90-LLLLLRESOLUTION NO. 90-LLLLL A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, AUTHORIZING AND DIRECTING THE MAYOR AND CITY CLERK TO EXECUTE A CERTAIN CUSTOMER SUPPORT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA AND ROLM COMPANY~ A COPY OF SAID AGREEMENT AGREEMENT BEING ATTACHED HERETO AS EXHIBIT "A"; PROUIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE; AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the City Commission f the City of Boynton Beach, Florida, that: Section 1. The Mayor and City Clerk are hereby ~uthorized and directed to execute a certain Customer ~upport Maintenance agreement between the City of Boynton leach and ROLM Company. Section 2. This Resolution shall take effect Lmmediately upon passage. PASSED AND ADOPTED this ~/ day of August, 1990. CITY O BEACH, FLORIDA ~TTEST: (Corp-orate Seal ) Mayor Commissioner ~-/Co~m~ss i~ne~r ~mmzssioner MANAGEMENT SERVICES DEPARTMENT Memorandum No. 90-189 TO: THRU: FROM: RE: DATE: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney Hugh M/Caffrey, Communications Manager Telephone System - Maintenance service Agreement August 15, 1990 Attached please find a ROLM Company Customer Support Maintenance Agreement. Two plans are offered: The Base P/an is $1,862.00 per month. Under this agreement maintenance services are provided Monday through Friday, 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Features ~nclude: so One-hour remoue response for major corrective maintenance. Four-hour on site response for major corrective maintenance. Twenty-four hour on site response for minor corrective maintenance. d. Preventative maintenance. e. Service labor, parts and mauerials. f. Remoue polling. g. Remote diagnostics. h. Remote repair. i. Automatic dispatch of technicians. Installation of engineering ~mprovements/ modifications. k. Network services management. TO: J. Scott Miller, City Manager James Cherof, City Attorney August 15, 1990 Page 2 The base plan is $2,112.00 per month. A credit of $321.00 per month is available for customer station equipment management. This involves mailing in defective or non-operating digital equipment (i.e. Rolm phones) for repair and inhouse responsibility for analog equipment (i.e. flash phones). This can be accomplished by stocking a limited n~mber of each type. believe that the monthly savings more thanoffset the cost of inventory, with the customer station equipment management credit, the base plan is reduced to $L,862.00 per month ($5,586 per quarter, $22,342 per year). I The second plan is termed "85-E". The base price is the same as is the customer station equipment management credit. The difference is extended coverage (24 ho~rs per day, 7 days per week) for major corrective maintenance at $:179.00 per month. This is a con~ehience, but is also available on a time and materials basiis if necessary. Three major problems in a year could eat the ~150 cost of extended coverage, hOWever under current budge ~ this can be Viewed as a luxury. I recommend that the City enter into a customer support maintenance agreement with Rolm under the "Base Plan" at $1,862.00 per month to include credit for "customer participation station management". Further, if necessary, I request that a commission resolution be prepared and the item placed on the commission agenda au earliest convenience. HM/jb Attachments Hu~Caffrey Communications Manager ROLM Company C~r Name and Address: Ct%y of' DOynton Bee. ch · CuStomer $uppOrt Maintenance Agreement Norwalk, Connecticut · ROLM Branch Oflice Ac~resa: . "-,Agreement No.: 6600 ~o. J~tt-ew~ 'Ave. RO~ Br~ , ~ . " ~, ~ude~e,. ~ ~r No.: ~28~ .... " : E~i~ Date: ROLM Compan~ (ROLM®) and the Customer (you) agre~ that ROLM will provide maintenance eervJces, mibject to the following terms and conditions, for the equipment and Software (System) set forth in an Atlachment to the attached Supplement to Customer Sr~e~ipo~ .M,~?e.nan? Agr..eem. e. nt for. S~_ lectian of Ma_in_!e.n. ance ,ia.ns nd..Optlons (Supplement). Such System is located at your I. SERVICE COMMI'IMENT .... · ..... ' cant r~ued dura ..... me '- ' .rian am~ any~.,puont$j you ~lect. HOLM Will spectly etJ~ ~- rates lot the:eervices ~edd~in. ~;.,. ~,,.e ,.~l iectl~ in the Su emerd. A de·or t . . ~ p o. of t~ ! _e~. ca? ~ ~nstruct ROt.~ r~t tocentinue be cover · ' ~/I ~?[ ~ R_OLM,~er .eaCh available Plan find Oprien la let ~ System Win be reYJ~wed ~.i'~od'l~allvY~ f~r mr·. m the t:xh*blt applicable to th· System entitled lesions, changes ··dior recom'i urat' tons_ ' .............. Descri ion of Maintain . .. . g ' . Appropriate adjust- . .~ pt anco Plans .and Opt ens Such Exh bit manta to Maintenance Ch·met__ will' be ............... made effec~ ve ~ th,, ta ~[~enced i.,: ~.nd ~tt~ t,x t~. s~,~ement.. _nex. t.bmi,g dale. Adjust·ants to Maintena,~e Ch~ges specS- _ . ; .~l~st service· nereum2~ er tmless, you au·arian, only eel'-, gate for a~Jiriona., delnt arm chan~es__ and/of recofl§guria arians lain m your employees to request such serwcas You may do to the System deft Ils Wan'an Period · O by ndicatmg the names of your authorized employees in the Any snore·se in ma nt~-~v~ ,-.,o..,, ii ..,., ~.....--,-.-., ~upplement i -- _~ ...................... i,.~ .,ur. ~, ,, * ngtheTermoftbiaA eeme~t ROLMwitl · ' * g[ · noUfy in wntm With. res~.t to I~clucts c~vered by th a A0reement wh Ch of any che es in the maintenance tea cod to 't~Youl~rr,~ ~ not m~mactus:e.d by ROLM Systems, response limes end ~cend~tJons of this Agreement et least three months befOre the ~.CtS~o'.'~,~.?~..m._e._nts?onlamed. m ~h:.s Agreement are iexpiratien of the existing Term. However. Per Visit Plan hOUrly ..a~ ~,,e~[ ? me ev?,amltty at parts ann techmcal support ~ .rates and terms and c~:~Jitions are subject to cha~ge vitho~ TERMS d in the Attachment to Period which ends after the the Term of this Agree- product win be invoiced be made , activities hereunder, exclusive of off-site during will be ~ R~ed tr~lemar~ of ROLM Systems . All ~ture additions to the System performed by ROLM dur- mg t.he Term of thia A.