90-DRESOLUTION NO. 90-D A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, RELEASING~ THE PERFORMANCE BOND FOR LD2<ESHORE AT THE MEADOWS,. A REPLAT OF TRACT "K" OF PLAT NO. 3, MEADOWS 300 AS RECORDED IN BOOK 48, PAGES 196 thru 200, IN StaTION 7, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH~ RANGE 43 EAST WHEREAS, a performancebond by Transamerica Insurance Company in amount of $301,318.26 (reduced to $43,330.50 by Resolution No. 87-HHH) was for the construction of improvements~ and, WHEREAS, all work has been satisfactorily completed and a one year guarantee letter from the Developer and a certification letter from the Design have been received. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY CC6~4ISSION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA: released. That the performance bond in the amount of $43,330.50 i~ hereby Con~nission Member ~o~ssmon Member Co~mission Member (~orp. Seal)