R91-019RESOLUTION NO. ~-[~ A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY CO~ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA,; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN CONTRACT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AND STANLEY CONSULTANTS FOR CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES AT THE WEST WATER TREATMENT PLANT, WHICH IS ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it has been determined by the City Commission be in the best interest of the citizens and residents of he City of Boynton Beach to enter into a contract between he City of Boynton Beach and Stanley Consultants for onstruction management services at the West Water Treatment lant. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION )F THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA THAT: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of ~oynton Beach, Florida hereby authorizes the Mayor and City :lerk to execute said Contract, attached hereto as Exhibit Section 3. This Resolution shall take mmediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~ day~f February, ///Mayor Commissioner effect 1991. FLORIDA Commlss loner .TTEST: ItCorpouate-S'eal) Commis s ~6ner CONSULTANT AGREEMENT FORM CONSTRUCTION MANAGEMENT SERVICES THIS AGREEMENT is entered into between the City of Bosrnton Beach' hereinafter referred to as "the CITY," ~d Stanley Consultangs, hereinafter referred ~o as "the CONSULTANT," in ~onsideration of the mutual benefits, terms, and condi- tions hereinafter specified. Pr__~ect Desk. The CONSULTANT is retained by the CITY,to perform Construction ~an~gem~nt services in connection with the proj ecn desig- nated West WaGer TreAtmentPlant. Scope of Services. CONSULTANT agrees to perform the services, identi- fied on Exhibit "A" and conditions of Exhibit C, attached hereto, including the provision of all labor, materials, equipment and sup- plies. ' Time for Performance~ Work under this contract shall con~ence upon wriuten notice by the: CITY to the CONSULTANT to proceed. CONSULTANT shall perform all services and provide required pursuant to this AGREEMENT within 730 calendar days from the date written notice is given to proceed, unless an extension of~such time in §ranted in writing by the CITY. Payment. The CONSULTANT shall be paid bY the CITY for completed work and for services rendered under this AGREEMENT as follows: Payment for the ~york provided by CONSULTANT shall be made as provided On Exhibit "B" attached hereto, proyided that the total amount of p~ayment to CONSULTANT shall not exceed $983,330 without express:i~ritten modification of the AGREEMENT· signed by the cit~ The CONSULTANT mgy submit vouchers tc the CITY once per month during the prog~gssi[ o~. the work~ for p .artial p yma ent for pro3ect completed to date. Such vouchers will be checked by the CITY, and upon approval th~regf,, payment will be made to theCONSULTANT in the amount approved. Final payment of ~any balance~due the CONSULTANT of the total connract price e~rned will be made promptly upon its ascertainment and verificatio~ ~y the CITY after the completion of~ the work under this AGREk~NT and its acceptance by the CITY. Payment as provic%ed in this section shall be full com ensat w ' ' p ion for ork performed,'s~rv~ces rendered, and for all materials, sup- plies, equipment,~ and incidentals n~cessary to complete the work. The CONSULTANT'g records and accounts pertaining go this AGREEMENT are to be kep~ available for inspection by re resenta ' Ci__ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ p tzves of the · ~ and state for a period of three (3) yea~s after fimai payments. Copies shall be made available upon request. ~ 9.1 10. Ownership and Use of Documents. Ail documents, drawings, specifica- tions, and other materials produced by the CONSULTANT in connection with the services rendered under this AGREEMENT shall be the prope%r~ of the CITY whether the Project for which they are made is executed or non. The CONSULTANT shall be permitted to.retain copies, including reproduc- ible copies, of drawings and specifications ~or information, reference and use in connection with CONSULTANT's endeavors. Services During Construction. If the Engineer performing services during construction or construction manager makes changes to contract documents, i.e. inclusive of field changes, he automatically takes the liability and shall be responsible for modifieat'ions he makes to the contract documents. Compliance with Laws. CONSULTANT shall, in performing the services contemplated by this AGREEMENT, faithfully observe and comply with all federal, ~state, and local laws, ordinances, and regulations that are applicable to the services to