R92-49RESOLUTION NO. R92-~Z~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RATIFYING THE SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL WASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF FEBRUARY 25, AUTHORIZING ACCEPTANCE OF AN INDUSTRIAL WASTE AND PRETREATMENT AGREEMENT, WITH MODIFICATIONS, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS~ the South Central Regional Wastewater ?reatment & Disposal Board at a meeting held on February 25, 1992, authorized acceptance of an Industrial Waste and ~retreatment Agreement; and WHEREAS, The South Central Regional Wastewater treatment & Disposal Board now requests ratification by each 2ity, of the revised Agreement, with modifications. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION DF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of ~oynton Beach, Florida, does hereby approve the action taken Dy the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment & Disposal Board on February 25, 1992, authorizing acceptance ~f an Industrial Waste and Pretreatment Agreement, with ~odifications. Section 2. This Resolution [mmediatel~ upon passage. shall take effect · PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of April, 1992. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ~fayo~ ATTEST: (c0r6~r~te Seal) $CkW~ ~ RES 3/23/92 C omni s s i~r INDUSTRIAL~ I ~WAS~ ,~ AND PR"-~'k~ATM~T AGREEMENT THIS INDUSTRIAL ~%STE AND PRETREATM~T ~ is entered into by and between the SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL ~ST~WA'~'~ TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD, an entity created by Interlocal Agreement pursuant to Florida Statu=e$ Section 163.01 (hereinafter referred to as POTW), the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation, and the CITY OF DELRAY BEACH, FLORIDA, a municipal corporation (both of which are collectively referred to herein as the CITIES). WI TNES SETH : WHEP~AS, it is a requzrement of the POTWto comply with all applicable State and Federal la.w? requiredby the Clean Water Act of 1977 and the General Pretreatment Regulations 40 CFR, Part 403; and W~S, by the terms of that certain Interlocal A~re~ment date~ December 26, 1974, between theCITIES, the POTWwa$ created ano ~ne CITIES became the s01e, direct customers of the POTW; and WHEP~AS, by the terms of the above referred to ~nterl?~al Agreement, the CITIES, as the Sole customers of the POTW, t/~en sell wastewater treatment an~ disposal services directly to users as w~ll as industrial users; WHEREAS, in order to comply with the provisions of the above referred to Clean WaterAct as w~ll as State and Federal law, the parties hereto are ~esirous of entering into this A~re-,~nt setting forth the terms and conditions upo~ which the C~T~ES may_ discharge waetewater efflue~ t~ the of this Agreement~ the. CITIES, as granted here~, agree toadopt an ~ndustrlal wast? anopretreatment oro~nancs with terms, ~onditions~and provisions no less stringent than the terms set forth in th~s Agreement for the regulation of the issuance and compliance with discharge permits to the CITIES' users and industrial users. NOW, T~EREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises he~ein contained, the adequacy of which is hereby acknowledged, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1, Purpose The purpose of this Agreement is to regulate industrial waste pretreatment facilities and discharge of industrial waste into the Publicly Operated Treatment Works (PO%W) operated by the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board and providing for pollutant limitations, data collection, monitoring, and sam?ling, and providing for penalties for the violation thereof for the following purposes: (A) To prevent the introduction of pollutants into the CITIES wastewater system .which will interfere with the normal operation of the wastewater collection system or the wastewater treatment plant, or which will contaminate the re~ulting municipal sludge, (B) To prevent the introduction of ~pollutants into the CITIES wastewater collection system which dO not receive adequate" treatment by the POTW, and which W~iI pass through the-system into receiving waters or the atmosphere or otherwise be incompatible with the system; (C] To improve the opportunity to recycle and reclaim wastewater and sludge from the system. 2. Policy And Scope the and disposal of all treatment facilities, beginning at t .~oint source. The terms of this Agreement shall be by the CITIES respectively to regulate of the sewer collector , of Delray Beach and any other portion controlled or operated therein. The ensure the general the provisions of this Agreement will be provisions of Federal Administrative c~de theFlorida Department of The-standards set forth are minimum requirements to and welfare of the public. 