~esment will be r, ubject to the. charges and termll~d ~tio~l of the Plan and any Opt one theft in ~effect Under this Agreement._ t maintenance the Ptan ~yr~ d Term. 3~ TERM .OF AGREEMERT ~T~hle Term of ~hi$ Agreement,la ene year commencing on the .Et active: Date Unless such, Date is w thin the Warranty Period Of Ihe System.' in anch c°se~ the Term of the Agreement is the PAGES 2, AND:3 ARE ALSO PART OF THIS AGREEMENT. The parties acknowledge that they have mad this Agreement eU~dtle~re~taa~aarde;it_~_n_d,a,.g?, · to_be.~b_nund..by its .tar. ma and c. eaditione. Further. they agree that the eompiete and *xc usivs statement ~?..'~ .' v--,~.-.,-,K L,e~ween me part, tel rte·ting tn this lubject shall consist o! 1) thia Agreement, itl Supp ement~ including Auacnment~thereto, and attached Exhibit ea~ 2) other · c~ble ROLM A r · , ~ , = PP g eemlnt$. Amendmentl, Addenda, Schedules. ~_b'~uPp~e~ents`,.A. ttlic,h.ments a~d Exhibits, inclu~g ~hose elfective lfl the future. This statement ofths agreement supersedes a propomlm or other prior agra·anti, otll er ?i'~ittln%lod III other communications betweep_.the pattie· rtl·ting to this subject. (ry~l tw Print) [~ate /~.~/~HIm~ (Ty~ o~ Print} Date - ~ne%otred term of the Warranty Period of the switching portion ' of tl~ ~velem Thi· Agreement will be renewed automatically .' e-ye terms . oss elt r p rty es th.e other party v~tten noUee of termi.·,on. Such ~.~-~be effective m Ih· expiration Ol the.~.? _cu?ent Term. ~ may:giVe ROLM written notice of termmatm~ at any time before - the Effective Dale ~f a renewal Term. ROLM will give ~ ~ , · lea~t three ruths itotice ti ROLM eles~s not tooffer a renewal _ Term. If YO~ have selL. clod the Per Visit Plan. thl· Agreement will ~ ,to be, in wilect until ~ther p·rty give· the Other pm'ly written Inotice of tevTnination. 4. cUSTOMER RESPORSIBILI'[IES Yo~ Igree to provide ROLM with full, free and ve~. to, Ihe Premise· and System in connectio~ with ROLM.$ per* form·nc· of Its obi·gaaS°n· hereunder. You !1.17 ~grse tO ainu·sly ~ e suitable environment I· ROLM lxescribos ;or the system. 5. COHDFIIOHS FOR SERVICE ~epresent that~ except ec prey·gu·fy - · You i disclosed lo ROLM in twi .' ere a are of asb t the ces. FUrther, you ~ee to notify R_.OLM_pr~, tly i? .wr~.~,r~_ ~rYe~ become twlTe Of lai=estol o~ the t'remtses wrote tm· merit is in effect. : ': lowi ~. You agree to ~ay tO ROLM, within 30 .d .~/. a lot rig..y~or receipt ~ R~LM I i ,n?, .ice~ for the cost al all measures liven by ~ Or its ·ubcontract~'s to protect the health and safely commitment to comply with adequate ·pace, electrical power, air condiUonmg'and humidity control: b) your failure to Iollow the installation, operation af~d maintenance i~st~ctioos provided by ROLM; ': ¢) ~eglect; misuse, including uae of the System for pur- ~osel other than for which designed: d) · corrosive &tmelphere .h. armfui to al .ec?.n.ic circuitry; e) accident; ~sa·ler, includmg water, wad, hghtm.ng and ~thquake, unusual electrical ihoc~ transportation; f) vandalism; burglary;, theft; and/or 'g} equipment other then ec~pment ~mder · ROLM war- ratty or under~t ROLM ftial~ten _an~e agreement: 2) any ~rvice$ nec·sa·tared by Pe~:~-nance of repairs, change· modifications, maintenance relocation or instal- latiOf~ i~ (=they then ROLM I~rs°nne er-without ROLM : :3) rea~Tang~ mentor ret·cat·an of th·System or any portion Iher~°l~ al ~ i~oviaion of any r, ecessary materials; and -4) in~ to determine acceptability under this Agreement - Of a~lyr~{ dLJCtS for ~h'maintenance coverage by ROLM has ~n ~for~ ~ fight a ROLM,,rM Date of YOU agree r, ot to adJow, no~ROLM persOn, hal acce.ss .to .t. he hit·real ~n~. aod~_$otiwar.e of the .ay·re .m. mcm. o?ng atatlou ~mq'Utl~t ifil c~ling, tmless~RO_LM provides .written perm aaion. Kyou breach this covertanL ROLM may, at Jla op- wior nd wit..o. .mtttng .ot [ remedies,.~Jlat!eFaJly coflvert the Maintenance Plan then m · fact tO the P~r VIsit Plan. . presence of asbestos ealed condition· may 7. UNCONTROLLABLE CIRCUMSTANCES .., Either ~artv'aDerformance of any part of thi· Agreement wm rOLM providing main- - ~.... . be excUi~'~The ·stent that tt is hindered, delayed or other /,:.~;.-,ditions, Including wicem~deimpractical:byl)-,ctsoromi·sionsofth'eotherpartY niece hereunder or 2) {x your.r~e~,werl~ ·~ ~'vices provider 2) flood, fire. strike or r.!oL ,other thse thatwi'~ere ~' 3) a~Y~thef c ~ose beyood the reaso~a~.e .c?trol of th.at, -- s, ~,,~ded that ROLM party. If:~nx ~suc~ event occurs, the nonpe.ermmg pa..ray wm tore of~Rnyi~ ~&Uch ~ mditio~ and the extent of the d.e y ~. the areas of the Pr·mt·es make re~;~b[e, ioud'falth efforts to resume permrmm~c.e as · acta · lo the same level of aa existed i~ately before ROLM's ~ aa IX~aible. vmric 8. BREACH AND Wi. aey e~re~t., ~ou ret~n the fight to ~ at ?ur t~Vac~ac. e~.-,tlr, e, t~i~itlO~l that ROLM,or any of I.~l ~ ..L tars has deierml~ ~ aff~ t~r ~s ~mm ~O~'~s~ t~ fight to inst~ a t~t~ ~ ~ur ROLM. ~i~ f~ the ~of ~it~ t~ ~at~e of ~r i~t~. You ~;~ ~t ~ t~r ~th s~ ~ter. it. in l~ ~ r~esenl~tives reeson~e i~dgment, the If c~itims Of ~m ~H~. in ~d~l~n. ROLM any ~t ~l ~til. r~V~ by ~ to RO~ s massage leafs a ~S f~ ~ Syst~. if ~;llable, wdl ~ ot to~na~ ~AUL? ~:form any of your of)ligation· u~der this er any other agreement with ROLM relating · red by thta Agreement. and ~ failur~e ~to uncured for ten days after being noti,eO vy ~ in default hereunder. Upon your de;au1? ~n; may sespend services or terminate this ~ actha~ iS brought trader this Agreement or · related to It. ROLM will be entitled to re- attorney·' fees. ially breaches this Agreement end does not ~eilhin ten days after written noti.c.e, you may m~nt. If you prevail in any action brought ne·t, you will be entitled to recover reason- to this Agreement for reasons ether than )reach, you will pay, as · Termination Charge. oYo~ I~·t quarterly invoice for the System. alii pay all Maintenance Charges previously paid. IlotvAthstandlng the above, you may re·meet without such Termination Charge if in an) following ROLM'~: then current Per Msit hourly rates for labor and re- ~:,,~rse.and then ~.n'rent parts and material p,-~c~·: - 1) repair of damage, replacement of parts or increase in m~ntenance service,time caused by -- . e) ~,oui,:faiiore tO cOn[inuaJly .l~'Ovtde ~1 suitable enwr_on- merit ~or thesy·~, a· ~lbed.