O71-27 ORD!NANG~= NO, 71-27 AN CRDL~BJ~ OF TH~ CiTY OF BOYNTON BEACH~ ~LflRIDA PROVIDING C~RTAIN B~JDGET.~.RY TRANSFERS WITH RELATION TO TF~ 1970-71 BO~Y OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON B=~ACHo ~YH~RfAS~ certain iht®r-fund transfers ~i~h relation to the 1970-71 budge~ for %he CiTy of Boyn~on B~ach~ Florida a~ n~c~ssary in o~der ~o ~alance ~he bud~e~ of said fiscal y~a~ ~'~hich in~ez-fund ~ransfe~s a~e mo~e particularly se~ forth in the ~xhibi~s aT%ached hereto and N~ T~FO~ B~ IT ~I~D BY T~ CI~f C~qqCiL OF i~ CI~ OF BO~TON B~ACH~ FLOR~A: Section t~ %na~ the inter-fund ~2ansfers set for:th in the hibi4 a~ached he2e%o ~'i~h relation ~o the 1970-71 municipal 5udge~ of ~he Ci~y of Boyn%on Beach¢ Flo2ida~ are he2eSy app2oved~ au%homized and ratified. Sec%ion 2~ EffecTive Da~e. This ~dinance shall become effeclive in ~he manner and at the ~ime provided by ~he Cha2~e2 and ~dinances of the CiTy of Boyn~on Beach, Florida. _ ~S~ ~eading zh~s of ~ and ~his 7~ S~G~D~ final ~sad~n9 passag~ ay oz~~197I.~ ~ CI~ OF B~NI~N BEACH ~a yor City Clerk DEPART~,~NTAi TRA~4SFER$ -~N~RAL FUND Department CityManage~ City Clerk Pu~chasin9 Personnel Personnel City Hall Public Works Public Works STreets Sanitation C~ounds Maintenance Police Police Police Police Police Fire Fire Fir a Fire Fire Fire Recreation Recreation Recreation Recmeation R~g~,eation Recreation Casino Wilson Recreation Wilson Recreation Wilson Recreation Wilson Recreation Library Special P2o~ects C~,ounds Maintenance Debit Amount 1200-274 50°00 1200-310 300.00 1230-5t0 450.00 1530-310 153.00 1570-310 100o00 1570-5t0A 7.00 1570-510B 83°00 1~0~254C I00.00 2!00-51'-~-~ 59.75 2100-5t2H 600~00 2110-382 225,00 21~0~512D 364,50 2140~5t4L 225.00 3100-299 200°00 3100-59~ 50,00 3100-598~ I~385.00 3!00~5i0A 67.00 3100-510B 583.00 3!00-514R 1~200.00 3200-$3~B 135,~0 3200-310 75.00 3200-436A 177.00 3200-257 100.00 3200~3t6B 238.00 3200-500U 236/20 3200-~8,2A 15 O. O0 4100-5180 625.00 4t00-510A 25.00. 4100-5!4A N.W.7 96.00 4!00-534B'l~2~n~P2300.00 4100-298 564.34 4100-313 300°00 4$00-510BEqaip~ 960.00 4210-381 30°09 4220-381 !70.00 4220-598H 1:143o90 4220-~8B 78.00 4220-598G 178.00 4400-312 50.00 5900-520~ 1~000.00 2140--274 197o00 Code Fro~ C2_ edit A~nount 1200-498 50.00 1200-480 300.00 t230-260 200.00 1~30-274 !00.00 1230-276 i50o00 1530-438 153.00 1570-398 I00.00 !570-5IOF 90.00 t8~0-254B t00.00 2100-310 1t,00 2100-512A 48.75 2t00-512I 600.00 2110~298A 25.00 21t0~280 200.00 212Q-5!2G 364~50 2i40-512B 225.00 3i00-598N 200.00 3100-598~ 50~00 3100-234 150.00 3!00-438 600.00 3100-598B 150o00 3100-598C 150.00 3100-598H 210,00 3100-598Z 125.00 3!00=598G 650,00 3t00-598F 200.00 3100~598L 400.00 3100-598D 300.00 3100-598P 300°00 3200-38~ 35.00 3200-448 100.00 3200-500File 75.00 3200=330 177.00 3200-436B i00~00 3200-500~ 238.00 3209~500H 63°70 3200-500P 107.50 3200-500~ 65.00 3200-500N 150.00 4100-518BC. Walks375oO0 4tO0-518DCoo!er 4100-518B 25~00 4100-514B N.W.7 96,00 4100-514A B.LakesSO0oO0 4100334BSoDoors 300~00 4100598 Pence P. 264.34 4100-534A Ten,N. 300.00 4!00-534B WindB. 