R91-027RESOLUTION R91-~$~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE CITY MANAGER TO SUBMIT TO PALM BEACH COUNTY HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATIONS FOR USE OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT FUNDING FOR PROGRAM YEAR 1991/92; AND PROVIDINGANEFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, Palm Beach County Housing and Community Development is proceeding with its planning process for the Community Development Block Grant Program year 1991/92, which commences on October 1, 1991; and WHEREAS, as a part of this process, Palm Beach County Housing ~nd Community Development has invited municipalities and non-profit organizations to submit proposals to their office by Friday, March 1, 1991, by 5:00 P.M.; and WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach has prepared three (3) proposal applications which are designed to allow for expenditures to be made in areas where principal benefit to low and moderate income people could be achieved. The proposals are as follows: 1. N.E. llth Avenue N.E. 13th Avenue Capital Improvements Project. $515,360 for Phase I of a $1,329,220 project to construct the necessary sidewalks, curbs, swale areas, road improvements, drainage, row acquisition, landscaping and relocation assistance. Total project cost is $1,329,220 to be completed in four (4) phases: Phase 1 $515,360 in 91/92; Phase II - $353,160 in 92/93; Phase III $260,700 and Phase IV - $113,000, both to be completed in 93/94; also, $87,000 for engineering services. 2. Demolitions within the CEA and NSA $60,000 to demolish deteriorated structures. twenty substandard and 3. Martin Luther King Boulevard Social Services Facility $400,000 for the donation of land and construction of a facility to house community/social services operations. The land is currently vacant and is located in a commercial zone. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, THAT: Section 1. The City Manager is hereby authorized and directed to submit to Palm Beach County Housing & Community Development project applications for use of Community Development Block grant funding for program year 1991/92. Section 2. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 1991~ /? CITY day of ~z~q , BEACH, FLORIDA %TTEST: Mayor Commissioner core, is s i~ne-r Commis s L6ner Corpo_rate S6ai) DATE: TO: THRU: FROM: RE: COMMUNITY iMPROVEMENT DEPARTMENT H E .H O R A N D U M 91'-023 LEGAL C.4 cc: Co~ Improv Eng Fekruary i4. 199! Honorable Mayor & City Commis~i~ ~ J. Scott Miller,~ City Manage~I ~'~ ,/2? Johnnetta Broomfieid, Directo~ 5~91-92 Communlry DeveZopmen~ ~lock Grant (CDBG) Applications - Requesz Approval for Submittal to Hcuslng and Community Development and approval of a Resolution authorizing the City Submittal Thereof The following item ls being submitted to the C1zy Commission aE this 5mme for necessary acuion: REOUEST APPROVAL FOR: 1. SUBMITTAL OF 1991-92 COMMUNITY D£VELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT (CDBG) APPLICATIONS TO PALM BEACH COUNTV HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ~ 2. RESOLUTION AUTHO~IZIN~ · l'M~ CITy TO SUBMIT THE THREE [3) APPLICATIONS TO PALM BEACII COLD~TY HOUSING & COMhVdNITY DEVELOPMENT At this Elme. tlle 2ounty is acceptillg applications for request of CDBG funding for the 1991-92 funding cycle. The applications are due uc Honslng & Community DevelopmenE IHCD) by 5:00 p.m., March 1, 1991. Please De advised that I had Freviously informed all City departments that the 2DBG application phase was in process and requesEed that if they had any pro]ects which they would like 5o submit for approval to please send the applications to me by February ~, 1991. A total of five (5) new proposals were suomm~ued {one from lode Enforcement and four from Utilities). As a result of reviewing the five {5) new applications, rea~sesstng the non {10) applications suDmltted last year that were no5 funded, and 5fter a review with the City Manager. attached are three 3) applications for the City of Boynzon