3. ADDlicabili~ytoAll.Users shall applyto all users of the sewer or outside the city, including all other not limited to, the Town of Highland Beach, the Town or unincorporated government users shall be days after enactment of this Agreement and to this Agreement all users~of their public and sanitary sewer 4. Definitions As used.~n this Agreement, all definitions shall be applied and interpreted 1~ accordance with 40 CFR 403, as amended. "Act~,TheAct". The Federal Water ~ol{ution Control Act, also known as the~eanwate-~-A%-~ of 1977, as amended, 33 U.S.C. 1251, et seq. ~'Authori:zed. Representative of Industrial User". An authorized representative of an industrial user which maybe a principal executive ~u'u. 26 2 officer of at least the level of vice-president, if the industrial user is a corporation, a general partner or proprietor, if the industrial user is a partnership or proprietorship, respectively, or a duly authorized representative of the individual designated above, if that representative ~s for the of the facilities from which the Board, and all it~ and Disposal ilities, South Central Regional util: lab~r~ liter. oxygen standard of a user or equ Beach; the to service, the city to 40 CFR 136. the City of Delray of the construct, as follows: area located in consent to city or co% ~ sewer ~ _ _ consent to operated by the in the suspended 3 solids, pH, and fecal in the NPDES treat those substantial degree. in additional pollutants identified - works was designed to , does remove the pollutant to a "Composite Sample". A series of samples taken over a specific 24-hour time PeriOd at integrals not to exceed, fiftee}% (15) minutes in the waste stream which are .combined intO one sample. Flow proportional sampling is mandated unless cirCUmStances do not permit it, then it shall be time proportional. Samples shall be taken during effluent discha[ge times only. "Coolin~ Water". The water discharged from any use such as air conditioning, cooling, or refrigeration, or to which the only pollutant added is heat. "DirectDischar~e". The discharge of treated or untreated wastewater directly to the waters of the state. "Director of Public utilities, Utilities Director, or Di=ector". This refers to the individual in charge of the Public Utilities Department in either City or his/her specific designee. "~". Means disposal of, deposit, place, e~..'t, unload, release or cause or allow.to be disposed of, deposited, placed, emitted, unloaded, or released. "Domestic Wastewater". Wastewater derived principplly from dwellings, con~ercial buildings, institutions, and industry resulting from household or toilet waste resulting from human occupancy. It may or may not contain ground water, surface water, or stormwater. "Environmental Protection A~ency" or "EPA". The U.S. Environmental Protection Agen~y, or where appropriate the--~rmmay a%so be used as a designation for ~he Administrator or other duly authorized official of that agency. "Executive Director". The administrative director or his authorized deputy, agent or representative of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposa% Board. The Executive Directoris the authorized achninistration authority of the South Central Regional Wastewater Treatment and Disposal Board. ,~".. The animal and vegetable waste resulting from the handling, preparation, cooking, and serving of foods. "Grab $~le". A sample which is taken from a waste steam on a one-time basis with no regard to the flow in the waste stream and without consideration of time. 4 "Grantee". 'Recipient of a federal grant for all or a portion of a treatment~--~s as administered by the Environmental Protection Agency. the Tank Waste". Any waste from holding tanks such as vessels, septic. ~.anks'. . andvacuum~pump~ tank trucks. nondomestic ofthe Act, into "Industrial'- or Commercial industrial, commercia~l, Or in~titutiona~ ~Process~s as sewage. Industrial and Commercial waste D~scharge Permit ~. A permit ~ssued to control the process flows from industry, commerce, or inst=tutions that may be ion the of individual ~ .I¥~ustr~al Cost Recovery . ~nd~/st~xally classified users of allocable to the treatment of wastes from those users. from ~e amount erI, , Classified Us . as dlstinct~from primarily domestic or resulting from human occupancy. :ial user whose ial p '~Industrial User'. A.source of.indirect discharge.~a~d discharge of industrial and commercial 'wastewhichdoes not constitute ~ 'discharge of pollutants under~regulations issued pursuant to Sectio~ 402 'of the Act. U.S.C. 1342). (33 "Interference"i The inhibition 'or disrupti?n of.the POTW treatment ~ processes Or.operati0nswhich contri~tes to a Violation~f any requiremen~ If ~heNPDESpermi~t.orreduces the efficiency of.the POTW. The term also I includes preVention of sewage sludge use or disposal' by the POTW. ~:~ "Milligrams Per Liter (m~/1)". The D,m~her of unitsofminor constituents present with e~ch one mill~onunits of the ma$or cohstiltuent of a solution of mixture. Milll~r~m~ Per Litek" shall be conslde~ed ~iva~ent to parts per million. "Monitorin~ Costs". Those costs incurred by the City in performing monitoring and/or sampling as prescribed by 40 CFR 403. 