R91-053RESOLUTION NO. ~q/--.~-c.~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA,. TRANSMITTING- ~TS POSITION. ON THE PROPOS.~ cOUNTYWIDE FUT~RE LAND USE' ELEMENT 'WHICH WAS SUBMITTED TO - ALL MUNICIPALITIES ~FOR'A FORTY-FIVE DAY REVIEW AND ~COMMENT PERIOD PURSUANT TO SECTION 7.8 OF TEE COUNTY CHARTER; EXPRESSING~ ONCE 'AGAIN.-!TS 'ENDORSEMENT~~ OF "THE MUNICIPAL LEAGUE'S POSITION WITH REGARD TO THIS COUNTYWIDE FUTURE LAND USE ELEMENT; -STRONGLY'EXPRESSING. ITS..<CONCE-RN THAT THE COUNTYWIDE PLANNING COUNCIL HAS EXCEEDED ITS JURISDICTION AS SET BY TO TO OE ] WHE~AS,_in accordance with, Article VIIof the Palm ,Beach County Charter,,the Palm Beach Countywide PlanningCouncil has prepared a a proposed Countywide Land Use Element transmitted toall local governments on forty-five day review and comment period; WHEREAS, Article VII of the Palm February t, and Beach County which was 1991 for a Charter a Future entire Countywide comprehensive Plan; authorizes the Countywide Planning Council to prepare Land Use Element and not an and~ WHEREAS, this proposed Count!n~ide Future Land Use Element contains a~significant amount of material which far exceeds the Countywide Planning Council's jurisdiction i~ accordancewith the Charter; and WHEREAS, each municipality has been requested to submit its analysis and comments to the Planning Council on or before March 20, ~991; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach desires to clearly indicate to the Planning Council that its analysis of this Countywide Future Land Use Element represents the~viewpoint of~l :the~citizens of its municipality through the adoption of this Resolution by its elected officials. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, that: 1 SECTION 1"' ~.~. Th~ C~ty Commission of the City of Boynton Beach supports the Palm Beach County Municipal League, Inc.'s position that the Palm Beach jurisdiction over the znvolve the Future Land Use .Element ~and issues has that among local governments' land use planning efforts~ Policies dealing with Tzansportation, AgEiculture', Coastal .Managem~nt~ Education, Historic Preservation Public . Services, -Water, ~Environmental MDd%exat~on, Housing and any other element should be deleted as beyond the jurisdiction of the Council. SECTION 2: The City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach hereby reserves all rights to question any and all policies, narrative, performance standards, procedural rules, etc. promulgated by the Planning Council now and in the future. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is hereby directed to submit copies of this Resolution of the Palm Beach CountI~ide Planning Council, the Palm Beach County Municipal League and to the Board of County Commissioners of Palm Beach County. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall take effect immediately upon its passage. PASSED MD T IS /? , 1991. ~~~~ERC 'OF 'BOYNTON BEA~CH~., dOUNCIL~EMBER / ATTEST: and~legal 3