90-RRRRRR RESOLUTION NO. 90- ~f~ / A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COM34ISSION 0r THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDa, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MA~OR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN ~ RATIFICATION OF SOUTH CENTRAL REGIONAL ~ WASTERWATER TREATMENT AND DISPOSAL BOARD ACTION OF SEPTEMBER 13, 19~0; A COPY OF SAID RATIFICATION / BEING ~ ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "~'~ AND ~PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE- / '  R~As, the South Central legional Wast~water ! Treatment an~ Disposal Board did on/September 13, 1990, approve an am~ded Operating Budge~ for the Fiscal Year in the mount and City of Boynton Bea~; / NOW, T~EREFORE, ~E IT RE,sOLVED b~ the City Commission of the City of Boynton~each~FiOrid~, that: Section 1. The ~a~r ~nd city Clerk are hereby authorized and directed ~ ~cute a certain Ratification of South Central Regiona/f ..~tewater Treatment and Disposal Board Action of Septe,~/~r ~13,1990, a copy of which is attached hereto as Ex~it "~ Section 2. ~.~i s Reso~tion shall take effect im~ddiately upon ~'~sage. \ ~ PA~SED AND~.~PTE~ this ~day of October, 1990. ! / ATTE ST: City Clerk CITY O~BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA Mayor Vice Mayor Commissioner Commissioner Commissioner (Corporate Seal)