no~ali~ng $975,360 which ~ 5m recommending 5o be submitted 5o HCD for CDKG funding. The following ms a prioritized summtry of the appilca~mons. 1) ~.E. llth Avenue - N.E. 13tll Aventte Capital !mprovement~. Prolec% S515,360 for Phase I of a $1,329,220 project ~o construct the necessary sidewalks, curbs, swale areas, road Improvements. drainage, row acqulSlUlOn, landscaping and relocation aSSlSEance. Total project cosz is $1,329, 220 to be completed mn four (4) phases: Phase I - $515,360 in 91/92; Phase II S353,160 in 92/93; Phase Iii $260,700 and Phase IV $113.000, both to be completed in 93/94; also, S87,000 for engineering services. Page 2 2/1!/91 · ,oI~orasle,Mayor ~ Cmuy Commlssmon - ~emo =91-023 2) Demolitions wmth!11 the CEA and NSA S60,000 to demolish twenty substandard strucLures. and deteriora5ed~-- 3) ~4artin Luther Kinq Boulevard SOclal Services Facillnv $400,000 fo~ ~he donation of 'land and construction af ~ facility to house community/social services operatmons. The lan~d is currently vacan5 ~nd ms 10c~ted mn a commercmal zone. ACTION-RE: UIRED At this time, ~Ci~y Comml~Tion ~approvai is hergbY requested for: 1. Submittal of the attaci4~'d' th-~-ee (3) applications to Palm Beach ~.Co~n~y HQusing a Commun~my Development for 1991-~2 Community Devetopm~t~Block Gran~ funding; -2. Approval of a Resolution authorizIng the city ~o submit the three (3) applications to ?~!m Beach County Housing & Community Development. ~ 3 RECOMMENDATION Approval of request. JB:kc auuachments cc: Scott Blasiq= code Enforcement Dept. Dqn Jaeg~-r, Building Depu. Vince Finizio, Engmneerlng Depu. * C0~plete the Appltca.t..i?m..Sect. ion ...tm cq.,]unction with the Instructions on pages 8-13 PAI2~ BEA~ COUN~f HOUSING AHD COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATION FOR~ (submi~ t~ triplicate) Phone: (407) 355-3853 for a~sfstance Due: 5:00 p.m. March 1,. 1991 I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant: (S..p~nsor/Developer) 0rganizatio~ Name: Address: City; State; Zip: Telephone hh/mber: Contact Person: --..~Tttle: .. '."L...'~elgphoneNumber: Commission District of Project: -::'~-'.::.-.- .:,!.- .3'.~. :~':~,P~riod' for which f~nds are being Requested: CITY COMMISSION OF BOYNTON BEACH CITY OF BOYNTON BEAC~ENGINEERING 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425-0310 (407) 738-7487 VINCE FINIZIO ADMINISTRATIVE COORDINATOR OF ENG. (407) 738-7488 FOUR (4) FOR YEAR 91-92 Signature Chairperson, Board of Directors II. ACTIVIT~ (Check One) Housing Capital Improvements ~ Economic Dev~ ~opment Rehabilitation Other __ Code Enforcement Public Services SEE ATTACHED SUNiV3%RY OF PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION PHASES - - 2 EXHIBIT "A" (4 pages) PHASE I PROPOSED PHASING OF CONSTRUCTION RIGHT-OF-WAY PROBABLE COST llth Avenue ~E 1st St. NE 3rd St. Retention Ponds $176,640.00 $ 79,360.00 $ 79~360.00 $180,000.00 PHASE II RIGHT-OF-WAY NE 2nd St. 12th Avenue Add 5% Inflation PROBABLE COST $ 98,260.00 $237,900.00 $336,160.~0 $-17,000.00 PHASE III RIGHT-OF-WAY !3th Avenue Add 10% Inflation PROBABLE COST $237,000.00 $ 23,700.00 PPiAS E IV RIGHT-OF-WAY Railroad Avenue Add 15% Inflation PROBABLE COST 898,260.00 $14~470.00 ESTIMATED COST OF ENGINEERING DESIGN.SERVICES ESTImaTED COST OF E.S.D.C. TO BE REQUESTED ON A PHASE OR YEARLY BASIS ESTIPIATED TOTAL MPO:kmk 91-084 Ph. 20 2/12/91 EST. TOTAL $ 515,360.00 EST. TOTAL $ 353,160.00 EST. TOTAL $ 260,700.00 EST. TOTAL 113,000.00 87,000.00 $1,329,220.00 GEE & JENSON 0 C) 0 0 0 0 B OYNTO N (S.I CANAL APPROX. RETENTION POND LOCATION ] PROJECT LIMITS STREET [3TH AVENUE [2TH AVENUE [ITH AVENUE N.E. IST.' ST. N.E. £ND, ST. N.E. 3RD. ST. RA LROAD AVE. LENGTH 1975 FEET 1950 FEET [9£0 FEET 64O FEET' 790 FEET 640 FEET 790 FEET SQUARE FEET OF ~ TO BE ACQUIRED 600 S. E (EST.) GEE & JENSO~ E;NG~NEERS-ARCHITECTS-FLANNERS, INC.] WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH -- COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT PROJECT AREA 2-7-9 N .T.