R91-021RESOLUTION NO. Rgl-~/ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, ~ADOPT)NG ACOMPANY OF THE UNITED STATES ARMED SERVICES; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, our Amercian forces are now engaged in combat in the Persian Gulf region defending and supporting American interest and principles. WHEREAS, "America Supporting Americans" was created to establish an "adoption" program for every branch {and their units} of the United States Armed Services by an American city; and WHEREAS, the purpose of "America Supporting Americans" is a bridge connecting every American that shares at least one common goal -- putting moral support for the men and women in the armed forces into action; and WHEREAS, mutual love and dedication have contributed greatly to the on-going success of this program and has become the driving ferce which links us together. NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida that: Section 1. The City of Boynton Beach, Florida hereby adopts D Company 2/327 Inf., Z01st ABN. DIV. (AASLT}, Desert Storm, APO, New York 09782. Section 2. The City of Boynton Beach hereby u~rges all community businesses, service clubs, schools and private citizens to become involved and support our men and women in the armed services. Section 3. A copy of this resolution shall be forwarded to the Florida League of Cities urging participation in this purposeful cause. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day of February, 1991. ATTEST: · -Ci~, Clerk ~Co p~r~te Seal) CI BEACH, FLORIDA Cor~qissioner Commissio.r~Er ' Jeffrey Wood Steve Cooper ohn Smith Lurelio Rodriguez Charles Sample Ail of the above are police officers with the city. AMERICA SUPPORTING AMERICANS v ED I. OBJECTIVE: JAN -F:8 l~g! ,,.. . ~-. , :: ,-'. ~S CF,'- Pr To establish an ~ ,, ...... .~ ao. pbon. progra.m for every branch, (and their units .of the United States Armed oerv~ces, Dy an American town. 'The PU~o~nd Americans with the young men and women w · - ,support" project with no ol ti ' .. h~ ,serve. the.~r ,country. It s a "mora e re o . p c.al t~es.- but ~nste~,d a show or su 'ort t Il w Amencans who are called upon by their country. - PP owards those II, WHAT IT TAKES TO' MAKE IT SUCCEED IS: A) A formal adoption resolution passed by the mayor and city council,establishing their own "Adopted Sons/Daughters.,, EXAMPLE: 1/327th Infantry, 101'st ABN DIV. B) Perhaps sending each member a symbolic key to the city/town should they choose to visit on their return home. C) :To set-up an active "Citizens Committeo, which will act as a liason between the community and the men/wome~dopted. Some of the c ' ' - ommlttee s functions should be: 1. To promote letter writing and distribution of names on rosters. 2. To make public, any resp ,onses/replies (mail) from men through speaking engagements, i.e., civic-service clubs, schools, news media. 3. Provide lists of the needs of the adopted men/women to the community. 4. To seek involvement and support from community businesses, service clubs, schools, and private citizens. 