R91-128RESOLUTION NO. R91-/~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH TO SUBMIT A RECYCLING GRANT APPLICATION FOR THE 4TH YEAR STATE DER RECYCLING GRANT PROGRAM FOR THE PURPOSE OF PURCHASING A THIRD RECYCLING VEHICLE TO EXPAND CURBSIDE RECYCLING. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach has worked closely with 2he SWA in pursuit of statutory waste reduction goals and has ~ggressively pursued a variety of recycling programs toward that ~nd; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of BoyDton Beach deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Boynton Beach to authorize the City to ~ubmit a recycling grant application for the "fourth year" State DER Recycling Grant Program in the amount of $58,000.00, for the of purchasing a third recycling vehicle to expand urpose urbside recycling. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BoYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: That the City Commission of the City of Boyn~on Beach, 'lorida hereby authorizes the City to submit a Recycling Grant Application, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A", and made a )art hereof. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of August, 1991. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA aTTEST: Mayor Clerk Corporate ~eat) ~m~N~/A?P ~EC¥CL-ING . ?/31/91 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Municipal Recyclin9 Program Grant Apolication (4th Year) I. PROGRAM TITLE: Municipal Recycling Program II. PROGRAM SPONSOR: City of Boynton Beach/Solid Waste Authority of Palm Beach County III. PROGRAM CONTACT: (~rlmary) Robert Eichors~, Director of Public Works City of Boynton Beach 222 N.E. 9th Ave. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 (407) 738-7424 (SUN) 950-1424 (Alternate) Chris Roberts, Administrative Assistant I City of Boynton Eeach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 (407) 734-8111 (SUN) 950-1011 IV. PROGRAM OVERVIEW: The City of Boynton Beach has long supported recycling as an environmentally and energy-conscious alternative waste disposal practice. APPENDIX A illustrates on-going City recycling programs, as well es their scope and variety. As also noted, the City proposes to continue its recycling efforts in accordance with the policies adopted in both the Intergovernmental Coordination element and the Solid Waste Sub-Element of the Utilities Element of the City's 1989 Comprehensive Plan. To accomplish these objectives, a fiscal year phasing plan was adopted in the 2nd year grant application which is described below in Section V. This plan addresses the City's approximately ~2,300 households which are occupied at an estimated 2.2 persons per household, for a total year-round population of over 49,000. V. OPERATIONAL STRATEGY: The City's Comprehensive Plan states that "Implementing the plan for solid waste will be the responsibility of the Public Works Deparumenu. Progress evaluation and plan updates should be provided by the Departmenn." Likewise, the Plan states that "Monitoring and evaluation of local recycling programs should be assisted by the Solid Waste Authority." The adopted "Interlocal Agreement for Municipal Recycling" dated 9-30-89 refers to the above and provides a vehicle for City curbside and multi-family recycling programs in cooperation with the Solid Waste Authority. Adopted by the City Commission on September 5, 1989, the following phasing plan provides for a multi-faceted, in-house recycling program to be conducted by the City's Sanitation Division (residential curbside and Municipal Recycling Program Grant Application (Continued) Page Two mnlti-family/condo recycling), the Facilities Management Division (office recycling) and other departments as applicable. Phase I (FY 89-90) - Assume responsibility of existing SWA curbside pi±or and e~rpand as resources permit. Phase II (by FY 