$. --. III. PROJECT ELIgIBILITy - (To he verified by }[oustng and Com~n~uity Development) a.income Will project persons? serve at least 51% Of low- and moderate- Y~es b. Is project located in an area which has 51% low~' and moderate-income persons? Will project cure slum and blighted conditions in a designated NeighborHood Strategy Area (NSA) or Code Enforcement Area(CEA)? -AL_ Define, area served (please attach two mao · desmgnating your nro~ec- · ~. ~ to thls application map, the other one shou,~ ~ .... ~ P hould be a street Au oe a ~lock and lot map) Th~ ar~a. pro~_osed in this application~is situated within the corporate limits of Boyngon Beach, . m~nnC llth Ave., 12th Ave. and 13.~h AVe., extending to the F.E.C. Railroad r.o.w., including the inters~c~ee~H u£~.E.---i-ot " Srrm~t. '2nd S~.reet~. N.E. 3rd Street%~An~ Railro~d Avenue from N.E. I0thAvenue to N.E. 13th Avenue. (See ~a~ached engineerin--~-~ !Oc~t~n~ Number of Neighborhood Straregy Area residents co benefit Indicate special populations, if any ~/A '2,617 citizens + TypeInstructions) of'benefit to Community. (choose from llst in Section III of _Th~= project ~j_ddresses an~urgent need, related to the prevention and/or elimination of slum or b-~ight withln our commun±ny_ -- *surrounding areas will also benefit from this action. IV. pRoJ~G'r DESCRIPTION N.E. llth Ave.-i~th Ave. Capital Improvement Projects Project Title: Project ~ocation: See attached enEineering location plan Please describe in detail the project, including where possible and applicable, number of person(s) to be served, linear feet to be paved, etc., for a twelve-month period: Number of citizens to bm served is 2,617 (+). See attached Exhibit "A". Goal(s): Provide safe and efficient pedestrian/vehicular passage throughout the neighborhood and zmprovlng local treatmenn of storm water. b. Objective(s): To provide all residents within the Neighborhood Strategy Area, with an enhanced snandard of living by implementing the following: a. Improving the neighborhood by revitiiizinm and au~mentinm infrastr~ 'b. Encourage community pride in a redeveloper, order%y neighborhood. c. Work TasKs: Planning - Design - Site Developmen~ - Construction and Finishings. d. Time Frame: .FY 1991 - 1992 : Phase I 1992 - 1993 : Phase II 1993 - [994 : Phase III and IV If applicable, list o~her participating agencies (attach letter(s) of support): N/A Project Budget: Breakdown of Total Proiect Cost: 1) Direct Project Cost ....................... $ 1,329,220 2) Project Administration (if 'applicable) .... S _ _ 3) Total'CDBG Funds Requested ................ $ 1,329,220 4) Other Funding (indicate source below) ..... $ 5) Total Project Cost ........................ $ 1,329,220 Source(s) of other funding Pr~j~ ~dm~nn ~ pes~ib!5, b0- handled by City as parg of general capitol improvements program Attach three (3) letters demonstrating that your project has been su~mibt~([ for lunching to three (3) othez~ agencies prior to submittal to Housing and Community Development. Also attach three (3) doeumented letters statln~ ha agenc'zes determination on th6s~ submittals. g. Project Maintenance: Indicate where applicable, agency responsibility for maintenance · of.proj~ct after ~mpl_~bion (Attach l~bters of verification). City of Boynton Beach wi]Il.be r~?nn~hl~ ~ mzinuenancc. Vo COM/~ITM~NT TO EX~AND HOUSING STOCK Local governmental units must indicate demonstrated efforts th~ 'supply of housing to low- and moderate~i~come persons. additional sheets, i~ necessary). to expand (Attach In fiscal year 1987/88, the City of Boynton Beach created the Depart ot Community Improvement. The Department (among other things) is re~si for the implementation of housing rehabilitazion and development programs throughout the City, but especially in the area East of 1-95 (the oldest sectio~ of~theCity). The Department's efforts will be geared towards curtailing the spread of residential blight and also toward improving and stabilizing the residential character of the City. With the incept%on of the Department, the City also appropriated $350,000 for