~ ROLM, inclumng 1)' terminate thi· A~'eement up~t tn· expiration of the then current Term: 2) cease doing business at the Premises: .3) rel.,ocato the ·witching portion of the System to · ge- og~aPh Rares not directly ~erviCed by ROLM; ...... Page 2 of 3 ~,) gO Out of business; · ' ' 5) ~'educo by 50 percent or more the number of employees at the sile served by the System since the Ell·clive Date of the current Term: or 6) o~aSe the business funclion thai the System is ·upporting. ..... 9. INSURANCE For ROLM's protection with respect to liabitily ·rising out of ROLM'· performance hereunder. ROLM will provide ·nd main- ~-. lain insurance of the following lypes and limits of liability. ,) wMch wi,, .pp,y..il persons proyeo~ I~y ROLM and whichw, lll conform to the.atalu- Iory requ;remenl· of each state m which ROLM performs work. ROLM is a qualified Self-Insurer lur Worker's Compensation in certain ·tales. and may be · participant in mandatory Stale funds in certain states. 2) .~Co[npr. e..hens ye General Uabl ii, y. with a ~.o,,bloed single .mit o; llabllity of $ t ,000;00g lot bodily injurY and property damage for each ~ccurreece. 3) , t.om.obiie U·b[[ity, covering all ow, , oun- · a~e .?n~ mr_ed autom~fles of ROLM with · combined mag e #m:t of lfabll!tyof-$;,000~000 for bodily injurY end property damage fo~ each 'acCident. · t0. INDEMNIFICATION ROLM will indemnify and save you harmless from any loss or damage to real property or tangible personal property or from an~ loss or al'image arising fr~m bodily injury, Including death, when such loss or damage ii Caused by th~ negligent : I?ts or om!·slons or :intentional wrongdoing of ROLM'i ~m- p~oyees, subcontractors or agents and arises out of the per- form·nc· of this Agreement, provided that you give ROLM prompt wrltZen notice of any such claim of loss or damage and allow ROLM to control, and fully cooperate with ROLM in, the defense and alt relate~ settlement negotiations. ROLM will indemnify and ·ave you harmless from and again·t any mechanic'· lien or claim of ~uch lien resulting from, ~or in connection with, the Work performed by ROLM or its sub- contra~ctor· under this Agreement. · . .111. UMITATION OF REMEDIES Except for damages covered by Section f0. ROLM's entire ]iabilily and your excfus ye remedy for damages from any cause ~whatr~ever, and regardless of t~e form of action ,rect or. ,or,. '" ,udi"g nag gence, will be I, ~a~ount equal to the tolal amount· u aid ' ~reement. yo p to ROLM under th~s °, "In no event will ROLM be liable for an lost r ' =a-: .... . _ Y p Grits. lost damages, even if ROLM has been advised of the possibility of · uch damages. In addition, ROLM will not be liable Ior any damages claimed by you based on any third party claim except a· provided in Section l0 ROLM is not liable fur any damage to non-ROLM st.~ppl ed products connected to your System unless such damage is caused directly by ROLM's negligence. 12. DISCLAIMER OF WARRANTIES TI'IlS IS A SERVICE A~REEMENT. TNERE ARE NO ROLM WARRANTIES, EXPRESS, sTATUTORY OR IMPLIED INCLUD; ING,-BUT NOT LIMITED TO, TRE IMPLIED WARRANT ES OF MERCHANTABILITy AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PUR- POSE. 13. GENERAL ROLM may provide:servicee described in the Agreement by using ROLM-selected independent contractors. However. such subcontracting will not relieve ROLM of its obligations under this Agreement. Otherwise neither party may ass gn its rights nor d~egate its obligations under this Agreement without the prior conSent of the other. Such consent will not bew thheld unreasonably. However, either party may make such assign- meat ur delegation to its parent corporation, subsidiaries, or affiliates. This Agreement c. an only bemod fled by · written agree- meat, referencing this Agreement. duly ·igned by persons au- thorized io sign agreeme~lts on behalf of'you,·nd of ROLM. Any grime 1[ In ·ay present or future erper or other written no- title,aliGn from you will be of no effect unless agreed to in writing · tgned by an authorized representative of ROLM ROLI~i is not responsible fo ov de an ' for '~- e~ ....... pr y services hereunder Uni,,~,~.~.y~em o~_ 1tn· ~.oflware that is not located within the gee ~tates or Puerto Rico. No action, regardless of form. aris ng out of this Agreement~ maybe ,b?ou~ht by either Party more than two years after the cause of action has ·risen. or, in the ca~e of an .action for non- payment, more than two years from the date the last payment was due. . In the event of a conflict between this Agreement and those ut the Supplement. its Exhibi;s and/ur Attachment the terms and conditions df Ih· SupS·meat. it· Exhibits and/or AttaCh. ment will prevail, lathe e~ent of a conflict between the Sup- plement and tho~e of ils Exhibits the terms and conditions of the SUPplement will prevail, htlhe event of · conflict belwe'eh the Alt·chin·at a~d those of.the Supplement and/or its Exhibits. co,ditions of wil preva aws o~ the State of New York govern this Agreement, ROLM Company 8upplement to Customer Support Maintenance Agreement for 8election of Maintenance Plans end Options City of Boynton Beach ROI~ Cc~rp~ny 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., 660~ No.Andrews Ave. #500 Boynton Beach, FL 33435 -- Ft. Lauderdale, FL ~3309 ~TTN: Mr. H. McCaffrey Premises (il' different from above): Nm'walk, Conn~ct/c~t Relerenee Agreement No.: Referm~ca F.:ddblt No.: Branch CMfice No.: 3~ Customer No.: ]~)285 8upplemen! E~fectlve DMe: C:u~tomm' Participation · Trim Number:. The Customer will indicate below the Maintenance Plan/Package and Options selected ~x" the Te~m of' the referenced Customer ~ Maintenance Agreement. The eq~prnent and ~oflware e~bject to auch Agreement ~ t~, applicable Maintenance Charges are specified in the Attachment t~ this Su~m~menL MAINT~NAflCE PLAN/PACKAGE: OP~ONS: Coverage Hours: 8 a.m.. 5 p.m.. M-F, no ROLM hoJiday$ lo 8SE 125 125E 127 hfs: 127E hrs. 247 'Response (Major): 4 hours 2 hours"' Major Definilion ~ ~utine Sollware MAC Se~'ice Aclivily Reporl$ Monthly Billing Re~ote Polling Automatic Dispatch Base Phn' Included (if appl) Included Network Sm'vices Management ' Comprehensive Package Included Included Included (it' appf) Included - -.