be rendered under thi.s AGREEMENT. Indemnification CONSULTANT shall indemnify, defend and hold harmless the CITY, its officers, agents, and employees, from and against any and all claims, losses, or liability, or any portion ~thereof, including attorneys fees and costs arising from injury or death to persons, including injuries, Sickness', disease, or death to CONSULTANT's own employees; or damage to property occasioned solely by a negligent act, error, or omission of the CONSULTANT in performance of the services required herein. Insurance. The CONSULTANT shall secure and maintain in force throughout the duration of this connracn comprehensive general liability insurance with a minimum coverage of ~500,000 per occurrence and $I,000,000 aggregate for personal injury; and $500,000 per occurrence/aggregate for property damage, and professional liability insurance in the amount of $1,000,000. Said general liability policy shall name the City of Boynton Beach as an additional named insured and shall include a provision prohibiting cancellation of said polfcy except upon thirty (30) days prior written notice to the CITY. Certificates of coverage as required by this section shall be delivered to the CITY within fifteen (15) days of execution of this AGREEMENT. CITY's Represenlative The CONSULTANT and the CITY agree that the CONSULTANT will serve as a representative of the CITY Kith respect to the services required herein. However, nothing in this AGREEMENT shall be considered to creare the relationship of employer and employee between the parties hereto. Neither CONSULTANT nor any employee of CONSULTANT shall be entitled to any benefits accorded CITY employees by virtue~of the services provided under this AGREEMENT. The CITY shall not be responsible for withholding er otherwise deducting federal income tax or social security or for contributing ro the state industrial insurance program, otherwise assuming the duties of an employer with respect to CONSULTANT, or any employee of CONSULTANT 11. 13. 14. 15. 16. Subconsnltants/Subcontractors. Subconsuttants shall be allowed only with the prior approval of the CITY. The consent of the CITY shall not be construed as making the CITY a part of or to such subcontract, or subjecting the city no liability of any kind To any subconsultann. No subconsultant she%l, under any circumstances relieve the construction manager of his liability and obligation under this contract an~ despite such subcontracting, the CITY shall deal through the construction manager. Subcontractors will be deaIt with as professional workman and representative of the construction manager, as such shall be subject to the same requiremenns as to character and competence as are other employees of the construction manager Covenant Against ContinKent Fees. The CONSULTANT warrants that he has non employe~ or retained any company or person, other than a bonafide employee working solely for the SONSULTANT~ to solicit or se-cure this contract, and that he has not paid or agreed to pay any company or persons other than a bonafide employee working solely for the CONSUL- TANT, any fee, commission, percentage~ brokerage fee~ gifts or any other consideration contingent upon or resulting from. the award or making of this contract~ For br~ach or violatio~ of th~s warranny, the CITY shall have the right to annul thiscontract without liability or, in its discretion to deduct from the connract price or consideration, or otherwise recover the full amount of such fee, commission, percentage, brokerage fee, gift/ or contingeqt fee. Discrimination Prohihited~ The CONSULTANT, with regard to the work performed by ii_under this AGREEMENT, will not discriminate on the grounds of rac~, color, national origin, religion, creed, age, sex, or the presence of any physical or sensory handicap in the selection and retention of employeesor procurement of materials or supplies. Assignment. The CONSULTANT shall not sublet or assign any of the services covered by this AGREEMENT without the express written consenn of the CITY. Non-Waiver. Waiver by the CIT~ of any provision of this AGREEMENT or any rime limitation provided for in this AGREEMENT shall non constitute a waive~ of any other provision Termination The CITY reserves the right to terminate this AGREEMENT an any time by giving ten (10) days~ written notice to the CONSULTANT. In the event of the death of a member, partner, or officer of the CONSULTANT, or any of its supervisory personnel assigned to the project the surviving members of the CONSULTANT hereby agree no complete the work under the terms of this AGREEMENT, if requested to do so by the CITY. This section shall not be m bar To renego- tiations of this AGREEMENT between surviving members of the CONSULTANT and the CITY, if the CITY so chooses. 