5 "National Cate~or~¢al~Pretreatment Standard". Any federal regulation containing pollutant, discharge limits promulgated by the EPA which applies to a specific category of industrial users. "National .PQllutantDischa~e Elimination System" or ."NPDES Permit". A permit issuedpursuant toSection 402 of theAct (33 U.S.C. 1342). "Nationals. Prohibitive Discharge Standard'~ or ."Prohibitive Discharge Standard". ~Any regulation developed under the authority, of 307(b) of the Act ~--4-0--~FR, Section 403.5 "Natural Ou~tlet". Any ditch, canal, stream, waterway, lake, river, pond, well, gully, or~therwater body. '~New Source'!. Any source, the construction of which is commenced after the publication.of.the proposed Pretreatment Standards under Section 307(c) of the kct, and which~ conforms to 40 CFR 403(k). a pollutant from the POTWwhen such the POTW'sNPDES permit, or a or or increases the magnitude or du.ration of any violation and which is the result of a user's dischargeof the pollutant either alone or in conjunction with other user's discharges of the~pollutant into the POTW. A user contributes to pass through ~nen th~User: (1) Discharges a pollutant concentration or a daily pollutant loading in excess of that allowed byCityor parm/t or by Federal or State law; (2) Discharges wastewater which substantially differs in nature and constituents from the user's normal average discharge; (2) ~ discharge, alone or in other users, would result in pass through; or (4) Know~ or has reasogto know th?t the POTW is, for any reason, violating.its final effluent !~m~.tatlons !n 1ts NPDES permit and that such user'sdi$cb~geeithe~ a%one or in conjunction with discharges from other users, increases the magnitude or duration of the POTW's violations. "Person". Any individual, firm, company, association, society, corporat-~i-6~,, or group. "pH" Logarithm of the reciprocal of the weight of hydrogen ions in grams per liter of solution. "Pollutant". Any dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator residue, sewageS, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discharged equiument, rock, sand, cellar dirt, and industrial, municipal, and agricultural waste discharged into water. ~£h.26 6 "Pollution". physica-l~-b-I~l-ogical, "Pretreatment". ~limi d] CFR Section 403.6(d). The man-made or man-induced alteration of the chemical, and radiological integrity of water. The reduction of the amount of pollutants, the pollutant i of The biological p~ohibited by 40 requi remen~ will sewers, with no dimension. Beach (PO~4). cooking, all particles public in.any properties have Centr~.l~] ~stewater by the South which those "Sanitary Sewage". occupancy. life of--~ ~rformance f The householdand toilet wastes resulting from human "Sanitary Sewer". A sewer which Carries sewage and to which storm, surface, and groundwater are not intentionally admitted. "Sewage". A combination of the water ca{riedwastes from residences, business-~6~'fldings, institutions, and industrial establishments, together with ground, surface, and stormwaters as maybe present. FTL.26 · "Sewage Works". All facilities for collecting, pumping, treating, and disposing of w~stewater including hha POTW. "Sewer". A pipe or conduit for carrying sewage. "Shall" is mandatory; "May" is permissive. 'Significant Industrial User". Any industrial user of the Board Treatment Plant w~o: has a discharge flow of 25,000 gallons or more per average work day; has a flow greater than 5% of the flow in the city's collection system; has toxic pollutants in excess of limits defined pursuant to section 307 of ..the act, Florida .s.tatutes; or is judged by the .~P~iW., city, state,.or U~SI. .~vironmen~al, P~o~ect~on Agency (EPA) ~ t~o have sigr~ficant impact~ ~either~ .singly or in.~ combination ~th other .contributing industries, on the w~stew~ter treatment system, the quality of sludge, the system's effluent quality, or air emissions generated by the system. ,Significant Non, Compliance". Means that ~iolations of this Agreement by a user ~subjact to pretreatment standards meet one o~ more of the following criteria: (l) Chr~onic Violation: 66% or more of all measurements taken for the same pollutant during a six-month period exceeded (by any magnitude) the applicable daily maximum limit or the applicable average limit; (2) Technical Review Criteria (~RC) Violation: 33% or more of all measurements tak ~e~l~ for the same pollutant during a six-month period equaled or exceeded ithe product of the daily average maximum limit or the average limit times the~ applicable TRC. (For categorical.pretreatment limitations the TRC equals 1.4 for BOD~ TSS and Oil and