90-MMMMMRESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN MUNICIPAL RECYCLING PROGRAM GRANT APPLICATION; A COPY OF SAID APPLICATION BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Boynton Beach has long ~ecycling as an environmentally and mlternative waste disposal practice; ~f supported energy-conscious NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, that: Section 1. The City Commission of the City of hereby authorizes the Mayor and City Clerk to Grant Boynton Beach, execute a certain Municipal Recycling Program Application, which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect _mmediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~/ August, 1990. BEACH, FLORIDA day of / CITY %TTEST: [i~ Clerk (Corporate Seal) M/yor V~e Mayor Commissioner Commissioner CITY OF BOYXTON BEACtI Reeve!ins Program Grant Application {3rd '-,;,l~az ''~, ~Ii PROGR_~ ~0 ~ ~ ?!unicipal Recycling Pro,ram City uf Bo]neon Beach/Solid Nesne Creig Grabeel. Director of Ha~tegemenr 5e£-cices City o~ Boynton Beech !00 E. Bo~n£on Beech Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Bo~'nton BeechA FI J342~ 03t,~ (407) 738-7470 (S~] c-~v0_l~v,~ Alternate) Robert Eichorst, Director o~ Public Vorks ozu} of Bcynnon Bead- =~ N.E, 9th Ave. P.O Box Boynton Beach FL 3~°4.23-0.- R (407) 738-7424 fSi:N) a=n>.~,_~2~, The City of Bo}~ton Eeac:h has io~g supported recycling. , as rln 2oatinue ils recycling efforts Ln .~ccordgnc. e with Eke policies fiscal.year phasing plan wa~ edopted in the 2nd fea~ grailL ap~lLc;t~ion described he]_ow ia S,=ctio:~ l'. This plan addresses [he year-~'ousd popuiauior of :.Jarlx 53,002. will be the resoons[Liliuv San ~ is t_io,t Dit-i ~io~ ,f the C V. Ope~a~o~ ~'ate~v (Continued) Se~"vi~'~s De[,arc~en~ (office ~ecycling) and other departments a-~ a~pli, cable. Phase I {FY 89-~0) - Ass~e r~sponsibility of e~iistins SWA ~l'uz'osJ.~[e oilot expa~ as resources permit. Phase it (by ~Y 90-91) [ Expand curlside ~,~.og~n ~o approxlmatel~ 50% coverage of abe Czar. s households. Phase iii (by FY 93-94) - Complete progran co~era=~ for 100% Yo accommodate Phase z of the program, the City purchased a S75,000 speczaltM Ye~.~ele which we~n in~o ~peration in April 1990. servicing the pre-existing recycling ' ~,' - S'WA curbside p~mot~ TM prograa established in ~oc_omer.~ ' 1988. two additional routes of approximately one thousand homes each were ~stablished in August. 1990. A f,~rth reune i~ plazm~ed for September t990. bringing "-+a.o~al' coverage to ox-er 15%. e%timatad no oe a ~ota! of tht'ee trucks plus ~ufficient recycling :o~tai~e~a ~commodate~ addit ,~ io~a.[ rotates. Staffiag seeds will be detei'mined acc_~ding 'co budgetary .~'~.d other constraians, uui!izL~g the Sanitation Divisio~'s recenn expe~ienca wivh terracing the recycling functions intp its otl~er garbage and trash collection ~era~ions~ A m~im~a of one additional ~quipmen~ operauo~- will be uaqui~ed x~hic!e as is no~ the case. doe ro singie-o~euator capabiiit~-. Per~o~nel ~ ~. EDUCAII0)<AL the City' ~TM~~c~'' Iaformat~on Officer '~ ~' PI~ ~ Publi~~o~.s Director. ~da~!a~eme~n {~quired will aontinu~ ~o a~iiize the .~ervic~ and promomiona~ ut aria]~ prov_ded }nzclpal Recycling Pr~sgratn Grant Applical:iom (Continued ~ ~iI Mate cia!s ~ ~ ~. ~.ecc~e~ Estimates An~ Dispos~.tion (Continned} 800 pounds per home per year throughout the program~ nhe ~esul~:s ~' .... ~-- · Phase- I (chro,~gh FY Rq-gP~ '~ ,gan- -- ~ @. !000-2000 homes = 800,000 - ~,oo~,,~tu~'~ ~,n~ pounds Phasers, ~Il (by FY 90-91) @ approximate].v_ i0,000 homes or=~o~ ~'' coverage, = ~.0oo~u00 pounds, or 4.000 nons per Fear Phase ii! (by FY 93-94) @ approxilastely 25,000 homes (projected) = 20,000,000 pounds, or !0,000 tons per year Pisposinion of the above materials will continue no be solely a~ the Solid l{aste ~ ~s ~nd Lantana Road Recyc/ab!es will continue to be collected az the C~uv's'' Recycling Center ~nd ~=1~< ' oe disposed of b7 the ~i~v's~ connracn ~perator_ 'aiumimm]) m~d~, tile Solid ~aste Authority ~newsp.M.