17. 18. 19. Disputes. Any dispute arising out of the terms or conditions of this AGREEMENT shall be, adjudicated within the courts of Florida. Further, thlsAGREEMENT shall be construed Under Florida Law Notices. Notices to the Gity of Boynton Beach'shall be sent to the following address: City of Boynton Beach P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Attn: John Guidry Notices to CONSULTANT shall be sent to the following address: Stanley Consultants of Florida 2000 Lombard Street West Palm Beach, FL 33407 Att~: Andy Carlino Inte.~rated Agreement. This AGREEMENT, together with attachments or addenda, Cepresents~the entire and integrated AGREEMENT between the CITY and the CONSULTANT and supersedes all prior negotiations, represenna- tions, or AGREEMENTs written or oral. This AGREEMENT may be amended only by written instrument signed by both CITY and CONSULTANT~ DATED this &ttest/Authenticated: City~lerk O~f-{ce of ' h~e~ty AttOrney day of , 19__ STANLEY CONSULTANTS OF FLORIDA, INC. Angelo J. Carlino, Jr., President Attest/Authenticated: Vice President Secretary EXHIBIT A THE PROJECT SCOPE 1.1 1.2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3.1 The work for the West Warer Treatment Plant, (herein referred to as the "Work") consists of construction of buildings, pumping equipment, R.O. membrane filter, degasifiers, disinfection facilities, and appurtenant work in the City of Boynton Beach,-Florida, all as more particularly indicated, shown or described in the Prawings, Specifica- tions, and other Contract Documents. The 'location, general charac- teristics, and principal details of the Work are in~icateR on a sen of C~M Hill drawings, titled "West Water Treatment Plant." GM acknowledges that it has reviewed the foregoing and is familiar with the scope of the project. The construction of the work and facilities outlined in Sections 1.1 constitutes the "project" or the "entire project", and shall hereafter be referred to as such. BASIC SERVICES DURING CONSTRUCTION PHASE During the Construction Phase and for the period provided, the CM shall, using its best efforts, provide the following Basic Services. The CM shall assist the CITY during the bidding phase by responding to Contractor-generated questions issuing addenda, conducting prebid meetings, attending bid openings, tabulating and analyzing bid propos- als, mnd making recommendation for award to the CITY~ Upon award, the GM shall furnish the CITY conformed project documents for execunion by the CITY and the Contractor. Upon execution of the construction Contracts, the CM shall meet with Contractor to secure its proposed Projec~ Construction Schedule showing (1) milestone events significant to the project and "long lead" major equipment items associated with those events (2) the exact sequence of opeuatiens and item estimates for the completie~ of the project (33 the~rder sequence and interdependence of all significant work activities along with a schedule for theprocure- ment' fabricati6n and delivery Of critical'or special materials and equipment; and (4) a schedule of contractor submittals and anticipated approvals of samples and shop drawings for equipment and materials. The CM shall review the Project-Construction Schedule prior to its submission shall offer its observatiens to the Contractor concerning said Schedule, and shall make a written report to the City of Boynton Beach containing its observations and recommendations with regard thereto. 2.4 2.5 2.6 2.7 2.7.1 The CM shall manage and administer the construction contract and shall consult with and advise the City of Boynton Beach in regard to the progress and quality of construction throughout the construction .phase. The CM shall schedule and conduct a preconsrruction conference with the City of Boynton Beach and Contractors, and shall conduct weekly construction and progress meetings with the Contractors to review and discuss construction progress, procedures problems~ and scheduling. The CM shall promptly prepare and distribute to participants and the CITY detailed written minutes of all such conferences and meetings. The CM shall p~epare and submit to the CITY written monthly reports covering the progress of the construction work, problems encountered. and scheduling. Nothing herein shall preclude the CITY from attending such conferences and meetings. The CM shall periodically cause the Contractor to update and reissue, as necessary, the Project Construction Schedule to show current conditions and proposed revisions necessitated by actual experience. The CM shall provide resident project representation by sufficient resident project staff as set forth in