photographs, or video. Library Program Report No Library programming or outreach. AmeriCorps Report Jeannie will verbally report on the Americorps Program. January— May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 12 BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY MONTHLY REPORT MAY 2020 Administrative Services/Public Relations Library Director attended city Commission meetings, City ADA training, Municipal Director's meeting, SEFLIN Board of Director's meeting and COVID-19 related meetings. The Friends of the Boynton Beach City Library suspended volunteering for the month. Customer Service and Circulation Statistics Current Same Month Percentage Month Previous Year Change -Customer Visits 0 8,066 -100% Total Circulation* 2,600 7,330 -65% Adult Circulation 600 4,431 -86% ........ ......... ...... Young Adult Circulation 24 312 92% ........... 'Juvenile Circulation 58 1,220 -95% ILS System Circulation 679 5,963 -89% Physical Materials) [includes av] Overdrive Ebook Circulation 1,003 636 +58% eAudiobook Circulation 235 141 +67% RB Digital Magazine Downloads 350 317 +10% Audiovisual 160 2,133 -92% [physical materials ie ccls, dvds] .... ................... ....................... Onecard Cards 0 1 -100% Number of Reference Transactions 73 865 -92% Interlibrary Loans Provided 1 0 135 100% ------------------------------7--------- [Interlilrary Loans Borrowed 0 0 1 *includes ILS, Ebooks, eAudios Freegal (downloads), legal forms and RB Digital downloads. January— May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 13 Di ital Resource and Database Statistics Current 1 Same Month Percentage 6 Month Previous Year Change _ -... _ _ _m .e Freegal Streams 699 477 +47% Freegal Users 20 17 +18% Freegal Downloads 333 263 +27% Kanopy Streams 248 90 +176% Learning Express Sessions 6 6 - Gale Legal 0 10 100% ;Gale Infotrac Sessions 364 2,979 88% Gale Infotrac Retrievals 12 192 -94% Transparent Languages Users 6 7 -1 p4% ... . Transparent Languages Sessions j 34 173 -80% Learning Express Job Career Sessions 0 10 -100% Knowledge City Users 2 - - Social Media Facebook Likes 726 New Facebook Likes 94 Facebook FollowersLikes and followers are the same thing M. ..� Twitter Followers242 _..n.. New Twitter Followers ( 5 Twitter Impressions 4927 _ m Instagram Followers 503 New Instagram Followers ®._ A ... ...... Instag ram_Post Impressionsv 44 Boynton Beach org/city_library visits 5,671 Palm Beach Post Views (Newsbank 915 Public Computer Usage Statistics No computer usage due to Covid-19 Public Computer Training Classes Computer classes temporarily suspended. Collection Management Discarded Items = 384 Items Added to Collection = 825 January— May 2020 Monthly Report Page 14 Archives Activities The Boynton Beach City Library Local History Archives continues to offer the public a place to express their responses to the COVID-19 pandemic was made, with the creation of an online form to submit writings, artwork, photographs, or video. Also, we continue to make our collections more accessible by contributing photographs to Florida International University's Digital Collections Center, which are then harvested to be included in the Digital Public Library of America. Outreach also includes initiatives to present digital exhibits through Flickr and oral histories through the Internet Archive. Library Program Report No Library programming or outreach. AmeriCorps Report Jeannie will verbally report on the Americorps Program. January- May 2020 Monthly Report I Page 15 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES,INC. CREATED! FO7/ 2 4.45 IDM 7g MS JEANNIE TAYLOR BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY 115 N FEDERAL HIGHWAY BOYNTON BEACH FL 33435 CREDITOR: 1581 -- BOYNTON BEACH CITY LIBRARY DATES LISTED: 01/01/1900 TO 05/31/2020 • ALL AMOUNTS LISTED Accounts Submitted 2,582 Dollars Submitted 177,945.00 Dollars Received 23,901.06 Bankruptcies 0 Dollars in Bankruptcy 0.00 Material Returned 45,792.02 Incorrect Addresses 470 Dollars in Skiptracing 22,484.04 Dollars Waived 13,413.37 Patron Disputes/Suspends 1 Dollars in Dispute 37.00 Accounts in Process 2,111 Dollars in Process 144,454.20 # of Accounts Activated 1,264 Total Activated 93,395.91 % of Accounts Activated 59.88 % of Dollars Activated 64.65% 5 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES, INC Page l of 1 UNIQUE MANAGEMENT SERVICES,INC. EXPLANATION OF SUMMARY PAGE ACCOUNT STATUS REPORT Left Column Accounts Submitted:Total number of accounts submitted for collection. Bankruptcies:Total number of accounts in bankruptcy. Incorrect Addresses:Total number of accounts for which we do not have correct addresses yet. Skip tracing efforts, continue for quite some time so this number is very dynamic. Patron Disputes/Suspends:Total number of accounts where collection efforts have been stopped because the patron disputed the debt or the Library suspended collection efforts as a result of payment arrangements, mistakes, etc. Accounts in Process:Total number of accounts being processed through our collection service. This number is arrived at by subtracting Bankruptcies, Incorrect Addresses and Patron Disputes/Suspends from the total number of Accounts Submitted. #of Accounts Activated:Total number of accounts that have responded in some way to reduce their balance. They could have returned material, made a payment or a combination of both. %of Accounts Activated: Percentage of processed accounts that have responded in some way (#of Accounts Activated divided by Accounts in Process).This percentage is a good measure of response rate because it measures the percentage of patrons that have actually responded due to the collection process. Middle Column Dollars Submitted: Total dollar amount due from all accounts submitted for collection. Dollars in Bankruptcy: Total dollar amount due from all accounts in bankruptcy. Dollars in Skips: Total dollar amount due for accounts with incorrect addresses. Dollars in Dispute:Total dollar amount for all accounts that have been disputed.. Dollars in Process:Total dollar amount for all accounts being processed. This number is equal to the Dollars Submitted minus Dollars in Bankruptcy, Dollars in Skips,and Dollars in Dispute,as well as the dollar amount due for all suspended and closed accounts(not detailed on this report). Its purpose is to show the total dollar amount actually being worked. Total Activated: Total original amount due by all Accounts Activated. The difference between this number and the sum of Dollars Received,Material Returned, and Dollars Waived is the remaining balance due by all Accounts Activated_ %of Dollars Activated_: Percentage of processed dollars that have been activated(Total Activated divided by Dollars in Process). Right Column Dollars Received:Actual money recovered as reported by the Library. Material Returned:Actual value of material returned as valued and reported by the Library. Dollars Waived:Actual dollars waived by the Library as reported by the Library. https://web.unique-mgmt.com/help_fiiles/summary.asp 3/6/2017