the development and administration of such program activity. S350,000 was also aporoprmat in the 88/89 fiscal year. Additionally, the Departmenz of Community Improvement has designed three[3) housing programs to bezin to address the above needs. Two~2) of the programs deal specifically with housing rehabi libation; the third program deals with the construction of residential housing. This third, program is an effort om the part of the City no increase the supply of housing to low and moderate income persons. (See attached program brochures ) It is the City's intention no continue to provide housin~ pro,rams and administration to address its housing needs. Additionally, in the past, the City has always cooperated with the Department of HousinR and Con,unit Developmenn in an effort no get resident participation in the County's Programs. The City has cooperated ~ith HCD in rehabilitation efforts Cherry Hills and has supported programs of the PBC Housing Authority. Finally, in December of 1989, the City of Boynton Beach approved the~.~ Community Redevelopment Plan for the expande~ CRA are~wb~cb ~r~ btm extensive efforts in the area of housing rehabilitation and developm ~ no address the needs in the more depressed are~ of th~ C~ry~ ¥I. PROJECT C0NSIsI~NCY WITH L0~L GOVERNMENTAL PLANS Provfde letter(s) of. suppo~t~from the local ~overnment ia whose jur±s- dfctfon the project wfll be located. L'etter(s) attsched: Yes X No If no~ explain why: - 6 VII. COUN~'~IDE PR0~q~h~ If rental and commercial revitalization, housing counseling, or economi detail how the program-will~ operate efficiently on a ~ost, and service, basis. N~A * Complete the App]icatlon Section in conjunction with the Instructions on pages 8-1g. Please follow instructions carefully and complete all questlons. PALM BEACH COUNTY HOUSIN(3 ANO CO~NtTY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM (suSmtt in triplicate) Phone: (407) 355-3853 Due: 5:00 p.m. for assistance March 1, 1991 APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant: (Sponsor/Developer) Orga6ization Name: Address: City; State; Zip: Telephone Number: Contact Person: Title: Telephone Number: Commission District of Project: Period for Which Funds are Being Requested: Code Enforcement City of Boyn[on Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 (407) 738-7482 Scott Blasie Code Enforcemen[ Administrato~ (407) 738-7482 Ext. 233 4 91/92 Signature Chairperson, Board of Directors Date - 1 ACTIVITY (Check One) Housing Capital Improvements EconomtcDevelopment Rehabtltta[ton Other__ Code Enforcement Pub1 tc Servtces Demolition of 20 structures which are substandard and deteriorated. -Z III. PROJECT ELIGIBILITY - (To be verified by Housing and Con~nity Development)' Will project serve at least 5I% of low- and moderate- income persons? Yes No x b. Is project-located in an area which has 51~ low- and moderate-income persons? x Will project cure slum and blighted conditions in a designated Neighborhood Strategy Area (NSA) or Code En?orcement Area(CEA)? x d.-Del, tne ~area served (please attac~ two maps to this application designating your project location, one map should be a street map, the other one should be a block and lot map). Demolitions to be in area between N. Seacrest Blvd. and Railroad Avenue; between Boynton Beach Blvd. and C-16 Canal; and ~etween N. Seacrest Blvd. and NW 2nd Street from Boynton Beach Blvd. to C-16 Canal. Number of Neighborhood Strategy Area residents to benefit 2620+ Indicate,special populations, Type of benefit to co~n~Jnity Instrpctions) if any (choose from list in Section III of Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight. - 3- PROPERTIES FOR-DEMOLITION ADDRESS SUBDIVISION LOT & BLOCK 1062 NE 4th Avenue Shepard Funk Add - Block 2 Lot i1 120 NW 4th Avenue Boynton Hills ~ Block 1 Lot 149 617-619 NE 6th Ave (2 Structures) Civic Center Sub~- Block 1 Lots 4-6 141 NE 9th Avenue lll~NE 10th Avenue 417 NE 10th Avenue 115 NE llth Avenue 22~ RE llth Avenue 224½ NE llth Avenue 322 NE llth Avenue 327 NE llth