EXHIBIT D being present at the site when construction work is zn progress, in order ~o provide project ohservgtion and inspection of the progress and quality of the construction work to determine in general if ii is proceeding in accordance with the Contract DocumenEs. The CM shall use its best efforts to guard the CITY against defects and deficiencies in the work of the Contractor shall determine if the work is proceeding in accor- dance with the Contract DocUments, andshall endeavor to achieve satisfactory performance from the Contractor. The resident project staff will direct its best efforts toward providing greater protec- tion fom the CtTY so,~hat the qompleted Project will conform to the Contract Documents, but neither the CITY, nor the CM, nor their re- spective staffs will be~ responsible for the means, methods, tech- niques, or procedures ofic0nstruction ~electediby 6he CoDtractor or for safety precautions and programs incident to the work of the Contractors or~ for any failure of the Contractors to comply with any laws ordinances, rules, or regulations applicable to the construc- tion work. Th~ Contractors!sh~illhavei primaryresponsibility, to pezform the constructio~ work as set {orth in the Contract DocUments. The GM shall notify the CITy o~>all permanent w~rk ~h~c~ ~oes not conform to .the contract ~d0~ume~ts, shgll prepare and submit a written report describing any apparentl nonconforming pprma~en~ ~ork, and shall make recommendations to the CITY for its correction, an~ when authorz- zed by the CITY shall instruct the Contractors To carry ~out the mcceptable corrective measures. 2.8 2.9 2 .'10 2.11 2.12 The CM shall maintain detailed records of The work including a daily diary/log of all activities at. the work site which may affect the quality and timelyprosecu~ion of the work. the daily diary/log format shall include a record of contractors workforce at each work site, a list of visiting inspectors and officials, daily activities, weather conditions, equipment on each site, decision made, general observations, and specific observations (e.g., test results). Copies of daily logs, inspection, and testing reports shall be provided ~o the.CITY weekly. Additionally, construction photos shall be main- tained to document construction progress. The CM shall review and take appropriate action on shop drawings and samples, the results of tests and inspections, and.other data which Contractor ia required to submit, .for conformance with the design concepg of the Project and compliance with the information given in the Contract Documents, shall determine the acceptability of sub- stitute materials and equipment proposed by Contractors; and shall receive and review(for general content as required by the Specifica- tions) maintenance~and operating instructions,-schedules, guarantees, bonds, and certificates of inspection which are to be assembled by Contractor in accordance with the Contract Documents The CM shall issue all instructions of the CITY to the Contractors; shall prepare changeorders as required; shallrequire such special inspection oF testing as necessary to evaluate conformance of the work with the requirements of the contract documents and the perfor- mance thereunder by the parties thereto; shall interpret and make determinations with regard to the requirements of the Contract Docu- ments; shall make recommendations to the CITY on all claims of Con- tractor relmting to the execution and pr0gress of the work; and shall assist the CITY' inobtaining data and information from the Contractor as required in theJconstruc~ion contract documents. Questions generated d~ring .cons~ructio~ that., in Cheqpinion of the CM, may impact the treatment process or~that-~may make changes in other significant project areas, will,be directed bylthe CM to the CITY. The CM shall: recommend construction change order~ to the CITY, shall review requests.for changeord~rs, shatl~asslst in negotiating Con- tractors~' proposals, shall,submit recommendations to the CITY and if they are aecepted, iprepare change Orders for the CITY's author- ization. The CM shall maintain st the Project sites, on a current basis: a record copy of all Contracts, Drawings, Specifications, Addenda, Change Orders and other Modifications, in goodorder and marked to record significant changes; Shop Drawings; Product Data; Samples; submittals; maintenance and operating manuals and instruction; other related documents and revisions which arise out of the Contract or Work. 2.13 The GM shall in each month during the construction phase make an estimate in writing of the total amount and value of the construction work done by each Contractor ~o the first of the month. Each estimate shall also include~ a calculation of the percent of construction completion for the entire project, based on the value of the work done. Such estimates shall bebased upon~the CM's observations and inspections of the construction work performed as a professional experienced and qualified in construction management, and upon the CM's review of the Contractors' applications for progress payments and the supporting data submitted therewith. Such estimate shall con- stitute the CM's professional recommendation with regard to payment and shall constitute a representation to the CITY, based on such observations, inspections, and review, that the work has progressed to the point indicated and that, to the best of the CMOs knowledge, information and belief, the quality of work is in accordance with the Contract Documents (subjeht to an evalua~ioh of the~work as a functio- ning Projec5 upon Substantial Completion, ~0 the results o~ any subsequent tests called-for inthe Contract documengs, andre any qualification stated in the-recommendation), he CM Shall submit each such estimate in writing not later than the~ 10th day of each month. 2.13.1 By recommending any payment, CM will not be deemed to have represented that it has: made any examination ~o determine.howo~ for ~hat pur- poses any Contractor has ~sed the~moneys pa~d on ~ccount of the ContractP~ice, or that citle of ~any of the Contractor,s) work, materials, or equipment has passe~ to,CitY Mree and clear o~ any lien, claims, security interests, orencumbrar~es. 2.14 The CM shalt conduct an inspectiom with the CITY to,determine if each Contractor is substantiallycomplete and a final inspection with the CITY to determine.i.f the Contract has been fully completed zn accor- danne with :the Contract Documents~ If the Contractorhas fulfilled alliof~its obligations therennder~he~CM shall recommend, ~n writing, fin~t approval of the ~o~k.b~ th~!CITY. As used herein, t~e term "SubstRntially Completed" ShAll melan the .completion of alll work required by the ¢ontract dpcument$ wSth ths exception of p~nch list or minor ~items so' that t~e~CITY can hav~ the beneficial operation and ~se of~ the faCilitieS with m~nlmal ~nterfe~ence~ fmom the CDntractor. As used herein-the term"Fu!!y Camp!eted" shall mean the ~ompletzon of all~ the work including pu~ch l%st or mznor ztems, ~n s~bstantzal complimnce with the Contract Documents. 2.15 At the close ~f the~,Constructio~ Phase, the CM shall deliver to the CITY all records and d~eumen~s which, it is required to keep and maintaih pursuant tO t~is AGREEMENT., The GM shall alsopmepare a set of reproducible RecordiDrawingS showing those changesmad~ during the ~=~,~¥~ ~ .... ~ gA~m~ O~ ma~ke~-uD erints, drawings,i and other data ~enerate~ by ~he CM or furnished to the CM by the Contractor or the CITY and which the CMand the CITY consider significant. 2.16 The CM shall be responsible for assisting in obtaining the Permit Construct and Permit to Operate the West Water Treatment Plant. 2.17 2.18 2.18.1 2.19 The CM shall prepare an opera-riot and maintenance (O&M) manual that is in a format that will assist the operator in performing the day-no- day plant operations and maintenance functions Assistance in development of the O&M manual will be provided by the CITY. An outline of the O&M manual will be submitted by the CM.to the CITY for review. Following CITY review of the outline, a preliminary copy of the O&M manual will be submitted for CITY review. Prior no submittal of the final 0&M manual, the CM will conduct a review i~ Boynton Beach of the completed document Fifteen copies of the final O&M manual will then be submitted. The CM will develop and conduct an operator training program that is tailored to the personnel assigned to the operation and maintenance functions of the water treatment plant. The scope of this training program may be adjusted after personnel have been assigned and equipment vendors known. At a minimum, this training will include classroom as well as in- plant, hands-on training of operators Training will be provided for all operating equipment with special consideration to the membrane process equipmenn. Classroom training is estimated at three 16-hour sessions. In-plant training is estimated at three 24-hour sessions. As a subcontractor to the CM, Ian Watson, Rostek shall provide the following services: (a) Assist in DER construction permit, technical support during the bidding phase, evaluation of proof/pilot testing, and shop drawing review, limited to the process system, and geared toward insuring compliancewith the quality standards of the specifications, the functionality of the equipment, and .the operability of the completed facility. This will not include verification of construction