Grease, and 1.2 for all other pollutants except p}{. (3) An effluent violation caused interference or pass through or eD~mngered the hea~th ~of City or POTW personnel or the general public; (4) A discharge caused imminent endangerment to human health, welfare or to the :environment and resulted in ~ exercising its emergency authority under Section 30 of this (5) Failure to meet a compliance schedule milestone date within ninety (90) days o~ more after the scheduled date; (6~ F~ilure to submit a required report within thirty (30) days of its due date; (7) Failure to accurately report non-cnmpliance; or (8) A~y other violation or group of violations which the Director determines may cause interference or pass through or will adversely affect implementation of the City's pretreatment program. 8 "Significant Violation". A violation that remains uncorrected 45 days after notification of non-compliance; which is part of a pattern of non-compliance over a twelve-month period; which involves a failure to acc%/rately report non-compliance; or which resulted in the POTW exercising its emergency authority under Section 403.8 (F)(1)(vi)(B) of the Act. or industrial waste which in 5 for any times . ~Classif~cation pursuant offic~ and ~,,but excludes co~merclal waste. during or following any form of natural ~herefromi~ The by the POTW to~ supervise the is charged with thi~ Agreement, or hi'Z. duly authorized repre~ehtat~ve. .~to & use~ for tr~a~.ment of in excess ~f~pecified maximum allowable limits. Solids that a=e in .suspension in water, sewage, or removable by laboratory filtering. des~ ( =.combinationof pollutants listed Environmental under the provision of ~ 307(a) or other acts. facilities and is operated by the South [.Board. ,Treatment Works", The wastewater treatment plant, interceptors, force mains~ t~f~:~s~i~ns,:'and collection system~. ,User", Any person who contributes, causes, or permits the contribution of waSt-~ter fn~o the POTW. ~TL.26 "User Charge" or "User Fee". A charge levied on the users of the treatment process facilities for the cost of operation and maintenance of those facilities and other equitable and necessary charges. "Wastewater". The liquid and water carried industrial or domestic wastes from dwellings, co~erciat buildings, industrial~facilities, and institutions, whether treated or untreated, which is contributed into or permitted to enter the POTW. "WasteWater TreatmentPlant". Any arrangementof devices and structures uses for tre&tingwaStewater, such as the "Watercourse". A channel in which a flow of water occurs, either continuously or intermittently. 5. ~om~lianc~with Provisions Or More Strin~entRe~ulations be as outlined in this standards are promulgated by law, then the more shall supersede and be considered a part of this Ag 6. Dis~x)Saliof Sewage Other Than Through Re~ional~Facilities (A) The disposal of sewage by mean~ other than use of the available regional wastewater facilities shall be in accordance with city, county, state, and/~ederal law. (B) The.disposal of sewage to the POTW shall be as outlined in this Agreement an~.shall be.subject to standards wh}ch meet or exceed the CITIES' industrial andCommercial waste ordinance requirements as they shall exist from time-to-%ime~ and shall also be subject to the provisions of the Interlocat ~eement dated December 26, 1974 between the Cities creating the PO~W. 7. Right To RefuseWaste U~on Noncompliance The CITIES shall adopt within their ordinance the right to refuse waste frOm any user where wastewater does not comply with the requirements of this Agreement. 8. Damaging Or Tampering with Sewage Works The CITIES shall adopt ordinances requiring that no person shall break, damage, destroy, uncover, deface, or tamper with any structure, appurtenance, or equipment which is part of the sewage works. FTL.26 10 9. Permit Required For Use Of Public Sewer No unauthorized person shall be permitted to uncover, make any connections with or opening into, use, alter, or disturb any public sewer or written or, permission to do individually, whose 10. to Wastes~ Dischar~ed~Into Sanitary Sewers To Meet Crite=ia regulatio-- which in tur (A) No any stormwater, uncontaminated .sanitary sewer. (B?