360°00 4!00-534A K.P. 300.00 4100-5i~ D~ains 300.00 42t0-280 30°09 4220-598A 61~!0 4220~274 108.90 4220=27&& 206.17 4220-334A 139.63 4220-398A !00.00 4220-598B i!!.10 ~220-598C 32.00 4220-598D 250~00 4220-~98~ 125.00 4220-598~ 180.00 4220-~20~ 78.00 4220-328 !78~00 4400-274 50~00 5900-520A 500.00 5900-52C~- 500,00 2140~51~ 197.00 I~PART~MNTA~L TRANSP~2-R~UTILITY FUND Department Utility Collection Wetez Treatment Water Treatment ~a~er, Distribution Water DisV~ihution Sewer Treatment Sewage Dist~ihution Code Debit Amount To Code From Credit Amount 6110-510 t00.00 6110-274 !00.00 6120-514G t~25t.45 6120-274 1~051~45 6120-514F 200,00 6120-330 200.00 6120-380. _:200.00 6130~5!2 989~25 6130-514 989°25 6130-584A 2~000o00 6130-580A 2~000o00 6220-330 300.00 6220-354 300°00 6230-582C 600.00 6230~582D 600.00 (~I~:RAL FUND BUD~T ADJUST.f¢~ NT$ DE PARTN~NT DEBIT CREDIT TOTAL 12004110 1200-298 1200-298 1200=310 350.00 200.00 7,775°00 ~,1~0o00 84375.00 ct. 1210-250 1210-224 1210-212 1230-110 /230-210 1230-440 1230-438 1230-498 1230-480 1230-4989 15o00 1,800~00 i0,~0o00 1,150.00 7o00 52i~14 15.00 7°00 140.00 3°30 I~800.00 12~367.84 1500-110 1500-210 1500-510A 1500-5t0B 1500-438 , ,,.00~, O0 lO,,O0 200.~00 10,00 200.00 1,!00~00 1530-110 1530-510 1530-440 1570-110 157~260 1,150.00 7.00 560. O0 250°00 7.00 1,150.00 810.00 1810-110 1810-220 1810-224 1810-230 1810-310 1810-510 18104274 1810~76 16~00 1~225o00 400.00 66.00 2,782.50 200.00 16,00 3,807.50 1820-254B 1820=440 t820-498B 150.00 150. O0 z, .25o O0 i ~425.00 1900~i!0 200~00 200.00 2100-110 2100-224 2100-230 2100-231 2100-416 2100-5!2D 375.00 90.00 325°00 2110-512D a¢509.00 90.00 125.00 400°00 175.00 4,509.00 2120-110 9¢750.00 2!20-3!2 16o00 2t20=31~ 2!20-399 16.00 500~00 9,250.00 2130-i10 1~800o00 2t40-!!0 6~000.00 2t40-514H 5~398~00 2150-110 4,000.00 I~800,00 11,398.00 4,000.00 ct. 3100~!t0 41,200o00 3100-220 25.00 3t00~210 865.75 3100-224 350:00 3100-240 200.00 3100- 270 3100-272 3!00~278 3t00-512A 3100-512B 3200-110 3200~224 3200-275 3200-320 3200-500F 3200-500T 3200-500B 3200-500G 3200-500 3300-110 3300-210 3300-5 lcd. -i c-~ o fi im 4100-110 4100-210 4t00-233 4t00-274B 4100-298 4100-270 4100-5t4C 4100-518A 4100-518 4100-322 D~B!T 500.00 300.00 200.00 1¢363o76 354.48 22~200.00 130.00 150.00 150.00 169o00 150.00 442.00 3~600.00 350.00 450.00 1~462o00 10.00 100,00 1~6~7.5~ 4210-110 3~200~00 4210-224 30.00 4210-233 4220-110 @~875.00 4220-224 80°00 4220-233 4400-310 8.00 4400-440 12o00 4400-510 4400-5!SChaiz 5.25 4400-510Desk 5600-451 25533.00 5600-452 %908.00 5600-453 2¢500.00 5600-454 250.00 5700-492 7¢700.00 5700-493 ~50~00 5700-496 100o00 5700-498 5700-491 5900-520F 5900-480A 5900-520A 300~00 18%893.42 CREDIT 599.00 150.00 3,860~24 800.00 600.00 i5 ~ 000.00 80~00 51.19 100.00 30,00 80.00 16.00 9.~ 50,00 2%000.00 500.00 i~500.75 6%121.73 TOTAL 45~358.99 18~781o76 25200.00 it~20io65 ct. 3~200.00 3,875,.,00 0o00 13~!9!.00 7~500o00 ct. 15700~75 100,771:69 Revenue .Adjustments 200-I 300-27 T2ansferred loom Unapp~_opmiated Su~ptus 1i5904.00 25~249.00 53,618.69 10%771.69 10%771.69 ct. UTILITY FLeD BUD(~ T 'ADSUST~ NTS DF. PART~NY 6100=110 6100-212B 6100~213 6110-110 6110-220 6120-110 6120-274 6120-328 6120-330 6130-110 6130~275 6180-581 6130-584A 6i30-274B 6220-!10 6220-328 6220~298 6230-110 6230-284 6230~416 6230-330 6230~582G 6230-~82E 6600-451 6600-452 6600~453 6700-492 6700-496B 6700-4~)6G D~B IT 200~00 900°00 1~500.00 550.00 500.00 1~500.00 200.00 i00.00 8~800o00 !00o00 i5~000.00 5,500.00 t~600.00 5~000.00 ~00.00 5~200.00 I~000o00 150.00 2~500,00 3~250o00 i~386,00 i~i00.00 CREDIT 500.O0 TOTAL 600.00 2~050.00 2~300,00 3t~000.00 200.00 5~t00.00 t00o00 70.00 69,50 4~000o00 30~339.00 56~336,00 o5:2.8o50 6~1t0o50 7~i36.00 33~239.00 Cro 21~057.50 Revenue Aajus~m~nzs 17'71i Water Sales 2]. 21~057.50 21~057.50 ca'.