~- Included Ded/cat~d Plan Included fnclude~ (if appl) Included Included Par V~llt Plan 24 ho~rs completed. Mailing Address for Exchange Components from ROLM: · ' Iir the r_'_';!omer selects the Customer Participation Option for Station Equipment Management, the ~41owing Section musi be Customer CP ID No.: ~ Plan No.. ~- .~ ROLMphone~ t 01 Mail-In ~ 02 Mail*In ~ ~ 03 Mail-In ~ ? 04 ~. ~ Mail-In 05 Or, Site Mail. In C~-Site Marl-In Mail-In Customer Req~onsibllity On-Site Customer Responsibility ...... ~ Mail-in Off-Site Marl-In SERVICE REQUESTS: The Customer agrees that any of its employees may ~o~tact ROLM to request services, trader the referenced Agreement. for ith~md~ystem ~tdes. scribed tn the Attachment to this SupldemonL unless the Customer eutherizes only the foflowing employees to make . .B..y ~g_ nlnp belo~w, the Customer end ROLM -gee tbetthe terms ted conditions of tho~ri~m~nced Agmerneni mhd Exhibit apply ..~. mm auppmmem *nd itl Attlchmer4. ! AccepMd by: ' ROLM Gompany · y~ '. Nome (T~e M Pr~) . Oma / / Nora4 (Tjq~ o~rmt) D~te For ROlM office use only:. Required Mailing Kits: _ Type Model Quantity ....... Type Model Qulntity ROL.ld~ .... 60937 ..... .... ,An~log-M ~ ,~ Cedarm 467t5 Analog-CR 46661 Cypre~ 46525 Ju~il~rm ~ tM Tr~rk of ROLM Systems I'lge 2 o~ 2 · ' ROLM Company Norw·lk. Connec,cut 0~51 EXHIBIT Description of Maintenance Plan,* and Options · - Exhibit No.: SVC.3 ----' - . October 2, 1989 'l~ls ~xhlbi! describes the Malntonm~e PIIns ~ ~ti~s n~tlaMt ~ ~ R~M ~pany ~ ~er the Customer ~l$~LMlint~a~ A~I (~MA) f~ ~ 6~t~ icl ~th In ~ Atta~nt ~ t~ Su~t to ~M~ ~ referent; DEC.OHS Malnt~aw Sew~ -- ~tive .~ ~ve ~ten~ ~$~e Re~on~ -- ~ I ~0~ ~E ~ ~ Customs ~vid~ ~ t~ Syst~ ~s~ to ~ malnten~ ~ ~ t~e System. A~atk Corrective Malntenenca-- serv~e ~.,..'Jded to repair problems in the Syoten~ MeJ~r CorrectlvO Mss.tone·ca -- maintenance service quested for the System. excluding ROLM Compferne~tity Pro- duct~, when: . a) any attendant i console cannot place or receive calls; b) · minimum of 20 parc·st of ail telephone and dot· ca~not t~ace or recaiv~ calls; . ¢_): a minlmu~ of 20 percent of ~ll Iru~ks ire inol~r~tive; Or gl · re.·.jar attached processor as ~etermh~ed by ROLM, such 'Il PhoneMall~, cannot lend, receive. Or rltrfeYe infor. ~tio~. MAC. Moves. Adds lSd Changes to h Customer's System. The.types are: hardware MAC;-ro~tlne~.loftwal.e M~C. am~ sen* routine Iollware M~C. ~.: ,.u. :.. fl__.o~.MAC -- hardware d~gel f~ the Sy~tom which are Routlca $oftw·rl MAC- · limfted numb~ of software changes which clio bm Parformmd r~otely throt~h t,he maintenance IX~t, such is: . · ' .... .- a) revising: auto intercof~ and/or vo~ca targets; -- speakar capability, calling nome' display. ETS~ line Minor Coo'motive Maintenance -- maintenance ~,arvica re* status extensions, display capability, system forward- t defimlion of major corrective maintenance, b) I~gning: -- ~Xlenllenl. COM ~.~tpl, PICK groups, HUNT groups, Maintop!nco Ch·rges-- all charges invo~ to Ihs Customer distr!butio~ groups, feature tables, syste~ ~peed for Maintenance Plans Or Option~ -,elected under the COMA. n~_ ~bers~ and/or forced authorization __.~_es; and These charges,waft be specified in the Attachment to the Sup-. - ¢) interchanging telep~ locations. l~emem~ to i:sMA. Nun. Routin. Software MAC -- software changes to the System Covgrege Hcare-- 1he hour. during which mss·sene·ca -ervtca whl .ch..~r.? ,con. _.~tdered by ROLM to be redesigns. Such changes .wi. 11..b~.provtded without an additional charge under · particular .are. ,.illa~Je st the current rate ~or ,ofTware design and Include, ~ are not limited to: moratoria·co Pla· ~ ' or Optiml. ·) Ioflware revlsionl to Automatic Call Distribution (ACD) · nd Dis· Common cations (D·tocum); ~im~ Hours -- ~y time outside of the Customer's ,,=had. ' b) revisions in trunk attributes, route optimization, feature hour~ of cOv~e. M~lntenence services begun during the to.blel, af~l ~ystem parameters: and Customer · coverage hours will be c~ntinued into overtime ¢! ~oftware design, luch as call Ixonessing for departments ,hour~ et ROLM'S then c~'rent Per Visit hourly overtime rotes. ontess the Customer instructs ROLM not to ~.,~,;lnue I~yond the Customer's coverage hours. Regular Hour~ -- 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.. Monday through Frid·y, ex- eluding ROLM holidays. A list of ROLM holidays is available from a~y ROLM office upo~ s'equesL Engineering Improvements/Modlflcatloes -- changes to the System performed at ROLM's expense o~ · mutually agreed upon'schedule or coincident with ~..eclive msS·tens·ce. P~rts and MiteriMa -- if provided during ,~,,..ctive o~ proven- live maintenance art the Syotarn. other Ihnn maintenance ne- Re .s. PoneeTfm. t.. _.l target of how quJchly ROLM will re$1xmdtO cassia·ted by en event delc~lbed in Section (8 of the ~SMA, perm~n rem·la oF on-sits mainto~anca se·Hca on the Syslem. ~ill·ble Services/Exclusions from S-Jrvice parts and materials a I~'Ovi(~d It no iddttlonll char0e during the Warranty Period 04' amdm' th~ lam or 13~dicalud Pl~nl, Replacement parts may Ramote Rios·se -- en attempt to ~.