~ discharged to a natural . cooling water the utilities Director to (C)~ , of the following or not limited to, gasoline, (2)~ Any water or wa~ ~olids, %iquidS, ~or gases lntera~t,zol{withotherwestes treatment process, constitute nuisance, or create any treatment plant. .or gas, including but L toxic or poisonous or pathogenlc orby any westewater create a public (3) Solid or viscous substances in quantitie? or of a size of causing obstruction to the flow in sewers, or other znterference with t~ proper operation of the sewagelworks such as, but not limited to, ashes, cinders, sand, mud, straw, shavings,~ metal, glass, rags, feather~, tar, plastics, wood, ungroundgarbage, whole blood, paunch manure, hazr and fleshings, entrails, paper dishes, cups, milk containers, and the like, either whole or ground by garbage grinders. (D) No person shall discharge or cause to be discharged, the below described materials, waters, or wastes (collectively, the substances) if it FTL. 26 ll appears likely that acceptance of those wastes can harm the wastewater treatment process or equipment, the public sewers, the sanitary sewer ~ystems, or have an adverse effect on the receiving water body, or can otherwise endanger life, limb, public property, or constitute a nuisance. The decision shall be based on those factors as the quantities subject wastes in relation to flow~ and velocities in the sewers, materials of construction of the sewers, nature of the wastewater treatment process, capacity of the wastewater treatment plant, degree of treatability of waste in the wastewater treatment plant, and other pertinent factors. The substances prohibited are: (1) Any liquid having a temperature higher than 150°F or causing the wastewater treatment plant influent to exceed 104~F. (2) Any water or waste containing fats, wax;grease, or oils, whether emuls.ified or not, in excess of 100 milligrams per liter or containing · OF substances which may solidify or become viscous at t~e~peratures between 32 . and 150°F. (O°C and 60~C) (3) Any waters or.wastes containing strong acid, iron, pickling wastes, or concentrated plating solutions whether neutralized or not. (4) Any wat.ers or wastes containing .pheno.ls ~or other taste or odor producing substances, in a concentration exceeding limits which may be established by the POTW as necessary after trear-ment of the composite sewage to meet the requirements of the state, federal, or other public agencies of jurisdiction for that discharge to the receiving waters. (5) Any garbage that .has not been properly shre.dded, which shall mean the wastes from the preparation, cooki.n.g,, and dispensing of food that have been shredded to a degree that all particles, wil]~ be carried freely under the flow conditions normally prevailing in public sewers, with no particle size greater than 1/2-inch of any dimension. (6) Any water or wastes having a pH lower than 5.5 or higher than 9.5 or having any other corrosive property capable of causing damage or hazard to structure, equipment, or personnel or any waste treatment works. (7) Any waste containing toxic substances ~n~quantities in excess of the following limits and measured at the point of discharge into any sewer system, or any substance that will pass through the weste treatment facilities and exceed the state and federal requirements for receiving waters: Par~m-ter Limit Metals Antimony 2 rog/1 Arsenic 0.9 mg/1 Cadmium 0.5 rog/1 12 Parameter Metals (continued) CopEer Iron Lead ~ Mercury Nickel Selenium Silver Limit 0.5 mg/t 3 rog/1 2 mg/1 5 rog/1 0~9 rog/1 0.01 rog/1 0.7 rog/1 0~25 mg/1 1 rog/1 A~onia Cyanide Amenable to Chlorination F~o~de~ ~ 50 mg/l (Surcharge) 600 mg/1 1 mg/1 0.5 mg/1 50 rog/1 5.5 - 9.5 Standard Units Organics Grease Petroleum Hydrocarbons Phenol Phenolic Compounds, Total Toxic Organic Compounds, Total Physical TSS Particle Size Radioactive Elements 220 mg/1 (Surcharge) 440 mg/1 (Surcharge) 100 mg/1 25 5 mg/1 0.5 mg/1 5 mg/1, No one Parameter over 1 mg/1 175 mg/1 (Surcharge) * One-half inch or less None detectable *: subject to High Strength Sewer Surcharge (8) Any waste from sodium-cycle cation exchange (water softening) units from industrial or corm~ercial users where the chloride content exceeds 600 milligr~m~ per liter. (9) Any weter or waste containing suspended solids or color of a character and quantity that unusual attention or expense is required to handle FTL.26 13 those materials at the waste treatment facilities without a special permit issued by the city. (10) Any water or waste with a chlorine demand greater than 15 milligrams per liter.. (1t] Any radioactive isotopes, without a special permit issued by the city. (12) Under no conditions will the discharge of domestic, sanitary, industrial, or commercial waste be permitted into the store sewer system. (13) Any radioactive wastes or isotopes or half-life or concentration,as may exceed limits ..established by the POTW in compliance with applicable state or'federal regulations. (14) volume of flow or concentration of wastes constituting slugs as defined herein. (%5) Any waters or wastes containing, substances which are not amenable to treatment or :reduction :by the ~aste~ater treatment processes ~enable t treatment only to that degree that the,wastewater .'