90-91) - Expand curbside program to approximately b0~ coverage of the City's households. Phase II~ ~by. FY,93-94~ - Complete program coverage for 100% of the ~lt¥'~ popu±atlon/housenolds and commercial/industrial sectors to include not only curbside, but also any other appropriate method. To accommodate Phase I of the program, the City purchased a $75,000 specialty recycling vehicle which went into operation in April 1990, servicing the pre-existing SWA curbside pilot program established in October, 1988. Two additional routes of approximately one thousand homes each were established in Auguss, 1990 and a fourth route was established in October, 1990. The first multi-family (condominium) service was implemented in July of 1990, with a second location added in October of 1990. A second curbside vehicle and additional rolloff recycling containers for multi-far~ily program expansion were purchased in order to meet the Phase II goal. To acco~odate Phase III the equipmenL needs are estimated to be a total of four trucks plus sufficient recycling containers Lo accommodate additional routes. Staffing needs will be determined according Lo budgeLary and other constraints utilizing the Sanitation Division's recent experience with interfacing the recycling functions into its other garbage and trash collection operation. Personnel requirements for other (i.e., non-curbside) recycling programs will be accommodated by existing City staff and/or private contractors. VI. EDUCATIONAL STRATEGY: The City will continue to utilize the services and promotional materials provided by the Solid WasLe Authority. Information will continue to bs provided through mailings such as nosices in the City's quarterly newsletter, "GATEWAY", the quarterly Recreation and Parks Department's PROGRAM BUIJ.ETIN, monthly utility bill notices, the monthly employee newsletter, and through direct contact (presentations, flyers, displays, etc.) where appropriate. Also, materials are distributed during surmmer camps conducted by the City's Recreation and Parks Department (recyclables are also collected during these programs). Municipal Recycling Program Grant Application (Continued) Page Three VII. MATERIALS RECOVERY ESTIMATES AND DISPOSITION: Estimates of materials recovery remain as stated in previous years' grant applications and as extrapolated from historical data provided by the Authority. An estimated recovery ra~e per household of between 900-1000 pounds per home per year (aluminum, glass, plastic and newsprint combined) is assumed in the City of Boynson Beach. An average of 950 pounds per home per year throughout the program suggests a recovery total at Phase III completion of approximately 12,000 tons per year (25,000 households x 950 pounds per household). Disposition of recyclable materials collected b~ the City will continue 5o be solely at the Solid Waste Authority's facilities. Recyclables collected at the City's Recycling Center and will be disposed of by the contract operasor. VIII. PROJECT BUDGET: A. CAPITAL COST GRANT YFJlR ~2 #3 ~4 ~5 (actual) (actual) (est.) (est.) FISCAL YEAR 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 1. Facilities 0 0 0 0 2. Equipment-Vehicles 75,867 68,168 75,000 70,000 Containers 1,338 22,834 30,000 25,000 3. Project/Planning Studies 0 0 0 0 4. Capital Education 0 0 0 0 TOTAL CAi~ITAL $77,205 $91,002 $105,000 $95,000 B. OPERATING COST GRANT YEAR #2 ~3 ~4 ~5 (actual) (actual) (est.) (est.) FISCAL YEAR 89-90 90-91 91-92 92-93 1. Fixed Overhead 0 0 0 0 2. Variable Expenses-Labor 12,500 23,626 73,020 97,360 Maintenance (Vehicle 2,100 7,423 18,000 24,000 Service) 3. Handling/Processing/Trans. 