~d~.t I problem om the ~C new,? salad parts. Replaced parts b~:ome the property of System remotoly before disp·tcbing a C~£ lo the C~stomer'l ale. 'Under the Per Visit Plan. the Customer will ~e ~arged the then current partl and mates'isis [x'JcoL ~}ESCRIPTION OF MAINTENANCE PLANS request. The Customer Participation Option for fletwo~.~ Bar- - ROLM will provide maintenance services on the System un- vices Management ia not available under this Plan. If aiterna- der one of the following Maintenance Plans, Charges Ior each live coverage options are selected, the coverage will be Plan end Option are available From'ROLM I.,pon request, provided on an on-call basis with the Customer's seiected re- 3ase Pion (applies during Warranty) During the Werr~nty ))erlod and for maintenance coverage Per.V~_slt Plan . . ' I~allC8 Bei'vJces, as 8pplicable, r doling the period from 8:0_0 24 .I.~tJralOron;n.rnajor . , . . holidays: . .. ......... ,- .......:- ---- -- · . " . aurmg =) twenty-four boor maintenance: d) preventive maintenance; -: will be e) ~orvlce labor, parts ~ materials; f) remoto pohang. If nppropriato rooking ~s designated by ROLM is Installed; remote diagnostics; ~I remoto repair;, i) &ulomatic dispatch of CaE; il b~ataUatJo~ of engJnee~ improvements/mudllications; ·nd c~ 7 Base~ Plan, coverag? ~ major corr.~.tiv_e mainte?aflc_e_ _~vsU~n the Warranty Period only la Included 24 houri n gay, · o y D£SCRIF330NOFOFTIONS" ~ "" ' - . weeK-InCluding ROLM holidayt ...... i In addition to the m~ntonm'.ce services, provided to the Tl?',,CUstomm' may. colecl the following opal .o~.s~ oeec?~., n Customer by:ROlM durir~ the,Warranty Pennd and under the. the ~ion eMit!ed Descrip..t.i.one o[ Options, tn cofljunct~ Base, Oedicatad~ or Per Visit Plans, the Customer may se act with th~Oase Plan for an 8ddd~onai charge: any of the following ~lj°ns. i! available ..t~er t..h.e res..l:~c, tiv.e a) Coverage Options; - Maintenance Plan. '[he selection gl an Ophon Will re.sma m e~- b) Rea,pc?_se Options: . thor an additional charge or a reduction in the Ma~ntenal~le c) NI~ajoF DefinitlonOptlo~s; Charge~ aa applicable. Charges for each Option are availa e d) Service Activity Reporting: from ROLM upon request. ' e) Monthly Billing: - 0 Routine Software MAC; nd Coy·age Options g~: TeaChing. Consutting and Design Support: a h)r ~nslvePackage. . . . The following Coverage Options ere available for an addi- ~ ~d~ the c.st~ m~y ae_!~, c~t, .o~ p=~.,=pat,on th~ai cherge: OptiiX~ ~td~inh will reaull In a reduction m Meant·nonce Charges. Dedk:~ed'PS'n Under"tbe Dedicated Plan. ROLM will provide the following maintenance services to the Customer in additlco to thc~e. avall~ under the Base_ Plan: __ ff al ofle CSE on-site 8:00 ~m., S:O0 p.m.. w~..th ~o~e_~ .m~. ~ o, ~)r lunch. Monday through Friday. escmmng K~&.M nogs- d~ys; b) routine software MAC:, ·nd c) ~limited hardware MAC to pre*wired Iocetim~s only, ex- cluding cabling,, keys·ts, end new network services In- Stallation. Maintenance set,ce Js Ih· primary responsibility of the dedicated CaE. If the Customer requests hardware MAC o~ ~2utine software MAC to be performed by a apectfic time .l. nd the dedicated CaE is una,,ailable, or if hardware MAC or routine ~oftware MAC is requested to be performed outaide of regular hour~, the sorvices performed by another CaE will be billed at #) 125 Coverage: 6 a.m. to 6 p,m.. Monday throu{~h Friday, excluding ROLM holidays and, during the WarroAly Period only. coverage for, major corrective maintenance i$ in- cluded 24 houra a day, 7 days · week, Including ROLM holidays, f01' no additional charge; 'b) ~27 Coverage: any 12 hour period, ? days a week, Includ- Ing ROLM holidays and during the Warranty Period only, coverage for major' c~or~eellve maintenance Is included 24 houri a day, ? days a week, Including ROLM holidays, for no additional charge: c) 24?'Coverage: 24 ho~'s I day, ? days a week, including ROLM holidays: d) 8SE Coverage: 8 a.m. to S p.m., Monday through Friday, eactuding ROLM holiday~ for minor correcti.ve~ mai,n?- nonce, and 24 hours · day, ? days a week. ,nclumng ROLM holidays, for major cart·clive maintenance; e) ~SE Coverage: 6 a.m. to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday, excluding ROLM holidays, for minor corrective mainte- nance, and 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. including ROLM holidays, for major corrective maintenance; or I)' 127E Coverage: any 12 hour period, ? days a week. in* eluding ROLM holidays, for minor corrective maintenance, a~d 24 hours aday, 7'days a week, Including ROLM holi- days. ~ major corrective maintenance. __ _ . 'The charge fo~. I seleclo~l Coverage Option will .be. ~e.~er- mtne~[ by multiplying the bee c charge for the selected Mama·* hence Plan by the appl Cable parc·ilL the ca'rent rates. MAC requiring hardware must be ordered through the ROLM .... 2 only' Jim. Tim Customer Cust°mer Support Center ee 'chll --'" Cus- must,cali all requests for hardware MAC Into the ROLM tomer,iSupport Center for scheduling. -" Und~r~ .~t~.a Plan, the Customer may select any of the Opbon avall~x' an additionaJ charge under the Base Plan tho CB~n~reheflsive Packaoe and those qualified below. siomd:~ge for regula~ hours during ROLM hdiidaya ads· be .selected Depending on the size and complexity m the system. ~he Cust~ may qualify to participate in Station Equipmeflt l~L Details are available from ROLM Response Options The following Response Options for major corrective main- tenanue ere available for an additional charge: p~ge 2 o(4 U~ thts OptiO~ ROLM will Perform maintenance services ~ ~ · ~rk services i to the end of the Cus. network Malta' Definition 01~on ~k~ - The Customer may select an alternate deflnltWn of the con- 1) a dttt~m$ mtitoflng Lmajor (~3fi'll~V~l malntev~'ace. The alte~lt~'- nile de~mit~'l iSis.follows: a) · m~nimum of I0 PerC~t of alt telepl~o~e and d~ta lx~ta cannot ~-~ ~ ~ls ~ a ~ ~ !0 ~ of all I~ are i~afl~ ~ b) ~ ~t of ~ ~ ~flts ~ ~ ~al~ Att~ ~ ~ A~atic: Call ~ ~ ~ ! whlch Is Routine Softwm. i MAC Option ROLM will perform · spec~fmd number ~f routine software MAC ~ng o~ the size of the Syslem. This Optiofl will hav~ · charge determined by th~ size of the System. Service ActJv~ Reporting Option Umcler ~ .