~}.' Although [he program has non }eh begun and recovery estima[es are n3r >-e~ av~itab!e ore, ce paper - '" be Beach County Office Paper Recy ling cc~naracn, already approved 8y tko C~t~ ,,,m zssion. ~iIi PROJECT A. CAPITAL YEAR 8u-90 aO-91 91-92 ~1 Faci!inies 0 ~ 0 0 ~qn~pmen~-~eh~cies 75,867 78,000 80.000 Containers ~.338 ~5,000 ~,C0o~ " 24,000~ 3. Prc. jac~ ?J. annzngiStudies 0 0 j 0 TOT~T CAZiTAJ ~=~ ~93,00 ~' " .,Ur ~.000 o. ~,~m,A ..... COST YEAR F i:,.~-d 8~. erhead Ya:iable ~-o eo----'- 3. tla%2t~' $/P~'oc'essin,, ]za, s. 0 4, i d~ca t ionai ;; 0 [OTAL CA! iTAL ASZL ...... -mF~AI~.-r'~ t,-' ,UvO S5l,t~d .... So0,300 f, 8/ $91,80,5_ $]44,100 $]80,300~ $111,60q ..... =~o~un Bugle? {C~mtinued): appro_ximatel? 525.000 each ~inclusive '~f frN~ee benefits $ 30% of base Vehicle Service Fund a division ~dministered by the Public WE,ks Depar7menn an approximately S4200 per vel~i~!e per year. Expenses were calculated based on the firs~ vehicle/uperanor on-line for six moqth5 of FY 89-90. the second on-!n~e f~u nice montes of NY 90-91 and the nhisd on-line for nine months of FY 91-92. · ~. :-~EL~TED 0RD._rNANCES OR ~ONTPd£~S. N/A ,. ~AL[ A,. tVE PROGRA~.f: Xi. CONCLUSION: AS has be~n demonstt-anea, /he CLny has worked closeN ~-i!H~ the ?.WA ~ pu?suz~ of req~cs~ i~ ~lere y snb!;~ith:-d rot 531{.002. This ~.~u~_e i~. bas .... APPENDIX CIIY OF r~OYNTON R~C~ £,LI.N ~ .{arch 198_ Hay 1986 Sept. 1985 Con. 1988 Feb. 1989 Hay = ~89 5ep~ 1989 ~aa. 7990 .lune 1990 i,.~v 199{ 1990 City Recycling Center established Collecnion of ALUHINi}[ ~_ans'e . scrap and cast) added to Recycling Center. Recyciin~ Cen~er zeceived ~ ~ s Energy Award for with Solid ~' ~aot~ Authority (.~E~PAP~R . ~-Lun~_~I :~ ~:~ ~ PLASTIC AND (;LASS;. me,_etYed ~o,;o0 A¥~a['d rio!Il Florida DeuarEl/le~ of v-- Regulation ~ ' ba i g Wasne Hanagement Act o[ 1988. Hanagemenn Grant App.iicatio~ with Solid [{aste AulhorL5--. Solid w - Received notification of .'' , ,.,= ~ o a~zoca~on ~ ~E~ P.e-'.ye!inge~a;:~-- ..... Pr(gram fu~tds in. amounn of S52.000: applied ~oward co~t of recycling 'ehicte. oyez- oper. ~zon of _'urbside pilot isragran from. SokL3 Vaste A~tho 12is.].emenE? i .~ulti-tam[i? ,- ~ ~ - m.,~ :l.d_,J Curbside Reeyc:.].hl(f PloRLam lo TWO ntdAtio!!a~,. ~ENDT_~ A Recycling Page Two iontinued PLANNED: By Oct 1990 - (Phase I) By Oct. lqfi - (Phase ~-'za., By Oct 199a - ?base !l!) Expand Cuzbside Program ~o include a fourth single-family neighborhood roune. 2. Add iedger/compuner paper to Office Recycling Pro;~r;~: also recycm~ discarded books ~rom City library. 3. Expand mu!ti-f~ily~condo pilot program to include additional developments 4. Add drop-off connaine~- a~ City Recycling Cen~er collection o~ telephone books for ~ec}c!~ng ~y Solid ,~aste Author i !. Continue expansion of curhside and mut2i-fa~ai!y~co~,io programs no cover 50% of the City's 22,000 plus households. 2. Evaluane feasibi!il~y }t implementin~{ Commercial Recycling Program in cooperation with Solid Waste Authority~ the Gre~e~ ~oynnon Beach Chambe,~ of Continu~ to expand/develop all appropriate recycih~g programs Cit}-wide conslsnenn with existing s~ar~ iegislatic, n, inne~iocal agreemenns .~nd City Comprehensive Plaa policies,, in order n~ achieve the sEa.ed goal of 30% reduction .f the City's Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: ATTEST: (~Cg~rDora~e.~_~ Seal ) kppr~ed as to form: CITY OF ~ Y/NT~N~EACH //Gene Moore, Mayor /