dimensions, except within the process, as submitted on shop drawings. (b) Make site visits once per month, 2 days per visit, to monitor and inspect the progress of the work. These visits will include a meeting with the CITY Utility Staff, and schedule discussion with the Contractor. Each visit will result in a letter-type report containing key points of the inspection, and minutes of any meetings. It is assumed that the installation of the membrane process equipment will span-5 months. Assist in preparation of training program (c) Assist in preparation for srartup, spending 5 days at the site, with the Process Contractor Assist and participate in pre~ suarnup checkout, including review of control logic se~ points, time delays, switch settings, etc. This activity will also include the developmenn of the acceptance test protocol. A written protocol will be prepared and submitted at the conclusion of this task. (d) Monitor and repor: on 7-day continuous acceptance test. Keep independent tog of acceptance test. Ag the conclusion of the tes~, prepare DER certification, prepare a test report, summariz- ing the progress of the test, and prese~ting key. operaqing parameters. Monitor training p~ogram~ and report on its effec- tiveness and thoroughness. (e) Keepno~tes on pro~ess constr~ct~pn.and~install~tion deficiencies that may be. handled, as "punch list''~ items. ~ovide a list of such items, ~ubseq~en~ to installation but prior :~0 sta~tup. Supple- me~t. as necessary with additional items appearing as a result of operations. 3.1 3.1.1 3.1.2 3.1.3 3.1.4 3.1.5 3.1.6 3.2 3.2.1 3.2.2 3.2.3 ADDITIONAL SERVICES If authorized in writing by CITY, GM shall furnish or obtain from others, Additional Services of the following hypes which are not included as Basic Services in Exhibit A. to be paid for by the CITY as indicated in Exhibit B~ Services resulting from signifieant.changes in general s~ope of the Project or its design including, but not limited to, changes in size, complexity, CITY's schedule: character of construction or a method of financing; and revising previously accepted ~tudies, repor~s, design documents or Con=rac~ Documents when such revisions are due to cause or reasons beyond the CM's control. Investigations involving detailed consideration of operations, mainte- nance, and overhead expense.s; and the preparation of rate schedules, earni~gs and expense statements, feasibility studies, appraisals and evaluations: detailed quantity surveys of materials equipment and labor; and audits or inventories required in connection wi~h consrruc- tien performed by the CITY. Additional or extended services during construction madenecessary by default of the Contractor. Services after completion of the Construction Phase and the first year operation period, such as inspections during any guarantee period and reporting observed discrepancies under guarantees called for in any contract for the Project. PreParing to serve or serving as a consultant or witness for the CITY in any litigation, public hearing, or other legal or administrative proceeding involving the Project. Service of subconsultant to perform material testing service or other similar services. The cITY, without invalidating the AGREEMENT~ may make changes in the Services specified in the standard Scope of Services of this AGREE- MENT. The CITY, without invalidating this AGREEMENT, may also make changes to the Project which result in changes to the Construction Management Services to be provided by the CM and to the duration of such services. No such change shall be valid unless it is first authorized by the CITY in writing and accepted to by the GM which acceptance shall non be unreasonably withheld. The CM 'shall notify the CITY of all changes which increase the CM's cost or the duration of the CM's services, or both~ A written request for additional compensation shall be given by the CM to the CITY within thirty (30) days of the CM having knowledge of the event giving rise to such request. Changes which result in an increase in compensation to the CM or the duration of Cm's services, or both, shall be made by a written Amend- ment to the AGREEMENT executed by the CITY and the CM~ The Amendment will be executed prior to the performance of additional or extended services by the CM. The CM shall proceed to perform such additional or extended services only after written notice directing the CM to proceed, and additional compensation shall be as provided in Exhibit B. F.Y~'r B ~ T B CO~ST~OCTIO~ M~,~AGER~S COM~E~SATTO~ 1.1 1.1.1 1.1.2 Compensation for,Basic ServiCes The CITY will compensate the CM in accordance with the terms: ~nd conditions of this AGREEMENT as follows: For the Basic,Services provided