~(~lim~ comp~terlzed, repofla ~t~i~ ~ ~ty, ~ '~ali~ ~ ~Mnt~ mainten~ ~ m~ t~ of ~ r~st~ I~ res~ a~ r~alr Per Visit I Plarl. Customer Participation Option for Station Equipment Management Com~:~ .1~._~ ~P,~,.g, Option . . L U~r ~his OpUo~. the .Cus.tomer vt, re, ye · reduc, on in ~ . ~--~ l~na,m~, mhd ~ht'd~aln:~igi~e staU~ ~nt IJ $. , ~ · ~ t~.S~ ~l~'~ al ~ ~ h li~s, DID li~s. b} ~i~,~ f~ ma~ ~1~ malnt~ ~ ~ ~U~ ~ ~ ~ ~,l ~ r~ cJl ~c ~ ~ ~i~ ~nware ~C ~ ~ ~e~$:~ , -. -- 3) 'Oesktop Products'- l) Juniper"*. end b) 'Workatatfon Products': CedarTM and Cyprecs~. For the Customer ia participate tn this Option, all ~-~ROLMphones, Analog Phcmes, and Desktop Pmducta on the ~ses. ~i~t:VWorkstati~ ~ts. must ~ i~t to ~ W~kstat~-~ts ~ ~e ~ ~s ~tion if ~' ~. ~ ~ r~uir~t I~ies ~ ~ ec t~l ~ti~ fe ~ h ~ must ~1~ ~ to the Option Effective Date which will be .pacified on the Su~niemenL . are the recixmaibilities of the CustOmer if this Op- s the Customer Par- the by the to replace failing compo- for exchange. camde- the Customer may r~:eive further reductions in to assume reSlX~sibility Wr replacement analog c.:)mpm~nts Jnatsed of lo ROLM E~r exchange. including handset eord~, Sent to ROLM for e~-colored unite only. ROLM zeplacemente Sent from ROLM will have However. this eapabilily will not feature. IS not present on ROLM for exchange ', aa specified Monthly Billing Option ROLM will bill the Customer monthly instead of qt/arterty Um:le~ this Cation. There will be s fixed charge for this Option. Remote Polling Option , ROLM will perform remote checks on the System. if appru. prlate trunking is Installed. once every 24 hours, Monday through Friday. The charge for this Option, available for Per Vails Cu~tomerl only, Il dependent on the model type of the System. Automate Dispatch Option ROLM will automatically dispatch · CaE during regular hours if or-site ~;.-~ective maintenance is required to correct a prob- fern diagno~l during remote polling of the System. The charge for this Option. available to Per Visit Customers only will be? fixed-charge. If I CaE is 'dispatched because the attendant s eo~sole was left in day mode instead of nght mode. the Cus- tomer will be ballad the then current fixed response charge. Preventive Maintenance Option ' ROLM will pro'de preventive maintenance to Per tAsit Cus- tomers et the &ppliceble Per Visit hourly rates for labor and parts end materials prices. Tsehling, Consulting and Design Support ROLM will make available training. ~onsulting end design support services. The charges wile bo at the then current rate and minimum charge for each service. Following is a description of the services available:. o) User Training -- ROI~M will provide ongoing ur additional relnforcerne~t training for tow and esiating station users and console oporator~. · b) System Management Training -- ROLM will provide training on the Customer's use of special features or management tools (e.g.. the PhoneMaii System, Auto- rustic Call Distribution, or Data Communications software) for supervisors, system administrators and managers. c) System Engtneering~--tROLM will provide support for the redesign of any existing equipment configuration for the purpose ofladding ~Oftware or hardware, major expan- sion. or equipment relocation. To~ bilitiea If I All cords.will be replaced with either 12 font d) Data Engineering -- ~__Ol~_,~ will provide assistance in re- engineering the.Customer i data facilities for the various ROLM dats-feat~ure~ and office automation prnducts. Kits ~ ' e) Software Design Rolm will redesign existing features Inatructio~lProblem Determination Guide and software tablesend/orcoflwerogroups. ' m tags, end I) Expanded:Traffic Analysis -- ROLM will create, verify, andlor modify the System to achieve on optimum trucking detorml~es ~ tecelpt of · eompo~ent for ex: ~onfigoration~ The ROLM expanded traffic feature must ~ events ·s defined be installed prior, to requesting th~_efi'efing. stuns from Service' g) Specialized. Application Support , ROLM will provide ROLM will return the: cump°~ent c~llect tothe a~ and analysis for the Pho~eMail System, Central- be rer~'~-,sible for obteining e re- izod Attendant Service. Data Communications, and Exo panded Traflic. If ROM i~ d~spatched to the Customer's Premises for ~er- vice ~.~iing directly to the maintenance or repair of any ROLM~, Anafog Phcmes, and/or Desktop Products ered ~ ?ia option, the Customer will be chargnd at the then current Per Visit hourly rates. Upo~ request. ROLM will provide estimates of the scope and coat of any requested Maintenance Plans or Options. Informa- tion on Itatning class sizes and material costs is available from any local ROLM office. ?. _Regt~ trademark of ROLM Systems .Z~32~e~c2 Imm~t page 4 of 4 CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICE PRICING ESTIMATE CBX / CBX II PROCESSOR TYFE 8000 CUSTOMER NAME: City of ~o~nto~ Beach M0285 DATE: August 2, 1990 MONTHLY ANNUAL BASE PRICE CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION STATION MANAGEMENT NETWORK MANAGEMENT COVERAGE: BASE PLAN RESPONSE: $2,112 $25,3z~9 PLAN 03 ($321) $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 OPTIONS MAJOR REDEFINITION $0 $0 ROUTINE SOFTWARE MAC $0 $0 SERVICE ACTIVITY REPORTS $0 $0 MONTHLY BILLING $0 $0 TOTAL OPTIONS $0 $0 ADDITIONAL CHARGES ACO CHARGES $0 $0 TMMS SOFTWARE $0 $0 ROLM SYSTEMS COMPLIMENTARY PRODUCTS $0 '$0 OTHER RSCP CHARGES $70 $8~0 TOTAL ADDITIONAL CHARGES $70 $8~0 TOTAL MONTHLY CHARGE TOTAL ANNUAL CHARGE $1,862 $22,262 THIS PRICING ZS AN ESTIMATE "ONLYIm AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FINAL PRICING WILL BE