5. To prepare posters, flyers and other written materia making the. community more knowledgable and aware of special events, holidays etc., which would include public PartiCipation. 6. To coordinate fund drives for any expenses incurred i.e, posta e. printing stationary, gifts sent to your adopted men/women on behalf of th~c~mmittee representing the community as a whole, 1266 CAZZ¢O~ S~4ZZA - PACIFIC PAZ/S4~£S, CA ¢0272 PV! FC $P4- AKERS EVE]: ETT JOSEPH PV2 ' - AL-FONSI~-MARK---9,NTi~y-- l SGT BAKER CARL ERSK[N ~~R TD~D CHRISTOPHER ~ [CHA EL~A~EEN ~ PFC B~ ~HN H~.BE~T ~CPL-- 8R~[D[NGE~-D~D ~A~- SSG BRiNiNG M A"" -SGT- , ~ ALLEN -- 6RINN 'D~V[D-~AyNE SP4 BROOKS PATRICK ELLIOT SP4 ~g~G~m~-y~ __ P V~ BURN~ PATRICK NICHAEL -SP~- ~YR O~-DAR~L~ CAMPOSL OZA~o AVEL ~N fY-DA ~:R ~LL~ NTON ---COLE -DA,V I D ........ S P~ ~ SP4 CPT : 'PV~ PFC COOLEY GEDRGE -CDWDEN KEVIN DEAN "DAV[S'~PHILL[P-DELANE- D~VIS TIMOTHY ALLEN ~EW DER ~ Y~OHN~BE ~ - - D[LLA~g PHJL[P DAVID EA~TDN JOHN SCOTT EYNON DANA ~ OTIS FREEMO~RA j~ ~U~GEKSDN BENJamiN ALLEN GAZA[LLE PAUL HA~Z L~N:'MICHkEL ' LANce ~" PPAONTT-'O32TRTN~DLp OZ--ANT~-ARMBR--CD -D" MC-T GRD- F PFC - ROBERTS WILLIE ) JR CPL RDLF~NG DONALD ALAN ~E R~AV[ O~a~L~ PFC ~SG- -ROSENB~R'G~-r-H~R IAN ~ :SP~ - $ARTD~[ ~FFREY ALBERT PFC ~E[~FE~rT~AVIO~ SK[BICK[ ~Gg ~ND~EW ILT SLA GL E '-~A YHD~ SMITH JDN SCOTT 2LT SGT SDDTO V[TALE L ~ r~SDN_T~T _ _ PFC ~p~- STDNEBERG~ JA~ES KE[TH PFC S T~ [ NGF ELL ~-dAq~S ~DOUGL A ' PV 2 - SUSa EZ VINCENTE ' TATUM T~NY SCOTT PV~ ..... THOMPSON ~THER--JAMES ' V~N~INKLE ~ILL[~M - ~A~KER ' ~AMES-RAY ...... SSG SSG-- WALLACE DAVID C~PLAN JR L TG a G 0 TOT~ PERSgNNEL 7. To prepare informational "Newsletters" periodically for your adopted men/women (sort-of an update). 8. Report and keep [Parent organization) AMERICA SUPPORTING AMERICANS updated with local support and requests. I11. CONCLUSION: AMERI.~C~,, SU.P,,I~__RTING AMERICANS is a bridge connecting every American that sba'res at least one c0mmon.goal ~ putting morale support for the men and women in the armed services, into action. This is truly the tangible way for Americans to voice their deep concern towards those so deserving men and w0men in uniform. Mutual love and dedication has contributed greatly to the on-going sucess of this program, and has become the driving force which links us together. SUBMITTED BY: LINDA PATTERSON 12/90 PPA LP · HUNTEA--LO, UTS-TJDSEPH--- HUY~K PAUL CHARLES JE NKI~N$ &CJr, J'A'L-D--J'I~JEPH ' · JIMIS~ JOHNNY WALTER JOHNSON PAUL ~FFDRD JR ~ALL DAVID TKACY ~ KO~ALCZ~K N~CH~EL JANES .... LAFOU~ZN'~O~E~T EUGENE . ~ LOGAN RDSEP. T ~[~EL HATNEY PATRICK HARRY HCM~NIS DENNIS LE~ JR : MEYER [ICMARD K~RL ~ -- -MI~[C~ZZ[-T~OD-DANIEL-- MIRACLE ~ANDY MUEI C K~G~'EE--J~flE~. -- - ~ MYERS DWAYNE - -NELSON ~RRK-'AL~ A'~EP -- J N~WMAN RUSSELL PETER ~ -~IOET~ ~K ~R.L--WA[~ EN DLSEN ERIC NILS -- PA~['~S~Rt S TOFL~ORGE' ~ PAAKER WELL PATRIC~ ~IMMIE DARRELY m PORT ERFI ELD :R~N)Y CURTIS 'J PDWELL ;I~LLIA~ ~ICHA~D REmS ED'BERT EVAN ~SP4 ,SGT S GTI PFC PFC: SGT' ~ CPL ~SG- "PV~- ~SSG !SSG ~ .', SF~ ~PFC J S GT PV2