Avenue 148 NW 12th Avenue 150 NW 12th Avenue 216'NE 12th Avenue 319 NE 12th Avenue 418 NE 12th Avenue 111-117 NE 12gh Ave (2 Structures) 210 NE 13th Avenue Palm Bqh Co~ntr~ Club Est - Block 4 Lot 10 Frank Weber Add- Block t Lot i0 -E Roberts Add to ~BoYnton - Block 1 Lot 5 Mee~s~ ~of Blk 6 - Lot 6 Mee ~ Block 3 Lot 6 Meeks. -~ & Andrews ~dd ~ ~ · - Block 3 Lot 5 Meeks & Andrew~ ~dd - Block 4 Lot 5 Meeks& Andrews Add- Block 1 Lot 4 Happy HomeHeights - Block 6 Lot 16 Happy Home Heights - Block 6 Lot 15 Happ~ Home Height~ - Block 8 Lot 8 Happy Home Heights - Block 2 Lot 18+ Happy Home Height~ - Block i0 Lot 3 Lanehart Sub of Lot 3 - Lots 37 & 38 Happy Home Heights - Block 3 Lot 10 Y ~Canal R~ PAl 'Dr ~ ARD WA lNG -- ViLLAGI:: :OR N HA~ HAR IV. ' PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Demolitions within CE~ and NSA. Project Location: see III(d) and ,nea~ feet ~to be itions of ~r~ies within CEA and NSA servin~ allth~ peopls in that community. ~:~ ~oal(s). To el!mlnat, existing 'deteriOrating structures and provide. · ~ safer communmty for ~eside~tS in ta~et a~ea. ($): To complete project within fiscal year 91/92. Work Tasks: Inspections, bidding process, permitting. d. Time Frame: 91/S2 If applicable, list other participating agencies (attach letter(s) of support): f.-' Project Budget: Breakdown of Total Project Cost: I) Direct Project Cost ....................... $-60,000. 2) Project Administration (if applicable) .... $250 ez x 20: 5~000. 3) Total CD~ Funds Requested ................ $ 60,000. 4) Other Funding (indicate source below) ..... $. 5) Total Project Cost ........................ $ 65,000. Source(s) of other funding *EXISTING DEMOLITIONS 10 PROJECTED DEMOLITIONS 10 TOTAL DEMOLITIONS 20 COST PER DEMOLITION 3,000. TOTAL COST 60,000, -4 - Attach explanation of all the steps taken to secure other funding. Attach three (3) letters demonstrating that your project has been submitted for funding to three (3) other agencies prior to submittal to Housing and Comnuni.ty Develol~nent. Also attach three (3) documented letters stating the agencies' determination on those submittais. g. Project Maintenance: Ind)ca~e where applicable, agency responsibility for maintenance of project after completion. (Attach ietters of verification). .V. CC~ITMENT TO EXPANO HOUSING STOCK Local governmental units must indicate demonstrated efforts to expand the supply of housing to low- and moderate-income persons. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary). The City of Boynton Beach Building Department routinely works with Housir and Community Developmeut on housing rehabilitation and demolition of unsafe structures. The demolition of the unsafe structures will reduce 'the amount of blight in the target area ~nd will provide opportuuities for development by bot~ the public and private sectors. These demolitions will emhance the effectiveness of the other programs already in place, such as the infilt construction program. The Buildin~ Department has worked closely with the Palm Beach County Housin~ Authority over the years in an on~oin8 effort to preserve and enhance the low to moderate income housin~ provided by their prosrams. The Building Department's commitment to eliminate blight is well documented by the number of referrals made to Housing and Community Development for the rehabilitation and demolition of the structures located in the target areas. - 5 - . C0~HIT~NqE~ IO EXPAND MOUSING STOC,r (Continu~) Local governmental units must indicate demonstrated efforts to expand thA supply of housing ~o low- and moderate-income personf. (Attach additional sheets, i~ necessary)~ 3 In fiscal year 198~/88, the C~ty of B0ynton Be~h c~eated the Departmen~. °'~iC°mmuni~y'Img~pvement. Th~pepa~gmgnt (a~o~g~,o~her thin s) is reso ' for the ~mplementatzon of housing rehabzl~tat~on and development programs t~roughout the City, but especlall~ in the area East of t-95 (the 6tdest 'section of theCi~y) The D&~r~a~' ........... - curtailing the spread,-of resld~tial bli§ht an~ also toward improving th% City. With the inception -for the development ,000.