PROVIDED VIA THE "ATTACHMENT TO SUPPLEMENT TO CUSTOMER SUPPORT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT". Page 1 CUSTOMER NAME: City of Boynton Beach M0285 D) CONFIGURATION ENTER APPROPRIATE QUANTITY 1) CABINETS PROCESSOR TYPE: CABINET 1 (TOTAL) CABINET 2 AND 3 (TOTAL) TOTAL PORTS ~92 CHARGES QUAN UNIT EXTENDED 8000 $21.50 $21,50 $21.50 $21.50 2) EQUIPPED LINES DIGITAL VOICE AND/OR OATA ANALOG VOICE ANALOG MSG WAITING OP$/OP× KTZ ETS TOTAL EQUIPPED LINES -- 80 $2.25 $180,00 -- 192 $2.90 $556.80 -- $3.50 $o.oo -- 160 $5,85 $936.00 -- $~.1o $o.oo -- $5.30 $o.oo 3) EQUIPPED TRUNKS 0IR (CO) DID TIE T1 CHANNELS TOTAL EQUIPPED TRUNKS -- 20 $4.80 $98.00 -- 2~ $~.eo $115.20 -- 8 $5.15 $41.20 -- $4.90 $o.oo 52 ,,) INSTALLED STATIONS RP'20 RP240 / RP2~0B RP2~0E RP~O0 RP120D RP2~0D RP2~OED RP~00D RP244PC CEDAR CYPRESS JUNIPER ATC (ATTENDANT'S CONSOLE) ACD SOFTWARE 1 YES, 0 = NO DATA UNITS RMDCM PORTS ARMDCM PORTS DTI/RMDI/IPC~DLI STAND-ALONE DCM ( ADCM ) 18 $0.50 $9.00 ~6 $1.35 $62.t0 $1.95 $o.oo 1 $2.40 $2.b0 $2.75 $0.00 $9.65 $o.oo $~.2o $o.oo $~.85 $o.oo $5.05 $o.oo $~6.5o $o.oo $25.00 $o.oo 2 $12.25 $24.50 1 $10.25 $10,25 $36.00 $o.oo $2.25 $o.oo $2.25 $0.00 9 $2.25 $20.25 $3.45 $o.oo Page 2 CUSTOMER NAME: City of Boynton 7) OTHER ROLM EQUIPMENT CDR MAGTAPE CDR FLOPPY CCRN ROLMBRIDGE 5250 X.25 91 PORT SET X.25 - 69 PORT SET CHANNELS Beach M0285 s) PHONEMAIL MACHINE TYPE 'NONE BASIC ~ CHANNEL -- (INCLUDES I PROCESSOR & 1 SYS DISK) TOTAL ADDITIONAL ~ CHANNEL INCREMENTS -- TOTAL ADDITIONAL DISK DRIVES -- ADDITIONAL NODES (7652 ONLY) -- NON-IBM ATTACHMENTS -- 9) TMMS SOFTWARE 1 = YES, 0 = NO '~ o) 1) GATEWAY 1 = YES, 0 = NO INSITE D-5 1 = YES, 0 = NO D-lO 1 = YES, 0 = NO D-15 1 = YES, 0 = NO '12) ~56.50 $36.00 $100.00 7 $2.25 491.50 4189.oo 4319.00 $87.50 $108.00 $o,oo 47.7.00 ~5~.oo 415~.00 $159.00 $206.00 $257.00 ROLM SYSTEMS COMPLIMENTARY PRODUCTS (RSCP) CRT -- $98.00 MODEM -- $15.25 PRINTER -- $41.00 V BAND TURRET NO. TURRETS -- 420.50 V BAND NON CBX EXTENSIONS NO.LINES -- 44.35 ~3) OTHER RSCP CHARGES -- (ENTER TOTAL CHARGES FOR ANY ADDITIONAL NON STANDARD PERIPHERAL OR SERVICES) 2 Isoregs 7O $35 ea. per month 40.00 $o.oo 40.00 $15.75 40.00 $o.oo $0. O0 40.00 $o.oo $o.oo 40.00 40.00 40.00 40.00 $o.oo $0.00 40.00 40~00 40.00 40.00 $o.oo $70 Page 3 *~* CUSTOMER SUPPORT SERVICE PRICING ESTIMATE CBX / CBX II CUSTOMER NAME: C{ty of Boynton Beach M0285 A) COVERAGE BASE PLAN COMPREHENSIVE COMPREHENSIVE 85E 125 125E 127 127E 2~7 8 TO S COVERAGE ONLY PLAN - NO ADDITIONAL COVERAGE / RESPONSE PLAN WITH ADDITIONAL COVERAGE / RESPONSE --y RESPONSE TO MAJORS 3 HR 2 HE 1 HR OPTIONS 1) STATION EQUIPMENT MG~NT ROLMPHONE & ANALOG MAIL-IN ROLMFHONE MAILIN & ANALOG CUST. CEDAR/CYPRESS MAIL-IN 2) NETWORK SERVICES MGMNT 3) MAJOR REDEFINITION ~) ROUTINE SOFTWARE MAC (PER PORT) 5) SERVICE ACTIVITY REPORTS (PER MONTH) 6) MONTHLY BILLING OPTION (PER MONTH) RESP. (PER TRUNK'PER MONTH) ALTERNATE PRICING ESTIMATE FOR CUSTOMER: City of Boynton Beach M0285_ COVERAGE OPTIONS MONTHLY ANNUALLY 85 3 Hr $1,951 $23,~18 2 Hr $2,166 $25,998 1 Hr $2,~89 $29,868 ~ Hr + MAJOR $2,131 $25,568 9 Hr + MAJOR $2,220 $26,6~3 2 Hr + MAJOR $2,~35 $29~223 1 Hr + MAJOR $2,758 $33,og~ 85E a Hr $2,0~1 $2b,b93 3 Hr $2,1a0 $25,675 2 Hr $2,376 $28,51~ I HP $2,731 $32,771 ~ Hr + MAJOR $2,337 $28,0~1 3 Hr + MAJOR $2,~35 $29,223 2 H~ + MAJOR $2,672 $32,082 1 Hr + MAJOR $3,027 $B6,319 125 ~ Hr $1,987 $23,8~8 3 Hr' $2,08~ $25,009 2 Hr $2,313 $27,761 1 Hr $2,659 $31,911 Hr + MAJOR $2,276 $27,310 Hr + MAJOR $2,371 $28,~9 Hr' + MAJOR $2,600 $31,201 Hr + MAJOR $2,9~6 $35,351 125E ~ Hr $2,~9 $25,783 3 Hr $2,252 $27,030 2 Hr' $2,502 $30,019 1 Hr $2,876 $3~,513 Hr + MAJOR $2,~60 $29,52~ Hr' + MAJOR $2,56b $30,771 Hr + MAJOR $2,813 $33,760 Hr + MAJOR $3,188 $38,25~ 127 A HP $2,36b 3 Hr $2,~78 2 Hr' $2,75A 1 Hr $3,166 HP + MAJOR $2,708 Hr + MAJOR $2,822 Hr' + HAJOR $3,098 Hr + MAJOR $3,510 ** CUSTOMER PARTISIPATION STATION EQUIPMENT MGMNT DIGITAL & ANALOG MAIL-IN DIGITAL MAI.-IN, ANALOG CUST WORKSTATION MAIL-IN NETWORK SERVICES MGMNT ROUTINE SOFTWARE MAC $28 363 $29 739 $33 051 $37 996 $32 ~92 $33 868 $37 179 $~2 125 RESP ($180) ($2,157) INCLUDED ABOVE $o ($638) ($7,632) $1~8 $1,771 Ps~e ALTERNATE PRICING ESTIMATE FOR CUSTOMER: City of Boynton Beach M0285 COVERA~E~ ;~.~PTIONS MONTHLY ANNUALLY :=:=:::::~=:~=~===:= ....................... 127E ~ Hr $2,~89 $29,868 3 Hr $2,611 $31,330 2 Hr $2,901 $3~,81a 1 Hr' $3,337 $~0,039 ~ Hr + MAJOR $2,853 $3~,233 3 Hr + MAJOR $2,973 $35,67~ 2 Hr + MAJOR $3,263 $39,157 1 Hr + MAJOR $3,699 $b~,382 2~7 }MPREHENSIVE .US h Hr $2,758 $33,09A 3 Hr $2,892 $3~706 2 Hr $3,215 $38,577 1 Hr $3,699 $~,382 ~ Hr + MAJOR $3,161 $37,932 3 HP + MAJOR $3,295 $39,5a4 2 Hr + MAJOR $3,618 $~3,~15 I Hr + MAJOR $~,102 $~9,220 $2,310 $27,718 2 Hr $2,525 $30,298 1 Hr' $2,8~7 $3&,169 MAJORS $2,6a7 $31,761 2 Hr - MAJOR $2,89~ $3~,728 1 Hr + MAJOR $3,263 $39,157 PLUS 127 $2,525 $30,298 2 Hr $2,7h0 $32,879 1 Hr $3,062 $36,7~9 MAJORS $2,89~ $3~,728 2 Hr + MAJOR $3,1~1 $37,895 1 Hr' + MAJOR $3,512 $~2,1~6 PLUS 127E $2,650 $31,80a 2 Hr $2,865 $3#,38~ 1 Hr $3,188 $38,25~ MAJORS $3,037 $36,~8 2 Hr + MAJOR $3.295 $39,~15 1 Hr' + MAJOR $3,656 $~3,866 PUUS 2h7 $2,919 $35,029 2 Hr' $3,13~ $37,609 1 Hr' $3,h57 $b1,~80 MAJORS $3,3~7 $~0,168 2 Mr + MAJOR $3,595 $~3,135 1 Hr + MAJOR $3,966 $~7,586 SERVICE ACTIVITY REPORTS MONTHLY BILLING NOTE: $51.25 $615 $66.75 $801 *** TO PROPERLY PRICE THIS CONFIGURATION WITH CP INCLUDED, IF NOT ALREADY SELECTED, THE PROGRAN ~ii~T BE RERUN. ***~ CUSTOMER SUPPORt SERVICE PRICING ESTIMATE ~** CBX / ~,SX II PROCESSOR TYPE: 8000 CL -m NAME: City of Boynton Beach M0285 DATE: August 2, 1990 MONTHLY ANNUAL BASE PRICE CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION STATION MANAGEMENT NETWORK MANAGEMENT COVERAGE: RESPONSE: OPTIONS MAJOR REDEFINITION ROUTINE SOFTWARE MAC SERVICE ACTIVITY REPORTS MONTHLY BILLING TOTAL OPTIONS ADDITIONAL CHARGES ACD CHARGES TMMS SOFTWARE ROLM SYSTEMS