by the OM as set out in Exhibit A, the CM shall be paid as Tonal Basic Compensation, the Lump Sum of S983,3- The CM's lump sum fee shall be earned and paid in accordance with the following: At the completion of: The following lump sum will be invoiced: Obtaining Permit to Construct and Permit to Operate $ 11,090 Award General Construction Contract 28,990 Mobilization of Construction Management Team On Site 13,020 Operation and Maintenance Manuals 56,830 Record Drawing Review 19,420 Operator Training 43,300 Contract Closeout 13,560 Construction Management Field Time and Expenses, Office Support, Shop Drawing Review Month 1 25,600 Month 2 25,600 Month 3 48 370 Month 4 48 370 Month 5 35 680 Month 6 ~ 35 680 Month 7 42 150 Month 8 42 150 Month 9 42,150 Month 10 42,150 Month 11 42,150 Month 12 42,150 Month 13 42,150 Month 14 53,880 Month 15 64,300 Month 16 64,300 Month 17 56,490 Month 18 43,800 $983,330 1.2 Compensation for Additional Services The CITY shall pay CM for Additional Services not onherwise provided for in this AGREEMENT through a negotiated fee or on ghe basis of CM's then current hourly fees in effect an the time service i~ provided plus reimbursable expenses Per diem expenses will be paid in accordance with City of Boyn~on Beach policy. Compensation for additional s~rvices shall be~earned as additional services are · rendered gna as related.relmbur~ableexpenses are incurred, and shall be-~separately calculated and Billed on the CM's monthly statemenns. . EXHIBIT C RELATIONSHIP OF THE PARTIES 1.1 1.2 1.3 2.3.1 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 CITY and Design Professional The CITYentered into a separate AGREEMENT with CMRM Hilt, as its Design Professional, to provide archit~eturaLand engineering design for the Project. The CITY may, howeve~ authorize~the CM to provide design or engineering services as Additional Services. In such instances, the CM shall assume the duties and obligations of a Design Professional with respect to such worK, and shall incur professional responsibility with respecn thereto, ~or its services. CITY and Construction Contractor The CITY will enter into a separate AGREEMENT with other companies for the consnruction of the Project. The term Contractor as used her-~in will refer to them and their subcontractors, and the term Construction Contract refers to said AGREEMENT with those contractors Company and the CITY. Relationship of the CM to Other Project Participants In providing Construction Management Services described in this AGREE- MENT, the CM shall use its best efforts to maintain a good working relationship with the Contractor and Design Professional on behalf of the CITY. However, nothing in this AGREEMENT shall be construed to mean that the CM assumes any of the contractual responsibilities or duties of the Contractor or Design Professional. The Contractors are solely responsible for construction means, methods, sequencing and procedures used in the construction of the Project and for the safety of personnel and its operations. The Design Professional is solely responsible for the Project design and shall perform in accordance with the Design Professional's AGREEMENT with the CITY. CITY'S RESPONSIBILITIES The CITY will provide to the CM full information regarding the CITY's requirements for the Project. The CITY will examine information submitted by the CM and shall render decisions pertaining thereto promptly. The CITY will furnish legal, accounting, and insurance counseling services as may be necessary for the Project The CITY shall provide or cause to provide by the Contractor, a 720 square foot field office, complete with furniture and utilities for the duration of the projecn. If the CITY observes or otherwise becomes aware of any fault or defect in the Project or nonconformity with the Contract Documents, prompt written notice thereof shall be given to the CM. 2.6 2.7 2.8 2.9 %he CITY will furnish requir.ed information~and approvals and perform its responsibilities and activities in a timely manner~to facilitate orderly progr.ess of work in cooperation with the GM censistent with this AGREEMENT and in-~ccordance with 'the planning and scheduling requiremenns and budgetary restraints of the Project as determined by the CM and C~TY. At the~request of the ca, sufficient copies of the Contract Documents will be furnished by the CITY aC' its expense. The CITY will send, and shall require the Design Professional to send copies of all notices and communications sent go or received by the CITY or the Design Professional relating to the Project to the CM. During the Construction Phase of the Projeat, the CITY will require that the Contractor submit all nogicesand communication relating to the Project directly to the The CITY will.designate an employee to :ac~ in the CITY's behalf with respect to the Project and property of the CITY~ This representative wilI have the authority to approye necessary project ,change or work orders and Witl-be available duringI working ho~rs as o~ften as may be required to render decisions and furnish information in a timely manner. 