-fl~ent ca not ~maet .the reqUi=ement of other agencies having discharge to the receiving waters. with in excess of and provided city's high wastes with a five-day, 20° C. B.O.Di greater than 22( r liter unless the use= is approved by the city and ;the user. complies withthe requirements of the city's system. (18) Any waters orwastes co~,taining chemical oxygen demand (COD) greater tha~.440~.unless the user ~s app~bythe City and provided further that the U~er cOmplies With the requirements ofthe City's high strength sewer surcharge system. (19) Total toxic organics as defined in 40 CFR, Part 413.03[c] are not to exceed 5.~0 mg./l, withno one parameter over 1.0m g/1. (E) If any waters o= wastes are discharged, or are proposed to be discharged to the public sewers, whichwaters:conta~n thesubstance? o possess the characteristics enumerated in subsection D of this section, and FTL.26 14 which, in the judgment of the POTW Executive Director, may have a deleterious effect upon the sewage works, processes, equipment, or receiving waters, or which otherwise create a hazard to life or constitute a public nuisance, the Executive Director may: to the treating (1) Reject the wastes. (3) in the strength charge system. the an acceptablecondition for discharge the quantities and rates of discharge. of handling and fees or sewer charges as contai~ of waste flo~, be' subject to other when, in the handling so are in Ail and shall be inspection. ities and/or or grit traps continuously covers. The Codes of with 11. users of the public following: (A) The 'of the combined treatment of industrial and commercial However, not all types and~ stes can be so treated. It shall be the po%icy to admit the type~ and qyantities of industrial and co~maercial wastes that arenot harmful or damaging to the strUctures, 15 processes, or operation of the sewage works or are not specifically prohibited. In all cases, a special permit will be issued which will state specific conditions and requirements to be maintained. It is also recognized that to provide this service, additional facilities or treatment are required, and the cost of that must be borne by the user receiving the benefits. (B) Approval in advance by..the city is ~equired for .the.admission of industrial or co~rcial wastes lnto .the public sewers having. Afive-day, 20e C. B.O.D. greater tha~ 220 milligrams per OXygen demand (COD) greater than 440 milligrams per liter. (2) Asuspended solids content greater than 175milligrams per liter. to a (3)' ~nia nitrogen greater than 50 m~ll~grams per~ lite . The ge according the POTW and continued discharge shall be (c) the sanitary the 136. othe all establi at all the Ordinances. be collected sO as to be a re~resgntative sample of $~les for ~ly$ismay be collected by Analysis shall .b~..mad~ 'by a registered qualifidations are acceptable to in using the s~t forth in 40 CFR utilities Director, ~ establishment ~rcial wastes int.o-the~ s~~ system shall at its sole expense a suitab%~e ~o~rol manhole or ~tati0n downstream from any ~e~t, storage, or and sampling of The location by the so as to be safe and accessible at all tim~s~ i-f any to meter its waste system to water retention or other uses they may, at by the city personnel .=es shall be ies for and testing in this Agreement ~ City 16 12. Compliance (A) The CITIES shall adopt ordinances which require industrial users to provide necessary wastewater treatment as required to comply with this Agreement and shall achieve ~ -pretrea~t standards-within t , the federal users with limits as set a level at shall Affected 14. the under this the part of this all CFR 403.12. more dispo~l in this users from dilute s to Categorical other FTL.26 17 16. Prevention of Accidental Discharges (A) The CITIES shall adopt ordinances to mandate that, where needed, a user shall provide protection from accidental discharge of prohibited materials or othersubstances required~by this Agreement. Facilities to prev.e~.~ accidental discharge 0f prohibited materials shall be provided and ~ain~ined at the°Wner's eXpense. srequires~ but is not limited to, storage of p6tentiallyhazardous .a~.9/or inment requirements arethose now specified in, but not limited to, 40 CFR 264.170 through 176. Containment requirements must meet or exceed the following cfi%eiSa of this Agreement: largest. No one item or ~ is the shall no 40,000 gallons. iix (6) items at 6~000 sheltered be provided. ~iners shall signs of All stored are out' raised the and Materials which the same trier separa~ons are provided within the Ab~so~bents and pumps for pumping base of the either be sloped or minimize contact between The walls, sidings, of materials render the ~u'b. 26 18 (C) On the request of the POTW Board, the City shall require the user to submit to the City for review detailed plans sho.w, ing facilities and operating procedures to provide this protection. All requlred users shall complete this pla~ within ninety (90) days the city. If further pollutants ~ been ~ to 17- 18. the to ¢ the CITIES ty a written ; to be taken to the be i~curred as r S~w~r noF or cable law. on of whom all employers to occur 19. 