Streamline Permit Program-Permit and Inspection Proceedure Page 1 of 2 C:\Users\wooleyj\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\9I7LX1RE\Permit and Inspection Proceedure.docx 04/10/15 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT | BUILDING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard • Boynton Beach, FL 33425 • (561) 742-6350 • Fax 742-6357 STREAMLINE RESIDENTIAL PERMIT PROGRAM Date:______________ Contractor: _____________________________________________ Type of Permit:_____________________ The Streamline Residential Permit Program is an alternative permitting process for prequalified Mechanical and Plumbing contractors. This program is intended only for the replacement/change out of like for like air conditioning unit(s), water heater(s), tankless water heater(s), and pool heater(s) for existing One and Two Family dwellings, condominium dwellings, apartment dwellings, and townhomes as defined in the Florida Building Code. Application: 1) Contractor shall submit a notarized application for the Program using the Streamline Residential Permit Program Application and pay a $250 application review fee. 2) The Building Official or designee(s) shall review the application for the following criteria:  YES ☐ NO ☐ Applied for at least 10 permits with the City of Boynton Beach,  YES ☐ NO ☐ Expired or abandoned permits,  YES ☐ NO ☐ Cited for work without permit violations,  YES ☐ NO ☐ Presently participating in the Palm Beach County Decal Program,  YES ☐ NO ☐ Registered with the City of Boynton Beach. 3) Rejected Applications – If the application is rejected for any of the reasons stated above, the contractor will be notified by phone or by email. (Review fees for the application are non‐refundable). 4) Approved Applications – Upon approval of the application, the contractor will be notified and a meeting setup to review the conditions and requirements of the Streamline Residential Permit Program. Permits:  The contractor may purchase up to 20 permits at any given time.  Permits are good for each fiscal year which starts October 1st thru September 30th.  Un‐used permits may be credited up to the 1st of January of the following year then all unused permits will expire. Fees:  $250 for application review, nonrefundable  $55 for each permit, plus Green Building and state surcharges. Conditions of permits:  Change outs that require an NOC shall not be used in the Streamline Residential Permit Program for Valuations of $2,500 and above for water heater(s), tankless water heater(s), and pool heater(s) and $7,500 and above for A/C system(s). All such work shall be done through a normal permitting process.  Permits are not transferable from contractor to contractor.  Permits can only be used for like for like change outs in existing residential 1 & 2 family dwellings, condominium (dwellings), apartments (dwellings), and Townhomes.  Permits cannot be used for, including but not limited to, commercial use, condominium conversions, change of occupancy or relocation of equipment.  Permits are not to be used if the property owner wants a standard guaranteed inspection. Page 2 of 2 C:\Users\wooleyj\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\Temporary Internet Files\Content.Outlook\9I7LX1RE\Permit and Inspection Proceedure.docx 04/10/15 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT | BUILDING DIVISION 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard • Boynton Beach, FL 33425 • (561) 742-6350 • Fax 742-6357 Suspension:  Violations of any of the conditions of permit may suspend the contractor for 1 year and forfeit application and pre‐paid permits fees. Contractor would need to reapply at the beginning of the next fiscal year.  Failing inspections 3 times for the same code violation OR not maintaining a minimum 75% passing rate may be cause for suspension from the program for 1 year.  Appeals of suspension or code violation(s) will be determined by the Building Official. Contractor’s responsibilities:  Permits are to be on site and posted in a conspicuous place when work has commenced  The contractor shall inform the owner of the property that through the Streamline Residential Permit Program a guaranteed trade inspection will not be scheduled. If the property owner wants an inspection a standard permit is required.  The contractor shall inform the owner that they may be contacted for a random inspection up to 90 days after the waiver/inspection form is submitted to the Building Department.  The contractor shall coordinate with the owner for access if chosen for a random inspection.  The contractor shall provide a ladder if required for a random inspection.  All A/C equipment shall be at or above Base Flood Elevation. Inspections:  The replacement of equipment shall be installed at or above the finished floor of the habital area of the dwelling unit.  The contractor shall provide a Waiver/Inspection form, the owner must acknowledge they will not have an inspection and they may be randomly chosen for an inspection. The contractor shall complete and submit the inspection section to the Building Department.  The Waiver/Inspection Form, copy of a signed contract, and photographs shall be submitted within 3 days of work completion and reviewed by Building Official or designee(s) for code compliance.  Clear and legible Waiver/Inspection Form, copy of a signed contract, and photographs may be emailed to the Boynton Beach Building Department at buildingm@bbfl.us in PDF format.