0 0 0 0 4. Educational 0 0 0 0 TOTAL OPERATING $14,600 31,049 91,020 121,360 TOTAL CAPITAL AND OPERATING $ 91,805 $122~051 196~020 216,360 Justification of operating expenses if reimbursement IS requested: N/A - all gran~ funds are applied to capital equipment cost reimbursements. Municipal Recycling Program Grant Application (Continued) Page Four IX. RELATED ORDINANCES OR CONTRACTS: N/A X. EVALUATIVE PROGRAM: Strategies to evaluate the operational and educational programs related to recycling will continue 5o be in cooperation with the Solid Waste Authority, in accordance with the adopted InterlocalAgreement for Municipal Recycling dated 9-30-89. Section 7. of the Agreement requires data collection with which to evaluate operational success. This data has been regularly submitted by the City to the SWA on a monthly basis. APPENDIX B and APPENDIX C depict a surmmary of the collection data for calendar year 1990 and 1991 (to date), respectively, which includes all recycling programs in which the City is a sponsor or participant. Similar data will be collected and evaluated for all additional routes and programs as they come on line. Promotional and educational responsibilities are outlined in Section 14. of the agreement and are being complied with on an on-going basis. X. CONCLUSION: The City has worked closely with the SWA in pursuit of statutory waste reduction goals and has aggressively pursued a variety of recycling p~ograms toward that end. In accordance with the gran5 application guidelines provided by SWA correspondence dated June 23, 1991, a "fourth year" grant request is hereby submitted for $58,000. TO DATE: March 1982 May 1986 Sept. 1985 Oct. 1988 Feb. 1989 May 1989 SepL. t989 Jan. 1990 April 1990 June 1990 July 1990 August 1990 - Oct. 1990 Dec. 1990 APPENDIX A CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA RECYCLING SUMMARY City Recycling Center established (NEWSPAPER). Collection of ALUMINUM (cans, scrap and cast) added Recycling Center. Recycling Center received Governor's Energy Award for "Innovative Leadership in Energy Conservation". Pilot Curbside Recycling Program established in cooperation with Solid Waste Authority (NEWSPAPER, ALUMINUM CANS, PLASTIC AND GLASS). Received $18,750 Awardfrom Florida Department of Environmental Regulation for having had a program in place prior to qbe Solid Waste Management Act of 1988. Entered into Interlocal Agreement for Joint Solid Waste Management Grant Application with Solid Waste Authority. Entered into Interlocal Agreement for Municipal Recycling with Solid Waste Authority. Received notification o~ allocation of DER Recycling G~ant Program funds in amount of ~52,000; applied toward cost of recycling vehicle. Acquired speciality recycling truck at cost of $75,000 and took over operation of curbside pilot program from Solid Wasse Authority. Implemented City Employee Office Recycling Program; conducted recycling projects and aluminum can collection duringRecreation and Parks DeparLment's Children's Summer Camp Programs. Implemented multi-family (cbndo) pilot program in cooperation with Solid Waste Authority. Expanded Curbside Recycling Program to two additional single-family neighborhood routes; City Cormmission authorized use of recycled paper for new City letterhead. Expanded Curbside Program to include a fourth single-family neighborhood route. Expanded multi-family/condo program to include a second location. Began pilot office paper recycling program to include white office bond and compuser/greenbar paper. Approximately one ton of office paper collected and recycled 5o date as result of pilot program in City offices. Implemented a Christmas Tree Recycling Program in conjunction with the Solid Recycling Summary Continued Page Two Dec. 1990 (Cont.) - Waste Authority where trees were collected by City Sanitation vehicles for mulching by the SWA. Total Christmas tree collection counsy-wide was 107 tons, 20 nons (19%) of which came from the City of Bo!rnton Beach representing a savings to the City of nearly ~1,670 in avoided sanitation disposal cosLs. Jan. 1991 Received an additional $27,300 in DER second year