~4as also aporopriated Improvement has ~mmunity dress the ne ina rehabi- liTati~J~ idential h°~'ingt~"'T~s~'~ir~ i'of ~he City to (See a lt'is rams and th~CJ in the pas~, and Community Developmen~ zn the County's' Prog~amp. The C ~tion efforts D. ro~ams ~P~ Ho~using Authority.' Finally, in December of 1989~ t~e Ciz~ of Bo~nton Beach a rove . . . ...... ~ ...... ~ ~ pp d the Co~munzty- Re~eve~p,ffm~n~ 'Plan-: f~:t~a, ex~nd~ '~'~a~ wh~ ch der~ extensive efforts in the are~ ~f hpu~ing ~eba~i~tati~n and development to address the needs in the ~O~ VI. PROJECT CONSISTENCY WITH LOCAL GOVERNI~ENTAL PLANS Provide letter(s) of support from the local government in vhose juri diction the project will be located. Letter(s) attached: Yes No If no, explain why: - 6 - VII. .COUNT~IDE PROGRAMS If you propose a specific rental rehabilitation, ~evltalizatton~- how the progra~ program in the area -~ = ~le-famtly a~ residential redeve!.o~_. basis. -7 - * Complete the Appltcatio~ Section in conjunction with the Instructions on pages 8-13 "' PALM BEAC~ COUNTY ROUSING AND ~0MMUNITY DEVELOPMENT PROJECT APPLICATION FORM (submit /n triplicate) Phone: (407) 355-3853 for assistance Due: 5:00 p.m. ~a__r?h_ 1; 1991 I. APPLICATION INFORMATION Applicant: (S~nsor/~eveloper) Organ/zatiom Name: Address: Telephone Number: Contact Person: ...... ~elgphone Number: Co~aissfon District of Froject: 3'::' V~-:]-Pertod for which funds are being Requested: CITY COMMISSION OF BOYNTON BEACH Community CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH / Improvement Dep~ 100 EAST BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P. O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33425-0310 (407) 734-8111 Johnnetta Broomfield Director, Community Improvement Depn. (407) 738-74,93 FOUR (4) FOR YEAR 91-92 Signature Chairperson, Board of Directors Date II. ACTIVITY (Check One) Code Enforcement Housing __ :CaPital~Impr°v~meats - Econo~i~ DeveloPment Rehabilitation Public Services X Social Services Building. Other Donation. of~countyTowne~aDd.,and ~construction of a facility gE house community/social servic~soperations- The land is vacant and is located in a commercial zone. ~ III. PROJECT ELIGIBILIT~ - (To be verified by ~ousing and Co~nunity Development) ao Will project serve at least 51% of low- and moderate- income persons? Is project located in an area which has 51% low- and moderate-income persons? Yes No X X Will project cure slum and blighted conditions in a -designated Neighborhood Strategy Area (NSA) or Code Enforcement Area(CEA~? Define area served (please attach a map to this application desig- natingyour project location). Census Tract 61. Site is located on the South side of Martin Luther King Boulevard near intersection of N.E. 1st Street. Number of Neighborhood Strategy Area residents to benefit 2617+ Indicate special populations, if any Facility shall be accessible to the larger community also. Type of Lanefit to community (choose from list in Section III of Instruction~) Aid in the prevention or elimination of slums or blight and addresses an urgent community development need. IV. PROJECT DESCRIPTION Project Title: Martin Luther King Boulevard Social Service~ Yn~l~ey Census Tracts61. South side of Martin Luther King' Project Location:Boulevard near intersection of N.E, lBt Straat Please describe in detail the project, including where possible and applicable, number of person(s) to be served, linear feet To be paved, ets., for a twelve-month period~ (See pase 2, II) a. Goal(s): To expand the availability.of and provide for the basic social services needs of low and moderate income residents. To improve accessibility to public services and provide for increased program b. n- TO acquire land and build a facility to house offices to provide for the social services needs of the community and also to improve the quality of life for low and moderate income persons. c. Work Tasks: Acquisition, planning, site development, construction. do Time Frame: Fiscal year .91/92 for planning and design; consnruction. fiscal year 92/93 for If applicable, list other participating agencies (attach letter(s) of support): fo Project Budget: Breakdown of Total Proiect Cost: 1) Direct Project Cost ....................... $400,000 2) Projec~ Administration (if applicable) .... $ 3) Total CDBG Funds Requested ................ $400,000 4) Other Funding (indicate source below) ..... 5) Total Project Cost ........................ Source(s) of other funding $400,000 - & - Attach thmee-L(3) l~t~ers demonstrating that'-your p=oject has been s~bmitte~' ~or. funding~ to, three (3)other agencies prior to bmittal 'to Housing a~d com~un~ity DevelopMent.' Also attach three ' . ' a encles . determlna ion on ~('3) documented le~t~rs stating the g. thos~ submittals. g. Project Maintenance: Indicate where applicable, agency resp0ns'ibility for maintenance of projecD after completion. (Attach letters of verification). City Will maintain'facility after construction COM}~ITM~NTTO EXPAND HOUSING STOCK Local governmental units must indicate demonsnrated effor=s to expand the supp'I'y of housing to low- and moderate-inc6me persons. (Attach additional sheets, if necessary). In fiscal year 1987/88, the City of Boynton Beach created ~he Departme~ of Community Improvement. The Depmrtment (among other things) is for the implementation of housing r~habilitat±on and development programs throuEh~t ~he City, but especially in the area East of 1-95 (~he oldesL section of theCity).i The Dep'ar~men~'s efforts will be ~eared ~owards curtailing the spread of residential blight and also toward improving and stabilizing the residential character o~ the City. With the inception o~ the Department, the City also appropriat~ $350,000 for the development and administration of such program activity. $350,000 was also appropriated i~.the 887-~ fiscal year. Additionally, ~he Department of Community Improvement has designed three(3) housing programs ~o be_g_in to address the above needs. Two(2) of the programs deal specifically with housing rehabi- litation; the third program deals ~ith the c~nstruction'of residential housing. Thi~--~-ird program;is ~n ~effort pn the par~ of the City increase ~he supply of housi~g!~ ~w and ~odera~e income persons. (~ee a~tached program brochures ) It is the C~ty intention to con£inue go provide housin~ prozrams and a~minisuratio~ E~address its housing needs. Additionally, ix] the pass, the City has always cooperated with the Department of HousinK and CommuRitY D~velopment-~n an-effort to get resident parti~cipation in the County'S Programs. The C.~y has cooperated with HCD in rehabilitation efforts in C~erry Hitl~ a--nd: has supported programs of the PBC Housing Authority. Finally, in December of 1989, the City of Boynton Beach approved the Community Redevelopment Plan for the expanded CRA area wJ~ich details e~nensive efforts in the area of housing rehabilitation and developme~ to address the needs in the more depressed area of rb~ City, - VI. PROJECT CONSISTENGYWI/]{ LocAL GOVER~br~_AL p__LAN~ Provide letter(s) of support from the local government in whose juris- diction the projecn will be Iocaned- Letter(S) attached: Yes X _ No_ _ If no, explain why: - 6 - VII. CO~UNTYWIDE PROGRAMS If you propose a specific program in the area of single-family and rental rehabilitation, residential redevelopment, . commercial revitalization, housing counseling, or economic development, detail how the program will operate efficzently on a cost an service basis. Pro,ram will be administered by the City of Boynton Beach Department of Community Imgrovemenn. Administrative costs will be provided by the City. "RFP" will he ~s~cernained in an effort to select the most ~pprooriate develoQer and d~velopers will be selected based upon prmdeter~ined criteria, The City ~a¥ provide additional supporn ~rv~ t~ d~ve~opers and ooEential home buyers no keep cost Thm rmdw~t~ob ~n ~h~ ~sr of land (in the developmenn phase) will ~ rb~ ~r ~f n~w ho~ affordable to home buyers,