3001 all ~'Director of the and the State the City Sewer under Section a description :ation of such or other), identifying 19 the hazardous constituents contained in the listed wastes, and estimating the volu~e of hazardous wastes expected to'be discharged during the following twelve months. This requirement shall not apply to pollutants already reported under the self-monitoring requirements. ~ (B) Dischargers are exempt from .requirements during a calendar month in which they genera{e, no more 'than 100 kil6gr~m.~ Of haZard6us waste.s, .t?.less the wastes are ~cu~e hazardous wastes which r~equires a one-time n0tlflcatlon. subsequent months during which the industrial user generates more than one hundred kilograms of hazardous waste do not ~.requ~r~e ad,~ditional notification, except for the acute hazardous wastes specified in.40 CFR 261.5(e), (f), (g), and (j). except I of RCRA o.r listing any user must notify the 90 days of the in paragraph (2) (D ~ notification made this'section, the to reduce the to be present and 20. Cpmp!iance Date Report Within ninety ~90) days following the date for final compliance with or, k new source, following into:the public/sanitary sewer a monitoring report discharge from and units in the or if not, what compliance with. statement user and 21. f June and or by FTL.26 2O the POTW, a report indicating the nature and concentration of pollutants in the effluent whi.ch are li.mited by those pretreatment standards or this chapter. In addition, this repor~ shall include a ~ecord of all daily flows which, during the reporting period, exceeded the average daily flow reported POTW and i.n in ~ates/ holidays, ~3 ~ths during 22..~oni~6rin~. Facilities ~A) al~t at the use ~ and flow The but on · or or or maintained the and % of written the facilities is being met of or its of the POTWt S~ ,e before entry ~with their enter, responsibilities. e"£'L. 26 21 24. Information And Data To Be Made Available Information and data on a user obtained from reports, questionnaires, permit applications, permits and monitoring programs, and from inspections shall be.avai%able to the public or ~ther governmental agency in accordance with applicable state statutes or federal law. 25. Special Permit Required; Term A special permit will be required by the POT9; for each City. The fixed life of ~permi~ is set for o97 year.from date of issue, and a renewed waste discharge permit will have a fixed life of one year. These.permits involve the implementation of a formula for surcharge for wasteswhichexceedthe set forth herein and also require which exceed the .IJ~ order to of a permit prog 26. Application For Permits The CITI~ agree to administer a waste discharge permit program for all their industrial users as follow~: for a waste discharge permit shall be of a form (B)..Thisapplicationwill define all of the pertinent data concerning the acCeptanCe of i~dustrial an~comme~c~al waste ftOwSand wi!1 provide the basis for th~issuing'of a permit certificate specifying 'l~tation? on what the ~ser may discharge. The permittee may petition specific conditIons of the permit for aperiodof thirty (~0) calendar days following the date of iss~e~.: After thi$~period, the permittee waives all rightto petition the conditions Of. the permit. five in Order to ~ shall be effective for ape~iod Of no more than issuance and must be renewed ~nnUallyby the applicant discharge. ~t as e Costs be accompanied bya as a permit fee plus 403. Permit Form. The form of specified by each by the each City of the % rt t to discharge. or additional limitations on waste Characteristics not FTL.26 22 adequately described in this agreement~ or may prescribe pretreatment quality, requirements for the waste flow in detail. (E) Administration of Permits. Ge administration 0f the industrial and~'~ommercial waste of the surcharge formula impo~ must also to each necessar~ 27. Application Of Surcharge-Over Standard UseFee (~)' The surcharge to be applied from any lot or or activity, higher than herein. indollars system. the formulas recovery the waste creates an additional burden are quantity of ~ o~ifthose adjustments of Protection Agency. 28. Responsibility For Treatment AhdDis~osal and disposal of all waste regional treatment facilities, beginning 29. Right,To Enter Premises And Obtain Information Concerning Discharges official and -,~!oyees of the City or FTL.26 23 credentials and identification shall be permitted to enter all properties for the purposes of inspection, observations, measurement, sampling, and testing in a~cordan.ce with the provisions of this Agreement. The official or his representatives will not inquire into any processes including metallurgical, ~ve~Cal, _.oil, r.e~iz%~T~g, cern_c: _paper, or other industries beyond that point av~ng a. d~rect ~.b?.ar~ng. Qn the kind and source of discharge to the sewers or waterways or facilities for waste treatment. (B) To the .extent permitted by gen.eral law, the proper official and other duly authorized employees of the c~ty o~ the PO~ b~aringTproper L shall be permitted to enter all private holds an eas-m-nt for of, but not measurement, repair, and tha~t easement. 