Recycling Grant Program funds as reimbursement for purchase of first recycling truck and recycling containers. Received authorization to purchase a second recycling truck upon notification of third year granL allocation in amount of $56,000. Mar. 1991 Expanded City Office Paper Recycling Program to over dozen departments and divisions utilizing approximately one hundred desk-side containers provided by the Solid Waste Authority. Apr. 1991 Adopted Recycled ProducL Procurement Policy Resolution (%R91-69) in support of the U.S. Conference of Mayors "Buy Recycled" Campaign. PLANNED: By Oct. 1991 - (Phase II) 1. Continue expansion of curbside and multi-family/cOndo programs Lo cover 50% of the City's 22,000 plus households. 2. Obtain alternate quotes for recycled paper products in both office supplies and janitorial supplies bids; consider use of other recycled products as cos5 a~d availability permit. 3. EvaluaLe feasibility of implementing Corm~ercial Recycling Program in cooperation with Solid Waste Authority, the Greater Boynton Beach Chamber of Commerce and local businesses. By Oct. 1992 - (Phase II) Continue expansion of curbside recycling programs ko all residential units. By Oct. 1994 - (Phase III) Continue Lo expand/develop City-wide recycling programs consistenL with City Comprehensive Plan p~licies, in order to achieve the goal of 30% reduction of the solid waste stream pursuan~ to the Florida Solid Waste Management Act of 1988. For Additional InformaLion Contact: Craig Grabeel Management Services DirecLor (Recycling Coordinator) (407) 738-7470 Chris Roberts Administrative Assistan5 (City Office Recycling Programs) (407) 737-7470 Bob Eichorst Public Works Director (Cdrbside and Multi-Family Recycling Programs) (407) 738-7420 Laura Widmer Public Information Officer (407) 738-7418 CURBSIDE: ROUTE/DAY 1/Mon 1/Tue 1/Wed 1/Thur 1/Fri. Subtotals: EXHIBIT B CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ANNUAL RECYCLING SUMMARY Calendar Year 1990 PART. INQUI- UNITS TONS RATE RIES 895 38.84 61% 68 971 191.71 55% 288 COMMENTS 2 Mo.- Cormm~nced 11/5/90 9 Mo.- Commenced 4/3/90 ......... (day reserved for vehicle maintenance .......... 940 79.15 56% 52 4.5 Mo.- Con~enced 8/23/90 934 87.61 61% 66 4.5 Mo.- Comenced 8/24/90 3,740 397.31 58% 474 (avg.) MULTI-FAMILY: LOCATION Sterling Village CON- INQUI- UNITS TONS TAINERS PULLS RIES COMMENTS 840 47.68 1 14 0 5 Mo. - Com, 8/7/90 OFFICE(NEWS/& LOCATION TONS COMMINGLED): City * Facilities CON- TAINERS 5O COMMENTS 6 Mos. - Cormmenced 7/90 CON- OFFICE PAPER: LOCATION TONS TAINERS REVENUE City 1 8 0 Facilities Mos. COMMEN~S - Commenced 10/90 SUMMER LOCATION TONS PROGRAMS Boat Club Pk ~ Caloosa Park Civic Center Pioneer Park CON- TAINERS 8 COMMENTS 8 Weeks - Commenced 06/90 CHRISTMAS LOCATION TONS WEEKS COMMENTS TREES City-Wide 20 2 Mulched at SWA Recycling facility *Tonnage included in curbside totals above. Total Tons 466 X $ 83.50/Ton (Tipping Fees) = $38,911.00 Savings CURBSIDE: MULTI-FAMILY: ROUTE/DAY 1/Mon 1/Tue 1/Wed 1/Thur 1/Fri. Subtotals: LOCATION Sterling Village Village Royale EXHIBIT C CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ANNUAL RECYCLING SUMMARY Calendar Year 1991 Thru June PANT. INQUI- UNITS TONS RATE RIES 895 97 61% 17 971 111 57% 13 ......... (day reserved for vehicle maintenance .......... 940 91 55% 12 934 87 57% 11 3,740 386 58% 53 (avg.) CON- INQUI- UNITS TONS TAINERS PULLS RIES 840 51 1 11 0 860 60 1 27 0 OFFICE(NEWS/& COMMINGLED): LOCATION City Facilities TONS CON- TAINERS 75 OFFICE PAPER: LOCATION City Facilities TONS 3 CON- TAINERS 104 SUMMER PROGRAMS LOCATION 8oat Club Pk Caloosa Park Civic Center Galaxy Pioneer Park Rolling Green TONS CON- TAINERS CHRISTMAS LOCATION TONS TREES City-Wide **20 *Tonnage included in curbside totals above. **Christmas tree tonnage based on 1990 total. Total Tons 520 X $ 83.50/Ton (Tipping Fees) = $43,420.00 Savings