3.1 3.2 3.3 ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS All documents includ%ng Drawings and Specificatio~sfurnished by the CM pursuant to this AGREEMENT are instruments of its services in respect~ of the Project. They are nog intended or presented go be suitable for reuse by the CITY or others on extensions of the Project or on any othe~Project. Any reuse without specific wrintsn verifi- cation ~r adaptionb~ the CM will be at the CITY's expense and without liability or legal exposure to the ca, and the CITY shall indemnify and hold harmless ~he CM from.all claims, damages, losses, and ex- penses including a~tqrney's fees mrising out of or resulting there- from. A~¥ suchllverification or adaptation will entitle the CM to further compensation~iat~ rates to be agreed upon by the CITY and the CM. Since CM has no control over the cost of labor, materials,-or equip- ment, or over Contractor(s)' methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market conditions, his estimates of Project Cost and Constructipn Cost provided for herein are go be made on the basis of his experience and qualifications and represent his best judgment as a professional experiencedand qualified in project managemenn and familiar with the construction industry, but CM cannot and does not guarantee that proposals, bids, or the acnual Project and Constructien Cost will not vary from esnimates of cost prepared by him. Capital equipmen~ purchased with funds from this AGREEMENT and used exclusively on this project shall become the property of the CITY at the conclusion of the Work. 3.5 3.5.1 3.5.2 3.5.3 The nature of membrane softening projects is that the~Engineer does not know the details of the membrane package to be supplied by the Gontractor until after bids are received. Because of th~s, the final detailed design o~f the prodess, as well as the assoc'iate~ controls, is completed by,the membrane, and process/instrumentation~and controls (PICS) subcontractor. The detailed design must fit into the overall design concept of the projec~ to avoid significant changes and resulting costs. The Construction Manager is required to verify that the subcontracgers are following the or~ginalLdesign concept, which was developed and documented. Suspension The CITY,imay order the GM in. writing to suspend, delay, or interrupt all or'any part~ of the Construction Management Services for the Project for the convenience of the'CITY, or for Work stoppage beyond the control of the CITY or the CM. In the event Construction Manage- men~ Sgrvices for the~Project~are'suspended or,otherwise delayed, the CITY Will reimburse the CM fgr all of..the .costs of its full construc- tion site and assigned project home office staff as provided for by this AGREEMgNT ~ forit~e first'thirty (30)~aYs of such delay. The CM shall~reduce~th~, size. of s~h~!staff for the-.remainder of the delay period as directed by the CITY; and, during such period, the CITY shall reimburse the CM for all of the costs of its reduced staff. Upon cessation of the delay, the CM shall restore the construction site and home office staff td its ~orm~ sizek ~ Persons assigned to another project during such ~p~riod and no~ available to return to the Projec~ upon c&ssation of ~Cbe~delay shatl~be replaced by ~wip~rsons. If~tha performance Of all or any. part-oflt~e Services for the Project is~ susp~hde~,delayed, or~ interrupted bey6nd ~0 days~ an upward adjUStment in, the CMOs Co~p~ngBtio~ ~hall~he made for ~he increase, in any;~in thei Coslt ~f the~cM~- pe~fo~mance ~f the AGREFR~'ENT caused by such suspension d~tay, 0fl. iB~e~ruptiog, and. this AGREEMENT shall be modified in~writingaccor~ingly. If~'the Project is =esumed after~,being suspended for more than six (6) months the CM shatI have. the option of requiring that its compensa- tion, including rates or fees or both, be renegotiated. Subjecn to the provisions of the AGREEMENT relating to termination, a delay or suspension~of the Proje¢~ does not terminate or void~ this A~REEMENT. EXHIBIT D The esnimated amount for hourly portion of the contract is based on the following manloading projections: Resident Construction Manager Construction InspecTor Rostek Services Draft Person Start-Up Assistance Mechanical Electrical Instramentation Secretary/Clerk 1991 1992 1992 Months J JAS ONDJ FMAMJ JA S ON 18 14 12 m 1 ~"~ 2 ~ 2 18