30. The C : each City may other local City, in or may present an or welfare of persons or the 1K]TW to violate any of anyo ~. of a suspension of the , st~p or eliminate the cont cause the user to shall take steps as sewer connection, to to any service upon p: written shall be 31. Notification Of, ~Tiolations any ci~ty has is violating any of Or any of by the City a written notice Within thirty (30) days of the receipt shall be _- 24 FTL. 26 32. False Statements,,gf Documents Proh'ibited NO pc=mort mb&il knowingly make , faleestatements, repre~,ntation, or ceztification in '~, plan, or other doc~nt filed under the provisions of(tl~--l(.. the u~er i~ate the shall of timO~ (the strict ~ule~ o~ evidence lnclu~in~ ~ the Executive to be available to any the u~ual (p) ~t. er CITIE~ rur~her reviewed the -'- for ~he day time perio4 to may be 25 maintenance of the wastewater treatment works due to the violation of this Agreement. (F) Any action by the Executive Director or his designee may be appealed to the POTW Board. requesting a Show shall he bom biz the user 34. Legal Action A~ainst User For Appropriate Relief ~rel wastes into of this Order of the prevent such a an action against the city within occurring, ~for appropriate legal ~court which has 35. Retention Of Records Required The CITIES shall adopt ordinances which-require all users to retain and preserve~or no~ less than:three (3) years, ~anyrecord$, books, documents, memoranda,.r~POrts,-correspondence, and any and all summaries thereto, relating to m~nitoring, s~m?ling, and chemical analyses made by or on behalf of a user in¢onnectionwith its discharge. Ail records which pertain to matters whicharethe subject o~ edm~nistra~tive adjustment or any other enforcement ur litigation activities brought by the ~ or the City pursuant hereto shall'be retained and preserved by the user until all enforcement activities h~ve concluded.enid all periods of limitation with respect to any and all appeals have expired. 36. Enforcement Plan The CITIES shall adopt ordinances providing for an escalating enforcement strateg!zlto.be.u~ed'by the CITIES to maintain compliance with this Agreement. Th? ya~ious.~ of enforcement actions ~hall be used as determined by the ut~lities Director depending on t~.? severity of the violation. A copy of the enforcement plan wili be kept on f~le at the POTW. 37. Penalties ~ ~ITIES shall adopt, by Ordinance, as a minimum, the following penalties. (A) Civil Penalties. The CITIES shall adopt an ordinance providing that any user who is found to have violated an Order of the City or Ordinance adopted to provide for compliance with this Agreement or who fails to cor~ply FTL.26 26 with any orders, rules, and regulations issued by the City pursuant to this Agreement, shall be penalized up to $1,000 per day for each offense. Each day on which a violation shall occur or continue shall be deemed a separate and distinct offense. In addition to the penalties provided herein, each City may to the extent law, recover reasonable lhe (B) limit and on $5,000 ~ be dee~) as cause a )rmed on said such times of~each Gity.,s~influent line to the to exist ~hall be whe re: PC ¢ s. S Pretreatment MonitOring Charge. per City. sn-~ling Activity Cost. ~,-her of samples. Analysis Cost. ~-.her of Analysis. FTL.26 27 IN WITNESS W/=2~EOF, the par%ies hereto have executed this Industrial Waste and Pretreatment Agreement this __ day of , 199 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL ~ASTEWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD Err~ST: C_hai rman Secretary CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH A%T=ST: Mayor City Clerk A'rr=ST: city~ Clerk - ~ - ' Alison MacGreEor }{arty CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ~ ~Mayor Thoma~ E. Lynch -- 28 ~u'~.26 The above action is hereby ratified in open session by the City of Boynton Beach this day of , 199 Witnesses: CiTY OF BOYNT~N BEACH (SEAL) Mayor Attest: City clerk Approved as to form: City Manager City Attorney The above action is here,by ratified in open session by the City of Delray Beach this If day of ~ , 19~,~w. (SEAL) CITY OF DELRAY BEACH ~'l~;15r~Th~omas E. Lynch City Cle~rk ~- Alison MacGregor Harry App;~7~j as~to ~or~:% City Attorney 29 IN WITNESS WHEREOF. the parties hereto have executed this Industrial Waste and Pretreatment Agreement this __ day of . 199 SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL ~qASTEW~i~ TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD Chairman Secretary CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Er,',:ST: //City Clerk By: Mayor A'ri'~ST: Citlw Clerk- - ~- ' ' Alison MacGregor Harry CITY OF DELRAY BEACH