COMPLIMENTARY OTHER RSCP CHARGES TOTAL ADDITIONAL CHARGES $2,112 $25,~9 PLAN O9 ($321) $o 85E $179 $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o $o PRODUCTS $o $o $o $o $o '$o $7o $?o TOTAL TOTAL MONTHLY CHARGE ANNUAL CHARGE THIS PRICING IS AN ESTIMATE "ONLYu AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. FINAL PRICING WILL BE PROVIDED VIA THE "ATTACHMENT TO SUPPLEMENT TO CUSTOMER SUPPORT MAINTENANCE AGREEMENT". *********************************************************************** Page 1 CUSTOMER NAME: City of Boynron D) CONFIGURATION ** ENTER APPROPRIATE QUANTITY 1) CABINETS PROCESSOR TYPE: CABINET 1 (TOTAL) CABINET 2 AND 3 (TOTAL) Beach H0285 TOTAL PORTS 8000 ~92 CHARGES QUAN UNIT EXTENDED 1 $21.50 $21.50 1 $21.50 $21.50 2) EQUIPPED LINES DIGITAL VOICE AND/OR DATA -- 80 $2.25 $180.00 ANALOG VOICE -- 192 $2.90 $556.80 ANALOG HSG WAITING -- $3.50 $0.00 OPS/OPX -- 160 $5.85 $936.00 KTI -- $~.10 $0.00 ETS -- $5.30 $0.00 TOTAL EQUIPPED LINES ~32 EQUIPPED TRUNKS DIR (CO) -- 20 $~.80 $96.00 DID -- 2& $~.80 $115.20 TIE -- 8 $5.15 $~1.20 T1 CHANNELS -- $~.90 $0.00 TOTAL EQUIPPED TRUNKS 52 3) ~) INSTALLED STATIONS RP120 -- 18 $0.50 $9.00 RP2~O / RP2~OB -- ~6 $1,35 $62,10 RP2~OE -- $1.95 $0,00 RP~O0 -- 1 $2.b0 RP120D -- $2,75 $0.00 RP2~OD -- $3.65 $0.00 RP2~OED -- $~.20 $0.00 RPbOOD -- $~.65 $0.00 RP2~PC -- $5.05 $0.00 CEDAR -- $~6.50 $0.00 CYPRESS -- $26.00 $0.00 JUNIPER -- 2 $12.25 $2~.50 ATC (ATTENDANT'S CONSOLE) -- 1 $10.25 $10,25 ..... 5) ACD SOFTWARE 1 YES, 0 NO -- $36.00 $0.00 6) DATA UNITS RMDCM PORTS -- $2.25 $0.00 ARMDCH PORTS -- $2.25 $0.00 DTI/RMDI/IPCI/DLI -- 9 $2.25 $20.25 STAND-ALONE DCM ( ADCM ) -- $3.~5 $0.00 CUSTOMER NAME: City of Boynton Beach MO2SS 7) OTHER ROLM EQUIPMENT CDR MAGTAPE CDR FLOPPY CCRM ROLMBRIDGE 5250 X.25 31 PORT SET X.25 ~3 PORT SET CHANNELS 8) PHONEMAI_ MACHINE TYPE NONE BASIC ~ CHANNEL -- (INCLUDES 1 PROCESSOR & 1 SYS DISK) TOTAL ADDITIONAL ~ CHANNEL INCREMENTS -- TOTAL ADDITIONAL DISK DRIVES -- ADDITIONAL NODES (7652 ONLY) -- NON-IBM ATTACHMENTS -- ?) TMMS SOFTWARE I -- YES, 0 = NO ~3) GATEWAY 1 = YES, 0 = NO 1 ) INSITE ..... D-5 1 = YES, 0 = NO D-10 I = YES, 0 = NO D-15 ~ = YES, 0 = NO $56.50 $~s.oo $100.00 7 $2.25 $91.5o $1e~.oo $819.00 $s7 .so $1os.oo $o.oo $7-7.00 $15~.00 $16~,00 $159.00 $206.00 $257.00 $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo $15.75 $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $o.oo $o,oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $o.oo $0.00 $o.oo $o.oo ROLM SYSTEMS COMPLIMENTARY PRODUCTS (RSCP) CRT -- $36.00 $0.00 MODEM -- $15.25 $0;00 PRINTER -- $41.00 $0.00 v BAND TURRET NO. TURRETS -- $20.50 $0.00 v BAND NON CBX EXIENSIONS NO.LINES -- $~.35 $0.00 OTHER RSCP CHARGES -- (ENTER TOTAL CHARGES FOR ANY ADDITIONAL NON STANDARD PERIPHERAL OR SERVICES) 2 Isoregs 7O $35 ea. per month $70 Page 3 CUSTOMER CUSTOMER NAME: City of A) COVERAGE SUPPORT SERVICE PRICING ESTIMATE CSX /CBX II Boynton Beach M0285 BASE PLAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN COMPREHENSIVE PLAN 8SE 125 125E 127 127E 2~7 $ TO 5 COVERAGE ONLY NO ADDITIONAL COVERAGE / RESPONSE - WITH ADDITIONAL COVERAGE / RESPONSE B) RESPONSE TO MAJORS 3 HR 2 HR 1 HR OPTIONS 1) STATION EQUIPMENT MGMNT ROLMPHONE & ANALOG MAIL-IN ROLMPHONE MAILIN & ANALOG CUST. CEDAR/CYPRESS MAIL-IN 2) NETWORK SERVICES MGMNT 3) MAJOR REDEFINITION ~) ROUTINE SOFTWARE MAC (PER PORT) 5) SERVICE ACTIVITY REPORTS (PER MONTH) 6) MONTHLY BILLING OPTION (PER MONTH) RESP. (PER TRUNK PER MONTH) ALTERNATE PRICING ESTIMATE FOR CUSTOMER:_ City of Boynton Beach M0285 COVERAGE OPTIONS MONTHLY ANNUALLY 85 3 Hr $1,951 $23,b18 2 Hr $2,166 $25,998 1 Hr $2,~89 $29,868 Hr' + MAJOR $2,131 $25,568 Hr + MAJOR $2,220 $26,6~3 Hr' + MAJOR $2,435 $29,223 Hr + MAJOR $2,758 $33,09~ 85E 125 ~ Hr' $2,0~1 3 Hr $2,1~0 $25,675 2 Hr $2,376 $28,51~ 1 Hr $2,731 $32,771 Hr + MAJOR $2~337 $-2~,0hl Hr-+ MAJOR $2,~35 $29,223 Hr + MAJOR $2,672 $32,062 Hr + MAdOR $3,027 $36,319 A Hr' $1,987 $23,8~8 3 Hr $2,08~ $25,009 2 Hr $2,313 $27,761 1 Hr' $2,659 $31,911 Hr + MAJOR $2,276 $27,310 Hr + MAJOR $2,371 $28,~9 Hr' + MAJOR $2,600 $31,201 Hr + MAJOR $2,9~6 $35,351 125E ~ Hr $2,1h9 $25,783 3 Hr $2,252 $27,030 2 Hr' $2,502 $30,019 1 Hr. $2,876 $3~,513 Hr + MAJOR $2,~80 $29,52~ Hr + MAJOR $2~56~ $30,771 Hr' + MAJOR $2,813 $33,760 Hr + MAJOR $3,188 $38,25~ 127 b Hr $2,36A $28,363 3 Hr $2,A78 $29,739 2 Hr $2,754 $33,051 1 Hr' $3,166 $37,996 Hr' + MAJOR $2,708 $32,b92 Hr + MAJOR $2,822 $33~868 Hr' + MAJOR $3,098 $37~179 Hr + MAJOR $3,510 $~2,125 **= CUSTOMER PARTICIPATION **~ STATION EQUIPMENT MGMNT DIGITAL & ANALOG MAIL-IN DIGITAL MAIL-IN, ANALOG CUST WORKSTATION MAIL-IN NETWORK SERVICES MGMNT RESP ($180) ($2,157) INCLUDED ABOVE $0 $0 ($636) ($7,632) ALTERNATE PRICING ESTIMATE FOR CUSTOMER:_ City of Boynton Beach M0285 COVERAGE OPTIONS MONTHL~ ANNUALLY 127E a HP $2,489 $29,868 3 Hr $2,611 $31,330 2 Hr' $2,901 $34,814 1 Hr $3,337 $a0,039 4 Hr + MAJOR $2,853 $3~,233 3 Hr + MAJOR $2,972 $35,67~ 2 Hr + MAJOR $3,263 $39,157 I Hr' + MAJOR $3,699 $~4,382 2~7 OMPREHENSIVE LUS PLUS 127 PLUS 127E 4 Hr $2,758 $33,094 3 Hr' $2,892 $3~,706 2 Hr $3,215 $38,577 1 Hr $3,699 $44',382 Hr + MAJOR $3,161 $37,932 Hr' + MAJOR $3,295 $39,5~ Hr + MAJOR $3,618 $43,415 Hr + MAJOR $~,102 $~9,220 2 Hr' 1 Hr MAJORS 2 Hr MAJOR I Hr + MAJOR 2 Hr 1 Hr MAJORS 2 Hr + MAJOR 1 Hr + MAJOR PLUS 247 SERVICE ACTIVITY MONTHL? BILLING NOTE: 2 Hr 1 Hr HAJORS 2 Hr + MAJOR 1 Hr + MAJOR 2 Hr 1 Hr MAJORS 2 Hr + MAJOR 1 Hr + MAJOR $2,310 $27,718 $2,525 $30,298 $2,847 $34,169 $2,64? $31~761 $2,89~ $3~,728 $3,263 $39,157 REPORTS $2,525 $30,298 $2,740 $32,879 $3,062 $36,7~9 $2,894 $34,728 $3,1~1 $37,695 $3,512 $~2,146 $2,650 $31,804 $2,865 $3~,38& $3,188 $38,25a $3,037 $36,b48 $3,285 ~39,~15 $3,656 $~3,866 $2,919 $35,029 $3,13~ $37,609 $3,b57 $~I,~80 $3,367 $~0,168 $3,595 $~3,135 $3,966 $~7,586 $51.25 $615 $66.75 $801 TO PROPERLY PRICE THIS CONFIGURATION WITH CP INCLUDED, IF NOT ALREADY SELECTED. THE PROGRAH